
25. Chapter 25

Hello all. Nothing new to report. About the chapter, I'm telling you know that the next few chapter will be quite eventful. I just finished writing chapter 28, and I'm excited to get them out to you very soon. Oh, I'd love if you guys could review, I'm almost at 300 reviews, and I'd love to hit that soon.

Disclaimer: I still don't.

I hope you guys like it.

Hogwarts' Headmistress looked as she always did: wizard robes, wizard hat, spectacles, hair tied up in a bun, and an aura of someone you never wanted to cross. The only thing that was different was her expression. It was filled with happiness. Draco was so used to seeing Professor Mcgonagall with an expression of anger, or a stone face. This blinding happiness was weird, but of course, this was the reaction Hermione was getting from everyone.

Mcgonagall was smiling like a baboon at her favourite pupil. Hermione looked very confused. Draco thought he should explain to the Headmistress what had happened, before she brought them up to the school.

"Good day, professor," he started. The headmistress spared him a quick glance, but her eyes returned quickly to Hermione.

"Umm, professor, before we go in, there are some things you should know about your favourite student here," Draco said, gesturing to Hermione. That got Mcgonagall's attention. Her eyes snapped to Draco, and narrowed slightly.

"What is it, Mr. Malfoy?" she said shortly. Draco bit back a chuckle. Some things never did change. That was refreshing. Quickly, before she could give him detention, he explained to the headmistress what had happened to Hermione's memory.

"So that's why we're here," he concluded. "Kingsley thinks that we can help restore her memory through stimulation."

Mcgonagall nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, in rare cases of memory removal, stimulation can return the memory."

"Well," Draco finished. "Rare is definitely the way to describe this situation."

Mcgonagall chuckled, and gestured for the two of them to begin walking up to the school with her. Almost immediately, she wrapped her arm around Hermione's shoulders and began to tell the girl who she was. Draco wasn't really paying attention though. He was too busy looking around.

The grounds looked the same, as vast and expansive as they were before. The castle still loomed over the hills. There were still students flying over the Quidditch pitch in the distance. There were still owls swooping in and out of the owlery. Thestrals still glided over the trees of the forbidden forest, though Draco could now see them. Smoke still billowed from the chimney of Hagrid's hut, rebuilt to its prior imperfection. It seemed like everything was the same.

Yet, nothing was the same at all.

Draco's breathing grew heavy as they walked up towards the castle door. He was having flashbacks everywhere he looked. That was where the giant spiders had come from. That was where Lavender Brown lost her life because of a psychotic monster. That was where Dumbledore had fallen the night he died. This was the path Potter had walked to meet his death, sort of. This is where Draco himself had begged for his life.

He understood what Seamus had meant. Hogwarts held so many good memories. He remembered flying through the air, laughing with his friends, talking to Snape, dining in the Great Hall, and finally being reunited with his parents after the death of the worst man to ever walk the planet.

But none of those memories held up when the memory of the death of countless innocents flooded his mind.

He hoped if Hermione remembered anything, she only remembered the good.

They had reached the front doors. Mcgonagall took her arm off Hermione's shoulders, and turned to address them both.

"I'd love to walk around the castle with the two of you, however, several irresponsible third graders decided to put gnomes in all of the girls' lavatories. I must deal with that nonsense. Should I send someone to show you around?"

Draco shook his head. "Don't worry professor; my six years of schooling here have given me enough knowledge of this castle to give guided tours. We'll be fine."

Mcgonagall gave a quick chuckle, which changed into a scowl almost immediately. Looking him squarely in the eye, she said, "I'm trusting you with this, Mr. Malfoy. You have changed since your school years. I deem you to be a trustworthy person. Don't let that be a mistake."

With that, Mcgongall turned on her heel and headed towards her office. Draco pitied the third graders who had decided gnomes were a good prank. They were about to have their heads chewed off.

Hermione turned to Draco. "So this is Hogwarts."

Draco nodded, but didn't say anything. Hogwarts wasn't something words could explain. He held out his hand, which she took without hesitation. With that, they both turned and entered the castle of Hogwarts, for what felt like the first time in a century.

It was incredible how long you can be away from a place, yet you can remember everything about it. As Draco's eyes scanned over the entrance hall, he remembered all the memories that he had ever experienced there. Hogwarts had given him so many memories. Not all good, but still. So much of his life had been spent here. Hogwarts was home. He'd nearly forgotten.

