
Chapter 5

Waking up in the morning, I start my day, however rather then doing everything myself I activate my magic and with a slight shimmer, my room was clean and my clothes changed, trying to get a better understanding of how to use it, I think the best method is to use it however I can, whenever I can, for what ever reason no matter how pointless and no it is not laziness, it's training, extreme training, which allows me to do whatever I want without needing to move.

Making my way into the living room, I find a note on the table from Kiritsugu ' Nick I have a few things I have to take care of today, there is food in the fridge I'll be back tonight, work on the basic's I taught you and we'll review them when I get home, none of it was particularly dangerous so you will be fine to practice on your own'. Looking in the fridge I see a myriad of food, eggs, ham, meat, assorted fruits and vegetables.

Anything you could need to make a delicious breakfast, if I could cook, however with a wave of my hand food disappears from the fridge and my breakfast is ready, how does it work, no idea, kind of, I know how it work, I just don't quite get how the shift between illusion and reality locks the result of what happened.

I personally believe its like how Quantum tunneling works, like how if something can happen it will happen in the right circumstances, but instead I cause both the circumstances and the result, kind of like a fusion of reality marble and marble phantasm on steroids and without limit.

A reality marble is in a nutshell projecting a person's inner world on reality no matter how unnatural it is to the world, the most well know example is Emiya's reality marble Unlimited Blade Works.

In contrast to a reality marble, a marble phantasm is is the opposite that allows elementals and true ancestors to connect their will to nature and affect probably in that area, recreating any feat that can naturally happen at will regardless of how unlikely it is, on the sheer fact that it in nature it can happen regardless of how unlikely.

My magic essentially allows me to do both of these at the same time only on a greater level and without limitation as I'm not limited by what's natural and can achieve any result I desire on the sheer principal that I desire it weather its possible role not.

As simple as possible, my magic work because 'fuck you that how', that's the best explanation I can come to without further research into it. Now as with every story it's time to nerf, for one I can't use both power at the same time, I can either use magic or speed at any given time but not both, I can swap them but I can only send one energy through my circuits at a time, the moment I try to sent a second it feels like my circuits are about to explode, it seems that the two energy's refuse to contact or there will be lethal consequences.

I'll have to test these powers to test their limits, but for now these are my preliminary findings, lest hope there no more, afterall, everyone hate pointlessly having the powers restricted. After breakfast I head to the shed for some magecraft practice, just because I have my speed and true magic doesn't mean I can't add some more skill to my arsenal, besides there's nothing wrong with improving my magecraft skill, it will probably improve my magic by proxy.

Going over yesterday's lesson on projection, projection is a spell that shapes a mass of mana into a specified form, unlike real objects they have no substance and are just mana shaped into an object, don't is quickly discovered and erased by Gaia.

This spell was the main spell of Shiro Emiya who improved it to a point where is a new spell all together tracing, which gives the objects he creates substance by replicating their history and creation.

From this period of training I have established that true magic is the ultimate middle finger to everything. It's taken me about two minutes to come to the conclusion thats its easier for me to do this with my magic then through magecraft, and that saying something considering projecting knife through magecraft is like trying to spell the word knife in a different language on a piece of paper with mud and a stick, difficult at first but with a bit of practice, no problem.

My magic on the other hand is like the word knife appearing on the page, with a thought written in gold in the finest calligraphy and encrusted with diamonds.

No comparison, and ironically enough easier for me, it basically a short cut cheat sheet to life, anything I can do with magecraft with my affinity, I can do with my magic.

Cancelling my magecraft training as I've established its pointless, I go inside and watch some anime Waiting for Kiritsugu to come home, while abusing my magic to make myself a comfortable as possible, doing things that would make a magus vomit blood and die of rage from the sacrilege of my actions.