

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 20: The Gorgeous Blue Sky(2)

Under the bright sun, which was not covered by a single cloud, three people were now walking. A young man dressed in slacks and a shirt, a white-haired little girl, and a girl in a school uniform. They were walking around the city and looked like a couple, with a baby...

- Where shall we go?

- I don't know, maybe get some ice cream to start with.

The city was bustling, it was the weekend, so a lot of people were relaxing, and families were having fun at different places in town. And even so, not to say there were very many people, there weren't many people in line at the ice cream stalls. So our heroes quickly, were able to buy what they needed...

- Is this your little sister? - The salesman asked the young man, -You're a good brother if you took her for a walk.

- Oh, you mean her? She is my daughter.

From Ciel's answer, the salesman was shocked. That such a young man had a daughter of such an age, what a father he had become...

They took an ice cream and went to a park nearby. On their way they talked about things unrelated to the war.

- Why do you call him Mom? - Jeanne asked.

- Because a mother is a mother. - Jack's answer was a short one that Jeanne didn't know how to approach. What caused Ciel to laugh...

- You know, I couldn't even imagine that you would ask me out, - Ciel said with a smile, - I have to admit it surprised me.

Jeanne blushed, and didn't even know what to say. But Avenger's smile, made her mutter:

- I don't know why I asked you out. This is the first time I've ever been on a date myself.

- I see, thank you.

This dying smile of Ciel's was nothing like the smile he showed everyone. His smile now was like a real smile, from his whole heart. It was very beautiful indeed...

- How many times?

- What? - he said in bewilderment.

- How many times have you been on a date?

- You really care about that question. - Seeing her eyes that said she wouldn't back down from that question, he continued, -This is the first time.

- Really?

Ciel merely nodded in confirmation. And they went on, chatting about meaningless topics. When they reached the park, they walked there, sometimes playing some kind of game... where they measured strength, or games where you had to hit a prize with a toy gun...

At this rate, the afternoon came when they bought scones from the local bakery and sat down on a park bench. Jack fell asleep on Ciel's lap, and Jeanne decided to cover her with her jacket.

- I thought we servants didn't need sleep.

- Yes, we don't really need it, but I think she just wants to sleep in my lap.

They both sat in silence. It was not an awkward silence, but a quiet silence that soothed the soul. Though mistress of Jeanne's body, Leticia could not talk to the boys. She, too, seemed comfortable in the company of the Avenger.

- I see you're not sure about something. What's troubling you?

Jeanne was taken aback by Ciel's words, she didn't think he could tell anything was wrong with her.

- I guess I didn't manage to hide my insecurity, - she went on a little timidly, - I think maybe Amakusa is right. Maybe he really can save humanity.

- Well, to some extent he can do it.

- What do you mean?

- I can't say exactly what will happen, or things like that. The only thing I know for sure is that saving him won't make people happy. No matter how much we human beings wish for peace. We must also understand, without wars peace cannot exist. For if there is peace without wars, then the meaning of the word "peace" will also disappear into existence. This applies to everything in our lives.

Jeanne was pondering, as if Ciel's words enveloped her mind, pushing her to a decision.

- Like you said, it applies to everything, just as it applies to you, - Jeanne looked straight into the eyes of the Avenger, - your hatred will ruin you, is revenge all you want, is there nothing else you desire...!

Ciel stopped her, pressing his own lips to hers. The kiss lasted about a minute. Until they pulled away. Jeanne's face was red with embarrassment, but Ciel only smiled in her face, which made her even more embarrassed.

- What if someone saw us. - She muttered, childishly, tapping him on the shoulder.

- So you were okay with that?

His words made Jeanne want to fall under the ground, that's probably why she looked down, as if she did not want to meet with the Avenger.

- There are many things I desire, but the destruction of mages is something that only the Grail can use.

- Then what else do you desire? - Still red-faced, she asked.

- I think I've already got one, - Ciel said, looking at her lips.

- Stop joking... I'm embarrassed enough as it is.

- Okay, okay, I'm sorry... I guess my wish is... to give her a normal family.

Ciel's eyes were on the girl who was sleeping on his lap. He adjusted her jacket, which was slipping down so she wouldn't freeze... Even if the servants weren't sensitive to the weather, he didn't want her to freeze.

- Even though she calls me mother, I would like to give her a real mother... To give her, a full family.

The sun, which was in a magnificent blue sky, was now covered by dark clouds that heralded the beginning of rain. Jeanne and Ciel, because of their conversation, didn't notice it right away. So after waking Jack up, they went to find a place where they could shelter from the rain.

- Jack, how about you call me Mom? - Jeanne asked, leaving everyone in a stupor.

- No. - said Jack firmly. - I already have a mother.

The assassin's answer, made Jeanne panic, but she quickly pulled herself together. Ciel was surprised by her words, but in his heart he was happy that the ruler wanted to be family to her.

As they searched for a place where they could shelter from the rain, it was already threatening to start pouring. Suddenly, Jack stopped, and looked at Avenger:

- Mom...

- Yes, I got it.

Ruler didn't understand why they stopped until she felt the servants approaching herself. Assassin and Avenger, were more sensitive, so, they were able to spot the enemy servants, faster than Ruler.

The sky was covered with clouds, and the face of the sun was no longer visible. At that moment a man appeared, his hair disheveled. His gaze was as sharp as a blade of steel. And on his chest shone a red stone.

- So you've finally decided to die at my hands, Lancer.

- No, I think it's you who's going to die today, Avenger.

Karna was incredibly sure of what he was saying, and it looked like it wasn't unfounded. For the rider came after him, in his chariot.

Apparently, they are very serious. Since I was sent two of the strongest servants of the red faction. Fighting in the city is not a good idea, if the battle will take place here, we will surely kill innocent people. So, we need to get them out of here.

- You know, it's against the rules of warfare for the Holy Grail, - he said, putting on his robes, - you can't have war during the day. You know, civilians can get hurt.

- I think you're right about that. - Achilles answered, - how about to choose a less crowded place?

- I agree, but here's what your Lancer says. - A smirk appeared on Avenger's face. - I think he'd be more at ease if I couldn't fight openly.

- That wouldn't be a problem at all.

Ciel's provocation didn't work on Karna. He was too calm, too pious a warrior. So he probably wouldn't be affected by that kind of sarcasm.

- Jeanne, Jack get out of here, they came for me, so it would be unseemly to refuse them a dance, with me.

Ruler immediately realized that she and the assassin, would not stand up to the rider and the lancer. Realizing that they would only be getting in the way of the Avenger, they decided to get out of there quickly.

At the same time, the three servants headed for the exit of the city. It was pouring with rain, as if to warn them that a fierce battle was about to break out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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