
Fate: Holy Maiden

Juni0r · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Jeanne D’arc

[The Last Master has been Identified]

[Searching for Available Servant…]

[Transporting To Servant Origin]

[Goal: Unidentified]


-[Domremy, France - 1425]-

What the hell is up with my bed?

My body tossed and turned trying to find even an ounce of comfort as my eyes kept shut as not to wake up anymore then I already had.

Forget it…

I sighed as I placed my hands on my face and drug them down as my eyes opened, bright rays of sun shone down on my eyes as they tried to adjust.

Why is my room so, bright?

My eyes had fully adjusted when it hit me, I wasn't in my room, I wasn't even inside.

What the hell?!?

My body jolted upright as I looked around, I was laying under a clump of trees with a smushed bush underneath me.

Where the hell am I…

I staggered up onto my feet and started to stretch.

Don't Panic, Don't Panic, I'm probably just dreaming…

Why would I be able to question that if I really was dreaming? I patted myself down and wiped the dirt and leaves off my pants and shirt, I was wearing the exact clothing I was the night before, Black pants, a long sleeved shirt, and some ankle high socks.

"Fuckkk, what the hell is going on!?"

This is so frustrating, where the actual hell am I, the trees don't look like anything near my house, and its strangely cool, America isn't suppose to be this cool this time of year?

"U-uhm… Hello?"


My head whipped around behind me as a girl, around the same age as me but much shorter, with long golden hair down to her waist and a blue dress the covered nearly her entire body was staring directly at me with her deep blue eyes. In that moment I felt I might lose myself if I stared directly into them anymore.

"Hello…? Are you okay?"

Her soft voice rang throughout my ears, she didn't sound American, her voice had an accent to it that was definitely foreign.

"Oh thank God, I need your help, where exactly am I?"

She looked at me confused and tilted her head which caused her hair to shift to the leaning side.

"Ahh, you must not be from around here, this is Domremy!"

"I've never heard that name before, speaking of names, who are you?"

Her head tilted back to it's original position and she smiled, her smile was prettier then any smile I'd seen before.

"Ahh sorry, I am Jeanne D'arc, daughter of Jacques D'arc, nice to meet you, I'm not surprised you haven't heard of Doremy, it is quite a small town in France."

What… France???

"You're joking right?"

She stopped smiling and looked at me in that same confused face.

"What do you mean?"

"We aren't really in france right?"

"I apologize if I've confused you but this is France, are you not from here?"

"Ahh just forget it I'm sorry, I'm just really confused right now, may I borrow your phone for a second?"

"Ah, uhm, I'm sorry but what is a phone?"

You've got to be kidding me, where am I, the fucking boonies?

"It's a uhm… Fuck nevermind, you said I'm in France right?"

"Yes sir, that is correct?"

Why is she calling me sir?

"Why are you calling me sir, Jeanne?"

"Your clothes look expensive, I've never seen anything like them before so I thought you were of higher class then me, are you not, also you never told me your name!"

She placed her hands on her hips, she looked frustrated but in a playful way.

She's so cute…

"Ahh I'm sorry, my name's Jack."

"What a nice name, it sounds familiar to my father."

"Where is your father? I really need to talk to someone right now and figure out what's going on."

Her expression changed to one of worry and thought as she looked back at the farm behind her. She then turned back to me with a slight frown on her face.

"I don't think that is the best idea Jack, our village was recently attacked by a group of people so my father wouldn't be as kind as me towards a stranger."

"Oh I see, well uhm, do you know what time it is?"

Jeanne looked up at the sky and then back down at me.

"I'd assume it is close to noon, if you want I coul-"

A man's voice rang out from closer to the house, due to the bushes and trees around me I couldn't see who he was or where he was.

"Jeanne, what are you doing, quit slacking around."

"I-I'm sorry father, I got distracted!"

"This is no time to lose focus Jeanne, we need this entire field finished by tonight and at this rate we won't be done."

"Yes father, I understand."

She bowed towards the man out of my view.

I guess that's Jacques?

Jeanne looked back at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I really have to finish my work before nightfall, please excuse me."

I don't know why but I felt a strong urge to aid her, call it a gut feeling or just an urge to help someone who needed it.

"If you want Jeanne, I could help you with your work."

"Oh uhm, are you sure, you really don't have to!"

She waved her hands infront of her as if to try to convince me she could do it herself but how could I let such a frail girl do all this by herself.

