
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Chapter 5 - Kuoh Gakuen and Occult Research Club part 1

In the bathroom right in the shower area, Shirou was cleaning his body which was smelly and sticky due to sweat plus a dried blood stain on his left chest due to the wound he got yesterday.

(Archer are you aware that your two little sister, Illya and Kuro, have a lot of magic power in their bodies? Especially Illya, the magic energy in her body feels really pure and clean more than Illya from our previous world) Zelretch said.

"I feel it Zelretch," Shirou said, rubbing his body with a soap. "And I can also feel that Illya in this world is not a homunculus like my Illya, but in this world she is a real human being."

(But Kuro is the one that not human) Zelretch said. (That girl has almost the same body structure as a servant, only the anchor to support her existence is the Class Card created by another me)

"Class Card?" Shirou said. "This is the first time I've heard that word, what exactly is the function of this Class Card?"

(Items that give users the power of a Servant) Zeltretch said. (I'm really surprised to see the existence of Class Cards in this dimension)

"That means Class Card is a dangerous item if it falls into the wrong hands," Shirou said. "After all, what did you create such a thing for?"

(I'll tell you next time Archer) Zelretch said. (I just feel right now is not the right time to tell you)

"You don't want to tell me, huh?" Shirou said while turning off the shower. "It's really not like you old troll, what's going on?"

(Not telling you everything is one of the absolute commands of God when I am sealed up in your body) Zelterch said. (Although I really want to tell you, Archer. I won't be able to say anything unless the time is right)

"If that's an absolute command from God, well that means you really can't tell me anything," Shirou said with a sigh. "I can only wait for you to tell me what is Class Card later."

(All I can tell you right now is that your sister Kuro is a part of Illya) Zelretch said. (Who gets a real body through the Class Card so she can live in this world)

Shirou, who had finished showering, immediately dried his body and then put on his school uniform, then he walked into the dining room.

In the dining room Illya, Kuro, Liz and Sella are eating their breakfast. Shirou then sat on the chair where he usually sat on the other side of Illya.

Illya and Kuro were about to greet Shirou, but because Sella was always angry at the two of them when they talked while eating. They hold the urge to talk. Sella always teaches the two of them that chatting while eating is not polite. So now both of them could only be silent, for fear of being scolded by Sella. Except maybe if Illyasviel and Kiritsugu were with them, then they would be able to eat while chatting.


Right after Shirou and his two younger sisters went to school. Sella sighed while sitting on the sofa, she was still upset with what had happened to her this morning. Sella was completely confused by the behavior Shirou. How could Shirou withstand a punch from her? And why did Shirou become that brave?

"Sella, why do you look so depressed?" Asked Lizz the lazy maid her real name is Leysritt, Lizz is just a nickname)

"I'm just surprised Leysritt," said Sella. "Why suddenly Shirou dares to fight me like that, whereas before he didn't dare to fight at all!"

"Maybe he's tired Sella," Leysritt said. "Tired, you always blame him when he didn't do anything wrong."

"What wrong when I beat a pervert?" Sella said. "He is a siscon and lolicon! He always wants to do a pervert thing to Illya-san and Kuro-san!"

"From what I've been watching," said Leysritt. "Shirou has never done anything perverted to you, to me or to Kuro and Illya."

"But he once kissed Illya-san's lips!" Sella said. "He even touched your chest Lizz!"

"I never remember Shirou kissing Illya at all, what I remember is, Shirou kissed Illya forehead," Leysritt said. "And although Shirou touched my chest, I think it was also accidental. Because at that time Shirou fell towards me because you kicked him Sella, so Shirou accidentally touched my chest and If I think it more. Cleary it was your fault. "

Sella was annoyed and shocked at Leysritt's words. because everything Leysritt said was one hundred percent true and because of that Sella couldn't talk at all.


"Onii-chan looked a little different this morning, are you have some problem?" Asked Illya.

"Yes, Onii-chan was really not like himself this morning," Kuro said. "Onii-chan looks more braver."

"I'm just tired of being beaten and blamed by Sella for a mistake I didn't do," Shirou replied. "No matter how patient I am, I just a human who have a limits and Sella's actions this morning have completely breaking my patience. "

"Onii-chan," Illya said. "I didn't know that all this time Onii-chan was holding your anger at Sella, I'm sorry I didn't realize it all this time.


"Illya is true Onii-chan," Kuro said. "We are really stupid for not being aware of the suffering you feel that caused by Sella."

(Uuuh, my acting seems too convincing) Shirou said in his heart. (Even though this morning I resisted the blow from Sella just so that my new body had no damage)

"You guys didn't do anything wrong," Shirou said with a cold sweat dripping down his forehead because he felt he was overdoing the pretending. Even though Shirou only wanted to tease Sella a little because Shirou felt Sella was too negative about him. But Shirou didn't expect that his acting had destroyed Sella's image in front of her two younger siblings. "Besides, I've also forgiven Sella for all the mistakes she made to me."

"Onii-chan," Illya and Kuro said with tears in their eyes.

"Thank God Onii-chan is still the Onii-chan I know," Kuro said. "I was really surprised by the reaction from Onii-chan this morning when Sella almost hit you."

"Onii-chan hasn't changed at all," Illya said. "I'm really worried because Onii-chan looks like someone else earlier."

"I already told both of you llya, Kuro," Shirou said. "I just really lost my temper after Sella's always being careless to me all this time, I won't change because I'm Emiya Shirou, your brother."

After a moment of hugging that caught the attention of many people around the three, Illya, Kuro and Shirou immediately stopped hugging because they were aware of the people who were looking at them. With their faces flushed with shame, the three continued their journey to Kuoh Gakuen.

