
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Anime & Comics
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481 Chs


It is believed that more than 12,000 years ago, the Goddess of Creation was killed by other gods, and her soul was banished to an Imaginary space, never to interfere with the world again.

The gods used the body of the Goddess of Creation to create Heaven and Earth, ushering in the prosperous Age of Gods.

During that era, nature controlled the planet, and the gods held dominion over the world. As a result, the laws of the planet revolved around the "Gods," and the entire planet was saturated with "True Ether," which created a prosperous realm for the gods.

The gods believed that they would always control the planet and remain at the top of the food chain. They viewed everything as their plaything, even using their divine powers to create creatures as they pleased.

However, this dream was shattered by the arrival of an invading force that the planet was powerless to escape. As a fairy, she didn't know what kind of force it was, as it occurred too far back in time. All she knew was that even the gods were unable to resist it.

As the highest pinnacle of the gods, the Goddess of Creation may have posed a threat to the invading force. However, her own children had already killed her before the invasion occurred. They had committed matricide by killing the mother who had created them, thereby depriving the gods of their most powerful defender against the invading force.

The invading force ravaged the entire planet, toppling the gods from their throne and shattering their eternal dream of dominance. The Age of Gods came to an end, and the invaders laid the groundwork for humanity to rise and take its place in the world.

The invading force was so powerful that it posed a threat to all civilizations on the planet. In order to drive it away, the planet forged a holy sword, which came to be known as the Sword of Promised Victory. This divine weapon was specifically crafted to deal with invaders and stood at the pinnacle of all divine constructs.

In this way, the Sword of Promised Victory was not only a powerful weapon, but also a symbol of the planet's will to protect itself from external threats.

However, the true power of the Sword of Promised Victory was only unleashed when the planet faced a world-ending threat or an alien invasion. Despite being sealed, the sword could still deal a devastating blow to any enemy it faced, even without unleashing its full potential.

When the invading force that had caused the gods to despair arrived on the planet, the Sword of Promised Victory was brought to bear against it. This powerful holy sword was designed specifically to combat invaders and inflicted a grave wound on the enemy, ultimately leading to its defeat.

Following the defeat of the invading force, the Sword of Promised Victory disappeared, and its whereabouts remained unknown. However, it was clear to all that any future invaders who sought to occupy the planet would need to destroy the Sword of Promised Victory as their top priority.

This is precisely why Vivian became a target for the Crimson Moon, which descended from the moon. Crimson Moon sought to eliminate Vivian, believing that she was connected to the Sword of Promised Victory and could potentially wield its power against them.

Vivian was not just aware of the sword's location; she had actually hidden the sword herself. As a wise fairy, the planet had entrusted Vivian with the sword for safekeeping, and she took this responsibility very seriously.

She had once been proud of safeguarding the holy sword, but as time went on, she found herself constantly wiping away tears and living in fear. The arrival of Crimson Moon, who deceived the planet with sweet words, only added to her anxiety.

Crimson Moon had descended from the moon to the planet and convinced the planet that he would become its protector. However, in reality, Crimson Moon had come with the purpose of invading the planet.

Crimson Moon was aware of the existence of the Sword of Promised Victory, and he knew that Vivian was its guardian. While he deceived the planet with his sweet words and promised protection, Crimson Moon also had his sights set on Vivian and the sword.

He chased after Vivian relentlessly, seeking to destroy the sword and eliminate any potential threat it posed to his plans for invasion.

Vivian had informed the planet about Crimson Moon's evil intentions and had urged the planet to use the sword to judge him as an invader and destroy him. However, the planet did not believe that the Crimson Moon was an invader, and as a result, the sword could not unleash its true power. It could only create simple magical blasts, which were ineffective against the Crimson Moon.

With the sword unable to help her, Vivian had no choice but to flee from Crimson Moon, who was in relentless pursuit of her.

If Crimson Moon were to destroy the sword, he would reveal his true intentions of invasion. Without the protection of the sword, the planet would have no means of defending itself against Crimson Moon, and it would fall completely under his control.

Crimson Moon dared not claim that he was stronger than the invading force that had once destroyed the Age of Gods on the planet. As a result, he was extremely cautious when it came to the sword. Before destroying the sword, he avoided quarreling with the planet or touching any of its sensitive nerves. He pursued Vivian relentlessly, but only using secretive methods.

This pursuit lasted for nearly a thousand years, a testament to Crimson Moon's determination to obtain the sword and the lengths he was willing to go to achieve his goals.

Throughout the nearly thousand years of pursuit, Vivian came perilously close to falling into the hands of Crimson Moon on numerous occasions. However, her wisdom and cunning allowed her to evade capture each time. Despite her successes, the constant fear and anxiety of being pursued had taken a great toll on Vivian.

The once-noble and elegant fairy had become a shadow of her former self, living in a constant state of fear and anxiety. Her once-graceful demeanor had been replaced by a perpetual worried expression.

