
Fate/Heroic Paradox

This is the story of a good person from another world reincarnated as Shinji Matou facing the hardships of life as a trash character of Shinji Matou. he has to change his destiny as shinji matou in the world of typemoon. Author Note : I using Deep translated Pro combine with google translate to translated this novel from my language into English if there some grammar mistake, I apologize, My English is not good. each chapter have around 10000 word or more.

Bro_Hero · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 4

"Disturbance on the sandy beach not far from the river mouth."

High in the towers of a seaside building, Assassin, cloaked in black robes, stood at the edge of the building, overlooking the battlefield on the beach. His eyes shared information with his Master, Kotomine Kirei.

In the hidden chamber of Fuyuki Church, Kotomine Kirei stood with his eyes closed in front of an old gramophone. Through Assassin's eyes, he observed the beach battle and calmly reported, "It seems that the combatants are Caster and Lancer."

After a moment, the voice of Tohsaka Tokiomi came through the gramophone, "Kirei, can you use Assassin's eyes to gather information on the opponent's Servant?"

Kotomine Kirei nodded, "Yes."

"Is that Caster from the Matou family?"

"There's no mistake."

"How do their abilities compare?"

Kotomine Kirei's tone held a subtle note as he answered, "Caster's ability values are mostly around C rank, with Magic being at A. Lancer's ability values are almost all A rank. Judging from their ability values alone, Lancer undoubtedly poses a considerable challenge as a Servant."

"Does that mean Lancer is winning?"

"I'm not sure. Caster's abilities are quite unique. Despite Lancer's overwhelming advantages in terms of ability values and compatibility, the first engagement didn't give Lancer a clear upper hand. This isn't due to Lancer's lack of strength. Through Assassin's eyes, I can see that Lancer is stronger than an average Servant. The problem lies with Caster; he's abnormally exceptional."

The quiet room remained devoid of noise. After a while, Tohsaka Tokiomi's voice sounded from the gramophone with caution, "Lancer's Master is the head of the Archibald family and a first-class mage from the Clock Tower. With these conditions, if Caster still can't handle Lancer, the Matou family must be pushing themselves to the limit. Kirei, continue to monitor."



Even though the Queen of Shadows appeared in her ordinary Servant form, Matou Shinji's chances of winning weren't great. The appearance of balance in their confrontation was due to Lancer not using her Noble Phantasm.

Maintaining a balanced confrontation with her as Matou Shinji was challenging.

Thus, Matou Shinji revealed that he knew someone who could kill her, someone who could be her opponent. This statement served as both a declaration that he wasn't willing to be eliminated easily and as groundwork for one of Matou Shinji's upcoming plans.

Matou Shinji was biding his time, waiting for Rider to appear and halt the conflict. After all, since being summoned, Rider had been acting recklessly. Matou Shinji confirmed through his familiar that this Rider was indeed Iskander, the King of Conquerors from the original story.

For now, Rider hadn't intervened in the battle, indicating that he judged the situation to be not yet critical enough for his involvement – both sides hadn't reached the point of deciding victory.

But that was where Matou Shinji's ace in the hole came into play.

Matou Shinji fully understood Lancer's words: "In this battle, there's no reason for us to hold back until a victor emerges."

Lancer nodded proudly, "Of course. Show me your true strength, Caster. Fight until my spear pierces your heart, if you can't accomplish it."

"As you wish, Queen of Shadows." Matou Shinji bowed slightly, his elemental familiar manifesting behind him. Its transparent form wasn't visible to the naked eye. The luminescent traces on Matou Shinji's skin extended from his face to the magical eye on his profile, and the atmospheric mana was pulled towards him, forming a vortex of magical energy.

Origin awakening, guiding the flow of mana.

How should a mage enhance themselves? Those who focus only on increasing intelligence are outdated by centuries. Close combat is a fundamental aspect for modern mages. If you dislike it, then don't partake.

People's Teacher fought Saber barehanded, and Tohsaka Rin ambushed Caster up close.

Building on his quasi-Servant body, Matou Shinji further utilized magic to enhance himself. This allowed him to temporarily raise his attribute values to a B rank – a level at which he could hold his own against regular Servants in close combat.

Caster might not be the most potent Servant in the Holy Grail War, but he was undoubtedly the best at cheating. The Holy Grail War itself was a large-scale magical experiment, and even the most adept mages weren't without vulnerabilities.

The awakening of his Origin would also impact Matou Shinji's physical body. Furthermore, Matou Shinji had never ceased his attempts to modify his body through alchemy.

Matou Shinji clenched his fist, feeling the surging mana within him, and smiled, "Indeed, I still enjoy hand-to-hand combat."

The Undying Alchemist, Shirou, has returned.

Lancer expressed surprise, "A Caster who wishes to engage Lancer in close combat. If this isn't recklessness, then it must be the courage that believes results can be achieved. Feel honored, Caster. I acknowledge you as a warrior, a worthy opponent who deserves my full effort. Show me your strength!"

"Caster not being able to engage personally is a misconception of the layman towards magi," Matou Shinji remarked as he moved, his magical eye glowing. Behind him, the elemental spirit's eye also ignited with a silver flame.

"Spectral Reconstruction."

"I've clashed with Assassin's projection before. This spectral body was created by imitating Assassin's projection. To me, it's akin to a weapon."

In simple terms, this involved using the Elemental Mystic Eye's calculation capabilities to place the elemental spirit in full-automatic mode, thus achieving one of the abilities of the Noble Phantasm Elemental Mystic Eye.

Given that his individual strength was inferior to Lancer's, two against one in close combat would inevitably give them the upper hand.

"Spear has the advantage of range, sword has the possibility of transformation, magic is full of unpredictable mysteries. Regardless of which skill one excels in, they are excellent warriors. Here I come, Caster!" With these words, the Queen of Shadows wielding her spear engaged in a blink-step sprint, her spear's curse coiling around her as her mana triggered its activation. Bright red phantasms scattered, tearing through the air along with the gusts of sea breeze.

The magical eye observed Lancer's straight-on surprise attack. Matou Shinji comprehended the flow of her mana, measured the curse's potency. Matou Shinji and the elemental spirit veered apart in diagonal directions, evading the assault. Matou Shinji had no confidence in facing the spiral curse that gathered at the spear's tip.

As Lancer had said, a spear held the advantage of range. A thrust was often the most potent and forceful attack from Lancer.

"Nicely handled," Lancer's eyes quickly surveyed her surroundings. While quietly praising, she lightly tapped the air, drawing a runic symbol. A fierce wall of fire surged around her.

The fierce heatwave distorted the air, and what was more deadly, the intense light generated by the fiery eruption briefly robbed Matou Shinji of his sight in the night.


Without hesitation, Matou Shinji's body emitted a brighter luminescence, using mana to protect his body as he broke through the wall of fire.


The Queen of Shadows from the Land of Shadows was not originally summoned as a Caster-class, and her C-rank magic power wasn't enough to fully unleash the power of her Rune spells. Matou Shinji easily neutralized the heatwave's assault by releasing magic, and he, along with the empty elemental spirit, passed through the wall of fire, only to find that Lancer's figure had already vanished from inside.


Matou Shinji, with rich combat experience, reacted immediately. The moment he looked up, he saw the graceful figure leaping into the air.

The purpose of the wall of fire wasn't to block Matou Shinji's encirclement; it was to seize Matou Shinji's vision, isolating the magical detection of the Mystic Eye. When Matou Shinji entered, it turned into a trap.

