

Waking up in an abandoned apartment in Gotham City was never how I imagined my Saturday morning. Seeing Gods walk amongst Men brought familiar yet foreign memories to mind. I knew who they were, yet I had absolutely no recollection of myself before today. Waves upon waves of experiences and feelings pilled themselves up like mountains within my mind, yet it was jumbled and incoherent. Being able to stand side-by-side against Demons and Beings whose very presence could shake the heavens and the earth was a dream that every kid had as a kid.... right? Now were did this Class Cards fit into the equation?

MrMoist · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 58 Clash Between Heroes

The myriad explosions occurring in the sky above caused the eyes of everyone to look up in awe of the power of Gray and this strange woman. The concept of a "Servant", as far as they were aware were spiritual beings that ate magical power.

Batman had theorized that the possession of the strange red markings on the hand of Hawkgirl, Rider and himself had symbolized something to do with the Holy Grail War, a war which would be fought between Servants.

The use of the Command Seals and the powers of the Servants were strange in the eyes of the caped crusader.

Rider had revealed himself as Achilles at the battle of Themiscyra, yet possessed weapons completely unlike that of his legend. Berserker that the League just fought revealed himself to be the famed General of Repetition from the Three Kingdoms.

And Gray had called the blonde woman he was currently in battle with the Hero King of Uruk. A figure who was the protagonist of one of, if not the oldest living story in existence that used words instead of pictures.


He stopped typing on his wrist-bound computer before glancing over at the group of six Servants watching the battle between Rider and the Hero King of Uruk, noting each of their expressions before they all turned to Batman with a frown.

One of the Servants, a peerlessly beautiful looking woman wrapped in a garment more black than midnight smiled at Batman before making a slicing gesture at her throat while smiling at the Dark Knight. Her smile looked anything but friendly.

A shiver went up the spine of the peak level human but he showed no outward changes. The look in the eyes of the one Gray called "Saber", was much more threatening than the pointy-eared woman despite the former's beauty outshining her feeling of death.

The gazes of everyone on the battlefield was once more attracted by Gray, as a single word caused the changes in expression of the Servants.


The exact moment Gray spoke this word, his figure vanished once more, and only the occasional streak of long green hair could be seen traveling through the countless shooting blades. His feet rapidly moving along with the direction of the wind generated by the countless explosions and his figure twisting and swerving to dodge the myriad weapons shot at him.

The skill allowed for Enkidu to transfer his stats from one Parameter to another. At the cost of his Luck and Strength, he could increase his Agility and Endurance to A+ in order to weave through the approaching projectiles with absolute ease.

Gray, who had installed Berserker carried a look alike of [Merodach: The Original Sin] that he created using [Age of Babylon: The Wisdom of the People]. The sword was present in Gilgamesh's treasury, and was the original model of the legends of the swords of selections from all over the world.

While [Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure] held all the treasures that Gilgamesh had accumulated over his life, [Age of Babylon: The Wisdom of the People] could create weapons only crafted by human hands, each at the pinnacle of craftsmanship.

Gilgamesh saw the copy of the sword and her expression turned into one of distaste.

"How arrogant! My friend would never use a weapon other than himself to battle me! Looks like I might have to show you the true power of a Heroic Spirit!".

[Age of Babylon: The Wisdom of the People] could create weapons, not Noble Phantasms. The Mystery behind the copy of the legendary weapon in his hand couldn't match up against the real thing being propelled towards him, and he threw the copy towards the original, causing both to explode in a bright crimson light.

A large dust storm was kicked up by the explosion and Gilgamesh frowned as she looked down at the earth below him. Her eyes narrowing slightly, before widening hugely and jumping back several meters to dodge the chains that were shot through the dust.

The clinking and rattling of chains echoed throughout the battlefield as the dust died down and a sharp blade tip could be seen coming out of Gray's sleeve, retreating up his unblemished white robe as he smiled up at Gilgamesh.

"You can't use it, can you? The ultimate weapon that my friend once used to almost destroy the Earth...".

Gilgamesh frowned but didn't respond to Gray's words. She raised her head slightly and looked down at the Pseudo-Servant in front of her, a look of arrogance could be seen in her eyes.

"I do not need the power of Ea to kill someone like you. A mere Faker like you, should just roll over and die!".

Two golden blades, each exquisite in their own right appeared in the hands of Gilgamesh. Gray's eyes widened in familiarity at the two blades before looking around at the city of Metropolis around him his expression turning into one of anger.

"Gilgamesh! Just because you cannot use Ea does not mean you need to use Enki to destroy me! At least with Ea, I could cancel-".

"Do not attempt to talk to your King like that! I have saved up enough magical power to use this.... and it will be a fitting end for a mere Faker like you!".

Gilgamesh huffed out in a loud voice as she joined the two golden blades causing the hilts to tilt inward slightly as a golden bow strand appeared, connecting the two blade tips. The King of Heroes aimed the bow directly at Gray's figure, her eyes narrowing as she pulled back on the golden bow strand.

The power gathering at the tip of Gilgamesh's bow far exceeded any power that Gray possessed without using any of his Noble Phantasms. Enki was an EX Ranked Noble Phantasm capable of destroying most of the eastern seaboard in this world.

The Age of Gods never ended, so the worry about the Mystery of the Noble Phantasm declining was not needed to worry about. Rejection from Gaia and Alaya wasn't needed to be worried about either since neither of them existed in this world.

Gray turned around towards the Justice League, glancing at Diana for a moment before giving her a wry smile.

".... I'm going to do something stupid. I hope you don't look down on me for it....".

The fellow members of the Justice League shot a queer glance at Wonder Woman, who didn't meet any of their gazes, opting only to look at Gray with a small smile before nodding.

The single nod was all the Berserker Class Card installed Gray needed to know before taking a deep breath before looking up at Gilgamesh with a frown.

"You know what the best part is about having Class Cards Gilgamesh?".

The strange term drew raised eyebrows from all the Servants present, and the King of Heroes couldn't think of anything by that name in her treasury.

She rolled her eyes and drew even farther back on her bowstring.

"Irrelevant. If it does not exist in my treasury, than it is not worth possessing!".

Gray chuckled but let out a deep breath. The moment he spoke, streaks of electric yellow lightning bounced off his body like a Tesla coil. The power behind that strange electricity was not positively or negatively charged electrons...

It was just raw magical power that came off Gray's body like electricity. If one were to get hit by this lightning, they were surely feel the same effects if they were hit by the real thing.

He showed a wry smile, and a vision of a divine harlot came to Gray's mind. She taught him how to be "human". And what it was like to walk amongst mortals. She tamed his monstrous nature, and turned into the Hero he was in his legend.

He raised both arms slowly with his palms facing upward. His mouth opened widely, and a strange song came out of Gray's lips.

"Sorry Shamhat. But....".

The ground beneath Gray's feet exploded with a violent growth of enormous trees and forestry. The park in the middle of Metropolis was no longer a park, but a garden from an age long thought past.

The mana in the air trembled even further at Gray's presence. As if greeting a family member for the first time in many, many years. This center area of Metropolis had trees that soared above the skyscrapers that marred the skyline of this society of man. The man, no, Gray was calling out to the world, and the world was answering.

The last traces of sanity vanished in his electric yellow eyes the last word leaving his mouth caused almost everyone present to look at the Pseudo-Servant in a slight fear.

"[Madness Enhancement]".