Hermione looked astounded. "This is incredible!" she whispered, glancing around the entrance hall in awe.

Draco chuckled. "This is only the entrance hall."

With Hermione's hand still firmly clasped in his, Draco began to lead Hermione through their home.

Instead of taking her into the Great Hall, he led her up the Grand Staircase first. Hermione was simply astounded as she took in the hundreds of moving staircases. It was with great apprehension that she took a step onto one. Then, it was with great surprise that she latched onto Draco the second their staircase began moving.

Draco chuckled. Looking at Hermione's amazed expression, he said, "The magic world holds many surprises."

Hermione laughed, then grabbed onto a railing, and enjoyed their trip.

When they got off their moving staircase, Draco once again took Hermione's hand. He was very much enjoying this whole "hand holding" thing. The two of them began walking down the second floor corridor. Draco walked with purpose. He knew exactly where he was taking her.

Hermione noticed his determination. "Where are we headed, Draco?"

Draco smirked as he looked at her. "Your favourite place in the world."

Hermione looked confused, but didn't protest. Draco smiled. This was going to be fun.

They arrived at a set of large doors. Draco gestured towards them. Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Welcome home," he said, and pushed the doors open, revealing the Hogwarts Library.

Hermione's jaw dropped. She walked in a trance through the doors. Her eyes glistened as she took in the rows upon rows of leather bound books. She looked like this was her paradise, and Draco knew that it was.

Yet, not a single drop of recognition graced her features.

Damn it.

Draco was really starting to get annoyed with this selective memory remembrance thing. The memories that had returned weren't the most important moments of her life. They weren't the happiest. One of them was even the worst. The memories didn't involve her friends. They weren't even that significant. It was always stimulation that made Hermione remember something. The drawing room, Draco talking about Hermione, those stimulated her memory. But why did stimulation work on those memories but not on others? Why did those things return her memory, when the Hogwarts castle didn't? Things wasn't adding up.

Suddenly, a voice broke Draco out of his concentrations.

"Hermione? Hermione Granger?"

It was Madame Pince, the librarian. Of course. Hermione had spent nearly all her waking hours in the library, so naturally Madame Pince would remember her.

The librarian hadn't changed much since the last time Draco had seen her. Wizard robes, dark hair tied up in a bun, piercing eyes, which were now brimmed with tears. She was holding her hand up to her mouth in shock as she looked at her favourite pupil of all time. This was very unusual to Draco. Madame Pince was an irritable woman. Seeing her crying, or showing any emotion other than annoyance was like seeing an elephant tap dance while wearing a fedora.

Hermione must be getting used to this reaction from people, so as Madame Pince cried, the Gryffindor smiled awkwardly, having turned away from the book shelves.

Madame Pince came forward and clasped Hermione's two hands between her own. "Oh child, I read about your reappearance in the paper this morning. I could barely believe it. We were all so sure you were gone. It is lovely to see you again." Madame Pince pulled Hermione into a hug that Hermione returned, albeit quite confusedly.

Draco felt he needed to explain what was going on. "Umm, Madame Pince?"

Madame Pince drew back from Hermione. She turned her eyes toward Draco. "Well, Mr. Malfoy. I'd say I was surprised of your presence, but I'm not. Not after your speech at the funeral. It was quite lovely, by the way."

"Thank you," Draco replied. "I must say, it is lovely to see you again." Draco knew how to be charming when he wanted to be.

Madame Pince smiled. "It's been a long time. What brings you two up to the castle this fine day?"

She had turned to Hermione, expecting the cleverest witch of their age to have the answers. Hermione wordlessly gestured to Draco. Madame Pince now looked confused.

"Well, Madame Pince," Draco started. "To state things simply, when Hermione disappeared, her memory was wiped. However, over the past few weeks, a couple of her memories have reappeared due to stimulation. We had hoped Hogwarts would give enough stimulation to help return more of her memories. At the moment though, she has no idea who you are."

Madame Pince had become a little pale, but she nodded none the less. "I understand Mr. Malfoy." Turning to Hermione, she introduced herself. Hermione nodded, taking everything in.