At this moment, the hunter naturally took advantage of her high position to hunt her prey.

Lancer, now in the sky, raised her right hand, and behind her, the cursed magical lance split into dozens of pieces. The tips of the spears aimed at the elemental spirit and Matou Shinji, who had entered the fiery circle.

No way!

In the instant their bodies intertwined, Matou Shinji changed his posture and stood on top of the elemental spirit's fist. He was thrown out like that, directly approaching Lancer in midair, preventing her from hurling her spear.

"Too late!" Lancer swung her lance, and the cursed lances behind her rained down like a torrential storm. Each one seemed like an ominous comet, and the torrent of curses was about to engulf the airborne Matou Shinji.

"Is that so?"

Matou Shinji smiled contentedly. Facing the red comets that covered the sky, he didn't dodge or evade. Long before he broke through the wall of fire, he had completed the necessary incantation for spatial displacement.

Matou Shinji himself, charging towards the sky, served as the bait to attract Lancer's attention.

Spatial displacement!

In the moment Matou Shinji's body disappeared from midair, the shadow of the empty elemental spirit appeared behind Lancer. The fist enveloped in purple light gathered magic power and slammed toward Lancer's head.

A mere spearman, once in the sky, is at her greatest disadvantage.

Caster can fly freely in the sky with the power of magic, but ordinary Servants in the air cannot gain leverage.

Even if Lancer is burdened with the curse of immortality, as long as she's severely injured, her mobility can be stripped away. At that point, Matou Shinji would have his way with her body (for research purposes).

"It's not just combat skills, but battle awareness that ranks among the top few warriors I've seen, on par with Koo Chulainn," Lancer realized the magical fluctuations from behind and grew more excited. The warriors she acknowledged not only needed immense strength but also the wisdom to turn the tide.

The crimson magic power erupted from the spear, forming a magic barrier that blocked the lethal blow from the empty elemental spirit. Her whole body was sent plummeting like a ball from the sky.


Countless dust particles filled the air, quickly swept away by the storm triggered by the Rune spells. Scathach, wielding her lance, emerged from the pit in the sand, muttering with a smile, "It's been years since I've felt pain like this."

Magic power release!

Matou Shinji's Mystic Eye focused. The skill Scathach just employed was clearly a skill that shouldn't belong to her Lancer class.

Magic power release, as the name implies, is the ability to enhance oneself using magic power. It can instantly raise one's attribute level by one tier, strengthen defense, transform into armor, and even serve specific purposes when necessary.

The magical armor woven by Saber's magic power and the enhancement of attribute levels are both examples of magic power release.

Matou Shinji's use of alchemy to strengthen his body can also be seen as a complex application of magic power release.

Matou Shinji anticipated this. Even without using the authority of the Master, Matou Shinji was aware of all the attribute levels and inherent skills of Lancer.

"[Wisdom of Dun Scaith]: A+

Abyssal wisdom gained by surpassing humanity, slaying deities, and placing oneself outside the world.

Besides the innate skills of a hero, nearly all skills can be exhibited with a mastery level of B to A.

Furthermore, this skill, limited to those recognized as heroes by her, can also teach the skills to others."

In simple terms, it's an all-around skill, with a side of Doraemon's gadgets.

The immortal characteristic and Wisdom of Dun Scaith allowed her to stand above regular Servants.

It's quite a conundrum. Even more challenging to deal with than Gilgamesh.

Matou Shinji couldn't help but smirk, his inner battle instincts ignited. He hadn't experienced the sensation of being on the brink of life and death like this since his last transmigration.

The empty elemental spirit returned to Matou Shinji's side, and his Mystic Eye continued to operate, consuming the remaining traces of magic power within Matou Shinji's body.

This dual-elemental alchemist is worthy of using all his trump cards.

If he were to expend one of his Command Seals, Matou Shinji could restore all his magic power. A significant portion of the overflowing magic power would flow into the Elemental Mystic Eye, unleashing the true might of his Noble Phantasm.

A fusion of two worlds of alchemy, brought into this world by the Undying Alchemist, a truth unknown to anyone – calling it magic wouldn't be inappropriate.

"Beautiful counterattack," Lancer elegantly retracted her cursed lance and praised Matou Shinji. Even though Matou Shinji's fighting spirit was soaring, she seemed like she had no intention of continuing the battle.

What's going on?

Matou Shinji gazed at the Queen of Shadows from the Land of Shadows with bewilderment, asking, "Why stop attacking?"

"Loser retreats," Lancer sighed.

Matou Shinji was puzzled, "But the battle has just begun, hasn't it?"

Lancer explained apologetically, "No, I lost this battle. I originally intended to seal away a part of my abilities for this Holy Grail War, but when I was fighting you just now, I got too carried away with excitement and used those abilities that should have been sealed."

The Queen of Shadows from the Land of Shadows had graduated from this world, cursed with immortality. She wouldn't easily intervene even in a crisis facing the world. She considered it disrespectful to the people living in this world, robbing them of the opportunity to grow.

Essentially, she wouldn't participate in the battle. Instead, she played the role of a mentor or sage, giving advice to people.

That being said, Scathach had an innate and fervent instinct for combat. Her participation in this Holy Grail War was probably more about playing around, witnessing warriors, experiencing battles, and honing her skills.

If she were to go all out, she could secure victory in the Holy Grail War. However, it would also turn into a one-sided massacre, which would be an insult to the fellow Servants also vying for the Holy Grail and to the Masters taking this Holy Grail War seriously.

The moment Lancer used abilities beyond her class, she realized what she was doing, and as she spoke to Matou Shinji, she was silently reflecting.

Matou Shinji's brows furrowed with a mix of complex emotions. He felt a sense of suppressed frustration from Lancer's apparent disregard, yet he also understood that Lancer was fully qualified to say such things. Matou Shinji estimated that he would need to expend at least three Command Seals to eliminate Lancer. At that point, he, as a Servant, would also be immediately eliminated.


Fuyuki City Bridge

A tall and sturdy man stood on the bridge with his arms folded, his red hair and red eyes catching the eye. His muscular body was wrapped in tangled muscles, dressed in red armor, and draped in a flowing red cloak, exuding an imposing presence.

Beside him, a small black-haired boy cowered on the bridge, trembling. Each passing car below triggered his delicate nerves, leaving him on the verge of tears. He complained, "I'm telling you... Rider, why did we come up here?"

"What are you afraid of? Occupying high ground for a tactical advantage is common sense in warfare."

"Even if you say that..."

Rider gazed at the battlefield on the beach and asked in a deep voice, "Kid, what do you think?"

"W-what... what do you mean?" The black-haired boy trembled as he clung to the bridge beneath him.

Rider glanced at his own Master and scolded, "You lack ambition. Of course, it's those two Servants. Who do you think will win?"

The black-haired boy answered confidently, "That's obviously Lancer. Based on their panel attributes, there's no doubt that Lancer is a top-tier Servant, and the three Knights also have anti-magic abilities that can restrain Caster's performance."

"Fool! Focusing on surface-level qualities doesn't make you a top-tier Master. That Caster can match Lancer, who has abilities several times greater, is the one to watch."

The reprimanded black-haired boy looked cautiously down at the bridge and quickly averted his gaze. Annoyed, he asked, "So, who do you think will win?"

"Probably Lancer."

"Rider!" The black-haired boy protested in dissatisfaction.

