
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · History
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94 Chs

Her past-6

Shuang Zihua had not eaten good food for so long that he couldn't remember. She ate almost all the food on the tray. If she really wasn't too full, she would have eaten it all.

 Shuang Ai Liu, who had arrived by the servant, reported that Shuang Zihua had eaten the food. She ordered her bodyguards that Mother had sent to watch over her. Go out and find a beggar. She also sent him the same aphrodisiac that was mixed in Shuang Zihua's food to feed to the beggars.

 The guards immediately received their young lady's orders. After receiving the medicine, they went out to look for beggars in the capital who often stayed in abandoned temples or huts where they used trash to build shelters. The two guards chose to go look at the abandoned temple first. They knew that the hut was full of beggars. The less people know about a job like this, the better. So they went to the place with the fewest people instead.

 Zhuang Kang, a prince who fled after his uncle rebelled in the Xiongnu clan. He was sitting and resting, waiting for the two guards to go find food for him inside an abandoned temple on the west side of the He State Capital. The three of them narrowly escaped the hunt. His men scattered and fled instead of gathering together.

 Because that day the incident occurred suddenly. His father and mother hurriedly sent hundreds of trusted bodyguards to him. They die to lure enemies and They fought all the way until there were only fifty people left. He saw that the enemy was still in pursuit, so he decided to separate everyone. If it's safe to contact each other, it's still not too late. He had told all of his people their destination: they would come here. After two years of separation, they came to the capital to find him for safety.

 At first, his group had ten people. But they were killed along the way until there were only three of them left. They did not have any money left with them at all. Because of his haste, he did not bring anything with him. They relied on begging for food or hunting food along the way. Clothes that once looked good were now just old, torn clothes like a beggar's.

 Shuang Ai Liu's bodyguard saw a beggar sitting alone. They immediately rushed over to the spot and fed the medicine into the beggar's mouth. Zhuang Kang didn't know who these people were. He was too hungry and forgot to be careful so he was attacked so easily.

 The two guards didn't say a single word. Together they captured the beggar and immediately returned it to the left minister's residence. Zhuang Kang, who had been given a whole bottle of a strong aphrodisiac, became unconscious. He felt hot all over and just wanted to release the torment that was going on inside his body.

 The guards threw Zhuang Kang into Shuang Zihua's room, which was also under the influence of aphrodisiacs, and then locked the door carefully. They just kept a distance and didn't let anyone interfere in their master's affairs.

 Shuang Zihua had been feeling ill for a while now. Mrs. Prue looked at the tall man who looked like a beggar in confusion. She didn't know what had happened or who this man was. Why did he come into her room?

 Zhuang Kang received more medicine than Shuang Zihua. He vaguely saw a woman in the dark room. He, who was not conscious, immediately instinctively approached her.

 Shuang Zihua screamed out in fear. Even though her body felt bad But she didn't want to be raped by someone she didn't know like this. She struggled, hit, hit, and scratched the man in front of her. But no matter what she did This man proceeded to tear off all her clothes and rape her again and again.

 Shuang Zihua fainted from the pain of both his body and mind. Tear stains covered her little face, traces of trauma all over her fragile body. Blood smeared all over the bed. The remnants of her clothes were scattered all over the floor.

 Zhuang Kang fell asleep from exhaustion. He really couldn't open his eyes. This was the first time he had been drugged and done such a thing. Everything he did was truly unconscious.

 The sky isn't clear yet. Shuang Ai Liu's close servant kicked the door of Shuang Zihua's room until it opened loudly. Shuang Zihua, who was resting his exhausted body, was startled by fear from the bottom of his heart.

 Zhuang Kang heard a loud noise and immediately opened his eyes. In his embrace was a fragile figure that was trembling violently. He didn't even have time to comfort her from the ear-piercing shriek.

" You bastard, you dare to give my husband a green hat? Even though I told you to wait for him to be free before coming to the dormitory with you. But you were so horny that you couldn't stand it, to the point of bringing a beggar to have sex with you at the palace. How dare you! " Shuang Ai Liu recited her carefully prepared lines as soon as she saw that her plan was successful.

 Shuang Zihua was stunned by her elder sister's accusation. She could only cry as her body trembled in fear of her cruel older sister standing in front of her room door. How could her sister treat her like this? What had she done to make her hate her to the point of planning her destruction to this extent?

 Zhuang Kang saw many people in front of the door. He hurriedly covered his face and casually put on the outerwear he had left on the bed. He quickly ran out of the bed and used his light body technique to escape immediately. How could he who planned to join the He Province Army let anyone see him like this? He still had to go back and save his tribe. Zhuang Kang could only ask. He blames the girl he hurt in his heart. If we still have good fortune with each other One day he will definitely repay her well.

 The people at the door were shocked to see Shuang Zihua's lover fleeing in front of their eyes. Shuang Ai Liu didn't let people follow the beggars. After all, her plan was already successful. Hai Qingguan, who had been woken up by her early in the morning, was dissatisfied. It was the first time he had ever met the Anu sent by his father-in-law. It was a pity that he had not come to see her earlier. The more I saw her having an affair with a man in front of my eyes. So he became even more angry.