
(18) Identity

(An: Just a spoiler warning. There is a big reveal in this chapter. If you still haven't finished the final singularity, I recommend for you to do so. But if you already finished it or just don't give a flying fuck about spoilers, then feel free to read on.)


October 19, 2015. 08:30 AM.

After getting out of bed, Alex began his morning ritual. He firstly started with fixing his bed, brushing his teeth, taking a cold shower, and doing some light exercise like push up. He had been doing this for a while now since It helps him to prepare his mind to start the day.

He's wearing a long black coat that reaches his knee, a white shirt, black pants, and black boots, he nodded at his reflection on a full body mirror. On his neck, a beautiful red necklace hangs perfectly, it has a blood-red color similar to Alex's eyes which flawlessly suits him.

"This necklace is sure is useful."

Gently rubbing the red gem hanging on his chest, the gem shine slightly which seems to be pleased by Alexander's touch. The necklace has the power to create any clothes that hug its owner that appear out of thin air. Although the clothes don't have any protective measures, he still finds the necklace useful since he doesn't have to worry about the trouble of changing clothes.

Satisfied, he left his room and went to the cafeteria to grab a bite. He met Romani on the way which looks like a zombie because of his messy appearance combine with his bed hair.

"Oh, Good morning, Alex." He lazily said.

"Yeah, good morning to you. What happens to you? you look like a slob. Oh, wait, you are one..."

"Thanks, your words are exactly what I need this early in the morning." He sneers sarcastically. "Anyway, what are you wearing? going to a runway or something?"

Alexander froze, he was surprised that Romani response with sarcasm. He hides his surprised expression and replied nonchalantly, "Just want to try different outfits once in a while."

"Oh, I see..."

They were silent after that.

'Something is off about him. but I couldn't put my finger on it...'

Although Romani has a lazy and laid-back attitude about him which is far from his usually friendly personality. What's more mysterious is his eyes that betrayed the facade of a lazy person as they express deep wisdom within them.

Base on his body language, he emits a confident aura but seems so distant from reality.

This is not the Romani he knows, that's for sure.

Although he was suspicious of his identity, he doesn't feel any threat coming from him so Alexander relaxes a little. What he doesn't know is that Romani was also observing him. Whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, we do not know.

'Why is he showing me this side of him? Is this really the Romani that I know? An impostor perhaps?... No, if he was an impostor, he would not purposely show this weird behavior of his. Unless he is doing this to throw me off? or maybe he is the real Romani but he was purposely showing this side of him? If so, for what reason? Sigh, maybe I'm just overthinking things...'

The more Alexander thought about it, the more confusing the situation become. He made a barely audible sigh as he shook his head.

"Something the matter?"

Romani's calm but with a tint of hypnotic voice interrupts his chaotic thoughts.

"No, it's nothing..."

They continue to walk as they made small talk on the way until they reach the door leading to the cafeteria. The lazy and relaxed attitude of Romani disappears as he returns to the typical friendly guy that everyone in Chaldea comes to know and love.

But before Romani was able to take the first step, "Just who are you, Romani?"

"I'll explain later, Alexander..."

Without any further words, he went into the cafeteria as Alexander watched as he cheerfully greeted every staff including Mash and Ritsuka who's peacefully eating their breakfast. Although as much as Alexander want to drag Romani and interrogate him, now was not the time to do so. Disappointed, he enters the cafeteria.

Unlike Romani, he only politely greeted the staff. Heading to where they serve the food, he was greeted by the old woman who served as the lunch lady. She and Alexander were quite close as before the events of the Fuyuki Singularity, he sometimes assists her in doing hard chores. He didn't help out of kindness though as you may have guessed, he badly needed information when he first arrives here in Chaldea and she was the perfect target to squeeze some information from.

He did not seek Olga for that as it will only make her suspicious of his action. That also includes the other staff members as they are not naively enough to trust him and provide the information he needed.

Because of his assistance, she gladly informs him of the workings of Chaldea without much trouble, too which he was grateful for. They quickly become acquaintances because of that.