"Kid, don't think your temper can compare to mine."

"Then why don't you tell me what's different?"

Rider stepped forward, "No time for that. Look, the battle is already over."

"Hasn't the victor not been decided yet?"

Rider nodded, "Lancer has no intention of continuing. After all, the Holy Grail War has just begun. No one wants to reveal their trump card in the first battle. If dealing with Caster is too troublesome, giving up the fight is also understandable."

"What should we do next?"

"Of course, we should go down and greet them."



The black-haired boy was sweating profusely, "Rider, what kind of joke are you making? Wasn't your plan to sit back and reap the benefits after they fought?"

"Compared to searching for them one by one, it's more efficient to take care of them all at once."


Rider laughed heartily, "The opportunity to clash with heroes from different eras is rare. The Holy Grail makes it possible, and it even summoned six heroes from different times at once. Take Caster and Lancer, for example. They are both skilled warriors. Having them die here would be a waste."

The black-haired boy shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no! The Holy Grail War is meant for mutual slaughter! What's wrong with your head?"

"Kid." Rider crouched down, extending a hand in front of the black-haired boy's head. Just as he was wondering, Rider suddenly flicked his finger against the boy's forehead.

"Ouch!" The boy held his head in pain, and in the next moment, he felt his body lightening. His pain turned into shock as he quickly grabbed onto the bridge, hanging half his body off the edge.

He looked down at the busy traffic on the bridge below, shouting in panic, "Rider! Rider! Rider! Rider!"

"You're quite the noisy Master. Kid, listen carefully!" Rider drew his longsword from his waist and swung it into the sky, where it transformed into thunder, tearing through the void. Thunder resounded, like thunderous serpents coiling around the Fuyuki City Bridge, causing the black-haired boy to cry out in fear.

Rider sheathed his sword with a hearty shout, "To conquer without killing, to dominate without demeaning, that is the true conquest!"

"Moo moo moo moo~!"

Thunder surged, accompanied by the roar of a bull. Two heavily-armored bulls pulled a chariot through the torn sky, landing beside Matou Shinji and Lancer with a thunderous crash. The muscular redhead stretched his arms wide and exclaimed, "Oh la oh la oh la oh la oh la oh la~!"

Countless thunders danced, even astonishing Lancer with this spectacle.

Matou Shinji maintained his expression, speechless. He didn't know whether to say that Rider arrived late or with impeccable timing.

The chariot raced through the sky like lightning, landing between Matou Shinji and Lancer. The mighty redhead spread his arms wide and announced loudly, "Heroes who have transcended time, my name is Conqueror King Iskander. I have been summoned as a Rider in this Holy Grail War."

Beside him, the black-haired boy stared in shock as his Servant introduced himself.


"What on earth are you thinking? You actually revealed your true name in front of the other Servants. You big fool!" The black-haired youth tugged at Rider's cloak, both angry and anxious, as he questioned. But in response, he received a resounding flick from Rider's finger.

Rider glanced at Matou Shinji and Lancer respectively, then spread his arms proudly, "First, I have a question for you both. Are you planning to join my ranks, hand over the Holy Grail to me, and in return, gain the friendship of Conqueror King Iskander and share the joy of conquering the world together?"


The scene fell into an awkward silence.

Coming from anyone else, this statement might have sounded arrogant and full of self-importance, but as the chariot-driving Rider, he had the credentials. Conqueror King Iskander, one of the world's most famous military leaders, once conquered Europe and spread Ancient Greek culture far and wide.

His feats were recorded even in textbooks of this far-eastern country. Being invited by him in his era was undoubtedly the highest honor.

Matou Shinji had anticipated Rider's dialogue and replied plainly, "Not interested."

After thoughtful consideration, Lancer chuckled lightly, "This is the first time I've received such an interesting invitation. However, I'm not particularly attached to this world, especially as the Sovereign of the Shadow Realm, the Queen of the Land of Shadows. If you challenge me as a warrior and manage to defeat me... No, such a person doesn't exist in this world."

"Hmm, it seems you're quite confident in your martial skills. That's quite rare for a woman." After a moment of contemplation, Rider turned to Matou Shinji and made a gesture as if counting money, "Negotiable terms."

Matou Shinji shrugged, "Then give me the Holy Grail."

Rider laughed heartily, "Amusing fellow. Unfortunately, the Holy Grail has already been reserved by me and this young man."

"Rider!" The black-haired youth couldn't help but shout.

"Since none of you are interested..." Rider surveyed his surroundings and called out loudly, "You who hide in the shadows and watch this battle, you Servants summoned by the Holy Grail, gather here! Cowards who fear exposure, be prepared to be scorned by Conqueror King Iskander!"

The lines were exactly the same as in the original work.

Matou Shinji couldn't muster a retort; Rider's character could be deduced from his lines.

In theory, there should have been two more participants in the battle at the riverside warehouse: Saber and Archer.

However, just now, feedback had come in from the water elemental spirits. It seemed that Saber and Irisviel, who were strolling around the Fuyuki City area, had encountered trouble.

As for Archer.

Matou Shinji looked around, regretfully not finding a streetlamp. Archer, known for his quirks, would certainly not withstand Rider's taunts.

Was Archer planning to stand on top of the trees in the forest planted by the beach?

Just imagining that scene in his mind, a strange smile appeared on Matou Shinji's lips.

In fact, Matou Shinji was overthinking it.

After all, this was Archer's first appearance, and the King of Chuunibyou also cared about his image. There was no way he would stand on the ground with Matou Shinji and the others.

A shimmering emerald streak flashed across the distant sky, descending slowly towards the coast at an incredibly fast speed.

"What is that...?" The black-haired youth rubbed his eyes, astonished.

A colossal golden ark, with emerald wings and mercury fuel, floated above the sea's surface, shimmering with a golden glow.

On the chariot, Rider stroked his chin and marveled, "This is truly beyond my expectations. There's a vehicle even more amazing than the Gordius Wheel. If I weren't Rider, I'd probably think that he's the Rider instead."

Lancer was delighted, his laughter light, "Seems like choosing to participate in this Holy Grail War was the right call."

The golden Servant arrived in front of the ark, clad in golden armor, his crimson eyes radiating arrogance. He looked down disdainfully at everyone, "Two rats who call themselves kings have shown up in one night."

Matou Shinji remained silent, sweeping a glance at Lancer beside him and chuckling inwardly. Now that Archer was on the scene, tonight's objective had been achieved. Considering Archer's arrogant nature, he would undoubtedly offend all the Servants present and become the target of their attention.

Replacing dual-wielding swag with a dual-wielding old lady wasn't a big deal for Matou Shinji. After all, considering their compatibility, Lancer was an all-around counter to Archer. In a head-on battle where both were giving their all, Lancer had a slight advantage.

Rider also sensed the arrival of a formidable opponent and hesitated, "Even if you're targeting me, Conqueror King Iskander is a world-renowned name."

"Ridiculous! The only true king among heroes, both above and below the heavens, is me alone. The rest are just a bunch of mongrels."

Rider countered, "Since you claim to be a king, you shouldn't have a problem revealing your own identity."

"To bathe in the glory of an audience with me and then claim ignorance of my identity, such ignorance does not deserve to live." Behind the golden Servant, ripples of golden light spread out, each center of the ripples extending a Noble Phantasm.

Faced with the intent to kill from the golden Servant, the black-haired youth couldn't help but shrink back in fear.

