
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Anime & Comics
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481 Chs



"Lady Guinevere, this is today's food supply report. Please take a look."

"Thank you, Lancelot,"

"Lady Guinevere, this is today's military expenditure. Please take a look."

"Thank you, Geraint."

Even though Guinevere had awakened her fairy side, her desire to leave Cornwall remained strong. However, when Shirou entrusted her with the kingdom, she took the responsibility seriously, despite her mounting frustration with her tasks.

Even during times of war, a kingdom's internal affairs are crucial for maintaining stability. Fortunately, the king had established a strong foundation that didn't require too much attention. However, after awakening her fairy side, Guinevere became even more adept at handling these delicate matters.

As she was deep in thought about the kingdom's affairs, a court mage suddenly burst into the room, his face twisted in terror.

Bedivere chastised him sharply, "Compose yourself! Such behavior is not fitting for one of the court."

"S, Something bad has happened, my lord!" the court mage said in a panic. "A large number of sea monsters have appeared on the sea near Cornwall!"


The officials who were handling state matters were taken aback. Without hesitation, they rushed outside to assess the situation, followed closely by Guinevere, who was equally alarmed.

Perched atop the highest point in Cornwall, the palace offered a sweeping view of the coastline in the distance. As they gazed out at the sea, a horrifying sight greeted them.

Numerous sea monsters roiled and surged, their bodies occasionally churning up waves that smashed against the shoreline, wreaking havoc on ships and structures alike. One by one, the beasts made their way ashore, engaging the guards responsible for defending Cornwall's coast in fierce combat.

Agravain's face darkened, his expression solemn. It was clear to him that these were Vortigern's sea monsters, unleashed as part of a surprise attack on the kingdom. While the king's army was held in check and trapped on the northern front, the beasts had launched their assault from the rear.

As he surveyed the chaos unfolding along the coastline, he couldn't help but curse the kingdom's unfortunate geography. Cornwall's location on the coast made it an ideal target for such attacks, leaving its citizens and defenders vulnerable to the whims of their enemies.

Despite the king's diligent efforts to fortify the northern front, Cornwall's coastal defenses remained relatively weak in comparison. While the fortifications may have been stronger than those at Caerleon, it was clear that they were ill-equipped to repel an attack of this magnitude.

As the sea monsters ravaged the coastline and clashed against the kingdom's guards, it was easy to see how any other kingdom might have crumbled under such an onslaught.


"Are you all deaf?!" Agravain bellowed, his voice echoing through the palace halls. "Rally the young and fit, arm them, and drive those creatures back, whatever it takes!"

The officials wasted no time in responding to his orders.

Vortigern's tactical maneuver to trap the king's army in the north and launch a surprise attack on Cornwall using his sea monster army was undoubtedly a cunning move.

Yet, despite their enemy's seemingly impeccable strategy, they had made one critical error: they had chosen the wrong target!

From the early days of Cornwall's development, the king had foreseen the threat posed by such attacks. He had ordered the construction of a series of barriers and defenses along the coastline, knowing full well that the kingdom's location made it vulnerable to sea-based attacks.

Although these defenses may not have been as formidable as the northern fortifications, they were still sturdy and capable of holding off the monsters.

But perhaps most importantly, Vortigern had underestimated the people of Cornwall, for in this Kingdom, every man and even teenager was a soldier!

Through his wisdom and foresight, the king had taken a novel approach to his kingdom's defense. He had combined the powers of the military and agriculture to ensure that every young and able-bodied person in Cornwall was trained as a reserve soldier.

While their combat prowess may not have matched that of a standing army, they had one key advantage: their sheer numbers. And the king had made certain that every one of them was well-prepared for the scenario of a sea monster attack on their homeland.

Therefore, Vortigern's surprise attack strategy completely failed!

With their preparations and drills already in place, the officials in charge moved quickly to organize the young and able-bodied of Cornwall. Without hesitation, they set aside their farm tools and abandoned their work, exchanging them for weapons taken from the armory.

In a matter of moments, the people of Cornwall were mustered and ready for battle, their spirits high as they rushed towards the coastline to meet their foes. Gae Bolg and other weapons glinted in the sunlight as the sound of battle grew louder, filling the air with a chorus of war cries and clashing steel.

"Curse these foul sea monsters! How dare they try to destroy our beloved homeland! Kill them all!"

Some, emboldened by the heat of battle, even dared to make jests amidst the carnage. "Kill them all!" they cried. "Perhaps if we slay enough, we'll earn a bronze medal from the king this year!"

Even with the kingdom's prior preparations, the armory wasn't ready for the unexpected tide of sea monsters. Faced with a shortage of weapons, Cornwall's brave souls had to get creative.

Refusing to be deterred, they grabbed anything they could find, from farm tools to kitchen knives, and rushed to the coast, ready to confront the looming threat.

Despite the sizable number of sea monsters attacking the kingdom, the people of the Cornwall outnumbered them. With their sheer force and determination, the people quickly overwhelmed the sea monsters, chopping them into pieces of meat.

The people of Cornwall were no longer the ordinary humans they were two years ago. Thanks to being well-fed and nourished, their bodies had grown stronger than ever before. They also underwent specialized military training, in addition to engaging in production. Some even became standard reserve troops, with Shirou giving them innate skills that made them capable of transforming into regular soldiers at a moment's notice.

It must be said that Vortigern's attempt to burn the bridges behind the kingdom did not achieve his desired outcome. Instead, it poked a hornet's nest.