
Fate/Demon Reborn

Synopsis: Lelouch expected many things after his death. What he didn't expect was to find himself in the war between seven wizards and historical figures. Still, the prize seems nice enough so he might as well take it. Not to mention working with a fellow demon might be a unique experience. This story takes place in the events of Fate/Zero ______________________________________ Fate/Zero Fanfic and Fate Credit to the original owners

Imperators_Slave · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Worms, Dream and Love Predator?

Somewhere else.

'Curse her! Curse her! Curse her!' Caster screamed inside his mind as he moved between trees towards the city. This was supposed to be a night of great reunion between him and Jeanne but that redhead whore interrupted his plan. 'She ruined everything!'

He had no choice but to defend himself from her. However, Gilles wasn't strong in this form. Maybe if he was like his old self from the time Jeanne was alive. 'No! That Gilles was too weak! Too weak to protect Jeanne from God and others! This form of me is ideal for this job! I will protect her this time. I swear!'

However, it didn't change the fact that he almost died during the fight with Avenger. Gilles couldn't even reach Jeanne without someone stepping in and ruining his plan. But it was okay. He just needed to return to his and Ryuunosuke's base back in sewers. 'If these greedy nobles saw me like this, they no doubt would laugh and tell me I belong in sewers. But it doesn't matter. I just need to return ad-'

Gilles stopped thinking when he saw someone before him, Ryuunosuke. His master was sitting on the stone before the entrance in the sewers. However, something else caught his attention. His eyes went wide as Gilles let out a scream.

"Ryuunosuke! What happened!" shouted the servant as he rushed towards his master. The young child murderer was sitting with his clothes covered in blood. Gilles knew this couldn't be blood from children, his dear friend wasn't inexperienced after all. Caster's figure rushed to check his master while the wounded man waved away.

"Nothing wrong mister. I just got shot," he said, laughing. "It is pretty cool. Huh, even fun." the orange-haired man started to think about something with a small smile on his face as he stared at his wound.

While Ryuunosuke was thinking Gilles placed his arm on a fresh wound and spoke something under his breath. A second later violet light sparked on that place. Ryuunosuke's eyes went wide when he noticed it.

"Mister! What are you doing?" he asked with a pout.

Gilles looked at him with a worried expression. "Ryuunosuke, I can't let you be injured. That means I failed to protect you as a servant and friend." his master placed his hand behind his head.

"Well, if you say so."

"How did you receive that wound in the first place, Ryuunosuke? Have you been caught?"

Ryuunosuke shocked his head. "Well, not by the police. But there was one guy who got inside the bar where I take children. Said he wanted to throw a party for his sister. I was happy to get another kid for free but then something happened while I wasn't looking. I turn back to check but this guy pulls out a gun and shoots me. It was kind of rude if you ask me."

Gilles sighed. "Ryuunosuke."

"I know, I know. My bad. Shouldn't leave my back open to some creep with a gun. Damn, this is a dangerous time. He also ordered me to use my tattoo or something. I didn't understand it though." At this moment Caster's eyes went wide.

"Enemy master," he whispered. "It was an enemy master who found you. Ryuunosuke, what did he looked like?" the serial killer thought about it trying to remember all the details.

"Well, he isn't a local. He had violet eyes and looked like a foreigner. Was young too. I would say younger than me." he described Gilles everything.

"Hmm, he isn't from Japan. We saw three masters back at the docks and all three of them were from outside too...Rider's master? No, that child is too green. I doubt he has what it takes to threaten someone."

"Oi! Mister, you can tell it from one glance?"

Caster waved away with a smile. "Well, I was a leader and commanded an army in the past. I know how people who are ready to kill look like… Still, someone managed to find you while I was attacked. What a troublesome night."

"Something happened, mister?"

"Yes, but nothing too serious. My loyalty and love would give me strength! Still, we need to be better prepared for the next fight with a servant and its master. I also spent a lot of prana tonight and need to restore it." Gilles stared at his master. "Tell me, Ryuunosuke. Do you have any thoughts?"

"Sorry, but I don't know shit about magic." sighed his master. "All I did was to summon the coolest demon but that's about it."

"Come on, Ryuunosuke. We both know you're cool as well. But finding a good source of prana would be great." Children were a good battery but Gilles already spent more than he wanted tonight. If his next battle will be like this he would need more power. 'Something with a good amount of prana to sustain me will be great. But what?'

However, when Gilles was thinking he heard something at the nearest bush. He moved towards it and looked there. His eyes sparkled with surprise when he noticed something. "Oh my."

"What is it, mister?" Ryuunosuke asked while Gilles took something. Caster turned towards his master with something unexpected in his hands. Ryuunosuke blinked a few times when he saw it.

A worm.

However, not a simple worm but the biggest Ryuunosuke has ever seen. It was slimy and moved nonstop, trying to escape from Caster who was holding it with a big smile.

"I can't believe it! Ryuunosuke! We found something magnificent!

"...but it's just a worm."

Gilles shook his head. "Not just a worm! But a crest worm!" Caster said with excitement. "I used to have a similar swarm back in France! Oh, what a good time it was." Gilles said as he started to remember his late-life with nostalgia. "I would kidnap orphans and use crest worms to save prana for future experiments. Or just to enjoy their screams. Ah, I miss these days."

