
Fate/Demon Reborn

Synopsis: Lelouch expected many things after his death. What he didn't expect was to find himself in the war between seven wizards and historical figures. Still, the prize seems nice enough so he might as well take it. Not to mention working with a fellow demon might be a unique experience. This story takes place in the events of Fate/Zero ______________________________________ Fate/Zero Fanfic and Fate Credit to the original owners

Imperators_Slave · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Weird Avenger and Alliance between Masters

Next day, Fuyuki Bridge.

Lelouch had a strange feeling. It wasn't the fact that he was going after an insane master and his servant or meeting with his new ally. No, it was Avenger. Ever since he woke up this morning, she was watching him like a hawk. Whenever he caught her staring at him, the redhead would just smile and slowly turn away. It wasn't annoying or anything like that but he was curious why Avenger was like this.

'Usually, Avenger would be entertained by new things she saw but right now she doesn't pay attention to anything around her.' Both of them made their way towards Fuyuki Bridge. If his theory was right Ryuunosuke and Caster should be hiding in the sewer system. 'Now with two servants, we should be able to take down Caster...of course if everything won't go wrong during the meeting.'

Kayneth, master of Lancer. Lelouch knew nothing about the man besides what Avenger told him. From what he understands he was a fine example of the old nobility of Japan according to Avenger. 'Arrogant, self-interested but not useless...people like him will strike you in the back.' Words of his servant remind Lelouch of too many nobles from Britannia.

Soon the two demons arrived at their destination, Fuyuki Bridge. They stood near the river, close to the entrance into the sewers. Lelouch glanced around, trying to find their potential ally.

"Fascinating, a sewer system that covers an entire city." His servant comments. "In my time something like this wasn't possible. Then again people were busy with other things."

Lelouch smirked. "A beautiful woman like you amazed by sewers?"

Avenger nods proudly, "Of course! Any good ruler should see the necessity of small things like this. Something like this would have been useful for my provinces. It would have improved sanitation. Good sanitation would have given better healthcare which my soldiers always needed. Kami only knows how many of them died because of sickness. I might have conquered the entirety of Japan in no time if not for little things like this. Aggh!" Avenger let out a groan while Lelouch stopped himself from laughing.

"Having time to look back at your life like this must be nice." The former emperor said before looking at the city around them. It was peaceful. Lelouch only wished that his life decisions would make his world's Japan like this. 'After everything they suffered under Charles and my rule, they deserve peace. But...'

"It is. Now knowing what happened after my death I can think about all my actions and how useful they were."

Violet-coloured eyes stared at Avenger, "Would you have changed anything if you were given a chance?"

The redhead closed her eyes and carefully thought about it. "Hmm, yes. First, I would kill Akechi Mitsuhide. No forgiveness for the traitors. After that, I would have finished my job, now knowing the size of the enemy armies and what conditions they were in, I would have eliminated all of them without issue. Then I would-"

"I meant life in full, Avenger. Not your conquests or wars." Lelouch said slowly, stopping Avenger who looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "This Grail is believed to grant any wish. Would you completely change your life if you could?"

"No." was the immediate answer. Now it was Lelouch who was surprised. "My lifelong dream was to unite Japan and expand its territory beyond the sea. I dreamed of an empire under my rule. A perfect nation. Someone should have done it and I'm sure if it wasn't me then someone else would have done it. Hell, Takeda Shingen first comes to mind. However, none of them wanted to expand our nation. All of them were stuck in the past and couldn't see the wonders of the outside world… It pains me to know that even a unified Japan chooses self-isolation for centuries with every attempt to expand being a failure." Avenger glared at the ground. "Master, no, Lelouch. I wanted the best for my country and I did everything I could. If I was given a second chance I would have fixed the wrongs of my doings but not my journey."

Lelouch, who was stunned by the sudden words of his servant, took a moment to collect his thoughts, he said. "Forgive me for asking this, Avenger. I should have known better than asking something so...superfluous." She sighed before shaking her head.

"Heh, don't worry about this, master. I'm surprised by how much I said just now." Suddenly, the look on her face changed, it became more pleasant. "Master. Now when I said something so personal, it would be only fair if you did the same. Don't you think so?" A mischievous smile appeared on her face while Lelouch cleared his throat.

"Now, Avenger. I don't think it is the right place or time to speak about personal matters freely. Especially-" The raven-haired master turned away from his servant and looked at the approaching figures. "Not when our guests are here." A smile found its way on his face while the redhead next to him grimaced.

"And here I hoped you would willingly share with me your secrets, oh well."


The two new figures were a man and a woman. A blonde man fit the description Avenger gave him while the redheaded woman was most likely the one who answered his phone call the previous night. Lelouch couldn't see Lancer but the male servant was most likely in spirit form near his master.

A minute later, the two of them were standing before Lelouch and Avenger. After a brief silence, Kayneth was first to speak. "Master of Avenger," he said with a neutral tone, his eyes narrowed. Both hands were behind his back, therefore, Lelouch couldn't see if the man was holding anything.

"Master of Lancer." greeted Lelouch with a welcoming tone and smile. He placed his right hand on his chest and slightly bowed. From the corner of his eyes, he saw that Kayneth and his female companion raised an eyebrow at this. "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Archibald."

Kayneth smiled while both ladies rolled their eyes. "At least some of the younger generation know how to show respect. Now, you know my name but I still haven't learned yours."

"Lelouch Lamperouge."

"Lamperouge… Never heard about a magi family with such a name." commented the redheaded woman next to Kayneth.

The former emperor turned to her and nodded. "Not surprised. My family was always secretive and tried to use magecraft as little as possible. Sorry, but still I don't know how to address you, lady..."

"My fiance Sola-Ui," spoke Kayneth while his companion sent him a glare. "Now that we are done with the introduction we can move to business."

Lelouch smirked, noticing how annoyed Kayneth's bride was. 'Hmm, so the future wife isn't so happy.'

"Of course, Lord Archibald. I believe my servant and you talked about something that can prove beneficial to all of us."

"An alliance. If we want to ensure our chance of winning in this war, an official alliance will be needed." Avenger said while Lelouch nodded.

"Of course we all know that alliance won't last forever in a war like this. So I recommend uniting to take down the most dangerous servants together. After that our union won't be needed anymore."

Both Sola-Ui and Kayneth glanced at each other before speaking. "If we will work together what servants will you go after?"

"First and most dangerous right now is Caster. After learning his true name and some other worrisome things I'm sure that taking him down is the number one priority. Not to mention the current ceasefire and reward in the form of a command spell." Lelouch noticed how Kayneth reacted when the additional command spell was mentioned. 'Interesting, did he use one already?'

Sola-Ui placed a hand under her chin before speaking. "You said you learned the identity of Caster. Care to share?" she narrowed her eyes when Lelouch shook his head.

"Unless we are working together, I'm afraid I cannot discuss such important information. I'm sure you can understand why… However, I can speak about one of his abilities. Caster's master was kidnapping children while Caster used some of them as a mana supply and others to create monsters to use. Both I and Avenger already fought some of them. They aren't dangerous on their own but when they are in bigger numbers they can be a threat even for a servant. Not to mention the fact that kidnapped children will alert the attention of local police. If we don't want unnecessary complications it is better to avoid it." Lelouch explained. The blonde master was silent for some time thinking about it.

"Familiar creation with human flesh," whispered Kayneth. "Not the easiest skill to learn these days. This Caster must be from old times if he can do it in big numbers… Very well I can see your point but is Caster your only target?"

"Of course not. After last night we also learned the identity of Saber." Now Kayneth was even more interested. "As far I know she is currently wounded after the first fight with your servant. It will be better if we take her down while she is in such a state. Also, I'm sure your Lancer will be glad to finally finish his duel."

Kayneth laughed. "I don't care what Lancer wants, the servant will do what his master commands him." he didn't notice the glare that Avenger sent him while Lelouch slightly narrowed his eyes. "But I agree. Saber should be eliminated as soon as possible."

"Caster and Saber. Who is next?" asked Sola.

Lelouch was silent for a second before speaking. "Archer." Both Sola and Kayneth froze. Behind him, Avenger clicked her teeth.

"Only seeing him once was enough to see how strong he is," spoke Kayneth."He is, without doubt, one of the most powerful servants in this war."

"Arrogant bastard, that's who he is." hissed Avenger.

Sola-Ui ignored her. "Getting rid of him won't be easy, even with two servants."

"And we don't know anything about him either," commented Kayneth before addressing Lelouch. "What makes you think our alliance will be enough to kill him."

"Well, I won't say we don't know anything about him." started Lelouch. "We can narrow down the identity of his master to two possibilities. Either Matou or Tohsaka family members. So far we haven't seen the master of Archer or Berserker. Three main families always participated in the Grail War and you already met the Einzbern master. We also witnessed how Archer carries himself. Prideful and like my Avenger said arrogant. Calls himself ruler of this land even if it's obvious he isn't from Japan."

"A heroic spirit who was a ruler during his life," whispered Sola-Ui and Lelouch nodded.

"Indeed, while it doesn't give us his true identity, we can at least use his overconfidence against him. As far I know one of your Lancer's spears is able to make a wound that cannot be healed. If we were to unite and go after Archer, this will be essential to weaken him before my Avenger will take him down."

Blonde master narrowed his eyes. "What makes you think your servant will be able to do it, Lamperouge?" Before the former emperor could answer, his servant answered for him with a sly smirk.

"Let's just say that I have what it takes to kill Archer."

"Hmm." Kayneth stayed silent for a minute. Lelouch could see that the master of Lancer was considering the benefits that this could bring. "While working with magi or even magus from an unknown family is below my standards, I can see that you aren't completely useless, Lamperouge." Lelouch just smiled while Avenger clenched her fist.

"My master is anything but useless. I recommend you to not forget it unless you want to meet your ancestors soon." Avenger said darkly. Lelouch would have stopped her but he noticed how Archibald paled while his fiancee slightly smirked.

'He isn't different from Britannian nobles but at least he can see the benefits that this venture can bring to both of us… or the danger that Avenger presents. Fear isn't something I like to use on my allies...but then again it could be useful right now.'

"So what do you think, Lord Archibald?" asked Lelouch. Kayneth coughed into his fist before speaking.

"After some thought, I decided that this alliance is indeed useful. I agree to work with you, Lamperouge." After saying it, he gave out his hand to shake. Lelouch accepted with a pleasing smile. Sola-Ui rolled her eyes until her gaze met Avenger's who winked at her.

"Welcome to the winning team, Lord Archibald. Now that we are officially working together." Lelouch pointed at the entrance of the sewers behind him. "How about we take out the trash?"


"Gilles de Rais and Jeanne D'Arc, you say?" Asked Kayneth while three of them were making their way inside the sewer.

Sola-Ui was left outside to protect the entrance from regular people. After becoming allies Lelouch decided to share information immediately. There wasn't any need to hide something that could be crucial to defeating Caster and Saber. Right now both masters were chatting while their servants were walking in front of them.

It was the first time Lelouch could see Lancer up close. After some quick greetings, the male servant was silent. His Avenger was walking next to him, her katana in her hands just in case.

"Indeed. I was surprised to learn this too. It would explain why Caster is fixed on searching for Saber."

Kayneth narrowed his eyes. "I remember stories about how Gilles de Rais used magecraft in his late-life but usually, it was nothing but rumours to tarnish his name. To think that he would be summoned as Caster. Hmm, he isn't a heroic spirit from the Age of Gods so he shouldn't be too dangerous."

"Do not underestimate him. Such thinking will cost you your life. Ugly bastard isn't easy prey," commented Avenger. "If left unchecked he will become a serious threat. He is too dangerous to be kept alive."

