
Vlad III

"Phew, Look, look like we arrived just in time."

Yasaka looked at me with a suspicious expression before asking.

"Who are you?"

"We are just a group of people on vacation."

Yasaka raised her eyebrow and still did not trust my servant and me.

"Well, I guess we are like suspicious people, aren't we? But please trust us this one time."

Yasaka hesitated a little before nodding at her head and began to relax.

"Good, Asia, please heal her, okay?"

"Yes, Master"

Asia then walked toward Yasaka before she began to heal all her wounds. I then turn my head toward my servant, who fights the Shadow Servant. The only shadow servant I know is the one that currently fights Archer is Lu Bu Fengxian. I remember him because of his unique shape that tells his real identity. I then look toward Berserker, who is currently fighting four shadow servants, and by the look of it, Berserker is winning. He then looks at Lancer, who fights 2 Servants, one lancer and the other is Archer, I know Lancer can handle the shadow servant, but if the situation becomes bad, then I will support him with the items I had or with Command Seal.

I then hear a sound of an explosion behind me, I then look at the source and find that Caster is fighting 2 Shadow Assassin and one of them is a Servant that I know because by looking at the shape of it. The servant Cuchulain fighting is Jack the Reaper at least one of them while the other one looks like an Assassin from Hassan-I-Sabbah.

"Valerie, Protect Asia, okay?"


I know Valerie can't fight a servant at her current state, but at least she can hold them as we come and finish the job. Valerie is learning from Cuchulain and Asia about Magic Spell and Rune.

Anyway, after ordering Valerie to stay with Asia, I immediately call Assassin through our mental link.

'Assassin, where are you? We need your help. There is an Assassin Shadow Servant in our position.'

'I'm sorry, Lord Mage, but currently, I'm fighting two shadow servants that are coming from the beach and notice me.'

'I see.'

'Should I retreat?'

'No, Defeat them, I will trust my safety to Caster that is currently fighting the Servant.'


I then began to walk toward Caster but stopped by Asia, who took my hand and said.

"Master, Please stay here. I will be the one helping Caster dealing with the Shadow Servant."

I hesitated a little but nodded at her determination expression.

"Thank you, and don't worry, I will protect you."

I then sit down near Yasaka, followed by Valerie, who sits near me. Yasaka looks at me before saying.

"You let her fight?"

"Yes, I trust all my servants."

"I thought she was a healer?"

"No, Her Sacred Gear is a healing one, but she is capable of fighting the other as well."

"I see, You have a lot of trust in your servant, huh?"

"I do, Without them, I would never have come this far."

I say that even though I am only with them for a month give or take, I forgot, but I trust my servant to do their job because I know these people, and I guess I can say that they are the family that I never had in my previous life.


Another explosion happens in front of us, and I quickly create a barrier to protect us from the debris that is flying toward us. After the explosion finished, I can see a huge crater, and in the center of it is Vlad III that has many burn injuries all across his body.


Kokabiel, Lily, and George are currently fighting with Vlad III, who is currently summoning many stakes from the ground to impale them with it. Kokabiel can dodge all of it by simply flying in the air using his wings while Lily and George are dodging the stake by using their speed.

Vlad III fights them by using a hit and run tactic and by taking advantage of his long spear to make him hard to hit, but the most annoying thing is his Vampire that keep coming back even though they cut them down.

Kokabiel keeps raining down his Holy spear toward Vlad, who blocks all of it or by using the Vampire he created by using the corpse of the fallen Bodyguard. They continue to fight Vlad, who keeps using his noble phantasm as if he has an unlimited Mana pool.

Seeing that the forest is replaced by the stake that came from Vlad's noble phantasm, Lily decided to finish him with her noble phantasm.

"Kokabiel-San and George-San, please take cover I will unleash my Noble Phantasm."

Both men nodded at her before retreating to a safe distance from the explosion that would happen. Lily raises her sword over her head and says.

"Please watch me. I will bring you victory!"

"Sword of Selection, grant me power! Cleave the wicked!


Lily then swung down her sword as the Holy Energy came out of her sword and hit Vlad and caused an explosion.


The power of Caliburn successfully destroys all the stakes that come from Vlad Noble Phantasm and leaves a massive Crater on the ground with Vlad still standing in the middle of it with a smile on his face.

"Splendid, You successfully kill me."

"Thank you?"

"No, I should be the one who says thank you. I didn't want to be summoned as Berserker, and In fact, I hate this, I hate being a Vampire. So thank you for ending my misery, May I know your name?"

Kokabiel, George, and Lily look at each other before nodding.

"My Name is Artoria Pendragon, The future king of Britain."

"Georgios, The dragon-slaying Saint."

"Kokabiel, The Angel of the Stars"

Vlad looks at the Trio before laughing with happiness.

"I see, I see. It was my honor to fight The King of Britain, The dragon-slaying Saint, and The Angel of the Stars. Now I can die in peace and free from this curse."

Vlad then slowly became a mote of light before disappearing into the night.


I look at Vlad, who has been defeated by Lily Noble Phantasm, then disappears and leaves Quartz on the ground. Wait… QUARTZ!!!

'Good Job, Lily"

'Umm, Thank you, Fujimaru.'

'Can you help defeat the rest of the shadow servants with the other?'

'Of course.'

'Don't forget to pick up the Quartz on the ground.'

Lily, George, and Kokabiel then help the other to fight the Shadow Servant (after picking up the Quartz, of course). Lily helps Archer fight, Lu Bu, while George helps Assassin and Kokabiel help Cuchulain and Asia finish the Enemy.

The fight ended with the help of another servant, especially when my servant began to use their noble phantasm to finish off the Enemy.

After killing the Enemy (and Picking up the Quartz on the ground), we walked toward Yasaka, who sees us in wonder before saying.

"Thank you for saving my daughter and My life. If not for you guys, then we will be dead by now."

"It's okay, glad we help."

"Then please let me pay your kindness by inviting you to my palace."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts