
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin -Florence 1348; Black Death

AbsoluteCode · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 98: Night of Madness (Part 7)

["In the Holy Grail War, there are usually seven Servant classes, namely Saber..."]

["It seems you have memorized the magic circle for summoning Servants. Now, use your pens to draw it on paper."]

["...I have a very bad temper, so you brats better be quiet in my class. Open your textbook, 'Advanced Spirit Evocation,' and after 10 minutes, share your initial thoughts. Apart from summoning Servants, adeptly deploying various familiars in combat also helps gain an advantage. Remember this and don't just rely on summoning a powerful Servant without engaging in intelligence warfare, or you'll die quickly!"]

["Not every type of magecraft is meant to be mastered. Mastering one and supplementing it with other magecrafts to compensate for its shortcomings is what magi usually do. By the way, does anyone here like water-attribute magecraft? I highly recommend it..."]

["...Today, we will continue learning about the history of the Song Dynasty in China. The Chaldea Data Room updated the observation data on Yue Fei, which was introduced at the end of the last class. It's quite rare. Unlike our previous speculation of the Lancer class, this data shows Yue Fei as a Saber class. The data has been loaded into your tablets, and you can study it on your own after class. There will be an accompanying assignment due next Monday. Let's move on to the next heroic figure, Han Shizhong."]

The professor in the green attire clicked to the next slide on the PPT, presenting the photos of artifacts obtained from the current archaeological excavation to the students below. Ignoring the unwilling expressions of the students, he added, "The assignment report should be no less than 1000 words.

More memories from the past broke through the constraints of forgetfulness, surging within Suzuki. He felt himself being engulfed by the ocean of knowledge. Compared to the vast ocean of knowledge, he was merely a wave, ready to merge into it and lose all distinctive features.

Each memory of himself sat in a different position. Due to the synchronous comparison, Suzuki even astonishingly discovered memories with completely identical scenes. However, in one memory, he sat at the front-left position, while in the other memory, he sat at the back-right position. The professor in both memories used the same tone, spoke the same words, and even made the same movements with their fingers on the electronic blackboard.

Only the overlapping memories of himself were absent!

Suzuki couldn't understand why such a bizarre phenomenon existed. Everything he saw and heard went completely beyond his comprehension, and a sense of helplessness and confusion, like two powerful pincers, tore and dragged his consciousness.

The intense pain couldn't wake Suzuki up, but it made his current state even clearer. Hundreds and thousands of memories were being flipped through synchronously, all rushing back at once. Knowledge had now become the cruelest blade, and even the strongest willpower couldn't resist the overwhelming transmission.

Suzuki, although not fully conscious, felt like his head was about to "explode."

Suddenly, all the discomfort disappeared. He realized that he was in Eleanor's chariot and unconsciously touched the copper mirror in his pocket—the Jupiter charm.

Following the path of light from the copper mirror, he saw faintly visible colored bubbles rising from the imaginary space. Endless knowledge manifested in physical form. Even with the protection of the copper mirror, Suzuki couldn't help but instinctively avert his gaze when facing the bubbles emerging from the imaginary space.

For Eleanor, her Master Suzuki seemed to have spaced out for just a moment. But Suzuki himself had just experienced an immeasurable amount of time, with a massive amount of knowledge completely occupying his thoughts in the form of memories. The copper mirror cleared away the discomfort, but it couldn't completely remove the impact of the tangible monsters from the imaginary space on Suzuki. The recovered memories turned into lifeless withered leaves, shrouding Suzuki's thoughts with a heavy sense of loss.

He knew so much, that as long as he didn't mind going crazy or dying, he could have "reached" the end of the truth by directly facing the monsters. Who was he? Where did he come from? Where was he going?

The answer wasn't complicated. It's just that those inside the game, couldn't actively push open the paper door leading to a peaceful house. Suzuki subsequently calmed down and contemplated his recovered memories alone, leading him to a conclusion. But he might not torture himself in such a way.

Eleanor reached out and touched Suzuki's forehead, gently tapping it, officially bringing him back from his daze. "Your copper mirror seems to protect you from the gradually materializing monsters in the imaginary space. It's a fortunate misfortune." Eleanor was well aware that it would be difficult for her to protect Suzuki from the monsters' influence with her abilities. If it weren't for the copper mirror's protection, Suzuki would have died on the spot.

On the other side, Aphaf closed her eyes as soon as possible, being carried away by Don Quixote, away from the "door" that couldn't be closed. She didn't receive any special treatment for assisting in opening the path for the monsters behind the "door." Equally massive knowledge flooded her mind. Fortunately, her Mystic Eyes couldn't discern colors, and rarely, with her human body, she barely resisted the indiscriminate whispering imposed by the monsters.

But she also suffered significant trauma. Her magical energy became chaotic, and an indescribable fear and pain spread throughout her body. The knowledge she gained was all about magecraft—hundreds and thousands of different types and attributes of magecraft, whether lost or undeveloped, all merged into her reservoir of knowledge.

