
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

29. Instinctive decision-making

  [Faced with this situation, it is difficult for you to make a choice. ]

  [But your body has already been driven by some kind of instinct and started to act directly. ]

  [By the time you reacted, you had already rushed out and grabbed Artolis's hand. ]

  Ian didn't know why his body chose this way.

  All he knew was that he was holding Artoris's hand tightly.

  This handsome young man just hung on the edge of the city wall. Like a fallen leaf blown here.

  What would do that?

  Ian couldn't understand it at all.

  In the past, he always thought about issues from the perspective of maximizing Morgan's interests and never doubted anything.

  But this time, he chose a path he shouldn't have chosen.

  What exactly is this for?

  "Mr. Ian..."

  Artolis's voice pulled Ian out of his thoughts.

  He looked at the other party subconsciously and suddenly understood everything.

  I saw that due to the incident just now, the band that originally wrapped Artolis's hair had unraveled, and after spinning in the air and drawing several arcs, it fell to the bottom.

  The golden and soft long hair spread out in the wind, like thin willows dancing with the poem.

  In a daze, Ian actually saw Morgan's appearance.

  He finally understood why he had an indescribable feeling for Artoris - the kind of thought that would only echo when he saw Morgan.

  There seemed to be some similarities in the appearance of the two people.

  Ian felt that his arms were much stronger.

  "I'll rescue you now."

  [Although Artolis eats a lot, his petite body is not heavy because of it. ]

  [You hold on to the part of the city wall that has not yet collapsed and forcefully drag Artolis up. ]

  [After surviving the disaster, he clutched his chest and gasped. ]

  [But suddenly, as if he remembered something, he once again approached the edge of the city wall's collapse. ]

  [You grabbed him. ]

  "Artolis!" Ian yelled, "Are you crazy?"

  "Do you want to fall again?"

  "No!" Artolis shook his head in denial, "I want to know if anyone was hit by something falling."

  "If there is any, they must be treated immediately."


  Artolis' words left Ian speechless.

  If you think about it carefully, it is indeed what he would say - after all, he is a being who can distribute rations to others on the road and let himself go into the city hungry.

  "Artolis, if you always want to take care of everyone, sooner or later there will be a time when you can't."

  "It's better to take care of the parts you can take care of as much as possible before you collapse. That's the best choice."

  "Get out of the way and I'll check."

  Ian said this while pushing Artolis out of the dangerous place.

  [In place of Artoris, you carefully examine the situation below on the collapsed city wall. ]

  [You didn't notice that what you just said had a considerable impact on Artolis. ]

  [He kept these words in mind. ]

  [Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as imagined. ]

  [This is not the peak period for entering and exiting the city, and this is not a commonly used city gate in the royal capital. ]

  [So although there was indeed an accident on the city wall, it did not cause any actual damage—if Artolis, who should have fallen, is not counted. ]

  "No problem."

  After confirming the situation, Ian turned around.

  "No one was hit, just a few more holes. With Artolis like this, you can rest assured, right?"

  "Yeah..." Artolis breathed a sigh of relief.

  "It's great, it would be too bad if anyone got hurt because of me."


  Artolis looked at the city wall with a large gap and felt a little guilty.

  "About its compensation..."

  "Heh." Ian put his hands on his hips, "Then I might have to ask you to sign a contract of servitude or something so that I can pay it off, right?"


  Artolis hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand, and I will work hard to pay it back."

  "Did you really believe it?" Ian didn't know what to say to Artolis for a moment.

  "How could something like this be true?"

  "The city wall has been in disrepair for a long time. The people who climbed here almost lost their lives because of this. This is a shame that we knights should remember. How can we ask you to compensate?"

  [You would have thought that such an explanation would make Artolis breathe a sigh of relief. ]

  [But you found that he fell into silence because of your words. ]

  [You sensed that he probably had something to say. ]

  "Artolis, if you have any questions, just ask." Ian spoke directly, "You won't get the answer if you hide it in your heart."


  Artoris raised his head and looked directly at Ian in front of him.

  "Is the situation in Britain already so bad?"

  "Even the maintenance of the royal capital's city walls has been stopped..."

  The smallest details often reflect the appearance of things themselves.

  The collapse of the city wall was not just a matter of disrepair - behind it was a reflection of a series of problems such as lack of manpower and insufficient resources.

  Just like when you find one cockroach, there may actually be a hundred cockroaches lurking near you.

  Artolis in front of him obviously realized this.

  This made Ian feel that he, who looked very poor on the outside, must have received a good knight education.

  However, Ian did not directly answer this question.

  He just touched Artolis's head, and then said with a smile:

  "Artolis, did you know your hair got loose?"


  Artolis touched the back of his head and realized that the thing covering his hair was gone.

  "This..." He seemed a little panicked.

  Seeing Artolis like this, Ian calmly took out a piece of cloth from the pile of things bought for Artolis.

  He neatly tore off a piece from it and handed it to him.

  "Here, let's make do with this, okay?"

  "Thank you, thank you..."

  Artolis took the torn piece of cloth from Ian's hand with some embarrassment, and then wrapped it around his head with an extremely skillful technique.

  The long blond hair that was originally scattered was quickly gathered into a wrapped ponytail.

  "I'm sorry." Artolis apologized, "Mr. Ian, you saw me in such a mess."

  "It's fine."

  Ian wasn't going to get into it.

  His attention was actually still on the question Artoris had just asked.

  "But what I want to tell you is that the current situation in Britain may indeed not be ideal."

  "But that's definitely going to change."


  "Yes." Ian nodded, "One day, Britain will definitely usher in changes under the leadership of a certain king. I have always believed in this."

  "The leadership of a certain king..."

  Artolis also nodded.

  "Mr. Ian, you are right."

  "Sometime in the future, Britain will change."


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 25 chapters ahead there~
