
Fate/Grand War

For the past 200 years, there has been a "Holy War" every 20 years between the three founding families. The war is not fought by armies but instead by 7 Masters who lead Servants under them. The war shall decide which family gets contested land, and rare resources, and settles any other disputes. But that last war took place 30 years ago due to the peace agreement between the 3 founding families. Together, they have laid claim to the Holy Grail and used its power for their own purpose. Now they must deal with other threats. The Clocktower, rogue mages. Singularities, The Beasts. The 3 families must use their 7 Masters and their Mastery over the grail to repel them all. This is the story of the 7th Master, Jonah Einzbern, and his 7 Servants as they make a name for themselves. But first things first, he needs to actually contract with more than 2 Servants. (Note: 5.5 of the Servants are custom ones that I created. Only 1.5 are canon Servants.)

TrueBoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Are you worthy of being my Master?

Jonah looked up at Lu Bu's eyes. He was already prepared for it.

"I am not interesting in being your king. But I shall be a leader that you can follow."

Lu Bu was the best Lancer Servant around besides the Scathach and Artoria that had already been summoned. Because of his personality, no one else dared to summon him. But Jonah did.

Lu Bu kept his blade on Jonah's throat.


"It's simple really. You may be the strongest man in China at the time of your death but you were still beaten.

You were beaten by your own men who managed to serve you up to be executed. You were beaten by Cao Cao who managed to execute you. You were beaten by Guan Yu who managed to become China's God of War.

All your life, you have known victory in your martial prowess and nothing else. And that has been the cause of your defeat at the end of every major phase in your life. You act like an animal. You turn your fangs on anyone that displeases you, no matter how well they have treated you."

Lu Bu tighted the hold on his blade. He was ready to remove Jonah's head from his body.

"That is why you need a leader! Someone to show you along the right path! Someone to guide you to the right enemies! Follow me, Lu Bu! I will make you the new God of War of China! I will make you the strongest fighter in the world. And under me, you shall never lose again!"

Lu Bu felt something stirring in him that he hadn't felt in a long time. The young man resembled the only person who had his absolute trust in life.

'Tsk. Chen Dong, you have said similar words to me in the past. Since he also aknolwedges this, I shall give him a single chance. But the moment he lets me down, I will cut him in two.'

Lu Bu lowered his weapon. Although he didn't say whether he had truly acknowledged Jonah or not, everyone in the room took it as he had put Jonah on a trial period but would cut him down if he was a disappointment.

"Hahaha, interesting. Very interesting. So you have promised to make him the strongest, what do you promise the two of us?" the auburn haired woman asked

Jonah looked over to the two fairies. He summoned them both since they were both powerful members but each of them had just as horrible a personality as Lu Bu, if not worse. One of them would kill him if he could not make her resist her instincts while the other would kill him if she got bored.

"I can promise you, Titania, that I will help you restore the Fae Court. I will help you build a place that all of the Faeries can gather at once more without fear of human retaliation. As for Barghest, I will help you overcome your curse and lonliness as well as make your name as well known as Gawain himself."

These two were much harder to please than Lu Bu. For Lu Bu, all Jonah had to do was go around and find the right opponents for him. As one of the 7 Masters, he would naturally have to enter constant battle anyway.

But for the two fairies, Jonah needed to actively do research and make plans for the future. Breaking the curse of one's bloodline or creating a place that never existed while the original was destroyed by the hands of man were both challenges.

Titania looked Jonah up and down before nodding to herself. She was willing to place her bet on Jonah. And if he failed to make progress fast enough for her or break his word, it would never be too late to kill him then.

Barghest was even easier to convince. She was someone that was loyal to those that she had to serve. It was just that if her Master could not overcome her curse, then he would be in danger himself due to it.

With both of them appeased, there was only one person left that Jonah had to convince of his worth and potential. Chang'e was already happily talking with her husband about how much she had missed him and was creating a pink atmosphere between the two.

The last woman was the most dangerous of them all in Jonah's eyes. Even with all of his mental preparation and the spells he had prepared beforehand, Jonah could barely look at her feet without being overcome with the urge to press the woman down or let her press him down. But in order to negotiate properly, he had to look the woman in her face.

Jonah looked up to the woman and was stunned. She was a truly beautiful woman that surpassed any of the heroic spirits or women he had met before by a long mile. The most mesmerizing part of her were her eyes. It was like she was sucking in Jonah's soul.

"Aunt, go easy on him. You should know the effect you have on normal men," Berserker tried to convince the woman

"Oh, quiet, Cain. This boy is anything but ordinary. He has been looking at my true face for more than a few seconds but is still able to stand proudly. That already makes him pretty good in my books.

But what about my wish, boy? You seem to have already researched everyone else so you must also know what I want. Are you worthy of being my Master?"

Jonah struggled to speak while looking at the woman but he managed to muster up the three words she wanted to hear.

"To burn down Eden."

Lilith smiled brightly at Jonah which nearly killed him. When she saw the pain that she was in, she reverted to her 'mortal' face. The woman was still insanely beautiful but it was within human standards and something that others could bare to look at.

"Excellent. Then you shall have me by your side."

The 5 Servants that Jonah had summoned knelt before him before announcing their names and classes to him as well as asked the question

"I am Chang'e of the Foreigner Class. My husband says you are a good Master so I hope we get along well."

"Lilith of the Rider Class. Prove your worth to me and I may allow you to join me in my bedroom one day. For now, I will allow you to call yourself my Master."

"Titania, the Caster and Queen of the Fae. Do not bore me, Master. Your life might be in danger if you do."

"The Saber-class Servant, Barghest, has come in answer to your summons. ...I am unqualified to claim this, but I will wield my horns for your sake until my life runs out."

"Fengxian Lu Bu. Lancer. Guide me to battlefields and I will slaughter all those that stand in my way. Even you, if you fail to be the Master I was hoping for."

With this, Jonah had gained all 7 of his Servants and he was ready for whatever the next major battle would be.

--- Recap ---

Archer: Hou Yi

Foreigner: Chang'e

Berserker: Cain

Rider: Lilith

Caster: Titania

Saber: Barghest

Lancer: Lu Bu