"Really? We can use this thing to play with kids?" Ryuunosuke looked at the bug with interest.

His friend nodded. "Of course, we can! And not only that but it is also a great source of prana." Gilles brought the worm closer to his face. "I can smell it. This crest worm has a lot of prana inside it. Let me check." without second thought Caster opened his mouth and made to bite. It looked like the crest worm was terrified for a second before being devoured. Gilles opened his eyes with joy. "Indeed, just like I thought. This one had high-quality prana. That means that there are magicians who use magecraft similar to my own. A fellow man of culture." he nodded proudly.

"Okay, but what does it mean for us, mister."

Gilles was silent for a second before speaking. "Ryuunosuke, I'm afraid that we have no choice but to stop our games with children." Ryuunosuke froze. He looked at his servant with a schooled expression but before he could ask why Gilles continued. "I know, I know. I'm not happy either but these kids aren't the best battery. Not to mention you were shot while bringing a new group. That enemy master must have seen you walking with a child. It might happen again if we continue our strategy like this."

"But the kids."

"We will enjoy their screams after we deal with the other servants, Ryuunosuke," Gilles said with a strick voice, remembering how he used it to scold Jeanne when training her. "First job then games."

Ryuunosuke sighed. "Ugh fine, mister."

"Good." nodded Gilles. "Now let's find more of these worms. They are really helpful not to mention delicious."

Somewhere else in the city, an old parasite felt a shiver run down his spine.


She saw the things she couldn't understand.

She saw metal giants kill each other. How they were tearing each other apart. She saw humans inside these machines. They were destroying each other. She understood what it was.

A war. No different from the ones she fought. However, no battle she ever fought was like this. These giants controlled by men were flying in the sky. Some of them had wings similar to these angels from western religious texts she learned about in Throne of Heroes. Two armies fought with a ferocity that she rarely seen in her troops. However, as the battle went longer she could tell who was winning.

Giant machines that were using katana, something that her pause was being overrun. Their opponent was tearing through their numbers, not caring about its losses. Then saw something else. The only thing she could call it was a fortress but it was enormous, bigger than anything she ever saw. She was amazed by it. The Grail never gave her knowledge of anything like this. Was all of it made by a human? But how?

However, soon she saw something. Something magnificent and terrifying at the same time. Her eyes went wide as she couldn't take her gaze away from it. A giant spectacle of light and colours exploded. Killing and destroying anything and anyone inside its area. No one was spared from it. She never saw anything like this. Something so powerful and dreadful.

Then she heard a familiar voice.

"Attention, people of the world!"

The scene changed. Now she was inside the white fortress, standing inside a huge room with a world map on the floor. There were few men but her eyes froze on one person. She knew who it was or did she?

"Hear my proclamation."

He was wearing white robes. Standing tall and proud, looking at the eyes of all humans on earth. She immediately recognized him but she had many questions.

"I am Lelouch vi Britannia, Emperor of the Holy Britannia Empire and your only ruler." said the demon. Demon? Why did she think of him as a demon? That was her title...But maybe he deserved it more.

"Schniezel has surrendered to me. As a result of this, I am now in control of both the Damocles and the FLEIJA weapons" The reaction of people around the world was not of joy. No… She saw fear.

"And even the Black Knights no longer possess the strength to oppose me now. If anyone dares to resist my supreme authority they shall know the devastating power of the FLEIJA." she saw people from different parts of the earth. She saw dread.

"Those who could challenge my military rule no longer exist. Yes, from this day, from this moment forward the world belongs to me." she froze, trying to understand these words. Many people claimed it in the past but no one was ever able to achieve it...But he did it.

"Lelouch vi Britannia commands you! Obey me subjects! Obey me world!"

"ALL HAIL LELOUCH!" screamed a knight.

"ALL HAIL LELOUCH!" screamed the army.




To see the entire world likes this. Terrified, amazed, unable to do anything. This absolute power, this absolute authority.

"This is...beautiful," she said to no one. All of it coming from one person. One human was able to do something like it. To be able to change the world. To be able to take over the world. To be able to realize her dream. "No. This is more than my dream. This is...This is magnificent." she didn't know why but she was feeling something strange inside her right now. It reminded her of a childish feeling of excitement when she discovered something new.

Her red eyes didn't leave a figure who said all of it, did all of it.


Avenger opened her eyes.

She allowed herself to take a short nap to relax. However, she saw and felt things that she didn't describe with words. She didn't move, thinking about it. What she saw in her dream. 'No. It wasn't just a dream.'

She made her way towards the source of it. He was sleeping on his bed. His face didn't show any emotions but she wondered. Was he seeing something from her life? However, right now it wasn't the first concern of Avenger. At this moment she was feeling something new inside her body, something exciting. Avenger brought her fingers to her lips.

"Lelouch vi Britannia," she said his name, his true name. "A Demon Emperor who conquered the world, I don't know everything about you but… Please, take care of a fellow Demon." a devilish smile appeared on the face of Oda Nobunaga… while a tinge of pink grew on her cheeks.


Hope you like the 2 chapters I posted. Also, if some of you unsatisfied by Lelouch not killing Ryuunosuke in this chapter sorry. Ryuunosuke still has a purpose in the future and I can't kill him right now. On the good side, he won't go after children anymore...But certain old worn is in danger now. And Lelouch met some little girl that won't ever appear again:)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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