
Fate: Holy Maiden

Juni0r · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Vaucouleurs (1)

The morning came quickly. By the time Jeanne had woken up it was late in the morning, and I was still staring aimlessly at the fire, occasionally poking it. 

"Did you really not get any sleep Jack?"

"I'm fine Jeanne."

"But I told you to sleep, did I not? I wish you would listen to me sometimes!"

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about stuff and couldn't sleep."

Jeanne looked concerned as she watched me stand up. I pressed my left arm against the trunk as I got up.

"Is your arm doing better?"

I didn't realize until she said something, but ever since Michael lifted that thing on me my arm had been repaired as if the stab wound just a day early had never been there.

"I didn't notice until now but yeah it feels fine."

"Do you think it's the same situation as when you got shot?"

"I think so. Whatever is healing me isn't natural."

"Do you think the lord has blessed you with supernatural healing?"

"That sounds amazing but I doubt he would bestow something like that onto me."

In all honesty it probably was a gift from God or the angels. It's most likely connected to those seals Saint Michael was talking about. I don't understand it but removing that seal must've either unlocked some kind of greater heal factor then the one that healed the arrow, or removing that seal activated some one time heal on my body. Whichever it was it was fucking cool that something like that was inside me.

I held my hand out towards Jeanne. She took my hand and I helped her stand. I grabbed the sack she was sleeping on and hung it over my shoulder, and then I stomped out the fire which had been burning throughout the night.

"Are you sure you want to carry that? I know it isn't too heavy, but your shoulder might not be fully healed!"

"It's fine Jeanne, really, my arm feels fine."

I took a few more steps, but then it felt like my body was a hundred pounds heavier. Each step I tried to take felt like my entire body was being crushed by an invisible force. My body was incredibly exhausted and could barely walk. If I had to guess then it had something to do with my arm's insane recovery. In exchange for healing my arm it took a shit ton of energy from me and I hadn't noticed till now.

"Jack are you alright?" 

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine Jeanne, I just feel sluggish."

"I told you that you should've rested last night!"

"I'll listen to you next time, haha…. My body is fighting to stand upright right now so just give me a second."

Jeanne walked over and put my right arm over her neck as she took some of the weight off my body. She was so close to me. My face felt hot as I stared down at her.

"Does that help?"

"Yes, it helps a lot Jeanne, thank you."

I leaned on Jeanne as we began walking back towards the area we came from. The last time I was this close to her I kissed her impulsively, but I had to deal with it since it would probably take us a few hours to arrive there due to my exhausted body.

"Hey Jeanne, if you get tired let me know. You're kind of the only thing keeping me standing right now, so if you fall then I'll fall too."

"I understand Jack. I will let you know if I am tired."

For the next hour I leaned on Jeanne. It was embarrassing for me but I couldn't move without her help.The extreme exhaustion plaguing my body slowly subsided until I was able to walk on my own. I didn't want to use her as a human crutch, but I was happy she took the initiative and offered herself.

"Thanks Jeanne, I think I can walk on my own now."

"Oh, are you sure? I do not mind if you want to  continue to use me as support."

"I think I'm fine, my body still feels tired but it isn't unbearable. I should be good to move on my own for now."

"If you feel tired do not be afraid to let me know Jack. It does not bother me."

"I'll keep that in mind Jeanne, thanks."


"When we arrive back in Domremy, I would like it if we didn't leave the safety of the tree lines. I don't want anyone to spot us, and I don't want either of us to see what's happened to the villagers."

"I can not agree with that Jack. Those people died for us, so therefore they deserve a prayer at the very least."

"You're right Jeanne, but could you please pray for them from afar? We don't know if any soldiers are left in the area, and I don't have the strength to protect you right now. I'm really sorry but please don't leave the forest."

Jeanne looked up at me for a moment before sighing. I averted my gaze from hers as she spoke.

"Very well, I will pray from the edge of the forest."

"Thank you."

We continued walking until we reached the clearing near the sheep pen. All the sheep were gone and part of the pen was busted open. I looked around and saw destroyed and burnt buildings all around the town.

"They destroyed this place…"

"I hope my mother was able to get away…"

"Me too Jeanne, I hope she left like I told her."

