
Fate/Grand Gamer [FGO]

A man transmigrated to the F/GO world, with a system... as a gamer... enjoy.

ArgosBestDoggo · Video Games
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5 Chs

Prologue 3

"Umm… Hahaha. That was a real accident, I didn't really intend to do that, I swear!"

"…Y-You! Y-y-you! …worthless insolent peasant dare molesting me! Inside my own organization! In front of all these people! How Dare You! Get OUT! GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" A barrage of insults and curses poured out from the fuming director.

She suddenly charged to me as she tried to reached out for my collar for a body throw. Sadly, with my experience I could see right through the attack and dodged easily, I caught her arms trying to get a hold of me and put her in armlock. I tried to neutralized her gently as to not hurt her, but then I felt her resisting my hold, her strength surpassing mine as I saw circuits of glowing lines along her arms, I released her and retreated a couple of steps.

So, this was some magic of this world, no, magecraft to be exact. Reinforcement if I remember correctly, reinforcing her body to surpass her body strength normal limits with her magic circuits. I memorized the body changes in her body that time, noting the sudden rise of energy in her body in an organized and controlled manner, I memorized how it worked to strengthen her body. Hopefully I will soon find how to use this later on.

I quickly raised my hands to offer my surrender at her after gaining quite a distance. Olga Marie was still glaring at me while a bit surprised at my surprisingly quick movements, the other candidates that were in there had their jaws agape at the scene.

"…I'm really, really sorry director? Just, keep calm and let's talk this through. Please, I didn't mean to do that I swear." I stayed where I am, hands still in the air as I calmly explained myself. I reminded myself that I need keep myself from getting kicked out this orientation for a chance to at least save this young director.

Among the characters that I really want to prevent from dying was her. I know she was just a really misunderstood person, she tried to hide her own feelings to keep up her family's name, after the death of his father. To make sure the world would not see her as a weak head of her family, she abandoned her own self happiness and hid in a shell of her own ruthless and strict personality as the director of Chaldea.

She's still glaring at me with her whole body in ready to fight, but she holding her arm that I held in armlock earlier. Great, great way for first impressions. I think I've put too much pressure earlier; I thought her reinforcement can take it, but I guess not.

"Director, are you hurt?!" I was worried that I pulled some muscles on her arm, I was never one to underestimate my opponents, I guessed put too much strength earlier.

"Don't come near me!" I tried approaching her to see her injury but was quickly rebuked.

"Director please calm down!" Thankfully Mash came to the rescue, she got in between the director and me as she tries to stop the fuming director. I looked at her apologetically and asked for help with my eyes.

"Mash! Don't defend this pervert, you saw what he did! I won't let this man on this important mission, and not even as a part of this organization!"

"Director, please listen. Senpai has a reason for being out of it. He just got his first simulation earlier, I'm afraid senpai doesn't really intend what happened earlier." Mash tried to find a way out for me, I didn't try to open my mouth knowing that will just infatuate the angry director.

I saw Dr. Lev walking towards Director Olga, he put his hands on her shoulder to calm her. "Mash is right, director. Mash found him asleep in the hallways earlier, so please understand, hmm?" Even this demon in human skin is now defending me, great.

Surprisingly Olga calmed down when Dr. Lainur covered for me, he looked at him meekly and nodded…ah that's right. This young director looks up to this demon in human skin, he was the one who really helped her when her father died, not knowing its real intentions, this demon really knows how to manipulate people.

"Besides, you have no time for this. There are more pressing issues, Team A has already finished their preparations and are waiting for you and the other to finish the orientation.

"But first you have to get that arm look up to Doctor Roman quickly. Don't worry I'll handle things for a bit while you get that look up, just make sure to catch up really quick. The operation will be starting soon." Dr. Lainur somehow convinced her as she lowered her guard and nodded in response then she turned to me and send me a glare.

"You, come with me! We need to talk." She ordered demandingly while pointing at me then started walking towards the door without waiting for my response.

