

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning (2)

Nights in the city of Bucharest were very quiet... there was not a single soul on the streets. This is most likely due to the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, who was executed in 1989. One of the wounds inflicted by the Ceausescu regime are considered to be the "children of Ceausescu" the destructive legacy of his regime, born out of his policies.

Romania once outlawed contraception and abortion in an attempt to force families to have at least five children. In those days, many young people failed to be raised and ended up as neglected children who immersed themselves in a life of crime and human trafficking. And even after the dictatorship ended with the revolution, those lives that were born could not be returned, there was nothing left for them but to live a life of crime.

- Sad, I guess..." There was a slight smile on the young man's face, or should I say nostalgic. - Okay, time to go.

With these words the man jumped off the roof of the building. Landing on the ground, he walked toward the house, where he felt a surge of prana. The amazing thing was that from his landing, to his footsteps, not a single sound was made. There was an oppressive silence all around that would make a normal person's legs buckle.

- Ha-ha, he seems to have noticed me, not bad at all.

This only strengthens my desire to get to know this assassin.

I slowly turned the doorknob, and stepped inside...

- Well, who do we have here?

A bloody picture opened before me, on the floor lay the corpses of people whose hearts were missing. And in the center of those bodies, standing there were two individuals, a little white-haired girl, with scars on her face and wearing a tattered coat that had been worn as a cloak. Behind her stood a charming woman, both with anxious looks.

- What are you so worried about, let's just talk...?

The Assassin quickly drew her black scalpels and hurled them at the Servant before her, who nimbly managed to dodge them. But before he knew it, the girl was in front of him with her butcher knives drawn behind her. Before the assassin could strike, the black servant drew his sword and deflected her blow.

- Seriously, girl, stop it, you're still too young. - Still smiling, he said. - I have no desire to fight you. After the words of the black-haired young man, the assassin jumped back.

- Why should we believe you. - There was no hint of fear or anything childish in the little girl's eyes, but rather a thirst for blood. She says "we" to herself, does she have a mental disorder? I wonder.

- Actually, there is no such reason.

The next moment she threw her knives at me again, which I repelled with my sword.

The assassin never stopped attacking, throwing her scalpels at the servant in black and trying to cut his throat. But it was in vain, the servant in front of her repulsed all attacks, and did not allow her to relax even for a second.

The servant's sword attacks were not the honed swordsmanship of knights or swordsmen, but rather exuded brute strength.

Sparks flew out after each sword-dagger collision, and clanking noises filled the entire space. In a very short time, the two servants exchanged an incredible amount of blows, but no one received even an abrasion.

- Kids killing people... ha ha, what a tragedy. - There was an element of mockery in his voice.

- Huh? Is that bad? - The girl looked at me incomprehensively. - I'm hungry, so why can't I kill them?

With a bloodthirsty smile, the assassin said, and attacked me again. She's damn fast, and very maneuverable because of her childish body.

- Aren't you a little slow. - Assassin quickly began to move across the room, attacking me from all sides.

Every blow struck by the assassin was parried by the black sword, every knife that flung was repulsed. And yet, fighting at this rate against the assassin, all the blows could not be repelled. One of the black scalpels managed to penetrate the protection of the servant in black, leaving a cut on his cheek.

As he received a small wound, his movement stalled, and he touched his hand to the cut. Blood trickled down his cheek, touching the fingers of his hand. A warm, red liquid was felt on his face.

Noticing the hesitation on the black servant's part, which lasted no more than a moment. She rushed toward him with all her might, preparing her daggers to cleave his throat.

Even when the Assassin lunged at him, he didn't even move, just paused in place.

And the moment the Assassin approached him, ready to stab him with her knives...

- Don't you think it's time to stop..." For the first time, the black-clad servant's voice became serious, even rather frightening.

He raised his left hand in the direction of the Assassin...


His words were filled with power, magic flowing down his arm. The entire forearm to the wrist was surrounded by white magic circles. It was as if they possessed holiness, creating an inexplicable sense of peace. In front of his palm appeared, a bright barrier that threw the assassin into the wall with tremendous force and crushed it there. From such a collision, the wall could not withstand the impact and, breaking apart, sent the assassin into the street.

Where her inertia was stopped by a car on the road. Her eyes widened and blood gushed from her mouth as a result of the impact.

Quickly regaining her breath, she stood up and was ready for the next battle.

However, her body froze, realizing the situation she was now in.

- I'd be extremely glad if you didn't attack me now. - The black-clad servant's face was again reflected in a slight smirk.

Next to him stood a woman with long gray-green hair. The blade of a black sword was pointed toward her neck.

Now the assassin was in a very difficult position. If she wanted to attack him, her master's head would roll off her shoulders. And now it was the servant in black who controlled the situation.


- Well, who do we have here?

Through the door came a young man with black hair, and eyes of a golden hue.

His voice, captivating to the soul, soothing to the soul and at the same time terrifying to the fingertips.

His gaze fell on Jack first, and soon moved to me. The feeling of him looking at you sent shivers through my body.

He's not human...

The only thing I could think of was... "Servant. I'm no mage, but even I feel like I should stay away from him. And the way he looks at us... it's like he's found new toys for himself.

He probably found us, because Jack let out some prana when she was killing people. What's incomprehensible is that she didn't sense him. He doesn't look like an assassin... So how could he get so close to us unnoticed.

- What are you so worried about, let's just talk...?

While his eyes were on me, Jack seized the moment and threw her knives at him.

I know I'm a burden to her now. That's why I need to get out of here quickly, so she can leave, too.

The fight continued on, Jack attacking him with everything she could, just to present me with an opportunity to get out of here.

And in an instant, when the way to only one exit was open. I rushed toward it at full speed.

I quickly reached the door, pulled the doorknob, and got out. I needed to get as far away from here as possible.

The clanking sounds of metal coming into contact with each other began to be heard.

My legs began to run faster and faster, and when I turned the corner...

The wall next to me broke and a white-haired girl flew out of it. She collided with the car and blood gushed from her mouth.

I hope she's okay. We should go check on her immediately, she must be in pain... Reika wanted to approach Jack, but a servant in black appeared beside her and put a sword blade to her neck.

What's wrong with this sword...? One look is enough to make even I realize that this is what Jack called a noble phantasm. The black sword that this servant holds inspires pure terror. I can't even move... can a mere sword emit such overwhelming pressure

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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