Rider pinched his chin and said solemnly, "I see, so that's the case. Using this to kill Assassin and having a personality that's not inclined to negotiation."

Assassin had put on a show of being shot by Archer before the Holy Grail War began. Except for Matou Shinji, the other Servants probably hadn't realized that Assassin was still alive.

"Forget about that, Rider! What do we do now?" The black-haired youth exclaimed in distress.

Rider drew his longsword from his waist and grinned, "Isn't this interesting? Since the other side intends to attack, what else can we do but conquer them?"


Archer sneered and several Noble Phantasms flew out from behind him.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The Noble Phantasms were deflected, and Rider tugged the bull rope and shouted to his Master, "Kid, hold on tight! Witness the way of conquest by Conqueror King Iskander, and both heroes from different eras will surely have a change of heart."

Not unless you take down the flashy gold guy.

Matou Shinji replied silently in his mind.

"Ola ola ola ola~"

The Thunderfoot Bulls leaped into the air, carrying thunder as they soared towards the sky.

The golden ark followed closely behind.

In the night sky by the beach, thunder and gold shone brilliantly.

Matou Shinji chuckled, "The half-human, half-god guy calling others mongrels is quite interesting. Lancer, isn't that flashy gold guy the opponent you've been dreaming of?"

Lancer shook his head, "You've figured out that guy's true identity. If we could have a bout, it wouldn't be bad. But even if it's him, I doubt he has a Noble Phantasm that could kill me. Besides, he's occupied now."

Immortality and conceptual immortality were quite distinct. Lancer's immortality property even allowed him to bounce off Kuchulain's deadly spear, so a high-level Noble Phantasm like Gae Bolg would likely only lock him at 1 HP.

Matou Shinji suddenly proposed, "Lancer, how about a deal? I'll tell you the true identity of the opponent who can actually kill you, and you help me take care of that flashy gold Servant."



"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah~!"

The youth's miserable scream and the resounding thunder filled the night sky at the beach. The black-haired youth tightly gripped the handles of the chariot, his head spinning, utterly confused.

The Thunderfoot Bulls moved forward amidst thunder, leaving a trail of wriggling lightning that tore through the clouds.

The Thunder Serpent danced wildly, but several flashes of golden light appeared, effortlessly tearing through the defensive web of thunder that protected the chariot.

Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal collision echoed again, sparks flying. Rider, wielding his longsword, deflected the incoming spears and swords.

"Not good, that guy's attacks are even fiercer than I thought." Rider's expression turned serious as he handed the bull rope to his Master and ordered, "Kid, we can't just keep running away. From now on, you control the Gordius Wheel."

"Ah ah ah! I can't do it! I can't do it! I can't! I don't want to!"

Conqueror King Iskander patted the black-haired youth's shoulder and burst into laughter. "No problem, for now, you're my Master. Let me see your determination. If you don't want to die here, show the resolve of a soldier on the battlefield!"

"Damn it!" The black-haired youth cried out in distress, reluctantly taking the bull rope and struggling to control the direction.

"I am Conqueror King Iskander, who has conquered all his life, trampling enemies on the battlefield." Conqueror King Iskander looked towards the distant golden ark, his mouth curling into a smile that held a hint of fierce determination.

He raised his left hand high, and a spear materialized out of thin air. The dazzling thunder dragon pierced through the clouds and struck the tip of the spear.

"Zap zap zap~"

The thunder was piercing to the ears, as the thunderous spear crossed thousands of meters in an instant.

Archer sat composedly on the throne of the golden ark, the golden vortex behind him swirling continuously. Numerous Noble Phantasms were projected, turning into streaks of light heading towards the spear.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the projected Noble Phantasms were knocked down by the thunder, and just as the spear of thunder was about to pierce Archer's chest, a peculiar circular shield appeared, blocking the thunder spear and neutralizing all the thunder.

The shield acted as a mirror, showing Rider's position.

Archer sneered coolly, "To claim kingship without even knowing your own strength, you're just a mixed breed. This disrespect will be repaid with your life."

Archer tapped the armrest of his throne with his finger, and the golden vortex not only increased in quantity but the quality of the projected Noble Phantasms improved significantly. Almost each one was a well-known divine weapon from epic legends.

The golden ark chased after the Gordius Wheel, its flying speed several times faster than the Gordius Wheel's. In the moment they crossed paths in mid-air, Archer disdainfully chuckled, "Such a lowly creature dares to stand in the sky with me. Fall!"

The treasures of Babylon were continuously projected, but the Gordius Wheel's erratic movements caused them to miss their targets.

"We're doomed! We're doomed! I can't take it anymore, ah ah ah!"

The black-haired youth controlling the Thunderfoot Bulls had long lost his bearings, clumsily steering to avoid Archer's attacks.

Rider laughed heartily, "Impressive, my Master! You managed to dodge such attacks."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three thunder strikes came in succession, one struck the emerald tail fin of the golden ark, one hit the hull of the golden ark, and the other hit Archer's golden armor. The armor emitted a faint golden light, dispelling the thunder.

"Let me witness how long your clown show can keep me entertained." Archer waved his hand, and the Gates of Babylon continued to open behind him.

"Not good! Thunder isn't effective against that guy. If those Noble Phantasms hit the Thunderfoot Bulls or the chariot, we'll fall from the sky." Conqueror King Iskander gripped the Thunder Sword tightly, his expression solemn as he watched the Noble Phantasms emerging from the Gates of Babylon. Those high-quality Noble Phantasms were difficult to withstand with his brute strength alone. If he lost the Gordius Wheel, he would have to reveal his trump card.

"How can that flashy Servant be so shameless? Clearly, we're the real Rider here." The black-haired youth was on the verge of tears.

"Kid, use your gaming talent to control the Gordius Wheel well. If we continue like this, we're the ones who'll lose. Use a Command Spell to replenish my mana. If we don't go all out, we won't be able to defeat that guy."

"Alright! Alright! Alright! Just end this quickly. I'll do whatever it takes. By the power of the Command Spell, Rider, replenish mana." The black-haired youth realized the dire situation and didn't hesitate to issue the command, the Command Spell on the back of his hand disappearing.

Rider's excitement grew, "The power is surging forth. Now, let it roar! Let it trample! Let it conquer!"

The speed of the Gordius Wheel soared, the path of thunder spreading once again. The two Thunderfoot Bulls charged towards the direction of the golden ark, their eyes red and their horns radiating lightning.

Rider raised his thunderous sword high and shouted the name of his Noble Phantasm, "Via Expugnatio! (Distant Conquest)"


On the golden ark, Archer was caught off guard by the Gordius Wheel's sudden transformation. In a moment of astonishment, the Thunderfoot Bulls had already rammed into the Noble Phantasms projected from the golden vortex, and countless bolts of thunder locked onto the golden ark, hurtling straight toward it.


An intense explosion illuminated the night sky of the beach, turning the golden ark into fragments that fell apart. Following closely, the Gordius Wheel burst out from the thick smoke of the explosion.

"Ora ora ora ora ora ora yay~!"

Rider raised the longsword in his hand and let out a furious roar, his towering figure resembling a triumphant hero from ancient times.

The black-haired youth stared dumbfoundedly at Rider's joyful laughter, feeling envious and experiencing complex emotions. He even forgot that they were currently soaring in the sky.

Rider extended his large hand and ruffled the youth's head, saying, "Cheer, warrior. This victory is something you and I achieved side by side."