"Go on Senpai, or the director will leave you behind." Mash said as I stood from my place dumbfoundedly.

I didn't expect things turned out this way, I thought Olga Marie would try to stay away as far away as possible from me, but now she wants me to follow her. While thankful that I got to have the chance to keep her from the upcoming disaster, I didn't think it would be this way.

Well, this can do as well. I slightly bowed in thanks to Mash as I hurriedly followed the director who just got past the door, hoping that she'll be fine like in the game. I heard the detrimental remarks of the other applicants towards me and the director pointing out my behavior and the incompetency of the director, I ignored them and just moved to follow after the director.

_ _ _

The whole ordeal of silence didn't bother me as I keep on following Olga, but the same could not be said to the director as she sometimes turn around and glare at me while walking, I just keep on my apologetic look in return.

When we arrived at the medical ward we were greeted by an empty room. Olga was furthered annoyed as she rants about the laziness of a certain doctor. She switched on the bracelet on her left hand a holographic screen appeared and she rummage about the device, she stood impatiently searching for something.

"That damn lazy doctor! Someday I'll get him for this! You, let's go!" She didn't even look at me as found the doctors location and ordered me to follow her, I felt sorry for Dr. Roman for what's about to come as I quietly follow behind her.

After a couple of minutes of walking we've come to stop at a door, I stood behind the director waiting for her. Behind this door is a lazy doctor doing lazy things and presumably checking up on his favorite magi Mari in my supposedly bed if I remember from the game correctly.

Olga slid the door open in a loud manner, and as expected a man in a green doctor coat was lazily eating a cake on the bed with a laptop was on his lap. His fluffy messy hair of pink was tied in a ponytail, wearing glove on both hands as he looked stupidly at us while his mouth was still stuffed with a spoon. There were a few seconds of silence as the doctor's face paled noticeably as we heard his loud gulped.

"You damn lazy oaf! We were so busy with the upcoming operation and you're here having the time of your life, huhhhhhh!!! What a head of medical division you are! You better get down on your knees, NOW!!!" The young director once again exploded when she saw the doctor's laziness. Having experience that wrath earlier, I felt a sense of camaraderie despite only meeting for the first time.

After a few seconds later of the doctor asking for forgiveness over and over again while kneeling on the floor and the director looming over in front of him, the director finally had enough of his ramblings and had him check her arm.

"You! Name yourself, stop being so quite there like some idiot." The young director who was having her arm check by the doctor turned her attention to me who was standing quietly in the corner.

"…My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka." I bowed while introducing myself to act the part as a Japanese. "Once again, I'd like to apologize about what happened earlier, I swear I didn't mean to tou--- t-to do that." Her face turned red and threateningly promised murder when I almost slipped my tongue, which I thankfully stopped right on time.

"Oya, I didn't notice you there. Hahaha, I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier, the director can be quite overwhelming when she's angry. I'm Romani Archaman, you can call me Dr. Roman for short, nice meeting you, Fujimaru-san." Dr. Roman turned his attention to me when I introduced myself, he was seemingly finish checking the director's arm so he offered his arm for a handshake to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Dr. Roman." I took his hand while offering my most sincere smile. Afterall, this man is the one I admire the most among the characters in the game.

"Oyy Romani, I was the one talking to him don't go interfering other people's conversation." The doctor and me both flinched at the reprimanding director.

"Hahaha, don't be so cruel director. I was just introducing myself to the new guy. Besides I've finish checking your arm, thankfully nothing was broken or injured. I've done some first aid magecraft so it should be good as new."

"Hmmp! As if I would get injured over something like that, besides that shouldn't you get ready now Romani. The rayshifting will be starting soon, Lev will be needing you on the command room. Go now, stop being such a nuisance!" Olga stood up and did some light stretching on her arm.

