
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin -Florence 1348; Black Death

AbsoluteCode · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 63: The Battle of Chalon 

At the same time, on the vast plain, two large armies gradually formed their formations. The soldiers on both sides believed in the victory of their side. They had to believe so and continued to silently pray before the official start of the battle. Their respective opponents were not easily defeated by miscellaneous troops, and the commanding generals on both sides were known for their legendary feats.

Attila personally led her tribe's cavalry unit in the center of the formation. She enjoyed the feeling of complete control and knew what her enemies feared. Many times, the strategy needed to be employed in situations where there was time for maneuvering, as there would be no such opportunity after the cavalry charge.

"King, the enemy has also deployed cavalry in the center of their formation. It's the Alan tribe's cavalry. The scouts report that the enemy commander, Aeteius, is positioned on the left side with a heavy infantry corps," reported one of Attila's subordinates.

Attila could also roughly see the situation on the opposite side. In terms of numbers, the ratio of cavalry in the central part was 2:1. Even if it became 1:1, Attila didn't think that the group of mercenaries who fought for money could withstand the charge of her elite troops.

"They didn't position the heavy infantry in the center? Where does their confidence come from?" Attila considered many possibilities for this clash. Without exception, she assumed that Aeteius would counter her by pushing his main force against her cavalry. In a plain battle, on-the-spot plots and tricks would be revealed under the sun, with nowhere to hide.

After listening to the reports from her subordinates, Attila gazed at each Hun cavalry behind her while mounted on her warhorse. With a command from her, they would all transform into ferocious beasts trampling upon civilization, tearing apart the enemy forces that were not worthy of a single blow. Perhaps the casualties this time would be slightly higher, but like Aeteius, she didn't care about so-called allies, and their casualties would not be counted.

"Alright. Brave warriors, may the gods protect us. Do you see those trembling lambs ahead?!?!" Attila's voice was loud and powerful. At the age of 45, she maintained both beauty and strength. Although her human form had become more pronounced, it couldn't restrict her from executing the "program" of destroying civilization.

The soldiers responded to their king with a more spirited shout. The walls of the Eastern Roman Empire would be unable to withstand the trampling of their iron hooves. On the plains, it would be even easier for cavalry to crush shields. Moreover, their king was filled with a high fighting spirit and was about to lead them in a charge towards the enemy's position. This honor was enough to ignite fanaticism in their eyes. In their hearts, Attila was the envoy of the gods, and victory was certain in this battle. The gods had already sent their signs last night, punishing the soldiers of the Western Roman coalition.

"Some of you may have heard a rumor that the sky turned dark yesterday evening. Strange black light and wild winds ravaged the opposing side, taking the lives of many blasphemers. They were deemed guilty even in their lives, and this battle is our way of fulfilling the divine will, punishing the crimes of the Romans!"

The soldiers erupted in cheers, with most of them having heard this rumor, although they didn't know that Attila had specifically spread the news among her troops last night. Whether it was true or not didn't matter; her soldiers believed that the heavens were on their side, and the Western Roman coalition on the opposite side was also affected by the curses, and in a weakened state. What mattered was the outcome, which would fully align with their beliefs.

"Punish their crimes!"

Someone raised their arm and shouted, immediately rallying those around them. All their attention was focused on Attila, waiting only for the king's command to charge.

Looking around, Attila nodded in satisfaction. She raised her rainbow-colored stone sword, its dazzling light piercing the sky. "The glory of the war god Mars will guide you, brave warriors. Follow me—charge!!!"

Attila led the charge, fearless and unarmored. With her stone sword swinging, the horses galloping, and their sharp edges pointed forward, they were unstoppable. The thunderous shouts and horn blasts behind her drowned out Attila's thoughts. At this moment, she was like a war goddess, unstoppable by anyone.

Aeteius used magecraft to observe the movements of the Hun army from a distance. When he saw the Hun cavalry in the center fully assembled, he realized that a major battle was about to erupt. This battle that would determine the fate of multiple civilizations still weighed heavily on Aeteius. If he had the chance to ask Suzuki now, who had told him he would win, he would grab Suzuki by the collar and make him watch the scene of thousands of horses galloping on the crystal ball, asking him what kind of reversal method he used to defeat such an enemy according to the future historical records.

"Commander, the enemy's cavalry in the center is charging! The enemy's flanks are also advancing towards our position!"

"I know," Aeteius could see the real-time images more clearly through the crystal ball than the scouts, such as how the cavalry and some infantry of their allies were completely torn apart by a single charge, with hundreds of people falling under the iron hooves, and the irresistible charm unleashed by that savage woman that kept him unable to look away. "She's stronger than before."