"Madame Pince?" Draco asked. "Do you happen to have any books on memory spells?" Madame Pince nodded, and waved her arm. A giant book came flying towards them from the back of the library. It landed on a desk right in front of him.

"Madame Pince, if you don't mind, could you tell Hermione about Hogwarts and her time here? I'd like to research something quickly."

The librarian nodded. She brought Hermione up to the checkout counter, and the two began to converse quietly. Well, Madame Pince began to converse.

Draco read the cover of the book. Remembering the forgotten: a guide to memory charms and all their aspects. Perfect. He opened the book, and began to skim through the pages, looking for a specific section.

This whole idea of stimulation was really starting to bother Draco. There was something off about it. What stimulated Hermione's memory wasn't what he had expected to. The drawing room, maybe, but why would Draco talking about her stimulate her memory, when Potter didn't. The memories she was getting back weren't defining moments in her life. So why was she getting them back?

Not to mention, stimulation never really jogged someone's memory once they had a memory charm cast upon them. Kingsley had said that it happened rarely, but the truth was, it hardly ever happened at all. The only way to get someone's memory back was to have the caster return the memories. So why was stimulation working for Hermione, sort of?

Draco's eyes skimmed through the pages. He wanted an explanation. Something that explained why Hermione's memory was the way it was.

Finally, a certain passage caught his eye. Leaning over the book, he began to read it thoroughly.

There is a charm that is similar to a memory charm. It is known as a memory block (for detailed instructions on how to perform the memory block, see page. 394). The memory block is a sort of memory protector. It is similar to occlumency in the way that it protects a person's memory from outside intrusion. However, the memories become so protected that not even the person themself can locate them. If you cast a memory block on yourself, you will not be able to access those memories, or even remember that they exist.

The memory block is used when you want to protect memories for sentimental value, you don't want anyone to be able to access them, or you have hope that they will return one day, even if your other memories don't.

The memory block is only used in extreme cases, when protecting your memories is the only option, for example, when someone is about to cast a memory charm on you. It is very difficult to protect all of your memories when casting a memory block given that you usually have little to no warning when someone is going to cast a memory charm on you.

The shield of the memory block is slightly permeable. That way, if you are put in the same situations or places that your blocked memories were, it is possible for some of your protected memories to return. However, removing the memory block is very difficult. The most simple way to reverse a memory block is to cast the counter charm (see page 394). However, only the caster of a memory block charm can reverse it. Given that memory blocks are only used in extreme situations when the rest of your memory is at stake, most casters of a memory block charm have forgotten they have the block. You cannot tell someone they have a memory block and have them reverse the charm. To be able to reverse it, they must remember making the conscious decision of putting the memory block on themselves.

Draco looked up from the book. His heart was pounding. Rapidly, he flipped through the pages until he got to the checkout card. He skimmed over who had checked out the book in the history of man. There, halfway down the card was the name he was looking for.

Hermione Granger September 1993

Hermione had checked this book out in September of their third year. That was nearly five years before her disappearance, but Hermione Granger had never forgotten a single thing she had read, nor had she ever simply skimmed through a book.

Hermione had known about the memory block. She had known how to cast it, and she had known when to cast it. If Hermione knew that her kidnappers were going to cast a memory charm on her, she would've probably cast the memory block on herself.

This explained everything. Why stimulation worked, and why only some memories came back. The other memories didn't exist anymore. Hermione hadn't had enough time between knowing she was going to get her memory erased and getting her memory erased to protect all of her memories. She had to pick and choose. So what had she chosen to protect?

No matter what, this made one thing clear. Stimulation couldn't get all her memories back. Stimulation probably couldn't get all of her protected memories back either. The only way to get magical Hermione back was to find out who had kidnapped her in the first place. They and they alone had access to Hermione's memories, and they alone had the capacity to return them.

Draco had made a giant crack in the case, but he felt farther away from the answer than ever. But, at least he had discovered something. Draco took out his wand and quickly made a copy of the page on memory blocks.

He stood up and walked towards the checkout counter. Madame Pince and Hermione seemed to be having a compelling conversation. The topic was books. Of course. Draco gave a short laugh. A lot of things never changed.

"Madame Pince?" Draco interrupted. The librarian looked up. "Do you have a piece of parchment anywhere?"

She nodded and reached behind the counter. She gave Draco a piece of parchment, a quill and some ink. Draco quickly scrawled down a message for Kingsley.