"Ah! Please wait doctor I might need to be check to." I can't let Dr. Roman go to the Command room right now. "…you see I don't feel so good after that simulation earlier, I might need some medicine or something." I spouted the excuse Mash made for me earlier, hopefully long enough.

"You can do that after our talk; besides I won't let a fatigued master candidate like you join the operation today. Dr. Roman go wait outside the room, wait for me we'll go straight to the command room after this." Director Olga crossed her arms while facing me and glared at Dr. Roman to give us some privacy. Dr. Roman laughed weakly and looked sorry at me as he walks out the room.

"Now, tell me. Who are you Fujimaru Ritsuka? Don't even think of lying, I've read your files and your actions earlier doesn't match with your profile descriptions." She pointed her right arm at me and readies a kind of spell as magical crest forms atop her finger.

It seems like my actions earlier have planted a seed of doubt to this young magus. The original protagonist's background has never been discussed in the game, and it seems like I didn't have in my profile about me being what I did earlier. Since I've broke my cover, time to come up with some acceptable excuse, I remove my neutral smiling face I've been wearing since earlier and wore a serious but calm expression.

"I assure you director; I have no bad intentions in joining Chaldea. I came here in order to help, that's all. I apologize for the fake records but I had to do that to make sure I'll be accepted as one of the candidates." I spoke in my most sincere and serious voice, just making sure not to indulge some details that could make me a suspicious person.

"Hmmp! As if I could trust some unknown magus like you. Now tell me who you work for, or I'll end you right here. Speak or I will kill you, I won't suffer the same fate as my father!" Her magic crest shone brighter as she aimed her fingers right to my face.

Although I am not even a magus and is being threatened right at my face, I didn't flinch a single bit as I felt the magic intensity at such close range. In fact, I manage to analyze it's structure by feeling this unknown but familiar energy.

"I won't tell you to trust me right now, in time I'll prove it to you that I'm only here to help. Although I apologize that I can't tell you who sent me here right now. You can do what you want, I'll respect it." I stood my ground as I gave my explanation, and pushed her a bit as I let her charging magic circle touch my forehead as stared straight through her eyes intensely. "…Or you can give me a chance to prove myself."

A couple of seconds of silence lingered as I held my ground staring straight at her, the director was the first to break our stare off as she put down her arms and deactivated her magic spell.

"Fine! Let's do it your way. But if I ever find you plotting some plans behind my back, I'll end you right there and then. Understood?!" I don't know if it was because of me so close to her or just my face but I silently laughed at the behavior of the director as she turned around and stomp her feet. She was just like a child throwing tantrum, I can even see her ear turning red.

"Of course, Director." Although she was facing the other way, I bowed in thanks for the director understanding.

"Stay here for now, this is your room in the first place. You'll be joining the next operation after you've taken rest."

* Boom! *

She was about to reach out for the door when a loud explosion was heard, as the lights gone out along as the alarms started resounding loudly in the facility.

"Director!" The door opened up as Dr. Roman stood there shockingly.

"What happened?! What was that explosion earlier?" Director Olga questioned Dr. Roman urgently as she tries to connect with her watch device to no avail.

"EMERGENCY ALERT. FIRES HAVE BROKEN OUT IN THE CENTRAL POWER PLANT AND CENTRAL CONTROL ROOM." I knew this was coming but I acted the part of being surprised, I just hope Mash didn't die. Although it's kind of cruel, I need her to be there for a certain heroic spirit save her.

"Fires? …No! Lev! The masters and my staffs!" Director was greatly shocked by the alert that sounded, while Doctor Roman don't know what to do seeing the panicked Director.


"Snap out of it both of you! We need to go there right now to see the situation." Seeing both the stunned faces of Director Olga and Dr. Roman, I raised my voiced a bit to bring them back to reality.


"Dr. Roman, Fujimaru, quickly follow me!" Director Olga quickly run off as Dr. Roman and I run behind her.

A minute later we found ourselves inside the central control room. It was utter destruction; fires were everywhere and debris of concrete where falling in huge chunks. The director's face turned ashen as she saw the situation.