He estimated that his cavalry in the center wouldn't hold for too long. Attila's goal was only one: his head. The opportunity for a counterattack would come when Attila's cavalry lost their charging ability, and more live soldiers would be needed to create that opportunity.

"Pass on my command! Raise the shields! Defend the position! Believe that the power of the Roman gods will bestow upon every one of us." Although Aeteius shouted forcefully, and his voice spread through the entire personal guard via magic and subsequent orders, it seemed to have no inspiring effect. Nobody was deaf; everyone could hear the earth-shattering commotion not far away.

The battlefield's central area was covered in smoke, and the once verdant grassland was instantly stained crimson. Attila, riding her horse, struck down eight Alan horsemen herself, serving as the tip of the blade, invincible. Riding with speed and momentum, her rainbow-colored stone sword clashed with the charging horseman, tearing both rider and horse apart. The drops of blood couldn't keep up with the speed of Attila's warhorse as she continued to thunder forward, roaring the name of Mars.

The defensive line of the Western Roman coalition in the center collapsed in an instant, and a single charge claimed the lives of these mercenaries. Many, who had just moments ago encouraged each other and gripped their weapons tightly, suddenly couldn't hear anything. The swords and maces swept over their heads one after another, harvesting their lives. Others were trampled by hooves in the chaos, buried in the earth.

Attila had participated in many overwhelming battles, but none had ignited her blood as fiercely as today. Not only had she gathered an army of unprecedented scale, but she was also excited about the prospect of facing Aeteius. In an era, on a piece of land, where only one legendary hero needed to remain, she believed and firmly believed that the position belonged to her. This was her "Holy Grail War," and the Holy Grail was just an accompanying trophy. Defeating the Western Roman coalition here would result in the conquest of the entire Gaul region and the subsequent Western Roman Empire. There was no need to make a wish with the Holy Grail. Attila couldn't resist this temptation to fulfill her desires with her own hands.

Turning her horse's head, Attila and her cavalry began to harvest the remaining enemies. After dealing with the center, she could send cavalry to support the flanks. Every Hun could shoot arrows on horseback and could transform into mobile firepower support points, assisting the infantry allies.

"Commander, the Alan cavalry, our allies, has been defeated..." The scouts returned on horseback to report the situation. They had witnessed the scene of makeshift armies composed of slaves or conscripted farmers being harvested in an instant, but they had never seen a fully equipped cavalry unit annihilated so quickly. No, it was faster than harvesting wheat during busy farming times. At least 6,000 people had fallen in less than half an hour. Only three out of ten managed to escape by sheer luck.

"I saw the entire process." Aetius put away the crystal ball and levitated in mid-air. His voice was further amplified, and he unfolded the pre-established magical gesture with one hand, transmitting his command to the ears of every soldier on the left flank. "Believe in the shields and spears in your hands! Do not fear our enemies!"

Large-scale magic unfolded as Aetius exerted his full power, aided by the Mystic Code he carried, encompassing tens of thousands of people. Each soldier enjoyed the blessings of magic, relieving their tense mental state and making their bodies more agile. The spears and shields in their hands were imbued with magical light visible only to magus. Even the ghostly specters that ignored physical attacks could not underestimate this army.

Just as Aetius finished casting his magecraft, a thunderous roar approached rapidly from the right side of the infantry formation.

Aetius quickly raised his lowered left hand and crushed the gem he held. In the name of the gods, Aeteius once again released large-scale magic, reinforcing the position in a barrier-like form. Every soldier of the Western Roman coalition received two magical enhancements: "Firm Shield" and "Fortification."

The continuous use of magic to enhance tens of thousands of people was quite demanding, even for a magus of Aetius' caliber. But he didn't dare underestimate the approaching cavalry and the rainbow-colored flashes he saw through his magecraft.

"Everyone, close your eyes and raise your shields!"

Brighter than any light he had seen before, the Scourge of God appeared on the side of Rome's enemies.

Aetius elevated himself once again and quickly chanted the required incantation. At the cost of rendering one of his Mystic Codes useless, he activated the magecraft he intended to use.


Transparent shields of magical energy connected, instantly forming a bounded field comparable to a fortress wall on the flank of the Western Roman position.

The rainbow-colored light arrived simultaneously, like a flood, crashing into the exposed Western Roman infantry formation before the charging horses.

"Photon Ray: Sword of the War God!"

With the blessing of the Holy Grail, Atilla liberated the true name of the sword without limitations of the physical body. There was no doubt that this level of destructive power could only be measured by the standards of a Servant's Noble Phantasm.

The multicolored radiance collided with the transparent magical wall, causing the earth to tremble.

Aetius' magecraft couldn't completely stop this burst of light. The remaining power broke through the ramparts and reached the prepared Western Roman infantry.