

Icarus. The First hollow Human to desire nothing. Not women, not being rich, not power, no nothing! The mysterious Human who made God's think twice before going to the Mortal world. The First Human to obtain immortality. The...... First Human turned God. Patreon.com/SirGodfire Please support me on Pat] . . . . [ [This is a rewrite of my first Novel. Enjoy!]

Godfire_Dragneel · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Pythian Games (Final)


Nah, man. y'all niggas are clownin' on me man. I got hopef— ya know just...let's just leave it, yeah?

IG username: captain_mel_998


The Games dragged on, and by the time that they were coming to an end, Icarus' already won almost all of them. 

The only events that were not completed were the athletic aspect of the Games. Which is.. Wrestling and chariot riding.

Which...for Icarus was almost like a death sentence. Icarus can't wrestle even if his life was put on the line.

As for chariot...forget it. His life consists of messing with magic and helping his father.

So it wasn't a surprise that he lost them. But it was a surprise for the audience, Icarus is sure that he built a fan base equivalent to a modern life A-lister celebrity.

The Pythian Games Came and left and by sun set the Games concluded. All that was left was the rewarding ceremony. 

Icarus only felt relief wash over him.

And so...he stood on a pedestal with the top four winners of the Games.

The grating voice of the Announcer sounded again.

"And the Pythian Games are concluding. Now comes the Rewarding Ceremony." 

He— The Announcer— continued, " For the first place, we have the Bay Laurel in honour of Apollo and 500 tetradrachm Coins." The Audience ahhed and ohh'ed. Five hundred golden coins is a lot, so much that a person and their descendants can live like royalty for 2 decades without lifting a single finger.

So, for the majority of them that's a lot to give. Especially a child whose balls haven't even sagged yet.

Icarus, like the rest of them, didn't even pay a single attention to the bay laurel, only the money.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the Announcer proclaimed, "I give you your champion, Icarus, winner of the Sun Games!" The crowd erupted into a deafening roar of applause, cheers, and whistles. Icarus stood tall, the Bay Laurel crown perched proudly on his head. It was a symbol of his victory, a testament to his strength, skill, and determination— It is really just his intelligence to be honest— He had risked everything to compete in the Games, and now he had been crowned the winner. The journey had been long and arduous, but he had finally reached the pinnacle of success.

As the applause reached a fever pitch, the crowd's eyes were drawn to a strange sight. The Bay Laurel crown that sat atop Icarus's head had begun to change colour, the green leaves turning a brilliant, gleaming gold. The crowd gasped in awe, and even Icarus himself was stunned by the sight. The change was subtle, almost imperceptible, but undeniable. The crowd's attention was riveted on the crown, unable to look away from its strange metamorphosis.

'T-this...' Icarus found himself speechless and full of dread. There aren't many things in the world that can make him fearful and full of terror— He doesn't even fear death— but one thing— Divinity.

Gods. Beings that had a cruel streak running a mile wide. And in this situation Icarus found himself in, he knows a certain God has his eye on him.

Icarus felt like slapping himself.

Laurel...a kind of flower that people wore when they want Gods to bless them or something along the lines.

And Icarus is wearing a Bay Laurel...Laurel that Apollo loves. Every God has their favourite Laurel, for Apollo it's Bay Laurel and for Dionysus it's Vine Laurel. Point is...Icarus should have seen this coming. But of course he isn't a computer that can remember all Information about his past but he should've known better.

Arrogance. A natural inborn ability that all geniuses and those of High intelligence have. Icarus isn't excluded from this.

Arrogance that he can make it into the world. Arrogance enough to deceive a Goddess, Arrogance to think he won't die. 

Icarus tsked, feeling displeased.

'Participating in this Games was not the best thing I ever thought of.'

Icarus smiled wryly.

The crowd fell into a stunned silence, their eyes wide with wonder. They had never seen anything like this before— a mortal man touched by the divine, glowing with otherworldly light. Even the other competitors, who had once been his rivals, stood in awe of Icarus's transformation. They knew that they had witnessed something truly extraordinary, something that would be talked about for generations to come. But for Icarus, this was only the beginning.

....Beginning of his Torment!

The sun set low in the sky, painting the horizon in brilliant shades of gold and crimson. Icarus stood tall, his chiton billowing in the gentle breeze. The Bay Laurel crown glistened upon his brow, the leaves shimmering like gold in the fading light. The Sun God had bestowed his favour— Because there isn't anyone who would do so. It's kinda obvious who did it— upon him, and he felt as if he were one with the universe, one with the very essence of light and life itself.

Unknown to Icarus his eyes cracked even more, metaphorically speaking of course. Like a mirror that has been punched or cracked, spider cracks run around his pupil and they also shimmered gold. 


Across Delphi, people stopped in their tracks, their attention drawn to the sky above. They gazed up in wonder, their eyes drawn to the light radiating from Icarus's form. Many fell to their knees, overcome with emotion. Others began to whisper amongst themselves, speculating about what this strange light could mean. 

As the people looked on, the light intensified, growing brighter and brighter until it was almost too much to bear. And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the light began to fade. Icarus stood there, still as a statue, his eyes closed as if he was in a trance. And then, he opened his eyes, and the people gasped in unison.

His eyes were no longer a deep blue, but had turned a brilliant, shimmering gold. As he looked out over the crowd, it was as if the sun itself had come down to earth.

The eyes that Athena gave him revealed themselves to him. 

Without anyone or Icarus himself knowing it, his grip on reality became…. distorted.


At an undisclosed location.

A woman of seemingly young age sat around a warm hearth, tending to it. She was adorned in a dark black dress that had tiny diamonds like the starry night sky, the fabric glittering with gold and star-like jewellery  - necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. Her inky black hair flowed in waves down her back, and her shining purple eyes shone with a fiery intensity.

Her lips were full and pouty, painted a deep shade of crimson that matched her eyes. They formed a smile that was playful and flirtatious, yet with a hint of mischief. Her features were striking, drawing the eye in with their vibrancy. 

Suddenly, the woman looked up, her gaze setting on the heath before her. A knowing smile played on her lips, as if she knew a secret that no one else could guess. The air around her crackled with energy. In that moment, it was clear that the woman was more than she appeared - she was a being of power and mystery, with a story that was yet to be told.

Her lips were full and pouty, painted a deep shade of crimson that matched her eyes. They formed a smile that was playful and flirtatious, yet with a hint of mischief. Her features were striking, drawing the eye in with their vibrancy. As she moved, her jewellery jingled softly, adding to the sense of mystery that surrounded her.

But that changed quickly as she felt something that she hasn't felt since...That day. The energy that felt ancient and powerful, something that she once felt on THAT person.

'T-this.... It can't be him right?' The woman questioned herself.

But no one answered her.


"Welcome back...." A whisper floated out.

[ pics]


On Mount Olympus, the gods watched in amazement. Even the mighty Zeus was speechless, his brow furrowed in contemplation. Hermes turned to Aphrodite, a sly grin on his face. "I told you he had potential," he said, his eyes shining with amusement.

Aphrodite arched an eyebrow, her expression a mixture of amusement and disbelief. "You're being dramatic, Hermes. He's just one man, not some messiah," she said. But Hermes only smiled wider, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You'll see, Aphrodite. He's destined for great things. And he'll bring about a change that none of us could have imagined." Aphrodite shook her head, her expression softening. "Alright, let's not get carried away. But I must admit, he is quite remarkable."

Zeus also sighed. 

"Let's hope we got the prophecy right this time....."


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