
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · Anime & Comics
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216 Chs

Chapter 12 - Kidnapping Asia

Edelfelt's residence.

"Hey Illya, Kuro, can both of you tell me who is a girl that talked with Emiya-kun in your front yard yesterday afternoon?" Asked Rin "I'm really curious who is she!"

"Ah, did you mean Asia-san," Kuro Answered. "She is a girl that Onii-chan brought to our house a couple days a go."

"E-Emiya-kun brought a girl home!" Rin said, immediately shocked to hear that the man she loves brought an unknown girl home with him. "Why did he do such an immoral thing!"

"She-Shero does such a thing!" said Luvia who was as shocked as Rin. "I-impossible!"

"I don't really understand what you two are talking about," Illya said. "But I'm sure that you are misunderstood something here about Onii-chan!"

"Shirou-san would never do such a thing," Miyu said. "It's obvious that you two are have a wrong guess about Shirou-san."

"But yesterday I peeked at Shirou-san making out with Asia-san in the kitchen," Ruby said, which only made things worse.

"W-Whaaaat!" Rin and Luvia shouted.

"In class and in school there are many beautiful girls who like Shero!" Luvia said. "I never thought Shero would actually like a normal looking girl like her!"

"That girl named Asia can't be allowed to approach Emiya-kun!" Rin said.

"Ruby, why did you heat up the atmosphere by telling lies like that!" Said Illya. "Onii-chan didn't do that to Asia-san at all!"

"Nee-san, your addiction to teasing someone and seeing other people suffer is already too much," Sapphire said. "Is Nee-san unaware because of Nee-san Rin-Sama and Luvia-Sama can do something bad to Asia-san."

"Rin, Luvia, you two are tricked by Ruby," Kuro said. "Onii-chan only taught Asia-san how to cook in the kitchen yesterday!"

Rin and Luvia finally realized that they were both deceived by Ruby's words, they really feeling embarrassed and upset because they both could be tricked by Ruby who really likes to see other people suffer.

"Ruby, apparently the punishment I gave you at that time wasn't enough at all," said Rin who really looked very angry.

"Do you want to receive a punishment heavier than the previous one!"

"Your words are very true Tohsaka Rin," Luvia said. "A magical wand who is a jerk like Ruby should be punished severely!"

Ruby did not take into account that Rin and Luvia would be so angry and upset. Because shee was too absorbed in thinking what kind of reaction Rin and Luvia would show if she provoked them both. And now seeing Rin and Luvia were ready to punish themselves Ruby didn't know what to do.

"W-wait you two," Ruby said. "I was just kidding!"

"To me, you don't look or sound like you're joking!" Rin said

"Your words just now were outrageous!" Luvia said. "How dare a lowly magical wand like you slander Shero!"

Enormous amounts of magic energy came from Rin and Luvia's bodies, both of them were really ready to make Ruby suffer.

"Sa-Sapphire help me!" Said Ruby.

"I will not help you Nee-san," Sapphire said. "Because you really have to be punished!"

"I-Illya-san help me!" Said Ruby.

"You dare to make Onii-chan look bad!" Said Illya. "I won't help you!"

After Ruby tried to ask for help from Sapphire and Illya but to no avail, Ruby got a very heavy sentence from Rin and Luvia. In the form of magic attacks and curses that made Ruby feel trauma for several days. So traumatized because of the punishment making Ruby for several nights screaming in her sleep because she had a dream about her punishment given by Rin and Luvia. And because of that Illya feel really disturbed making her have a hard sleep.


Asia and Sella were out shopping for dinner in a shopping district not far from Emiya's residence. Usually Sella just shopped alone without being accompanied by anyone. But because today Kiritsugu and Irisviel, who had been gone for several weeks, would return, Sella intended to cook more than usual. Therefore, Sella asked Asia for help shopping for groceries with her, because the amount of food she was going to buy was quite a lot.

"Asia-san, is this your first time leaving the house again after a few days living at Emiya's residence." Sella said.

"Y-Yes, Sella-san," Asia said. "I have only stayed at Emiya's residence while I was in Japan. I really feel happy and curious because finally I can have a sightseeing of Kuoh city!"

"Didn't you have time to do it when you first arrived in this city?" Sella asked.

"N-no," Asia answered. "I didn't have the chance to do it because when I arrived in this city I immediately met Shirou-san and I was immediately invited to live in Emiya's residence."

"Is that so?" Sella said. "So this is your first time sightseeing the Kuoh city."

"Y-yes," Asia said. "I feel very happy right now! Thank you for inviting me to go shopping with you, Sella-san!"

"You're welcome Asia-san," Said Sella.

Shortly the two arrived in the shopping district and began buying the food they needed. Asia was even given the chance by Sella to try to buy one of the ingredients they needed alone in a shop in the shopping district to making her have more experience in learning Japanese.

"Sella-san, I didn't expect that there would be this much food," Asia said.

"That's why I need your help Asia-san," said Sella. "Because I must buy a lot of food."

Sella and Asia just finished shopping from the shopping district. they both brought several plastic and paper bags filled with food. Because Sella wanted to make many dishes to welcoming the arrival of Irisviel and Kiritsugu, the ingredients she bought were very much. And Sella is very grateful she brought Asia with her to bring it.

"After 2 days I waited!" Kalawarner said. "Finally I can bring the Twilight Healing usef to headquarters!"

Without the two of them knowing Kalawarner one of the fallen angel had followed Sella and Asia since they both left Emiya's residence. Kalawarner was about to kidnap Asia from Emiya's residence, only because Emiya's residence was protected by a very strong bounded field. kalawarner cannot enter Emiya's residence at all. Therefore Kalawarner awaits an opportunity where Asia will emerge from Emiya's residence. After two days of waiting for Asia to finally emerge from Emiya's residence, Kalawarner felt that now was the best time to kidnap Asia.

When Asia and Sella turned a corner leading to Emiya's residence. Kalawarner very quickly flew towards Asia and teleported using magic, right after her hand touched Asia's body. When Asia and Kalawarner had teleported the groceries that had been held by Asia fell to the ground. And Sella who was walking in front of Asia was truly shocked when she heard the sound of a shopping bag falling and said:

"Asia why did you drop ...,"

When Sella looked back, Asia had vanished and disappeared and what was in front of Sella was a shopping bag that had fallen.


While at Kuoh Gakuen, Shirou who was still studying in class could feel that something was happening to Asia thanks to his Bishop Blade Pieces which he put into Asia's body.

(You can feel it isn't Zelretch) Shirou said. (Asia is having a problem)

(Because I'm connected to you, of course I can feel it too) Zelretch said. (But now what do you want to do Archer?)

(I don't have any plans yet to help Asia) Shirou said. (And I also can't possibly ask for help from Rias Gremory)

(Because you don't have a plan) Asked Zelretch. (Do you want to listen to my plan to help the nun Archer?)

(Tell me) Archer said.

(Here's my plan ...) Zelretch said.

author Note; Cliffhanger, sorry for if I'm late to upload this chapter I'm so busy cause of work. please support me in Pa.treon.com/Raylight25 so I can upload faster.