
fate/fake clone

Misaka10,000 was supposed to die but instead finds herself reborn in the conflict between the Mages Association and the rebellious Yggdmillennia in this new life will she finally understand the meaning of being alive or will she shares the same fate as her previous life ?

Rishab_Kumar · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


It hurts.. it hurts so much" an injured young brown haired girl crawled on the narrow ally

" Oi oi where do you think your going?" a boy with snow-white skin, and red eyes wearing black v-striped clothes that blended into the darkness around them taunted

The girl weakly pointed her rifle at him

she was born without meaning. Now she will die without meaning all she could do was tremble and put up futile struggle before her death

she didn't want this... She didn't know what about this she disliked, but she didn't want it. blood seeped into her eyes but she was too scared to even blink - in case she could not open her eyes again.

She was quite simplely scared of death and pain because when you're in pain, nothing else can exist. Not thought. Not emotion. Only the drive to escape and the instinct of survival which even the most simplest forms of life fear both these forces drove her to fight till the end.

a cruel fate of never truly living and learning the desire to live just before dying like thousands of her sisters

Accelerator cocked his head to the side annoyed, "Honestly, that rifle is pointless. After 9999 battles, you still insist on a gun? I can't tell if you're stupid, or did Testament install the wrong programs inside your head?"

as an answer the clone Misaka10,000 fired again desperately at the accelerator,a deafening sound reverberated, but his Reflection reflected every single bullet back at fell to the ground, her goggles damaged, and blood flowed from her several gunshot wounds.

"I'm getting really bored, so let's just end this right now."

" N-no" she tried to crawl 'I don't..."

For a moment everything went black

Everything was in indistinct turmoil.

Her bared nerves - her Circuits - pumped out prana. He soul was being melted... dissolved... and reintegrated. she was clearly conscious yet unable to form thoughts.

No recognition... no thoughts... no formulation of logic possible. He could not assert himself. He could not even say for certain whether or not she was alive.

Yet she managed to slowly regain them her mind grasped a simple fact

I am... alive ?!

She slowly rose and walked

It was a simple been designed to walk - manage to go? The hall seemed to stretch on endlessly and never appeared to change. she slowly dropped to her knees, understanding that he could go no further.

Her breathing was weak... her heart raced,there was such a lack of heat in her body that he could not stop his limbs from going cold yet struggling against death this body refusing to give in small sparks of electricity emerged as her body used her inborn ability to warm her and strength her nerves and muscles

" M-master look she's..."

her eyes snapped open as she stood arcs of electricity were emitting from her body as she looked around

Misaka 10,000 was far from dead and just like an old saying "what does not kill you only makes you stronger "she was reborn much stronger than ever

(one month three days later)

A male homonculus walked into the throne room. He wore simple clothes, black pants, a white, buttoned shirt with long sleeves beneath a black tuxedo. His Hair was a light shade of brown, bleaching out slightly as it went to the upper center of his head. "Caster, requests an audience Lord Darnic." His expression was that of a typical Homunculus. Blank, awaiting orders he was one of the Yggdmillennia's many homonculi, serving as a simple butler to their members.

"Very well then, Bring him in " The Servant on the throne spoke

"Right away!" The Homonculus servant exclaimed before exiting the throne hall, within which Darnic had been residing all this time.

a tall man wearing a featureless mask without openings for eyes or a mouth and a full-body suit with a blue mantle walked in and knelt to them

So caster what is your report ?

"It's about that Homonculus My king ,I have observed her for a few days and concluded "

Darnic leaned forward expectingly if it was a success it would be revolutionary to the branch of creation of Hominculi. The Yggdmillennia family will finally have the edge over the Einzberns!

"That she is not the one"Solomon ibn Gabirol continued much to Darnic's disappointment

"however it seems that she is still useful in another manner this homunculus is very special, beyond anything I have seen before. When I thought she awakened prematurely, I assumed it was a malfunction, but instead it was actually a huge success, a unique mutation in her genes. She has developed sentience and empathy on a scale never before seen in any Homonculus. And her Magic Circuit acceptance is quite good her body hasn't rejected a single one of the 3 implants you have suggested."

Solomon ibn Gabirol was one of the greatest alchemist expert in the alchemy branch "Receiving", which is also a major Thaumaturgical School from the Middle East and Europe, centered mainly around deciphering hidden codes in holy scriptures. whose name was coined by Solomon ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) himself

therefore from someone who excelled at creation of golems, study and manipulation of the flow of matter ,gaining control over bodies, life, and souls; with turning lead into gold and so on, hearing him praise(which was probably the most emotion he had showed so far) that homunculus ment she was extremely valuable

" Have you learnt anything about her unusual power ? "

" None so far,it is not any form of magecraft rather it not magecraft at all what ever this unknown power is it's seperate from magecaft despite the similar principals,it seem to function without the use of prana as such despite her strength she cannot be used as a reactor core which requires prana"

" It's quite rare to hear you praise anyone caster,I take it that now you have come here for a reason " a tall man dressed in royal fashion which gave him the appearance of a shadow in the night, while contrasting with his pale face and long, silk-like white hair

"Yes,my king,I request you to except that Homonculus from her current duties and let her work under me "

" I expected such come in Misa." The commanded, as the door opened (slightly suprising caster) and an young chestnut brown haired girl wearing a black button up shirt, a green tie, white jacket and a green skirt with tights and black shoes on her belt she spotted a single sword with a white sheat and a red, decorative top part on entered and bowed to them formally

Valad leaned forward in curious interest to the girl before him. She looked younger than most of the other Homonculus but she possessed more intellegence and power than the rest

"Raise your head, Misa." he exclaimed before he stood up from her seat, stepping closer towards the young Homonculus as she slowly lifted his head, "You are above the other Homonculi. You are unique, special and as such, we have great expectations of you !?"

" I thank you for your praise my king "

" As such you must make sure to live up to our expectations failure in not an option.."

" I shall not fail you my king "she replied determined "for the glory of Yaggdamil"

A/N this is just an experimental one I hope you like it

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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