Blushing, the black-haired youth twisted his mouth and replied, "Alright, alright, let's get down quickly."


The red bridge of Fuyuki City, the golden particles converge into Archer's body. His shoulders move as he looks up at the Divine Construct Wheel of Heaven roaring above the sky: "Bastard! How dare you let the rightful King that should be revered stand on the ground! Such disrespect deserves death!"

In front of Archer, the Gate of Babylon unfolds. Without projecting Noble Phantasms, a golden key falls into his hands from the Gate of Babylon.

Everyone loves the Fuyuki City Bridge. From now on, it's named the Great Bridge King.

After watching Archer and Rider's aerial duel, Matou Shinji couldn't help but burst into laughter. An Archer and Rider playing with vehicles and losing – who could be blamed for that? However, he didn't expect Archer to suddenly draw out his Caladbolg II. Now, Tohsaka Tokiomi probably couldn't avoid using a Command Spell even if he wanted to.

Sure enough, as Matou Shinji was secretly laughing, Archer, who was about to pull out his Caladbolg II, suddenly froze. He turned back towards the direction of the Tohsaka house, his crimson eyes filled with anger. He growled, "Do you think you can quell the King's anger with your advice (Command Spell)? You've got quite the nerve, Tokiomi."

Archer, unwilling, waved his hand, and the golden key disappeared from his hand. He glanced at the speeding Wheel of Heaven in the sky and then at Matou Shinji and Lancer by the beach. He struck a pose, saying with a show of pride, "Continue your brawl until we meet again. Only true heroes can stand in the presence of the King and bask in my glory."

With that, he turned around and vanished into spiritual form.

Matou Shinji was curious about what kind of exit line the boy had.

Rider scornfully reprimanded, lifting the dejected black-haired youth who was half-slumped on the tank. "I just praised you, kid. Can't you be a bit more resolute?"

Rider piloted the Thunder God's Chariot and departed, leaving Matou Shinji and Lancer behind.

Before leaving, Matou Shinji glanced at Lancer. "Queen of Shadows, think over my proposal from earlier. I'll come find you after some time."


Matou Shinji had no intention of continuing to tangle with other Servants on the beach. When he was fighting Lancer, he obtained unexpected information from the water elemental spirit.

Saber seemed to be struggling.

Controlling a wind elemental spirit to lift himself, Matou Shinji moved towards the center of Fuyuki City.

Could it be?

A chaotic battle on the beach involved Caster, Lancer, Archer, and Rider, and Assassin was surely lurking in the shadows. The only Servants not involved in the beach brawl were Saber and Berserker.

Matou Shinji couldn't think of any Berserker-class Servant that could give Irisviel's Saber a hard time.

The strongest Master, the strongest class, and top-level Servants.


That's a joke; even Illyasviel von Einzbern struggled to control that Servant, and she's a member of the Einzbern family.

The last slot in this Holy Grail War should belong to Uryuu Ryuunosuke, a serial killer from a fallen family who might not even realize he's a mage descendant.

With Uryuu Ryuunosuke's magical aptitude, it was already a challenge for him to control a regular Servant.

Matou Shinji fell into contemplation.

A Berserker who could put Saber in a tough spot...

No, if the battle took place in a crowded street, Saber and Irisviel, as proper Masters, would surely have concerns. Uryuu Ryuunosuke was a murderer, unbothered by the public eye, and ignorant of the Holy Grail War's rules, even if he knew them, he wouldn't follow them.

Matou Shinji massaged his temples. This Holy Grail War was full of surprises.

Approaching the location reported by the water elemental spirit, Matou Shinji looked down at the city streets and his expression changed: "That's!"

Looking down at Fuyuki City's streets, he saw a white dense mist covering several roads. It was quiet and eerie. People beyond the mist seemed oblivious to its presence.

Matou Shinji entered an empty alley and walked out of the street, stepping into the edge of the dense mist to investigate.

Could it be the Holy Grail system's doing?

"I can't sense any traces of mana from these mists. It's unlikely to be the Holy Grail system's doing, but it can't be a natural occurrence either."

"Should I go in?"

The radiance of his Mystic Eyes flowed, penetrating the depths of the mist. There, he indeed felt a strong fluctuation of mana. Only a battle between Servants could cause such significant magical disturbance.

He couldn't ignore it; even a one percent possibility of causing Saber to withdraw couldn't be disregarded.

Regardless, Matou Shinji considered them to be in the same faction as himself. With Saber's combat power and the Einzbern's artificial human technology, he wanted to incorporate them into his plans.

It's worth noting that the Einzbern family's artificial human technology falls under alchemy. In the past, they managed to realize the Third Sorcery, Materialization of the Soul.

Matou Shinji stepped into the mist. After a few steps, he stepped on a corpse.

It was a middle-aged man in office attire, his throat slashed, his chest cut open. Guts and fresh blood covered the ground, and the corpse's face bore an expression of fear and agony, as if subjected to inhuman torture before death.

This gruesome sight made even Matou Shinji, who was accustomed to corpses, furrow his brow. What kind of Berserker had Uryuu Ryuunosuke summoned to drive even himself to this level of madness?

Continuing forward, the bodies gradually increased, all in similar conditions.

Matou Shinji heard Saber's anxious voice: "Irisviel! Irisviel, are you alright?"


Matou Shinji had not yet approached Saber's location when a sharp wind swept in, and an empty elemental spirit materialized behind him. With magically enhanced fists, he shattered the spirit with a punch.


A fierce wind burst forth, ripping apart the cement road, dispersing the surrounding mist. Soon after, Matou Shinji saw a blue figure rapidly approaching from within the mist.


Matou Shinji recognized her identity as a Servant, and before he knew it, an invisible sword swung down like a thunderbolt.

Unstoppable and swift!

Matou Shinji remained resolute as he assessed the situation. Indeed, it was Saber. Had it been any other Caster, they might have been slain by that strike. Thanks to his Elemental Mage Sight, he anticipated Saber's sudden attack and had the empty elemental spirit positioned to intercept the invisible blade.


The elemental spirit firmly grasped the invisible sword, sparks flying as a raging storm surrounded the entwined sacred blade.

"Wind King's Barrier," a storm enveloped the sacred blade, manipulating the refraction of light to obscure the presence of the sword. This barrier could also be employed offensively when needed.

While stepping back to increase the distance, Matou Shinji hastened to explain, "Saber, I bear no ill intentions."

Saber's emerald eyes fixated on Matou Shinji as he ascended to the rooftop. She didn't pursue, but her vigilant demeanor remained. "Caster, why are you here?"

Matou Shinji answered ambiguously, "My familiar reported some trouble concerning you and Irisviel."

Saber didn't seem surprised at all. She gave a cold snort. "So, you've been monitoring both me and Irisviel all along."

Matou Shinji shrugged, "You could say that."

"Caster, answer me. Where was the first place we met?"

"At the airport."

"Your name."

"Matou Shinji."

"When we were at the hotel, how much did I eat?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

Matou Shinji shook his head in disbelief. "We still have a need to cooperate, at least until the Tohsaka family is out of the picture. I'm not your enemy until then."

"It's not about that. Forget it. Since you could mention the Tohsaka family, that proves your identity," Saber said with a solemn nod, putting down the invisible sword she held.

Feeling Saber's hostility dissipate, Matou Shinji leaped down from the rooftop and asked with curiosity, "What happened?"

Saber redirected the conversation, "Caster, let me give you a warning. If you make any hostile moves, I will eliminate you immediately."

Matou Shinji raised an eyebrow and playfully taunted, "It seems even the King of Knights can't protect her own Master. Quite a reputation."

Using this provocation method was effective for Saber's knightly personality. Hopefully, he could extract some information.

Saber's steps faltered, and her azure eyes dimmed. She sighed with self-blame, "Indeed, it's my responsibility. I was too careless."

Matou Shinji was taken aback. She actually admitted it.

"Is it Berserker?"

Saber shook her head, "I don't know. If Assassin hadn't appeared, I might even think that guy is Assassin."

Matou Shinji gestured towards the unconscious Irisviel on the roadside. "Can I examine her wounds?"

"I called you here for that purpose," Saber's tone softened as she requested, "You're a mage, you should be able to heal magic."

"You don't mince words, do you? Well, that's befitting of a king," Matou Shinji crouched down, carefully moving Irisviel's right hand to cast healing magic.

A faint glow emanated from Matou Shinji's hands as he passed them over Irisviel's body, but her injuries showed no signs of improvement.

"It's a curse," Matou Shinji's magic eyes shimmered as he exclaimed in surprise.

"And the one I fought was a demon," Saber added.

Matou Shinji continued inspecting Irisviel's wounds and muttered, "A demon, interesting. Her curse isn't too complex. Given some time, I can remove it. However, it seems my efforts are unnecessary."

"What's going on?"

"Although it's slow, the curse is gradually fading, and her injuries are recovering. The Einzbern family's artificial humans shouldn't possess this ability. Your Master probably implanted a summoning catalyst in her, triggering your summoning," Matou Shinji deduced.

At some point, Irisviel, who lay on the ground, opened her eyes. Her beautiful gem-like pupils lacked some of their usual radiance. Weakly, she said, "Avalon. Mr. Caster, I'm amazed that even the most confidential information of the Einzbern family couldn't escape your eyes."

Avalon, the sheath of Excalibur, possessed the ability to heal all wounds and halt the aging process.

"Avalon, my... sheath?" Saber initially appeared puzzled, her gaze fixed on the sword in her hand, as if in a daze.

There was a time when a mage asked her to choose between the sword and the sheath, and she had chosen the sword...

Irisviel looked apologetically at Saber, "I'm sorry. I've kept this from you all along. It's Ahnenerbe's will. More than half of my body, as the most perfect artificial human, is built upon the concept of Avalon's ability."

No wonder they managed to create a perfect artificial human ten years in advance.

Matou Shinji comprehended within himself. Under normal history, the only perfect Master who could handle both the Greater Grail and Lesser Grail simultaneously was Illyasviel, Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel's daughter—a being not purely artificial, but infused with human concepts, born of a mother's womb. Such a creation, second only to the Holy Grail itself and encompassing the Third Magic, was under the umbrella of the Einzbern family's magecraft.

If they didn't rely on human concepts, it was indeed possible to create a perfect artificial human based on the concept of Avalon.

Saber offered a gentle reassurance, "Irisviel, you don't need to apologize. It's good that the sheath can remain within you. This way, I can focus on battling our enemies without worry."

As the mist gradually faded, Matou Shinji heard voices approaching. He said to Saber, "Anyway, let's leave this place for now and find somewhere without people to talk."

Saber cradled Irisviel, concerned. "Irisviel, can you hold on?"

Irisviel smiled softly, "Your Master isn't weak enough to reach this point."

"Alright then, hold on tight."

Matou Shinji interjected suddenly, "Wait a moment. I know a good place."

"That sounds suspicious."

"Saber, follow Mr. Caster. I believe we can trust him for now."

"Irisviel, I won't make the same mistake. Even if Caster currently bears no hostility, it doesn't change the fact that he's our enemy."

Matou Shinji chuckled, "I'll prove that we're not enemies."

It's time to show them that thing.

Irisviel smiled gently and hugged Saber's neck, urging, "Let's go."


Matou Shinji led Saber to Mount Enzou, the forested area where Ryuudou Temple was located, above which the Great Holy Grail system resided.

The pace of the servants was swift. While Matou Shinji flew in the air, Saber carried Irisviel in her arms and effortlessly kept up on the ground.

The night wind grew colder as they gradually left behind the noise of the city.

After more than ten minutes, the group stopped by the roadside of Mount Enzou.

Saber looked up at the quiet mountain and said vigilantly, "This is a bounded field, Caster. Did you bring us to your workshop?"

Caster's strength was generally associated with his constructed magical workshop. Even for Saber, whose magical power was of A-rank, it wasn't wise to recklessly invade Caster's territory.

Matou Shinji chuckled, "I haven't had the time to create a magical workshop of such magnitude. You should know what this place is, being an artificial being of the Einzbern family."

Irisviel, cradled by Saber, had a complex expression. "Yes, this mountain is a forbidden zone for servants to approach. It's above the location of the Great Holy Grail system."

Matou Shinji nodded. "For servants, it's a natural fortress. If one were to defend from here, most ordinary servants would be unable to breach it. Regardless, I'm not particularly interested in that. Follow me; I've set up a magical node nearby."

For ordinary servants, this mountain would indeed be an impregnable stronghold. However, both Saber with Excalibur and Archer with their broken phantasm, Caladbolg, could probably level this place, so Matou Shinji wasn't too intrigued by it.

Guiding Saber, Matou Shinji entered Mount Enzou through a small path.

"The oppressive feeling has vanished?" Saber was puzzled.

This path had been created by Matou Shinji upon his summoning, breaking the Holy Grail system's effect within its confines.

The trio arrived at a rocky wall. Matou Shinji walked ahead, and his body strangely passed through the rock layer. A voice came from within the wall, "Come in; it's just a simple illusion."

Saber looked at Irisviel, who nodded, and followed Matou Shinji into the cave.

Upon entering, Saber felt as if her breathing had become much easier in an instant. After a few minutes, the weariness accumulated from the night's intense battle dissipated entirely.

"The magical energy here is even denser than in my era."

King Arthur, considered the incarnation of a dragon, had the heart of a dragon and blood infused with dragon's traits, allowing her to absorb mana from the atmosphere through her breath.

This cave had been opened by Matou Shinji about half a year ago. It was used for magical experiments and mana reserves. It wasn't Caster's workshop, but rather Matou Shinji's. The interior was filled with high concentrations of magical energy.

The setup within the cave was very simple. It was roughly the size of a single room, with various peculiar experimental items placed around, no furniture, and the floor engraved with intricate alchemical arrays, permeated with mercury. It acted as a makeshift magical furnace, continuously absorbing the mana emanating from the ley lines.

Matou Shinji sat down cross-legged. "Please make yourselves at home, Saber, the Einzbern family's artificial human."

The two found a corner to sit down. Irisviel's complexion improved slightly, her beautiful face regaining some of its rosy hue. Matou Shinji couldn't help but admire the Einzbern family's craftsmanship; the sight of the injured Irisviel was enough to trigger any man's protective instincts.

However, Matou Shinji was just a kid now, so he could only appreciate the pure aesthetics of Irisviel with innocent eyes.

Matou Shinji proposed, "The magical energy here is abundant and can accelerate the healing process. How about we exchange information about tonight?"

Irisviel nodded. "Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Caster. I'm feeling much better here. Also, please don't stand on ceremony. You can call me by my name. Information exchange would be beneficial for both of us."