"Oh, Alexander my dear." The smile on her face becomes more apparent when she saw his figure approach her. She then slowly put the teapot that she was holding into the dishwasher. Because of old age, her movement was slow, typical of those who are in their late 70s.

"The usual?" she asked.

"Yes, Obaasan(Grandmother)." Alexander politely responds.

"Ok, dear. wait for a moment."

Wiping her hand with a clean wet cloth, she then entered the kitchen to only return before his eyes with a mouthwatering meal of freshly cooked fried eggs, with bacon and toasted bread. It was a simple but delicious meal.

He thanked the old lady as he joins Ritsuka and the others. Although he mostly wanted to eat alone, Ritsuka has long spotted him and called out to join them. He obliged, he will not lose anything if he agreed to his request, so why not.

He sat beside Romani who in turn, sat opposite of the two. They peacefully eat their breakfast as they converse with one another.

"Oh yeah, Alex. Did something happen between you and Tamamo-san?" Ritsuka ignorantly asked.

They were an awkward silence that soon follows. Alexander's eyebrows slightly twitched. He contemplated for a bit. But rather than answering directly, he answered with a question, "Oh? What made you think that something happened between the two of us?"

"I just noticed something was off when we spoke to her a few days ago... Oh, you don't have to answer if that made you uncomfortable."

"Not really, it just we first experience the weird phenomenon that happened between Masters and a servant."

"Phenomena? oh! you mean the events when a Master and their Servants can see a vision of each other's past?" Romani exclaimed.

"uh-ha." Alexander nodded. "She must have seen something embarrassing from my past that made her awkward around me."

"Oh, I see."

Although they were aware that was not entirely the case, they didn't force any more answers. They continue to make some small talks until everyone finished their food, after that, they separate and do their own thing. Alexander waited for the two juniors to disappear before talking to Romani.

"So, are willing to explain now?"

"Here is not a good place, let's talk somewhere quiet and deserted. Follow me, I know a good place."

Turning his back against him, Romani confidently walked out of the cafeteria. Alexander follows the doctor as they made their way to an unknown destination. He once again observes the back of the man he saw as an easy to talk to type of guy.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, they arrived at a desolate area of Chaldea. This is an exclusive place where only the higher-ups of Chaldea can relax. Since Romani has currently the highest position, he can enter this place without problems. He invited Alexander to take a seat as he prepared tea for the both of them.

He didn't have to wait for long as Romani returned with two cups of tea. He sat in front of Alexander as he slowly sips the tea in his hand, he also appears to be in deep thought. Alexander didn't interrupt as he waited for him to take the initiative to talk.

After a few minutes of silence, Romani finally opened his mouth as he asked, "Are you familiar with the tale of King Solomon?"

Alexander was confused about the question but he replies nonetheless, "A bit. I heard his name a few times in the past."

"The wise king of Israel, the successor of King David... He has many titles according to history."

"Yeah, so, what about him? Are you related to him somehow?"

"Not only related, but he and I were the same people."


Alexander accidentally spits the tea in shock.

"Ahh, sorry, I shouldn't have said that while your drinking." He apologizes as he offers a handkerchief.

He nods in appreciation as he wipes the lingering tea on his lips, "Just answer me this, why are you revealing this thing to me?"

"It's because of a prophecy."

"A prophecy?" Now that caught Alexander's attention.

"Yes, it's a long story to explain. Do you have the time to listen?"

Alexander shrug, "All the time in the world."

"Great." Romani, who was tense the whole time, finally relax as he smiled.

"To start, are you aware of the first and last Holy Grail War that happen in Fuyuki 11 years ago?"

"I have some knowledge about it." Out of habit, he settles his fingers in his chin as he continues, "I'm aware that it has some connection to the Fuyuki Singularity that we fixed a few days ago."

"Yes, it was a chaotic war..." He has a melancholic expression as he reminiscent of the past. But before he got lost in his world, he continued, "I was a participant in that war, not as a master, but as a servant..."

