
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin -Florence 1348; Black Death

AbsoluteCode · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 56: Magic Tricks

Archer was startled by Caster's sudden appearance. She was unaware that her opponent, despite being relatively weak in overall strength, possessed unique abilities in certain aspects.

"Hehehe..." Caster's laughter grew even more grating and twisted than he had originally anticipated, as the situation turned out to be even better than he had hoped for. The adorable Archer-neko was taken aback and panicked, right in the moment of using her Noble Phantasm. "...Hahaha, my apologies, Archer."

Atalanta watched as the released arrow pierced through the clown illusion in front of her, gradually regaining her composure. She had not realized that Caster, whom she had pursued and attacked twice was a cunning prey, possessed Noble Phantasms and skills befitting the name of a Servant. Strength and the power of Noble Phantasms may vary, and they were not set in stone. For instance, when her magical energy was abundant, she could employ the A-ranked or higher 'The Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper', capable of delivering instant kills.

"You missed," a voice came from behind Archer. Without even turning her head, Archer showed disdain towards the stealthy clown.

"I wasn't aiming for you, you know? And do you think I'll waste my magical energy to use my trump card on you? Don't rush, once Saber, Gil de Rais, hiding in the camp, leaves, you're next," Atalanta said. She could guess that Saber Gil de Rais, who had taken refuge in the camp, would be on high alert for arrow-sniping positions, but no obstacle could protect against her "Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper." A confident smile appeared on Atalanta's face as if she was looking at an exhausted beast driven into a corner, and the hunt was already over...


Atalanta looked on in astonishment as the green light descended from the sky, not flying towards the camp of the Western Roman Army but piercing straight through her body.

The treetops trembled, and any lush branches touched by the green light turned into fragments.

"Oh, truly your strongest Noble Phantasm. I didn't even know which Servant in this Holy Grail War could withstand this arrow," Caster's laughter continued unabated. He enjoyed playing with those who considered themselves clever, powerful, and assured of victory. "The Joker's Laughter" was a countermeasure against these individuals who lacked humility and caution.

Atalanta turned around, raising her bow in anger, aiming directly at the exposed position of Caster. She was heavily injured, but a single arrow couldn't kill her immediately.

"You... you disgusting maggot!!!"

"The kitty's fur is standing on end! Hahaha..." Caster voluntarily dispelled the invisibility effect brought by his Mystic Code. In the presence of a top hunter, laughter alone was enough to expose his location, so there was no need for him to continue hiding. "If only you had relied on your hunter's intuition and turned back earlier, perhaps you would have noticed that I had moved the mark to your back."


"The Seven Arrows of the Big Dippers, so it means there are seven arrows?" Caster snapped his fingers, signaling the end of his magical performance, and he ceased his laughter. "Your anger has cost you the opportunity to evade the subsequent arrows."

Atalanta suddenly realized, breaking free from the influence of the laughter, and regained the calmness befitting a hunter. But it was too late. The magic show had already ended, and the remaining six arrows fell one by one, hitting the "enemy" marked by her.

Amidst a piercing scream, Archer's broken body fell from the treetops, mingled with the falling leaves.

"Archer, you have lost," Caster gracefully descended to the ground. He lowered his head, surveying Atalanta, who glared at him with fury. In an instant, she dissipated into specks of light.

If Atalanta had chosen a war of attrition, even if Caster revealed himself and took over, it would have only delayed the inevitable. However, Atalanta opted to use her strongest Noble Phantasm, attempting to assassinate Saber Gilles de Rais in a single blow. Caster, observing Atalanta's actions in secret, immediately realized the opportunity and orchestrated a perfect magical performance, causing the hunter to perish in his carefully laid trap.

There was no chance for assumptions on the battlefield, just as Caster had not anticipated Archer having a third Noble Phantasm.

Suzuki Yuki and Attila simultaneously noticed Archer's departure. The former hurriedly returned to the camp with Saber Gilles de Rais to gather information.

In her bewilderment, Attila felt the Holy Grail within her body become replenished, granting her more power. The outcome of victory or defeat was irreversible, and Attila, who had experienced a lifetime of warfare, witnessing the deaths of countless generals under her command, remained expressionless as she presided over the camp of the Huns.

"Inform the entire army that we will launch a full-scale attack tomorrow morning. One Roman head in exchange for a gold coin, twenty sheep for the head of a Roman centurion. Whoever can kill Roman Governor Aetius... I will fulfill any wish." Seated on the throne, Atilla examined the small golden goblet in her hand and slowly issued the command. Her guards immediately set off to deliver the orders. After waiting for half a month, their king was now ready to take the initiative and confront the Roman coalition.


Aetius had no idea that the value of certain individuals in his camp had skyrocketed and that even his head was equated with the Holy Grail. He faced off against the witch floating in the air ahead, having engaged in nearly ten magical battles without a clear victor.

Noticing the consecutive descent of seven green lights not far away, he quickly received a report from his Servant. Amidst the tense standoff, he couldn't help but let out a laugh. He hadn't expected Archer to be instantly killed by her own Noble Phantasm, causing Attila, nominally her Servant, to be defeated. It greatly pleased him, especially the fact that his Servant had become part of this amusing incident. He couldn't resist the urge to write a letter to Attila in the form of Rome's most traditional poetry to express his joy.

Unfortunately, he now had to deal with the incoming witch who harbored ill intentions—formerly Lancer Brynhild, now a Caster Brunhilda.

"What are you laughing at, human?" Brunhilda also roughly understood the outcome of the battle not far away. The nominally allied Servant, Archer, had been defeated, and the speed of the defeat exceeded her expectations. Originally, she had anticipated that Archer would surely defeat the Male Saber Servant tonight before any unexpected occurrences could arise.

"Something interesting happened over there. Witch, let's call it a draw between us. You are indeed strong, but you can't do anything to me, can you? I have no weaknesses, but it seems you do." Aetius relied on various Mystic Codes on his body to hold his own against a Servant specialized in black magic. For a human to reach such a level was already considered monstrous.

"Archer was defeated by your Servant?" Brunhilda remembered that peculiar jester who was always laughing and joking around. His Noble Phantasm involved the use of chain explosives, and it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that he was the weakest Servant in this Holy Grail War. Without the multitude of Mystic Codes provided by Aetius, he wouldn't even be comparable to an Assassin.

"Yes. If you're willing to continue wasting your time and mana on me, then I'll accompany you to the end." Etius drew a circle with one hand, instantly completing a compound magic formation that was ready to be unleashed.

The fire dragon collided with the black cloud mass, devouring each other, and still no clear winner emerged.