"No Jeanne, it's completely fine, I have nothing better to do."

Her face lit up with my response and she once again gave me that beautiful smile she had before.

"If you insist, I won't stop you!"

She walked back over, you could tell my response had made her happy based on the way she acted.

She does stuff like this all the time?

At first I didn't know what to do so I just watched her for a minute, but holy hell I can't believe a girl like that did work like this everyday. I might die if this was part of my daily routine, this is torture.

I'm almost done, only a few areas left.

Jeanne had easily harvested more of whatever this was but for a first timer I can't say I did bad, I'm pretty proud of myself, farming was never my strong suit, I had tried to grow fruits in my backyard but they always ended up dying one way or another.

"Hello Jack!"

My body jolted as Jeanne was suddenly right behind me staring over my shoulder watching me.

"Oh my god, you scared the hell out of me."

"Ah Jack, please do not use my lord's name in that manner."

"Oh, I'm sorry Jeanne, I'll try not to."

She smiled down at me.

"That's all I ask"

I don't know what about it was different but her voice was so, captivating. Like if she had told me to die then I'd do it on the spot, every time she spoke or uttered a word all my attention was instantly focused on what she had to say.

"What are you doing here Jeanne?"

I stood up and dusted my hands off, Jeanne was much shorter then me, she looked around 5'2 or 5'3, the top of her head was barely reaching the bottom of mine.

"I just wanted to thank you, if not for your help then I wouldn't have been able to get this far, thank you so much Jack."

She bowed her head down towards me before raising it back up.

Wow, it's been awhile since someone's been this nice to me.

"I'm glad I could help you Jeanne, you don't have to bow though, I'd like it if you wouldn't, haha…"

"Oh, I-Uhm, I won't anymore then!"

"Thank you, no one's ever bowed to me before so I wouldn't want you to."

"I see, well anyways let us get back to work, I think we'll be done before the sun starts to set!"

Why is she so nice to me, she doesn't even know me?

"Jeanne, why are you so nice to me, I could've been one of those bandits or whatever that attacked you?"

She looked back at me with a soft expression on her face.

"It says in the bible to be kind to one another so that's why I was kind to you, and I know you aren't a bad person Jack, call it my natural talent but I can tell if someone means to harm me, and I don't think you'd ever do such a thing!"

"Oh, I see, well thank you then Jeanne."

"Of course! Do not thank me though, there is nothing I've done to be thanked for."

She walked off towards the area she was working before sneaking up on me.

As I turned around to resume harvesting I felt a slash of wind fly past my head as I bent down.

Weird, it hasn't been windy all day.



And that's when I felt it, instinct had kicked in, sticking in the ground mere inches from where my head would have been was a sharp wooden arrow.

Oh fuck…

My head twisted back towards Jeanne as I saw her being pushed to the ground by her father with one hand while the other gripped a bow.

What the hell!? Is he trying to kill me!!!!?

My feet pushed off the ground almost immediately as I began running for the treeline I'd originally came from, I was quick, but his arrow was quicker.

Agh!~ Fuck!

"Holy Fuck!"

A sharp jolt of pain shot through my leg, looking down I saw an arrow head sticking down out of my leg.

He shot me?

He fucking shot me!

My leg collapsed and the rest of my body collapsed with it as I crashed against a nearby tree, I was so close to getting away.

It hurts, it hurts so much…

"My hands instinctively gripped my leg as blood started to pour out of the wound and mix with the wood on the arrow.

How the hell did it go all the way through?!


My vision started getting blurry, but I could make out Jeanne's figure running towards me and then falling to her knees as she looked at my leg.

"Father please! He isn't a bandit! He helped me! Don't kill him!"

She looks cute when she's worried…

Jeanne gripped my hand and looked at me with those miraculous blue eyes, they looked like polished sapphires. I gripped her hand hard as it was the only thing I could feel besides the pain throbbing in my leg.

"Jack please! Stay awake, Lord please help him!"

I'm not going to die idiot, stop worrying so much.


That's all I could muster, I thought it wasn't as bad as it is but holy shit this hurts like hell.

Fuckkkkk just pass out already, god this sucks so much.

Jeanne's eyes started to tear up as her dad cut back into my vision, this time with an older woman, most likely Jeanne's mother, maybe her older sister.

My eyes started forcing themselves shut, all I could feel was Jeanne's hand holding mine and the arrow holding my fucking leg bone.

Then I could feel nothing at all.