"In that case, I won't stand on ceremony either, Irisviel. Firstly, why could Berserker inflict such damage on you?"

Saber's expression darkened, seemingly caught in self-blame.

Irisviel countered, "Mr. Caster, why do you assume that the attacker was Berserker? You shouldn't have seen that particular servant."

During their journey here, Irisviel and Saber had already exchanged information.

"While you and Berserker were in battle, all the other servants, including me, were attending a beach party over by the beach. The only ones absent were you and Berserker."

Irisviel's eyes brightened. "It sounds like it was quite lively. It's a shame we couldn't join. In reality, my injuries aren't solely due to Saber's actions."

Irisviel went on to describe the events leading to her injuries.

Initially, she had been strolling with Saber through the bustling streets. Due to the large crowds, they hadn't been overly vigilant. It was during that time that a police officer had approached them for questioning, and Irisviel was ambushed at close range.

Saber reacted swiftly and struck down the police officer, but it had no effect. The crowd had panicked, scattering in all directions. Mist spread from the chaos, and Saber had engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy within the mist.

It wasn't until Matou Shinji's arrival that the opponent had retreated.

"Judging by Berserker's standards, that servant's composure seemed far too calculated. After injuring me, they targeted Saber, effectively restraining her. If it weren't for your arrival, Mr. Caster, I doubt we would have escaped."

Matou Shinji contemplated in silence, then said solemnly, "Berserker doesn't necessarily refer to a servant who has lost their reason. It's also possible to summon a servant who possesses an aspect that is difficult for regular people to comprehend. Moreover, it's even possible to invert the negative aspect and summon a servant who should have been Berserker but is instead in full control of their sanity. I believe I now have an idea of who attacked you."

No wonder Uryuu Ryuunosuke could control Berserker, a completely different existence from the white-haired loli Jack the Ripper, who was also a Berserker class and was summoned in "Fate/strange fake."

Because of this inversion, the Berserker-class Jack the Ripper possessed complete sanity. Otherwise, if summoned through another class, the first one they would kill would be the Master.

Berserker-class Jack the Ripper didn't require as strong a mana supply as a regular Berserker. Their Noble Phantasm, rooted in the latent unease and fear of the surrounding humans, could exhibit power comparable to that of a combat-oriented servant in densely populated urban areas.

However, with advantages come disadvantages. In uninhabited areas like a beach, Berserker-class Jack the Ripper might not even match up to Assassin's doppelgangers in strength.


Einzbern, the factory of artificial humans, the remnants of an abandoned ideal.

Its history traces back to the year 1 AD, originally a magic workshop created by disciples of the Third Magecraft Master, aiming to recreate the miracles of their missing master.

After nearly 900 years of effort, the ultimate achievement was the artificial human, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern, known as the "Winter Saint."

However, her creation was a fluke, an accidental occurrence. Even with the same materials, techniques, and time, the creators couldn't replicate another Winter Saint.

The Winter Saint's appearance didn't satisfy the creators who, in their pursuit of surpassing her, tried to create artificial humans beyond her, but all attempts ended in failure.

The central control of the Einzbern family, the artificial intelligence Golem Jubstacheit, was a product of that era's technology and the father of all artificial humans.

While the Winter Saint was a recreation of the Third Magic, the cost was exorbitant. It took years and significant resources to create even one individual, making the idea of saving humanity on a mass scale unrealistic.

The creators realized that even though human hands could create something surpassing humanity, they couldn't create something that could redeem humanity.

Perhaps, without the accidental creation of the Winter Saint, they wouldn't have been hit so hard.

Einzbern faced its end, with some creators succumbing to despair and suicide, while others left in search of elusive miracles.

The magical workshop known as Einzbern was permanently closed.

However, the abandoned artificial humans chose to uphold the ideals of the magi. In order to save humanity, the Einzbern factory began its operation, striving to achieve the Third Magic.

The artificial humans of Einzbern unanimously agreed to break down the Winter Saint's magical circuits and replace the magecraft with the universe within a human body, creating the Greater Grail system. Through the Holy Grail War ritual, they summoned Servants from the Throne of Heroes located outside the world, and using the direction of the Servants' return to the Throne, they created a pathway piercing through to the outside world, anchoring it with immense magical energy.

They created a gate to the outside world, enabling the realization of the true Third Magic.

This is the truth of the Holy Grail War, the remnants of the ideals inherited from human magi, now embodied in the Einzbern factory.


"Am I right, Irisviel?" Matou Shinji smiled as he looked at the silver-haired woman before him, revealing the depths of the Einzbern family's history through his words.

Irisviel hesitated, listening to Matou Shinji's introduction to the Einzbern family. Her heart surged with a mixture of emotions as she found his information matching up, even including things that her perfect artificial self couldn't access.

Despite being an outsider, how could he understand the secrets of the Einzbern family so well?

In fact, Matou Shinji hadn't revealed everything, including the fact that the present-day Einzbern family, like Matou Zouken, had decayed and fallen, their goals and processes reversed. The Einzbern family (controlled by the central hub, Acht) wanted to obtain the Holy Grail not just for the sake of it, but to prove that their pursuit spanning over a thousand years wasn't entirely in vain.

She remembered the words she heard when she first met Matou Shinji. That moment had led her to speculate, and now Matou Shinji's words confirmed a suspicion she had. She couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Caster, you're not from this world, are you? At least not from this timeline."

"What!" Saber exclaimed, surprised at Matou Shinji's words.

Matou Shinji glanced at Saber's astonished expression and chuckled, "I did drop hints from the beginning, Saber. Why are you so surprised? After all, you're not from this world either. If we're to be precise, I'm from the future, and you're from the past."

Irisviel let out a relieved smile, "As I thought. You mentioned witnessing the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War. Your appearance here and your choice to cooperate with us must be connected to that."

Matou Shinji shrugged, "Unfortunately, the Fourth Holy Grail War was doomed to have no conclusion. Otherwise, the Counter Force would have been activated long ago. In fact, the fact that I can sit here might be an indication of the Counter Force's intervention."

Saber frowned, "What do you mean? Why would the Counter Force want to stop the Holy Grail War?"

"It's simple. Once the Holy Grail War ritual is completed, humanity will face catastrophic destruction."

Irisviel shook her head firmly, "That can't be true! The Holy Grail War was created to save humanity, how could it bring about its destruction?"

"Perhaps it was that way before the Third Holy Grail War. Irisviel, do you know what happened during the Third Holy Grail War? Which Heroic Spirit did the Einzbern family summon in their pursuit of victory?"

"I'm not sure..." Irisviel hesitated for a moment before softly saying, "During the Third Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family resorted to unorthodox methods and summoned a Heroic Spirit they believed to be the strongest: Avenger, Angra Mainyu."

Matou Shinji continued, "His strength was weak, and he was easily defeated by other Servants."

"Yes, but how does that relate to this Holy Grail War?"

"Because what you summoned is not a true Divine Spirit. You must be aware that the Holy Grail System can't summon true gods. What you summoned was an ordinary young man from the Zoroastrianism, bearing the title of 'the Evil of this World.' Rituals involving living sacrifices like this were common in that era, and Angra Mainyu was considered the 'Evil of this World,' also revered as a guardian hero by the religious sect."

"He wasn't summoned as himself but as a hero created by the desires of surrounding humans. When he left as a Servant and his soul was reclaimed by the Lesser Grail, the result was that the 'Evil of this World' burdened by Angra Mainyu was recognized by the Holy Grail System as a wish."