"…Only Chaldeas is unharmed?" I supported the director who was getting weak in the knees as Dr. Roman access the surroundings.

"It's possible this was an act of sabotage." Dr. Roman's face turned grin as he voiced his suspicions.


"This is bad!" Both Dr. Roman and Director Olga turned their face above and behind us. The command room was partially destroyed and multiple bodies of the staff personnel where lying dead.


"Romani quickly go to the basement power plant! I'll go to the command room. We can't let Chaldeas' power go out. Fujimaru, follow me!" Dr. Roman nodded seriously as both him and Director Olga run out the door.

"…I'm sorry director. I need to find Mash and the others, see if there are other survivors." The two of them stop when they heard me.

"But that's dangerous! We don--"

"Tskk! Did I order you to stop Romani?! GO! And you!" She waves her arms in command while biting her lips. "Find out if there is still someone alive but make sure to get out in time." She then turns about-face and run off again, Dr. Roman was forced to follow after her as he gave me one last concerned look.


I run off towards the flames and destruction not minding the warning as I went to find Mash. I passed by several pods where the other Master candidate's lie inside, still not sure whether they're dead or not. I keep on shouting Mash's name as my worries got more and more intense hearing the Rayshift going to its final stage.

Thankfully I finally heard a familiar sound. "Fou! fouu!"

I followed Fou's voice as I run quickly towards it.


Finally, I saw her. Half of her body was smashed by a huge boulder as Fou made concerned sounds beside her.

"Mash!" I didn't know what changes will happen with me changing the events, but I felt a bit relieved to see that she was still alive. Although an injury like that would surely kill a normal human, I'll put my hopes that a certain heroic spirit would help her in the end.

"…Senpai?" Her voice sounded very weak as she looks at me. Seeing her being crushed by this humungous concrete made me even guiltier. Suddenly flashbacks of the faces of my dying teammates overlaps that of Mash's. I clenched my hands so hard than my nail burrowed and stated bleeding.

"Never mind me…please… you need to… run…" Hearing her concern about me while she was there lying in her own blood woke me up from my visions. I didn't bother answering her, I just sat beside her as I held her hand on my own.

"…I'm sorry Mash, I shouldn't have left you earlier." I held her hands firmly and looked at her sincerely.

Suddenly another loud alarming sound reverberated with a more ominous tune.

"WARNING TO OBSERVATION STAFF. CHALDEAS' CONDITION HAS CHANGED." I closed my eyes as I heard the warning, I concentrated and readied my mind and body for what's to come.


"Chaldeas is--"

"CENTRAL BULKHEAD WILL NOW BE SEALED. COMMENCING INTERIOR CLEANSING IN 90 SECONDS." Sounds of the steel doors closing and locking was heard.

"Senpai… I'm sorry… because of me…" Mash apologize as I opened my eyes and look at her helplessly.

"What are you saying Mash? I can't possibly leave you here alone. We haven't catch up yet you know?" I smiled at her as I kept on holding her hand firmly, reassuring her that I won't leave her alone.


"Senpai… You can't see…the sky…at all…from here." Mash gazed emptily at nowhere as her hand get weaker and weaker in mine.

"…Is that so… Rest assured Mash." I patted her head lightly with my other arm. "Look at my eyes, what color are they?"

Mash lifted her face as she looks at me in the eye. "…Blue…they're… really blue"

"Hmm… Someday, I'll show you a sky much bluer them… so look forward to it. Hmm?" I promised her as I held her hand more sincerely.

"…senpai…your hand…it's so…warm…" She smiled at me with all her strength, which I returned in kind not minding the destruction that's started again as the room quaked.

"RESETTING CONTACT WITH SUITABLE DESIGNEE NUMBER 48." I felt a burning sensation on my right arm and saw the familiar command spell.

The room started to crumble more and more as the final phase of the rayshifting starts.