
Fate: Holy Maiden

Juni0r · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The English (3)

The man's head slammed into the ground and caused a slight indent in the dirt upon impact. The second I had him on the floor the other guards rushed me, my body felt like hell but I could just barely react to each and every attack thrown my way, every soldier was stabbing and slashing down at me as I tried to stand, eventually I was able to dive out of the way and quickly stood to face my now twenty or so opponents, the man I'd slam, most likely the commander of these soldiers, was laying on the ground completely still, he was either dead or unconscious.

The soldiers said nothing and all charged at me, they had pretty good teamwork but they somehow my body could dodge every blow. 


I could barely see the man yelling out but the soldiers that were relentlessly attacking me backed away with their swords still pointed my way. One of the soldiers had his hand around Jeanne's neck and his other hand had a sword pressed against her throat.

Oh god, no no!

"Don't fucking do it, I swear to god I will kill every last one of you bastards if you hurt her."

I knew I couldn't beat them all, my body was overwhelmed with pain and a burning sensation, at most I had a few minutes left before I gave out, but they didn't know that.

"You're full of shit kid!"

The man kept his sword to Jeanne's throat and kept his eyes glued to me.

Fuck, how does he knows I'm bluffing!?

"Please, I'll do anything, let her go."

"Slit your throat."



"Pick up your fucking sword, and kill yourself, you have my word I won't harm the girl if you do."

My eyes glared at the blade at my side, I looked towards Jeanne, her eyes were full of tears, I didn't know if it was because of the man's order or the sword pointed at her neck.

No way in hell I'm killing myself…

"Is there any other way!?"

"No you bastard, you dying is the only way this night ends, unless you want the girl and all the other villagers to die too."

I had to keep him distracted, for just a few more seconds, I needed his attention on me.

"FUCK, okay, I'll fucking do it."

I grabbed the blade and aimed it at my throat. I don't know why the thought even crossed my mind at first, but something in my head keeps telling me to protect her, and if this is the only way then so be it.

Thank god it didn't come to that though.

Jeanne's father grabbed the man's neck and started to choke him, he had crawled to the fire and burned the rope attaching himself to the rest of the villagers, he used the rope to tightly grip the soldier's neck.


Her father called out to her as he continued to drain the life from his daughter's attacker. I guess no matter how shitty a father might be, they're still ready to die for their kids.

Some of the guards had turned around and started to rush towards Jacques as he strangled their fellow soldier, while they were distracted Jeanne got up and started running as fast as she could away from the fire, it looked like she was running for his house which wasn't super smart but it was safer than here, two of the guards started to chase her, I tried to follow after them but before I knew it the enemy soldiers were assaulting me with blow after blow.

I'm running out of energy right now, I need to get out of her fast!

Every blow that I blocked was one step closer to my end, I felt like blacking out at any moment, my vision got blurry but I pressed on, I pressed on fighting and eventually started to push back the soldiers just enough to free myself from their endless attacks, with my remaining energy I ran, I ran as fast as my burning body could, I was practically blind but I was still able to follow Jeanne's trail, I was gaining fast on the two soldiers chasing her, she could probably outrun them if I left her alone but I can't risk it.

I gripped the handle of my blade as hard as I could and threw it at the back of the man's head, it flew faster than anything I'd ever thrown before and pierced the man's head, his buddy looked at him with horror and anger in his eyes as he turned towards me and swung his blade down with as much force as he could muster, but I was faster, with every ounce of strength left in me I curled my fist and swung upwards as hard as I could, my feet sidestepped his blade as my fist collided with his chin, it hurt like hell but I hoped the feeling was mutual, the second my fist connecting my body collapsed, the fire inside me had grown too much to handle, I couldn't move, see, or feel.

My consciousness faded in and out, I could hear nothing except something being dragged along the ground.

Did my punch not knock him out?

My body hurt so much but I couldn't cry, I couldn't ask for help, I couldn't do anything except pass out over and over.

[Body in critical state!]

[Reverting parameters…]

[Parameters returned to previous state.]

My body feels like shit.

My eyes slowly forced themselves open, even that hurt. My entire body was aching, but it hurt a lot less then when I first blacked out. My vision was still incredibly blurry, all I could see was a small clump of colors accompanied by a dark void surrounding them.

My chest feels warm.

I couldn't even move my right arm without a surge in pain, my left arm was different, it didn't feel good to move it but it was in much better shape then my right, I tried to feel my chest but something was in the way, I felt around, it was a person, someone had their arms and head pressed against my chest.


Fuck, talking hurts like hell too.

My voice was quiet and ragged, I don't think whoever was pressed against me could hear what I was saying. I kept feeling around, it had to be Jeanne, my body felt better with her pressing against me so with my left arm I painfully pulled her as close as I could, I felt her squirming in my arm, then I heard her sniffling.

"A-Are you awake..?


She grabbed my chest tighter, it hurt but I didn't want to tell her, she was crying, I could feel tears bleeding through my shirt onto my chest, her hands desperately grabbed at my shirt as she sniffled.

"My father… they killed him…"

That's probably all my fault… I killed one of their men first which led to all of that chaotic shit…

"I'm sorry Jeanne…"

My throat hurt with every word that came out of my mouth. I still couldn't see very well but I could make out her figure clinging to me. I put my hand on her head and pressed her face deeper into my chest, she started to softly cry again.

