
Fate: I Heard After Death, You Can Ascend to the Throne of Heroes?

Promise transmigrated to the TYPE-MOON world and became one of the students of Waver Velvet at the Clock Tower. But a dream must eventually come to an end. Upon waking from a night's sleep, he recalled his identity as a transmigrator and also discovered his golden finger. A Heroic Spirit Class Card. It can take Promise to different eras, and by leaving behind corresponding legends, he can ultimately ascend to the Throne of Heroes! He thus travelled to ancient Greek mythology and Norse mythology. Promise: "I heard after death, you can ascend to the Throne of Heroes. What are you waiting for, come on, kill me!" (PS: This book is not a traditional simulator story; its content mainly revolves around the Age of Gods, hence the Age of Gods is a long narrative! I didn't use TYPE-MOON in the title as it was already too large) __________ Yup, this is a translation, coz why not? The credit goes to the original author, "It's Just Fate /Fate is just a book." Chinese name: 缘分而已 著 / 游戏竞技 And so, if the original author is reading this and wants me to remove it, then please leave a review below. Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8889.html Original: https://www.hbooker.com/chapter-list/100389372?arr_reverse=1 https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100389372 ......... For advance chapters join my Patreon .. patreon.com/abhi28

Abhii_28 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

If You Don't Let Me Leave the Mountain, I'll Seek Out Each One!

A sleepless night,

The next day, as the sun god Helios replaced the night goddess Nyx, the first rays of dawn shone on Promise, who sat by the window, staring at his canvas.

The canvas was pristine, like a freshly created folder—titled "A Painting for Hera"!

"Turns out yesterday was a special case," Promise thought, his mind blank and devoid of inspiration, so he put down his paintbrush.

He had sat there all night but wasn't the least bit tired.

The golden apple's effect was even better than he had imagined.

Actually, when he completed the painting yesterday, Promise sensed it was a rare moment of inspiration, not something that could happen regularly.

After all, creating a perfect likeness of someone he'd only met once, capturing their essence so precisely it seemed divine, was practically miraculous!

"Forget it, I won't paint today. As for tributes... next time, definitely!" Shaking his head, he stood up and put away his brushes.

He also checked his belongings.

There wasn't much worth noting—just a few scholar's robes and another golden apple.

That was the gift from Athena when they first met, and he hadn't eaten it yet.

Though he'd been curious about its taste, he saved it for a time when he might need its restorative power.

Having tasted one yesterday, he found it sweet but otherwise normal.

Its effects were remarkable, though, leaving him refreshed despite a sleepless night.

"Good, it's not spoiled... but something divine probably wouldn't spoil anyway."

He checked the apple, confirmed it was fine, and put it back.

Then he returned to the window, staring at the canvas and organizing his thoughts, pondering over his next steps:

Jason's matters are temporarily settled... no, they should be officially on track.

After all, the trial Hera gave will most likely end up involving the Argo and the Golden Fleece.

Athena's vow was another pleasant surprise—a grand finale that would shock the world... although her final words, akin to those of a yandere, were quite concerning.

But overall, this was undoubtedly a good thing, at least on the surface...

'So next, my focus should be on enhancing my Spirit Rank.'

He was not aiming for an S-rank or Grand rank right off the bat, but at least an A-rank.

At the very least, a B-rank!

With this in mind, he needed to participate in more legendary stories, like the Calydonian Boar Hunt or the Twelve Labors of Heracles, since the construction of the Argo will take about a year or two...

'Oh, and I need to think about my Noble Phantasm!'

'That's crucial too. If I remember correctly, Noble Phantasms are usually tied to the legends themselves...'

'Alright, it's decided!

Once Hera determines the trial and Jason starts preparing the Argo, I'll go find Heracles and the others!'

'They didn't let me leave the mountain before, so now I'll seek each one out!'

As Promise made his decision, he suddenly felt a slight sting in his hand, as if something were lightly pecking him.

Looking down instinctively, he saw a small bird.

The bird, which had somehow landed on his leg, was pecking at his hand to get his attention.

When Promise finally looked down at it, the bird spread its wings and chirped, gesturing for him to look at its foot.

Promise then noticed a letter tied to the bird's leg.