(Haaaah I'm really too carried away) Shirou told himself. (Usually I never do this again, even when I'm called by Rin to be a Servant. Is this all because of this new body?)

Shortly after in front of the Kuoh Gakuen gate.

"Emiya-kun good morning!" Rin said

"Shero, good morning!" Luvia said.

Tohsaka Rin and Luviagelitta Edelfelt waiting for Shirou in front of the Kuoh Gakuen gate like they used to do every morning. And behind both of them were the classmates Miyu of Illya and Kuro, also a fellow magical girl who was standing with a face that showed no expression as usual.

"Geh," Kuro said. "Are they both not tired of doing the same thing every morning continuously trying to make Onii-chan liking them in front of the school gate. "

"I'm already lazy to comment," Illya said. "They both are too stubborn to give up."

"That's right," Miyu said. "The two of them even waited here from an hour ago."

(Rin even Edelfelt huh, if I'm not mistaken, she is Rin's rival in the Clock Tower is right?) Shirou thought to himself. (Well, I should have guessed, I completely forgot about the two of them. Even though they are both in my new memory)

(You become forgetful Archer) Zelretch said. (You can't even remember the whereabouts of my two students who also exist in this world, even though you have memories of them)

(Shut up you're Zelretch!) Archer said. (I thinking about too many other things, plus I'm also surprised to see Rin and Luvia so I'm late remembering them!)

"Emiya-kun let's go to class!" Rin said while flanking Shirou's right arm.

"Shero, forget about the flat-chested girl, let's walk to class together, ohohohohoho!" Luvia said, flanking Shirou's left arm.

"Take your hands off Emiya-kun you crazy big lady! "Rin said.

"Ohohohohoho you should have done that flat-chested maid!" Luvia said.

"Onii-chan, Illya, me and Miyu will go to elementary school section," Kuro said. "Onii-chan please take care of the two of them as usual."

Illya and Miyu do the same thing as Kuro. Then the three walked towards the elementary school area from Kuoh Gakuen.

"Hey Illya, Kuro! Wait a minute!" Shirou said. "Help me handle Tohsaka and Luvia!"

"Sorry Onii-chan," Illya said. "But I'm lazy to deal with them."

"Shirou-san forgive us," Miyu said, bowing. "But we must immediately enter the class."

"Onii-chan goodbye!" Said Kuro who immediately hold Illya and Kuro hand and pull them after they both refused to help Shirou.

"Ah, wait!" Shirou said.

While Shirou tried to ask for help from his two younger siblings, Rin was flanking Shirou's right arm and Luvia was flanking Shirou's left arm. And they continued to fight without regard to whatever was happening around them.

The fans from Rin and Luvia who were annoyed to see the two of them fighting over Shirou could only grit their teeth in annoyance.

"Damn! Why is only Emiya who is approached by Rin-Sama and Luvia-Sama!"

"The world is really unfair!"

"Get die you handsome man!"

Shirou in the end could only sigh while walking to his class with both hands still flanked by Rin and Luvia who did not stop fighting.


From the window of the old school building which is the place of the Occult Research Club. Rias and Akeno watch over Shirou who had just come to school.

"Is that your new pawn Rias?" Akeno asked.

"Yup," Rias answered. "His name is Shirou Emiya, From the second grade and the member of the Kyudo club, he is in the same class as Issei, he toke up all of my seven remining pawn plus one knight."

"Woow, that means he has potential far beyond Issei!" Akeno said.

"That's right," Rias said. "I'm really lucky to get Shirou Emiya to be part of my peerage!"

"Then, Rias, do you know what strength he has?" Akeno asked.

"I still don't know Akeno," Rias answered. "But clearly, we will find out soon enough."

"But the two girls with him Tohsaka Rin and Luviagellita Edelfelt, If I'm not mistaken, part of a magician organization in London called Clock Tower aren't they?" Akeno asked.

"Yes," Rias answered. "Tohsaka Rin and Luviagellita Edelfelt are from the Clock Tower an independent magician organization that uses a different branch of magic called Magecraft. The leader of the Clock Tower is, one of the most feared vampires called Zelretch."

"Why are the two of them in this city," Akeno said.

"If I'm not mistaken, Sona told me they received a mission from the Clock Tower in this city," Rias said. "They did not give Sona the details of the mission when both of them asked for permission to go to school at Kuoh Gakuen, they only say that the mission they carry out has nothing to do with our race. "

"Are the Tohsaka clan is the Second Owner of Kuoh city why did the two of them need our permission to settle their mission?" Akeno asked. "That's so weird."

"I don't know Akeno," Rias Answer. "Maybe they only want to tell us, to not to interverne their mission."

"Does they mission possibly involve Shirou-kun?" Akeno said.

"It's possible," Rias said. "Seeing their closeness to Shirou-kun that was very possible."

"Then what if their mission clashes with our group what will you do Rias?" Akeno asked.

"let's not do anything," Rias answered. "Because we don't know what the mission of Tohsaka Rin and Luviagelitta Edelfelt really is and if we make the Tohsaka clan angry we cannot stay in Kuoh anymore."

"Then we can only hope that their mission has nothing to do with Shirou-kun," Akeno said.

"Hopefully Akeno, I hope their mission has nothing to do with Shirou-kun," Rias said. "Because Sona and I don't want to deal with the Tohsaka family and Zelretch who ordered them."

"Is that the name of vampire who is the leader of the Clock Tower really scary?" Akeno asked.

"Sona and I don't know clearly Akeno," Rias answered. "But Serafall-Sama and my Onii-Sama told me one thing about Zeltretch."

"What is that?" Akeno asked.

"Don't ever want to deal with the old trolls that using Kaleidoscope." Rias answered.

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