"Is your mother okay?"

I need to change the subject, it hurts to see her like this.

"She's f-fine… Are you okay Jack?"

"I'm going to be honest, my entire body hurts like hell, everytime I try to move it feels like my bones are shattering."

That sentence alone made me feel like I was getting stabbed a dozen times in the chest, Jeanne tried to pull away from me.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't k-know."

I pulled her back towards me, it hurt like hell having her beside me but it also made my body ache less, I didn't want her to leave and I don't think she wanted to in the first place. When I pulled her back she just stayed silent and reattached herself to my chest.

"Are you okay Jeanne, were you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm okay…"

I sighed with relief, I'm glad she didn't get hurt, knowing she was physically okay made the pain slightly worth it. I held Jeanne tightly, I think whatever compelled me to be by her side was also making her feel the same way.

We sat in silence for about an hour, having her cling to me made me feel like my pain was fading. Maybe it was me being delusional but being with her helped me heal, my body didn't hurt to move and I was able to see fully and move my other arm now. Jeanne would occasionally look up at me, her eyes were more beautiful than ever, I guess she was making sure I was still awake. 

"Jeanne, I haven't had water in over a day… may I please go get some…?"

Jeanne looked up at me, she looked a little sad but then she stood up.

"You probably won't know where to go, stay here, I'll be back!"


She walked off and left me alone in the room, looking around I could tell this was definitely the same room I was in when her father shot me with the arrow but this time I was on her bed.

I guess she dragged me here last night, I must've knocked out the guard with my punch then.

I sat up and stretched my arms. What the hell happened to my body last night? I felt stronger and faster, but my body felt like it was burning, every fiber inside me was set to max output, it felt like I was dying.

That's when it hit me, it finally started coming, the regret, the shame, and the fear. I took multiple lives last night. I felt like hurling, I ended the lives of people that could've had families, I might have killed someone's father or lover, their son or brother.

Oh god what have I done?

I grabbed at my face as my breathing quickened. My fingers dug into my face while I hyperventilated.

I killed a man, I killed a man, I killed a man, I killed a man, oh god oh god oh god…

I don't know what compelled me to do it, but it had to be done right? If I didn't kill them then I would've been killed instead, they also would've hurt Jeanne.


My breathing steadied and I removed my hands from my face. I had killed them for her, to protect her, but I barely knew her. It feels like she's apart of me, a piece of me that I couldn't let go, every time she was in danger a switched just flipped inside me and forced my body to defend her with everything I had, that "switch" was most likely what had caused my body to heat up and attain that supernatural speed.

The entire time I'd been here I'd spent it by her side. It just felt natural to be with her, and when she wasn't close I felt empty. I don't understand what I'm feeling but I do know I'd much rather be with Jeanne right now.

I don't know why I'd asked her Jeanne for water. I had no desire to drink anything.

Wait… I've been here for over a day and I don't feel hungry or thirsty, I haven't had any water or food this whole time but it doesn't seem like my body has been affected by the lack of either. This just makes everything more confusing. I really need to tell someone what the hell is happening to me, I guess I'll explain all this to Jeann when she gets back.

"Don't my child."

A bright light filled the entire room, it was like I was inside the sun, I couldn't hear anything but the voice, I couldn't see anything but the light, I could feel nothing but the warmth the figure brought along with its presence.

"W-who are you?"

The figure said nothing, I couldn't tell where it was, everything was just one pure source of light, equally bright in every spot, nothing was different or unsymmetrical. 

"You must carry out my will, my son."

"What will?!?"

The voice made my body feel at peace, I was no longer thinking about what I'd done the night before, all that was on my mind was the voice talking to me, it felt like my mother was singing me to sleep while hugging me like a child.

It's so peaceful…

"Save this world in my stead, remind the world of the love I have for each and every one of them, punish the ones who bring sorrow to this earth and cherish the ones who spread my words."

"Who are you…?"

"I am The Father, The Almighty, The Creator of Everything, the Alpha and the Omega, please my child, remind this world of my everlasting light and disperse the darkness plaguing it."


"Keep our discussion secret my child, change the fate of the world with the strength you already have.

The warmth I had felt before started to fade along with the light, my hands reached out to grab at it as I desperately tried pulling it back, whatever feeling it gave me I didn't want to let go, tears started to stream down my cheeks, why did that feeling of bliss vanish so soon.

Was that really God..?

His words replayed in my ears, he wanted me to save the world, but how would I do that?


Jeanne rushed into the room, she was panting heavily and rushed over to grab my hands, she pressed them together with a huge smile and stared straight into my eyes.

"I've had a revelation!"


"The Archangel Michael! He told me to help the French fight off the English invaders!"

Is that what God was telling me to do?

"Are you positive you saw him?"

"Yes Jack! I'm positive!"

So she experienced the same thing I did. I'm glad she told me, it makes me happy knowing she trusts me with something that important. I wish I could tell her I'd had the same thing, but if the voice talking to me was really God then I had no reason to betray his words.

"That's amazing Jeanne."

She looked so happy in that moment, like she finally had a purpose. Whatever she chose to do next, I'd make sure to stay by her side every step of the way.