Aphaf only held on for a few seconds before tightly gripping Don Quixote and shouting in alarm. Fortunately, she used magecraft to obstruct her senses and quickly sealed off the impact of "receiving knowledge."

Don Quixote saw Eleanor approaching and quickly held Aphaf in his arms, jumping onto the chariot.

"As you can see, we've encountered big trouble," Don Quixote said as he put down the immobilized Master. Although he was speaking to Eleanor, he was especially attentive to Suzuki, who could still open his eyes.

"Yes, whether it's going to Taibarre City or the valley through the imaginary space, it's not a good thing," Eleanor said. At this moment, she wanted to escape immediately, but she was also worried that the monsters would become stronger as they gradually squeezed out of the imaginary space. This being could withstand Berserker Godfrey's Noble Phantasm and even "bounce" it back. This existence might be even stronger than Berserker.

Suzuki then turned his gaze to the fallen Berserker in the distance. The silver-clad warrior, positioned less than 15 meters from the "door" of the imaginary space, had parts of the bubbles even approaching within 10 meters. But he stood up and immediately raised his sword, striking forward.

The divine light maintained its previous dominance, and it could even be said that the sword light created by Berserker's greatsword grew more dazzling with each strike. The light judged heresy, and opposing the host was heresy!

With a sharp crack, the sword light slashed through one of the bubbles, and both the bubble and the sword light disappeared simultaneously as if matter and antimatter had made contact. They were inherently each other's enemies.

Eleanor and Don Quixote were completely uninterested in engaging in combat, but in the eyes of the berserker, they were entirely different. The most fervent paladin could not tolerate the presence of blasphemous monsters. Regardless of how strong the unknown creature was, he would uphold his oath and eliminate all enemies of the Master. Suzuki was astonished by Berserker's actions. In the knowledge he had acquired, engaging in an unpredictable impromptu battle went against the norms of the Holy Grail War. Every magecraft professor taught it that way.

Humans instinctively fear the unknown, whether it's darkness, death, or otherworldly beings... an infinite realm of knowledge. However, Berserker Godfrey disregarded the spiritual impact of the rampant monsters and even shattered the colorful bubbles with his divine light.

"Master, do you admire that Berserker's figure?" Eleanor inquired. Upon hearing her question, Suzuki nodded without hesitation. Having studied numerous stories of heroic figures from history and mythology within the Chaldea organization, he admired every Heroic Spirit who ascended to the Throne of Heroes. If it weren't for the Holy Grail War, they would essentially be guardians of restraint, a testament to the existence of humanity's principles. Merely relying on ancient artifacts and remnants of ancient techniques gained through life experiences was not enough to fully appreciate their achievements and shortcomings.

Eleanor understood Suzuki's admiration. She had seen it in her children, especially in her beloved Richard. Whenever she recited legends about King Arthur, Richard revealed his admiration. Likewise, having only heard of knights leading numerous followers on crusades in the name of the Cross, arriving in the holy city, and establishing the Kingdom of Jerusalem, she participated in a similar large-scale holy campaign upon reaching adulthood, only to realize that it was not as simple as the minstrels sang.

Berserker swiftly swept through the bubbles that had already ascended into the air with his sword light. His utilization of magic resembled a raging torrent, and it was hard to believe that his Master could stabilize the magical supply with a human body.

The unknown creature did not tolerate the impudent behavior of a fanatical follower and gathered the bubbles that had already squeezed out of the imaginary space, forming towering spires. The colorful flashes gradually transformed into starlight, equally radiant and penetrating as the divine power.

In an instant, over 70 flashes illuminated Berserker Godfrey, accompanied by a cacophony of sounds, including the noise of metal friction. Berserker was pushed back by the flashes, and his originally gleaming silver armor suddenly became dull and worn, with signs of cracks appearing on its edges.

Berserker himself let out an impatient growl, which gradually evolved into a furious roar. His armor regained its luster, and magical energy once again gathered into his greatsword. He was thoroughly provoked by the indescribable creature, which dared to blaspheme the radiance of his Master. He would never allow such a thing to happen!

Sensing the precarious situation, Eleanor immediately drove the chariot forward, heading towards the raging Berserker brandishing his sword. She had a bad feeling about it.

As expected, Berserker once again converted all the gathered magical energy into divine light, uttering the true name of his Noble Phantasm. The illusion of the holy city materialized behind him, even shaking the tower-shaped bubbles that had gathered at close range.

The impact of Berserker's Noble Phantasm on the monster within the imaginary space was unknown, but after the release of the Noble Phantasm, the monster successfully "collided" with Berserker.

This time, Suzuki and the others would witness firsthand the power of Berserker's Noble Phantasm against the bubble monster.

"The Endless Crusades: The Holy City Stands at the Horizon (The Endless Crusades)!"

The brightness was even greater than before as if it truly intended to completely dispel the madness of the night.