
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Anime & Comics
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481 Chs


After settling down in Camelot, Shirou couldn't help but feel surprised that the nobles didn't try to play any tricks on him. This unexpected behavior left him feeling somewhat uneasy.

At first, he had expected the nobles to try to harm or even assassinate him. However, he was surprised to find that they simply greeted him and invited him to attend various balls. While he nodded and agreed to their invitations, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease in his heart. Artoria seemed to think everything was fine, but he found the situation to be rather strange.

He would have felt more at ease if the nobles had made some sort of move, but their lack of action left him feeling increasingly uneasy. It was as if a storm was brewing, waiting to strike at any moment.

He understood that Camelot had been without a king for ten years, and while Ywain and the other pillars of the realm provided support, the officials and nobles were accustomed to being free and unruly. Suddenly having a king appear and sit on their heads was a major shift in power.

Moreover, this king had no faction or power. Shirou couldn't help but wonder how the nobles would react to his presence. Would they resist or even attempt to make him disappear? He assumed such actions would be normal, given the circumstances.

However, the nobles did nothing of the sort, which left him feeling increasingly uncomfortable and uneasy. He had mentally prepared himself for the worst, yet their inaction seemed almost too good to be true.

It was like preparing to fight a heavyweight opponent, only to discover that the opponent was a weakling. The feeling of discomfort and unease he experienced was akin to the shock of being caught off guard.

But Shirou couldn't help but feel relieved that ascending to the throne might not be as difficult as he had initially thought. This would save him a great deal of trouble, and allow him to focus on his development plans for the kingdom.

The fact that Vortigern was currently blocked outside Hadrian's Wall by the Northern Kings meant that he posed no immediate threat, which was perfect for implementing his development plan.

Following negotiations, a date was set for Shirou's coronation. It was decided that the ceremony would take place on November 1st, which coincided with the feast of All Saints Day, a precursor to modern-day Halloween.

Due to its unique geographical location and history, British culture has been greatly influenced by both Celtic and Roman cultures.

For the British, October 31st marks the official end of summer, the beginning of the new year, and the start of the harsh winter months. This was a time of great importance and held sacred and solemn meaning.

However, over time, the festival evolved and was repurposed for commercial and other purposes, ultimately becoming what is now known as Halloween. While the modern-day celebration involves dressing up as ghosts and playing tricks, it was originally a time of great significance and reverence in British culture.

As the day of Shirou's coronation drew near, envoys from various countries began arriving one after another, making Camelot busier than ever before. Nobles could be found everywhere, lending an air of excitement and anticipation to the kingdom.

Shirou graciously received these envoys, who were all incredibly supportive of his ascension to the throne.

While the nobles and kingdoms attached to Camelot did not play any tricks, Shirou found himself becoming increasingly nervous on his own.

On the night of October 31st, Camelot was shrouded in darkness, with even the palace lacking any illumination. Meanwhile, the streets were filled with people dressed up as demons and monsters, parading about.

The British held the belief that October 31st marked the end of the year, and that on this day, the god of death known as Samhain would unlock the gates of the underworld, allowing the souls of the deceased to return to their former homes in search of living beings to be reborn. It was seen as the only hope for the dead to have a chance at being reborn.

The living were fearful of the souls of the dead coming to claim their lives, and so they would extinguish their fires and candles on this day, making it impossible for the souls of the dead to locate the living. Additionally, people would dress up as demons and monsters to frighten off the spirits of the dead. Once the night had passed, they would light their fires and candles once again, welcoming the start of a new year.

This tradition served as the precursor to what would later become known as Western Halloween.

The streets echoed with the haunting sounds of ghosts, and even inside the palace, many servants were garbed in costumes of monsters and other eerie creatures. Despite the lively atmosphere, Shirou found himself feeling detached from it all, sitting alone outside the palace gates with a worried expression etched onto his face.

Tomorrow would mark his coronation day, and Ywain had already demonstrated the necessary steps to Shirou numerous times, with the latter having taken note of them all. However, at this moment, he found himself consumed with nervousness, his palms slick with sweat and his mind in disarray. For the first time in his life, he would be leading a country, bearing the hopes and dreams of his people on his shoulders and striving to bring them the promised prosperity.

Could he really do this? Shirou was overcome with a deep sense of nervousness and self-doubt. Though he had initially believed that he could face his coronation with calm and composure, he now found himself confronting the reality of the situation and experiencing an overwhelming sense of anxiety that he had not anticipated.

