

Sirius Wilhelm, the last of his family, is ousted from his era. His very identity being erased as a result of a forbidden transmutation used in desperation to get back that which kept him from crippling loneliness. Read on as Sirius treks through the time when the Romans ruled Britain, to when Uther Pendragon took the throne, all the way to King Arthur battling Mordred to save a burning kingdom. The biggest question at the end of the day is, will the past Change? ————————— Before you read, I have two tiny warnings to give. If you hate it when ANY kind of nerf happens to the main character and any side characters, then you probably don’t want to read this. And if you hate it when characters make somewhat obvious mistakes in the heat of the moment, then again, this book is not for you. I do not own anything except my OC. P@treon.com/Oofster0_0 *replace the @ with an a* Being rewritten

Oofster0_0 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 2

In a forest layer a boy bathed in moonlight. The boy's eyes slowly fluttered open, showing his dull blue eyes to the world.

In the eyes layer confusion then panic. 'Where am I?!' He shot up as he watched his surroundings, this led him to finding a message written in the dirt.

After reading the message, Sirius rubbed his foot into the writing, forever ruining it.

'That explains the silhouettes of people, but no faces, though I can still feel the emotion behind them.'

Then Sirius got up ready to explore the forest so that he could find an exit and find possible human civilization.

In a wooden house on a lake sat a fairy. This fairy was currently watching Sirius stomp into the ground violently. Though she could recognize the writing, she wasn't proficient enough with it to translate before Sirius ruined it.

When she looked into his heart she was surprised. 'Hmm this boy is surprisingly pure. Wonder why? Even at this age most human children should still know the rottenness of the world.'

Riddled with thoughts the blue haired fairy got up and went to meet with this child.

Sirius was currently reviewing his memories. He remembered all of his education however he couldn't remember his personality or anyone else in the memories.

Their faces were completely blank. The emotion was....muddled. He could tell there was a familial connection but nothing more than that, he couldn't tell if they were his mother, father, sister, nothing could give him a clue except maybe the body proportions.

That's when he realized that he had perfect memory recall. 'Haaa....to have perfect recall and yet no memories to recall with it. How stupid can this be?'

After bearing witness to things that were unacceptable before, Sirius' brain underwent several mutations, recall being one and faster processing speed was the other. However this was unimportant as a blue haired woman made herself known to him just after he was done reminiscing.

"Who are you boy and what are you doing in my forest?" Remembering the word of his past self, Sirius cautiously watched the woman looking for any sign of hostile intentions. "....My name is...Siri...Siri Pentaghast. Who are you?"

"....My name is Vivian. I am The Lady of The Lake, and you are trespassing on my property, young one."

"I'm sorry but I can't remember much about myself, much less about how I got here Miss Vivian." This was true as before Sirius wrote his message he never passed down the information of how he got here because Sirius himself had absolutely no fucking clue. He just rolled with it.

"Amnesia? Well this is a problem." Then glancing at Sirius up and down she decided what she was going to do. "Why don't you come with me?"

Sirius was skeptical, his words to himself were trust no one unless he knew them in-depth. Vivian was definitely someone he had no clue on her personality let alone her goals. "Why?"

Vivian grinned. "I have a soft spot for children, especially those pure of heart." Sirius gaped at her honesty, which honestly raised his opinion of her a few notches, though she could just be lying to him. "That doesn't really answer my question, Miss Vivian."

"Sigh, soon a child will arrive with a....flowery bastard. This child is also carrying the aspect of a dragon and king."

Sirius gaped. A dragon? As in those mythical creatures from legend in his old world? though his memories were spotty as every time he recalled them he would get fragments of a picture and some emotion behind, but that was it.

If his past self was skeptical of magic's existence in this place, well now he wasn't. He agreed with Vivian to come with her to her home, he really didn't have much of a choice as he was left with wandering the forest of unknown dangers and vastness or go to Vivian's house. Either way he was in a conundrum.

When they made it to her house he was shown into the room he was going to be staying in. He looked at Vivian weirdly when he found a seemingly empty room that had strangely looked like a boys room. "Cough! I had looked after another boy a long time ago, his name is Lancelot Du Lac, he took Du Lac after me." She said astutely.

Sirius narrowed his eyes but otherwise dropped the topic and asked her objective in bringing him here, going as far as to take care of him for the unforeseeable future. "What's your goal in all of this Miss Vivian?"

Vivian glanced at Sirius from the corner of her eye and explained. "My Goal in taking you in is to prepare you for the future."

"Why me of all people?" He didn't think there was anything special about him, though now that he thought about it, he should be the epitome of special given his current circumstances.

"Lets just say the second I spotted you I got a particular feeling, plus I will teach you magic and swordsmanship so that you can live in the outside world."

"How do I even know if you are bluffing or not." Sirius asked. Then Vivian beckoned him to follow, where they made it to a clearing behind the house. Then she brought her hand up and pulled all of the water in the surrounding atmosphere creating a water ball then condensing and shooting it into the lake causing a massive upheaval of water.

"That answer your question?" Sirius gaped at the shit that just happened.

Sirius didn't even have to weigh his options, on one side he had the option of doing everything himself taking possibly decades or just a few years under a person who has clearly displayed her mastery over magic, though he doesn't know much in the grand scheme of things.

"Please teach me Miss Vivian!"

"Alright, but call me mother, calling me 'Miss' makes me feel old."

"Sister, I only have one mother."

The seriousness in Sirius's eyes almost made her stumble. His eyes made it look like the love for his family was on the border of insanity if not already. "Alright, but I didn't think that you would remember with your amnesia."

"I remember their figures, names, and emotions I held toward them, that's all." If he was going to be in this woman's company for some time he may as well try to build some trust with her. Who knows maybe she will prove to be someone who Sirius can look at as a sister.

While the two of them were talking about training, there lay another being of unknown origins watching, looking into Sirius' very being, and determining his threat. "Unknown variable spotted in timeline, commencing subroutine."

The voice echoed out into the vast space it was currently occupying.

In another part of the world lay a king, a king with a dragon aspect deep in his soul. ".....What is this feeling? This feeling that something is hiding from me?" His lazy posture on his throne straightened if only a tad, straightened nonetheless.

Finally in a bed being ruffled by two bodies rocking against the frame. Their clothes strewn about the room. One of the people shot up, separating from the other temporally. "A hole in my clairvoyance?"

He felt his magic react and cast his clairvoyance magic only to find a hole in the feed he was given before. This development excited and terrified the white haired man. This man then proceeded to finish off his business with the woman below him.