"So you're saying that you participate as Solomon."

"Yes, that's right."

"Then, if you really are the King Solomon of the past who is known by Magus all around the world as the king of Magecraft, why do I not feel any magical energy from you?"

"Because that's what I wished for..."

"What you wished for? what do you... Oh! Do you mean the Grail?"

"That's right, I and my master, the previous director, Marisbury Animusphere, won the Holy Grail War..."

"Wait, hold on a sec," Alexander interrupts as he pinches the bridge of his nose, "You're revealing this important information so casually. You trust me that much?"

"Our little interaction earlier confirms that you were the person I'm looking for. What I did earlier was a test, but I was proven correct as your way of mannerism perfectly fitted the person in my dreams... The one I saw was the one who will save humanity- no, all living creatures from incineration."

Alexander closed his eyes for a moment to digest all the information he just heard.

"I know that all of this was sudden, but I spend 11 years as an ordinary human living in guilt. I abandoned my duties as a king to satisfy my desire to live as a normal human, away from responsibilities." Tightly holding the cup in his hand, he continued, "Even without my clairvoyance, I can still see the vision of all life on this planet dying one by one... So please!"

Alexander was surprised when Romani jump out from his seat as he bows his head along with his upper body 180°.

"Save them, save humanity, save all living beings from their impending doom!"

Alexander was silent. He didn't respond to his pleading as he quietly raises from his seat and slowly strolled towards the nearest window. Romani remain in his position as he clenched his fist tightly. He misunderstands Alexander's actions as rejection.

Before he pleads once more, Alexander asked an unexpected question, "What will I gain from saving the world, Romani?"

Romani froze. He was at a loss for words. But he was right, what will he gain from saving humanity? glory? He could tell that Alexander was not interested in such things. Wealth? He has an entire treasury of worldly treasures at his disposal. Woman perhaps? No, if he truly desires a female companion, with his otherworldly appearance combine with his power and wealth, any woman will personality volunteer to sleep with him.

Then what about him? what could he offer? his life-

"Don't overthink things." Alexander saw that Romani was having an internal struggle, so he interrupts the poor guy before he became depressed. He continued, "I just let you know that I do good things not out of kindness, Romani... At the very least, it is my right to ask for an exchange for my service, especially carrying such a big burden like saving the world from incineration."

"My point is, I'm not the selfless person that you think I am, Romani. In fact, I'm the opposite. I'm a selfish person who only thinks about myself without caring for others..."

"Now, tell me, are willing to let the faith of humanity handle by such a selfish and greedy person? I'm not asking this to the Doctor of Chaldea, rather, I'm asking this question to the King of Magecraft, Solomon-"

"I will." His eyes which were full of confusion and guilt a moment ago was now replaced by underlying confidence.

"I see, don't regret that decision in the future... Solomon."

"Hahaha, you underestimate me. My eyes may have lost their clairvoyance, but I have confidence in dealing with evil and greedy people. Trust me when I say you, were not one of them."

"Sigh, whatever, if that is all, I'm going back now." He sighs as he put the empty cup on the table as he headed for the entrance.

"Oh, and before I forgot, I have something important I have to do later. I want you, Da Vinci, and the other two to be there. Could you do me a favor and called out them for me? We will meet up in my room in an hour.

Romani resist the urge to ask as he only nodded. Seeing he agreed, Alexander exit the room with his hands in his pockets.

"Alexander, Thank you."

Alexander halts for a moment before he continued on his way, he removed his right hand from his pocket as waved his hand in the air as he disappeared from Romani's view...


(An: Before you guys complain that I posted this chapter late, I have a good reason why that was the case... This chapter was ready to be posted three days ago, but could you believe what happen? The chapter got blasted into oblivion, it suddenly disappears out of fucking nowhere... I trusted this app so I did not prepare a backup chapter. But because of that BS, I have to rewrite everything from scratch. I could not rewrite everything in full detail so I may have change something that I didn't fully plan... Enough ranting, I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible as an apology.)

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