"My king, won't you join us in scaring away the ghosts?" Artoria, who was wearing a skeleton mask, approached him. "I remember that you did not participate in this festival last year when you were at the estate. Not only did you refrain from taking part, but you also avoided speaking with others."

Shirou let out a heavy sigh, reflecting inwardly, 'Well, at that time, I couldn't speak at all.' He then turned his gaze to her and asked, "Artie, do you believe I have what it takes to be a good king?"

She removed her skeleton mask, looking at him with her serious blue eyes and nodding in affirmation, "Without a doubt, you can do it!"

"Thank you."

Though his nervousness remained as strong as ever, he felt heartened by the knowledge that there were those who believed in him.

The dark clouds cleared away, revealing a brilliant moon. With the time for ghostly revelries having passed, people once again kindled their fires, creating a stunning sea of stars and flames that illuminated the night sky. Throughout the streets, people cheered and celebrated, ringing in the new year with unbridled joy.


On the morning of November 1st, the Northern kings who had come to attend Shirou's coronation began to arrive.

The King of Gaul led the charge with 1,500 soldiers in tow, while the formidable King Caradoc brought 500 of his own men. A thousand cavalry riding on powerful magical lions from Nantes, belonging to the noblewoman who had previously clashed with Shirou, arrived at the palace. Even Morgan Le Fay, in the name of the Orkney Kingdom, had come with a thousand soldiers in tow. All in all, a total of eleven kings had come to pay their respects.

It appeared that these kings had made a pact to arrive with their entourages of knights on the same day, resulting in nearly ten thousand soldiers flooding into Camelot and causing the capital to appear far more crowded than usual.

Shirou took the time to greet each king individually, inviting them into the palace and arranging seats for them.

As noon approached, the sun's radiance illuminated every inch of the earth. Within the palace, Shirou took his place upon the throne with the kings seated beneath him, arranged according to the power of their respective countries.

Flanking him on both sides were officials led by Sir Ywain and Baldwin. The kingdom's nobles stood to his left, while foreign envoys occupied the right side.

Meanwhile, knights donning silver armor held their swords aloft, standing on either side and maintaining order.

Outside the palace gates, people had gathered in large crowds, shouting out the name "Arthur" in unison.

Amidst the resounding cheers, Sir Ywain emerged from the palace to address the assembled crowd. "Thirty-five years ago, during a time when the empire was still strong and Britain was ruled by a great king, our ruler discovered that two dragons were engaged in a fierce underground battle within our land - one red, and one white! At the time, Merlin prophesied that the white dragon represented invaders, while the red dragon represented the people of Britain. Although no one believed Merlin's prophecy back then, it has since become a reality. The embodiment of the white dragon, the traitor Vortigern, has led the Saxons to invade our land! For thirty-five long years, we have been waiting for the appearance of the red dragon to lead us in the fight against the white dragon and to expel these invaders from our shores! And now, the red dragon of Britain has emerged! He is the son of Uther, he is Arthur!"

Shirou rose to his feet, waving to the ecstatic crowd as they cheered his name. "Arthur! Arthur!" they cried out in unison.

For more than three months, rumors had been circulating throughout the land about the legendary Arthur. As a result, the people's hearts were already filled with expectation for this new successor. Furthermore, Shirou had been giving speeches and spreading the knowledge of basic mathematics in various cities and towns in the days leading up to his coronation, further fueling the people's hopes and dreams for the future of their beloved kingdom.

Amidst the deafening cheers, Shirou ascended the stage. As he gazed out at the countless faces in the crowd, his heart raced within his chest.

Standing upon the stage before so many people, he found himself overcome with an immense sense of nervousness, his hands and feet growing ice-cold with each passing moment.

Deep down, he knew that his life was about to enter a whole new realm - the realm of leadership!

Shirou took a deep breath and addressed the throngs of people before him. "Fifteen years ago, the traitor Vortigern, embodiment of the white dragon, betrayed Britain and led the Saxons to invade our land, taking the lives of our fellow countrymen and plundering our homes and property."

As he spoke, a faint undercurrent of sadness could be detected within his voice, amplified by the court magi so that his words could be heard clearly by all who were present. As he recounted the chaotic events of fifteen years ago, the thoughts and emotions of those listening were swept away into that time of great upheaval, and a sense of melancholy descended upon the crowd.