Jeanne moved behind me and dug into the sack over my shoulder. She pulled out a small wooden cross and got on her knees. I followed her lead and got on my knees as she began praying with the cross against her chest. I didn't know what to say, so I only closed my eyes and listened to her prayer. Jeanne prayed for a few minutes before thanking God and standing up. 

"Are you finished Jeanne?"

"I am, thank you for sitting with me while I pray."

"Oh, you're welcome, it just seemed like the right thing to do."

"With that done we may leave. If I remember correctly then Vaucouleurs should be this way."

Jeanne started to walk along the edge of the forest towards a road in the distance. I drew the sword on my side and followed closely behind her in case a patrolling soldier spotted us. 

"Hey Jack?"

"What is it?"

"Someday in the future, can we come back here and give a proper funeral to these people?"

"Yeah sure, I don't see why we can't."

Jeanne looked back and smiled at me as she continued to walk towards the road. Once we got there she peered her head around. I did the same in order to check for anybody, soldier or villager.

"I don't see anyone Jeanne."

"I do not see anyone either."

Jeanne walked onto the dirt path and began heading away from the village. I followed right beside her with my sword still drawn and my guard still up. It wasn't likely that they'd be waiting for us anywhere but I couldn't be sure.

"So Jeanne, what are you going to tell them when we get there?"

"Who, Captain Baudricourt?


"I'll tell him the truth. I will tell him I was sent by the lord."

"Do you think he'll believe you?"

"I hope he believes me, if he does not then I will keep trying until he does!"

My feet staggered slightly. After getting them to the point of being able to walk they seemed to stop healing. I wasn't entirely able to walk as my legs still wanted to give out, and I was nowhere near being able to run let alone fight.

"Do you think you'll be safe there?"

"I think we should be fine. I do not think they would attack a town like Vaucouleurs without proper preparation. Domremy was a small and unguarded village while Vaucoulers is not."

"If that captain ends up believing you then what's next?"

"I will ask him for an escort to the king."

"When we get there, let's book an inn. You haven't eaten anything in a while right?"

"Yes, that is true. I am fine though. Are you alright Jack? You stayed up throughout the night, and I haven't seen you eat or drink anything for quite awhile. On top of all of that  the only time I've even seen you take a break was when you fell against that tree and when you leaned on me in the forest, are you really fine?"

She had a right to be worried, but the only thing that should be on her mind is getting to that town and meeting with that captain. I didn't feel hungry or thirsty, but I was pretty tired. I wasn't tired in a sleeping way, but I was tired in a way that felt like I'd just worked overtime at a construction site.

"I swear Jeanne, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

She sighed and slouched over as we walked.

"I do not really believe your words Jack, but if you say you are fine then I am inclined to believe you."

"I wouldn't lie to Jeanne. I really am fine."

"We will see about that soon."

As we kept walking I asked her questions about her recent visions. It turns out she'd been getting pressed by the two saints from before to head to Vaucouleurs for a while. She said the visions mainly just tell her to go somewhere or do something, but they never told her what would happen if she didn't. 

"Jeanne, do you know how to fight?"

"No, I do not."

"If you wish then I could teach you to use a sword. I myself am not too good with one, but It would help me sleep at night knowing you'd be able to protect yourself when you're alone."

"I do not wish to harm people. I will never take a life Jack. I am sorry to disappoint you, but I refuse to fight or wield a weapon. Besides, I have you by my side!"

"Oh, I see. You don't have to apologize, and don't think I'm disappointed. I understand why you don't want to hurt other people."

"I am grateful you see it as I do. I will never hurt another person for as long as I live."

"I hope you never have to Jeanne."

We kept walking for a few hours until eventually the sight of a town came into view. Jeanne looked happily at the town and then back at me.

"There it is! We made it safely here, thank the lord!"

"That's Vaucouleurs?"

"Mhm! Once we get inside, let's get something to eat."

"That sounds good to me. While you do that I'll go get us an Inn."

"You aren't going to eat?" 

"I will, but I want to get a room first before it gets dark. There is probably a few hours before night falls, but I want to look around the town before that happens, so I'll just get a room while I'm walking around."

"Hmm, I see, you wan't to make sure this place is safe before we stay the night. That is quite smart. Just make sure you eat something before it's too dark, okay?"

"Alright, I will."

We stopped talking as we approached the gate at the end of the dirt road. Two guards stood on each side and glared at us while we drew closer.