Despite her best efforts to evade Crimson Moon's pursuit, Vivian eventually realized that she could never escape him as long as she remained a fairy. Crimson Moon had already convinced the planet to see him as a protector, and he could easily track her location and movements through the planet's information network.

Desperate to save herself and protect the sword, Vivian made the difficult decision to abandon her fairy identity. She knew that this would mean sacrificing a part of herself, but she also understood that it was the only way to avoid Crimson Moon's relentless pursuit and keep the sword safe.

She fled to the last remaining place of the Age of Gods, the island of Britain, where she found a baby girl with the best affinity and bestowed her blessing upon her.

But instead of simply bestowing her blessing upon the baby girl, Vivian made the difficult decision to fuse herself as a fairy with the human baby. In doing so, Vivian became a human baby girl, and the human baby girl became Vivian, resulting in the birth of a new girl named Guinevere.

Vivian sought refuge in the planet's Counter Force, Alaya, to evade Crimson Moon's pursuit. She borrowed its help to avoid direct extraction of her location, ensuring her safety.

At first, Vivian had thought that by merging with humans and taking on the identity of Guinevere, she would no longer have to worry about awakening as a fairy. Her hope was that she could hide away in the Reverse Side of the World once the Age of Gods on the island came to an end, and escape Crimson Moon's relentless pursuit.

However, things didn't go as planned. A human king had his sights set on her intellect, and he pressured her to cultivate it. As a result, Guinevere found herself forced to develop her intelligence against her own wishes.

To make matters worse, the human king had managed to bring back a True Ancestor – one that bore an uncanny resemblance to Crimson Moon in terms of appearance, temperament, and even abilities. In fact, it seemed as though the True Ancestor was an extension of Crimson Moon's own existence!

The mere thought of Crimson Moon was enough to send shivers down Guinevere's spine and awaken memories of the years she spent being relentlessly hunted down as a fairy.

With this newfound understanding of her true identity, Vivian knew that she needed to make it clear to the king who she really was. Despite having been bullied by him when she was still human, Vivian felt emboldened by the realization that she was not just Guinevere – she was also the fairy known as Vivian, who had managed to survive for an unknown amount of time.

It was time for her to assert herself and make the king understand that he was dealing with a force far greater than he could have ever imagined.

Although the human king wielded great power over his human subjects, he was powerless when it came to controlling the fairies. Throughout history, humans had always been fascinated by fairy magic and miracles, and even the most powerful human kings showed great reverence and respect towards them.

Perhaps this cruel, twisted king would also show the same ugliness as other human kings towards her.

Despite her uncertainties, Vivian knew that she had to clarify her identity to the king and then make her exit. So, she made her way to the palace.

There, she found the king sitting atop his throne, wielding his power over everything and everyone around him.

"You're awake," the king remarked.

Vivian nodded in response.

"Come here," the king beckoned. "The position of governor still belongs to you."

Vivian shook her head. "I'm afraid that's not the case, Your Majesty," she said, taking a deep breath. "To be honest with you, I am not human. I am a fairy."

At this point, she expected the cruel and terrifying king to react with shock and awe upon learning her true identity. After all, his kingdom was currently embroiled in a brutal war, and the power of fairy could prove to be a game-changer.

But to her surprise, the king remained completely calm and unfazed. He didn't even bother to look up at her when she announced her identity.

"Um... I'm a fairy," she reiterated.

The king's response was a mere "Oh," delivered with the same air of indifference as before.

Vivian felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. Why was this king so unfazed by the revelation of her true identity?


"Are you done resting?" the king asked, finally looking up at Vivian. "It's time to get to work."

"I'm a fairy, I can't possibly..." Vivian began to protest, but the king cut her off.

Grabbing her by the hair, the king pulled Vivian towards him and forced her into the chair.

"Less talking, more working."

She tried to speak up again, but the king was already putting on his cloak.

"You did well before," he said as he made his way towards the door. "Just keep up the good work."

With a sense of bewilderment and frustration, Vivian watched as the king departed with the awakened True Ancestor in tow. She was left alone in the palace, feeling utterly bewildered by what had just transpired.

"What the hell is this?!" she exclaimed loudly, unable to contain her sense of indignation.

How could the king be so self-centered and indifferent to the fact that she was a fairy? It was as though he didn't even care about the implications of her identity or what it meant for the kingdom.

"I'm a fairy! A fairy!" she reiterated to herself, her voice growing increasingly heated with each passing moment.


"Lady Guinevere, take a look at this agricultural inspection report," Sir Lucan said, handing over a document to her.

As she scanned the report, Vivian's face suddenly grew tense and her eyes welled up with tears.

"What's wrong, Lady Guinevere?" Lucan asked, concern etched on his face.

"It's nothing," she replied, her voice cracking with emotion. "Just that I..."

Just that she was still Guinevere. Even though she had awakened and revealed her true identity, it felt like nothing had really changed.

Vivian struggled to contain her feelings of disappointment and frustration. Why had she bothered to reveal herself as a fairy if nothing was going to change? It was almost as if her efforts had been for nothing.


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