In that fateful year, the once-great empire had collapsed, leaving Britain vulnerable to foreign invasion and resulting in the merciless slaughter of countless innocent people and the pillaging of their possessions. It was only through the valiant efforts of Uther and the Northern kings, who had relied on Hadrian's Wall to form a defensive line, that Britain had managed to survive such dire circumstances.

For the elderly who had lived through those dark days, the memories remained all too vivid. Meanwhile, the younger generation had grown up under the shadow of constant foreign threats, with the very notion of invasion and subjugation casting a constant pall over their daily lives. In that moment, the entire crowd could empathize with the weight of those past struggles.

"Fifteen years have passed since those dark days, yet the Saxons, under the leadership of Vortigern, continue to wage war against us, seeking to plunder our lands and take our possessions. But I have always harbored a dream," Shirou proclaimed boldly, his voice carrying with it a newfound conviction.

"I dream of a day when we can drive them back to their own homeland - Niedersachsen! A day when every invader who hears the name 'Camelot' will be too terrified to even consider invading our lands! A day when each and every one of us can eat our fill and live happy, joyful lives! A day when people from every corner of the world will envy the people of Camelot for the blessings we enjoy!

"I dream of a day when valleys rise and mountains fall, when the winding paths before us become smooth and bathed in divine light, illuminating the earth with its beauty.

"This is the dream that has driven me to become king! And if Camelot is to become a truly great nation, then this dream must become a reality! Let the sun rise from the south sea, and let its beautiful light spread across all of Britain!"

The people's eyes remained fixed upon the passionate young king, whose words had kindled within them a fierce longing for a better tomorrow. As his powerful message continued to reverberate throughout the crowd, the people's hopes and aspirations for a brighter future blazed forth like a great flame.

"Arthur! Arthur!"

"Arthur! Arthur!"

With each passing moment, the cries of the people grew louder and more fervent, echoing across the land and resounding through the hearts of all who heard them.

As Artoria stepped forward, she held aloft the legendary sword Caliburn before Shirou, bowing before him in a gesture of respect and loyalty.

Taking the sword in hand, Shirou raised it high above his head, his voice ringing out across the gathered throngs of people. "With this sword, I swear that this dream, this promise, shall be fulfilled!"

The people responded with an even greater fervor than before, their cheers rising to a deafening crescendo. In that moment, it was as if the entire kingdom had been infused with a newfound sense of purpose and hope, a shared vision of a brighter tomorrow that would guide them forward into the future.

Morgan could not help but feel deeply moved as she watched Shirou standing tall and proud before the assembled throngs of people, his vision of a brighter future igniting a flame within the hearts of all who heard it.

Even the other kings who stood beside her were similarly awed by the grandeur of his vision, and many could not help but feel a sense of longing for the kind of elegance and leadership that Shirou embodied. For indeed, this was the very essence of what it meant to be a king, to rule over all of Britain with strength, grace, and a vision that would inspire all those who looked upon it.

With a solemn expression, Shirou withdrew the Caliburn from his grasp, handing it over to Artoria as he prepared to take up his rightful place as the king of Camelot.

Baldwin's voice rang out across the gathered crowd, his words carrying the weight of a lifetime of tradition and ceremony. "Proclaim him king!" he bellowed.

And the people responded in kind, their voices rising up as one to cry out the words that had been anticipated for so long. "Proclaim him king!" they shouted.

As the Archbishop led the people out of the palace, an attendant appeared, bearing a magnificent red satin crown, adorned with gold and jewels that glittered brightly in the sunlight. This was the crown of the Kingdom of Camelot, the symbol of Shirou's new-found royal authority.

"The Holy Church will bestow upon you the royal authority," declared the Archbishop, his voice carrying across the gathered crowds.

With a deep bow of his head, Shirou allowed the Archbishop to place the crown upon his brow, thereby demonstrating his divine right to rule as king.

However, at this moment--

"Wait!" A sudden, forceful voice interrupted the crowd.

All eyes turned towards the sound as a group of three thousand cavalry charged into the city, scattering the people in their path. They were led by a king who rode a demonic lion. Tristan and his companions were among them.

"King Mark, what is the meaning of this?" asked the Archbishop.

King Mark dismounted from his demonic lion and pointed at Shirou, declaring vehemently, "This man-- he is not Arthur! He is a spy who infiltrated Camelot a year ago on behalf of our enemy!"


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