He took the letter, opened it, and recognizing the familiar handwriting, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It's finally here... well, alright."

Standing up, Promise left his room.

It was still early, with dawn just breaking, so the palace was very quiet.

Promise walked unimpeded... though the sleepy guards still stood there, yesterday's events had made him quite a known figure in the kingdom and he could proudly say, "Who doesn't know me here?"

After a while, he exited the kingdom and reaching the outskirts, he once again saw the intelligent little bird.

The bird circled above his head twice before landing on his shoulder, chirping and pointing the way with its little head.

Smiling, Promise patted the bird's head and followed its direction into a secluded forest, delving deeper and deeper.

Finally, under the high morning sun, he arrived at a beautiful lakeside, clear as a mirror.

Even before reaching the lake, he could hear the familiar, melodious sound of a lyre.

Approaching, Promise saw the half-human, half-horse sage Chiron surrounded by forest animals, all listening to his music with their eyes closed.

Some animals perched on Chiron, others sat beside him.

The intelligent bird joined them.

This scene was like the legends of Apollo, the god of light, whose music would draw all creatures to him.

Promise didn't disturb Chiron but found a shaded spot under a tall tree to sit.

He waited quietly for a long time before Chiron finally opened his eyes and put down his silver lyre.

Yet the creatures were reluctant to leave him, until he spoke words only gods could utter, making them reluctantly disperse.

Chiron stood up and approached Promise, shaking his head to indicate the latter didn't need to rise.

Gently patting Promise's head, he spoke with a proud and comforting tone, "Promise, you've done very well. I've been watching, and as your teacher, I am proud of you!"

He did not scold Promise for disobeying him and leaving the mountain.

The latter was silent for a while before responding, "Teacher, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you..."

"No, the one who should truly apologize is me," Chiron shook his head and said, "I kept you confined on the mountain, worried that you were not yet ready to descend.

But you have proven to me with your actions that you are exceptional, far beyond ordinary."

"Even the goddess of wisdom and Queen Hera are willing to stand before you."

Hearing this, Promise was momentarily stunned, then looked at Chiron in surprise. "So, Teacher Chiron, you didn't come to take me back to the mountain?"

"Of course not," Chiron replied with a gentle smile, shaking his head. "On the contrary, I'm here to bid you farewell... Promise, I eagerly await the day when your name echoes throughout the world."

Promise looked at Chiron, opening his mouth in silence... All of this was unexpected, yet it seemed so fitting.

After all, this was Chiron, the mentor of nearly all the famous heroes of ancient Greece.

"But even so, I still cannot fully accept your vow with the goddess Athena," Chiron continued with a light sigh. "So I apologize, for in this matter, your teacher cannot give you his blessing."

"No, it's enough already. You don't need to apologize, and..." Pausing slightly, Promise then said sincerely to Chiron, "Thank you for everything."

He now fully understood that his teacher, worried and protective, had been silently watching over him and following him all along.

"Mm," Chiron smiled softly.

Then, standing up, he said, "But before I leave, I have one last gift to give you... or rather, to give to Jason. Come with me."

With that, he led Promise to a cottage on the outskirts of the kingdom.

There, Promise saw two middle-aged people who bore some resemblance to Jason...

Yes, they were Jason's parents.

The former king and queen!

After seizing power, Pelias ordered Jason's parents to be imprisoned and eventually executed.

However, in reality, they did not die.

They were saved by a seer who had prophesied Jason's return and knew that he was Hera's favored one.

Thus, the seer rescued them and kept them well-hidden and safe here.

Promise's original vow included rescuing Jason's parents, but upon arriving in the kingdom, he was told they had already died, so he gave up on that.

But he had no idea they were still alive...

That afternoon, Promise quietly brought Jason to the cottage.

Upon seeing Chiron, Jason was initially terrified.

But then, upon seeing his parents, he was overcome with speechless joy and excitement.

That night, Chiron left and then returned to the Pelion cave, where other students awaited him.

As a teacher, he had undoubtedly done his utmost, accompanying and protecting Promise through his initial journey before he officially embarked on his own path.

Time passed, and after three days, Hera finally returned and delivered the oracle that everyone in the city had been eagerly awaiting.

As Promise had anticipated, it was about the legend of the Argo!