Read this page. I found the answer. There's nothing Hogwarts can do for her right now. We'll finish the visit for old time's sake. Contact us when you have a next step. I'll take care of her until then.


Hermione looked at him. "What's up?"

"I found something," he answered vaguely. Madame Pince raised her eyebrows. He smiled at her with as much charm as he could manage.

"We should be heading off, Madame Pince. We have a lot of the castle to tour."

Madame Pince nodded. Turning to Hermione, she said, "I've missed you, child. I am so happy you've returned." With this, she pulled Hermione into a hug. As soon as the librarian had released her, Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and led her out of the library.

Hermione stopped him as soon as the wooden doors had closed behind them.

"What did you find?"

Draco gestured towards an open door nearby. It was the charms classroom. However, the door was open, so Flitwick probably wasn't teaching at the moment.

Once they were safely in the classroom, Draco shut the door. He turned back to Hermione, who had chosen to sit on a desk.

"Why are we suddenly in a classroom?"

"Because I can't remember when class ends and I don't want to risk the chance of suddenly being overrun with children."

She nodded. "Fair enough. So what did you find?"

Draco took a deep breath, and explained to her what he had found.

A few minutes later, she was staring at him, dumbfounded.

"I managed to protect some of my memories?"

Draco nodded.

"Which memories were protected?"

Draco shrugged. "We only know two of them."

"Well, what's the pattern?"

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Pattern?"

Hermione gave him a look that was slightly patronizing. "Well, I know me. I wouldn't have just kept random memories. Each memory I kept had a reason for it being kept. So I'm wondering, do we know what's similar between the memories I protected. They must have been important if I chose to remember them instead of my two best friends."

Draco shrugged. "Maybe you just really like rewatching that day you punched me in the face."

Hermione chuckled. "Possibly, but I feel like there's something more. I can think on my feet really well. So even if I only had a couple of seconds to cast the spell, I wouldn't have just picked random memories to protect."

"Valid point," Draco said. What was the connection between the memories that had returned?

A sudden noise interrupted his thoughts. Some of the books had fallen off a shelf at the back of the class. Hermione shrugged like it was a coincidence, but Draco knew better, and he knew what was about to happen.

A cackle filled the air. Goddamnit.

"Well, looky looky. It's the Malfoy boy. Been a long time since you've been here. And with Potty's friend? Let's have some fun with Ferret and Grangy!

"Peeves," Draco muttered.

The poltergeist appeared in the middle of the classroom, and then proceeded to bounce around the room. He looked as he always had, a little man with the face of the devil.

Hermione looked slightly amused as she watched the poltergeist bounce around the room. Draco, however, was slightly nervous. He and Hermione were at Hogwarts without disguises, and if it became known to the general population that they were there, they would be overrun. Also, the Daily Prophet would get some new photos to publish.

Peeves could blow their cover in a moment.

"Oh Peeves," Draco said, trying to sound nonchalant. "It's been a while, eh? Still wreaking havoc?"

Peeves stopped bouncing and gave a mock bow to the Slytherin. "Why yes Sir. Wreaking havoc is Peeves' favourite thing to do."

Draco gave a slight chuckle. "Always."

Peeves bounded around the room some more, cackling at the top of his lungs.

"Now, what's Potty's friend and the Malfoy boy doing? I heard about you two, today. Word is Grangy has been missing, and's back now. Exciting fun shenanigans. Peeves is sure the rest of the school would love to know you're here."

Draco tried to say something to dissuade Peeves from spreading their location to the rest of the school, but at that exact moment, the door to the classroom opened.

Before Draco knew what was happening, Peeves had zoomed out of the room, singing at the top of his lungs.

Grangy's here!

Nothing to fear!

Malfoy arrived!

And Grangy's alive!

"Those really are atrocious lyrics," Hermione muttered.

Draco tried to laugh, but at the exact moment, he made eye contact with a very confused Flitwick, who had just entered his classroom.

The charms professor looked at him, then Hermione, and muttered something unknown to himself.

"Hello professor," Draco said.

Flitwick smiled at the two of them, but mainly at Hermione. With that smile still on his face, he spoke.

"Welcome home, you two."

Review guys. See you soon. :)

Edited 2013/07/06