"The Holy Grail System is no longer an all-powerful wish-granting device. Instead, it's a gun aimed at humanity once the trigger is pulled. This bullet is called the 'Evil of this World.'"

Irisviel was devastated, biting her thin lips, "How can this be..."

"What evidence do you have for this?" Saber asked solemnly.

"I know you won't easily believe it. That's why I brought you here. Seeing the current Greater Grail System, you will naturally understand."


Inside the workshop, after more than an hour of rest, Matou Shinji and the others each had their thoughts. The atmosphere inside the cave was heavy and awkward.

With her injuries somewhat relieved, Irisviel eagerly suggested, "Caster, my injuries are not a concern anymore. Can we go and inspect the Holy Grail system now?"

Being an artificial being of the Einzbern family, she was much more concerned about the contamination of the Holy Grail system than Matou Shinji.

"Then let's go." Matou Shinji nodded.

Leaving the workshop, he led the two of them out of the mountain path and ascended the main staircase of Ryuudou Temple. This was the only path through which a Servant could reach Ryuudou Temple without any issues.

Halfway up the mountain, Matou Shinji signaled them to stop. He created a ritual circle with magic and placed a philosopher's stone within it. Chanting an incantation, he said, "Thick earth, apply your heavy pressure."

The ritual circle vanished, returning to calm.

Saber asked, "Caster, what are you doing?"

Matou Shinji explained, "Since the Holy Grail War began, the city is filled with familiar spirits spying on us. We can't be sure we're not being followed. This is the only path leading to the mountain's back, making it the perfect place to intercept any pursuers."

Although earth elemental spirits couldn't take on Servants, they would easily eliminate Assassin's shadows.

"I see. If you were in my time, you would surely have been an exceptional general." Saber praised.

"I'm honored."

Matou Shinji entered Ryuudou Temple and quickly received feedback from the earth elemental spirit. He eliminated one of Assassin's shadows attempting to ascend the staircase.

"Your nose is truly sharp as a hound's."

Beside him, Irisviel curiously asked, "So, we were indeed being followed?"

"It was Assassin. That's why I deliberately chose a longer route. But I assume the Tohsaka family is also aware of our alliance." Matou Shinji chuckled. If only Tohsaka Tokiomi hadn't summoned King Gilgamesh, they could've cooperated. After all, he was the most normal among the Three Families and likely more concerned about knowing the truth of the Holy Grail.

Leaving Ryuudou Temple, they entered the forest area. Matou Shinji looked at Saber and asked, "From this point onwards, leaving Ryuudou Temple's area, it's still manageable. Although not completely as a Servant, you can use human characteristics to evade the effects of the boundary field. How do you feel?"

"I'll manage. I possess a high resistance to magical effects. The pressure is strong here due to the terrain, and it could be problematic during combat." Saber swung her arm, unsheathing her invisible sword to clear a path through the forest for Irisviel.

Matou Shinji raised an eyebrow. "Your words sound like you're either enticing me to attack you or giving a different kind of warning."

Saber replied with a light smile, "Who knows."

Soon, Matou Shinji found a small stream in the barren wilderness. "Follow this stream upward. It leads to the entrance of the underground cavern."

Seeing Irisviel carefully parting the branches, he lifted her up, "Pardon me, Irisviel. The terrain here is a bit intricate, so be cautious."

Irisviel covered her mouth and chuckled, "Be cautious? But aren't you carrying me now?"

"Yes, I have a faster pace and the terrain doesn't affect me."

"Well then, I'll just enjoy the express lane of the Knight-King." Irisviel happily wrapped her arms around Saber's neck.

Matou Shinji rolled his eyes. For some reason, an indescribable awkwardness crept over him. It felt like he was forcefully inserted into a couple's date.

This situation was really uncomfortable.

The stream's source was a rock wall, where rocks overlapped, leaving only a gap large enough for a person to squeeze through sideways. The magical atmosphere in the surroundings was palpable.

Matou Shinji was reminded of a horror manga by Junji Ito, titled "Amigara Fault."

This place was undoubtedly a nightmare for those with claustrophobia.

After inspecting, Matou Shinji affirmed, "This is the right place."

"Then please go in first, Irisviel will follow Caster, and I'll guard from behind." Saber suggested.

Matou Shinji didn't refuse, effortlessly slipping into the narrow gap. His child-sized body seemed to fit perfectly, without feeling the oppression of the confined space.

After a while, Matou Shinji heard a mournful sigh from behind.

"Ugh... Is this place too narrow? It's so tight... Umm... I can hardly breathe." Irisviel muttered with a touch of resentment, as her ample figure barely squeezed between the walls.

Matou Shinji's Mystic Eyes had night vision capabilities, so he clearly saw this unsuitable image. He wondered why Irisviel's design was so tailored to cater to human males' aesthetics.

Matou Shinji sank into contemplation.

Considering the initial design philosophy of the artificial beings, the establishment of the Einzbern Magic Workshop was likely the work of a group of hardcore otaku.

The cave was deep and narrow, and after bumping and squeezing their way for about ten minutes, the tunnel, which had initially been passable for only one person, suddenly widened. Weak light illuminated the darkness, emanating from a luminous moss that was not a common plant.

Greenlight Moss.

Matou Shinji had read about it in the Matou family's collection. It was a type of plant that grew only in areas rich in magical energy, making it one of the rarer materials. It was typically found in primal forests.

As they entered the passage, Irisviel's expression changed slightly. The corridor was filled with even more exaggerated magic than Matou Shinji's workshop, and one could visibly see magic flowing and converging into streams of energy.

However, even though it sparkled with the radiance of life, the contamination within the magic made it nauseating. She disappointedly murmured, "This magic has already been tainted."

"Let's continue forward. There's still some distance to go."

After crossing through a space underground that was about the size of half a playground, the group finally arrived at the underground cavern where the Greater Grail system was located.

Emerging from the darkness, the grand and magnificent scene before Matou Shinji almost made him forget they were underground.

Before them stretched an endless expanse of dark canopy, like a twilight dusk. A tall pillar that resembled a skyscraper stood on a distant rocky wall, supporting a black sun that hovered above it.

The desolate ground was no longer a mere cave; it extended to the far side of the rocky wall, spanning at least two to three kilometers. Climbing up the rocky wall revealed a massive volcanic crater – the Greater Grail system that had been operational for two hundred years.

Above the altar, darkness surged, resembling a pulsating heart. Every beat emitted a repulsive wave of evil magic.

Even from a distance, the authenticity of Matou Shinji's earlier words was evident.

The Holy Grail system had been tainted by Angra Mainyu. It was no longer the Holy Grail capable of realizing the ideals of the Einzbern factory. Instead, it had become a nurturing ground for evil, a womb giving birth to the being named Angra Mainyu.

Irisviel's emotions dropped, and she muttered in dismay, "How ironic. I believed we could achieve victory this time and finally fulfill that long-standing wish. But it seems I've already sabotaged it with my own hands. This is no longer the Holy Grail we, the Einzbern family, sought."

Matou Shinji silently thought, Really? Ahnenerbe Ohn Zun?

Irisviel turned to apologize to Saber, saying, "Saber, I'm sorry."

Seeing this scene, Saber's expression was incredibly complex – it seemed like a mixture of relief and resentment. She forced a smile and replied, "It's not your fault, Irisviel."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bro_Herocreators' thoughts