Kayneth was annoyed but didn't say anything. Lelouch stayed silent observing it. 'He isn't used to being called out but can't do anything since she is my servant...or just too scared by her.'

Suddenly both Lancer and Avenger stopped. The black-haired servant raised his red spear and pointed forward. His master was puzzled.

"What is it, Lancer?"

"Enemy approaching us, my lord." Soon enough, a few familiar tentacle monsters were seen. Little beasts were running at them. "Seven."

Both Lelouch and Kayneth made few steps back while their servants rushed ahead. When one of the little creatures jumped at them, Lancer pierced it with his red spear. Not wasting a moment he pulled out his spear and moved to the next one. At the same time, Avenger cut two of them before raising her leg and crushing one before her with a heel. Lancer was using the bottom of his spear to threw back two familiars before stabbing them. The last one tried to bypass them and attack their masters. Both servants immediately moved after it. Both went for a quick strike. Avenger cut the creature in two while Lancer pierced upper half.

Behind them, both masters watched how their servants dealt with the threat. Lelouch eyes never left two warriors.

'Fascinating. I was lucky to have the explosion to take down one but servants don't have any problems.'

"These familiars..." started Kayneth as he moved to the corpse of a monster while his servant tried to warn him.

"My lord, be careful this creature might still be dangerous." worriedly spoke Lancer. His master just waved away.

"Nonsense! You two already killed it. Not to mention." as Kayneth spoke monster corpse before him dissolved."As I thought. These familiars were made poorly in a short time...but they are still impressive nonetheless."

"Care to explain?" Lelouch asked with a raised eyebrow. Archibald let out a tired sigh before speaking.

"Quick lesson, Lamperouge. Human flesh isn't the best foundation for familiar creation. Usually, you will try to use animals or basic materials like stone or wood. To create something like this, modern magi would need the body of an adult human or even two. However, Caster made them with nothing but children and in big numbers. It is impressive." Kayneth sounded genuinely curious while Lelouch and Lancer narrowed their eyes.

"This is atrocious," Lancer said as he clenched his spear."To use a human body like that."

"Quit your whining, Lancer. This magecraft we talking about. Who cares that some regular kids died." Behind Kayneth, Lelouch sent him a glare but stayed silent.' I hope we can get rid of our targets soon otherwise working with this man longer than needed will end badly...for him.' His servant silently stared at her master, observing his expression.

"Do you think there are more of these creatures?" Kayneth shook his head.

"Not likely. These familiars are dangerous for regular magi but not for servants. Creating them in huge numbers will be a waste. Instead, Caster most likely uses children as battery and transforms them when he needs it. A transformed child cannot supply him with prana anymore and he will need an army to take down servant with just these things." concluded Kayneth.

"During our fight Caster used them as a distraction or for self-defence. They shouldn't be a danger for an experienced warrior unless you cornered down."

Her master sighed."Anyway, we can not leave Caster or his master alone. The attention he attracts is enough of reason to terminate them."

"Indeed. It might become even worse if the magecraft world will interfere. Church executioners or Mage's Association enforcers won't stay at the side if it War becomes public knowledge. And if Sealing Designation will be issued..." hissed master of Lancer. Lelouch didn't know what exactly he meant but could guess that it was serious.

"You magi and your overcomplicated rules, eh." sighed Avenger."Right now we need to focus on Caster, your worries come after that."

Kayneth wanted to remind servant her place but after remembering last night he stopped himself."..Of course. If we take out Caster none of it will happen. On our way, I sensed a few boundary fields. Surprisingly nothing too serious. You will think that servant who proficient in magecraft would do something better."

"Maybe he didn't bother because he didn't think anyone will show up here." suggested Lelouch."Normal people rarely enter sewers if there no technical problems and I doubt boundary field will stop servants."

"Sir Lamperouge is maybe right, my lord. Even someone like me wouldn't have problems trespassing this tunnel."

"So." Avenger looked around."Caster is either too incompetent. Or it is a trap."

Lelouch thought about it."Gilles was the leader of the army and should know how to set up an ambush. It will be better if we send someone ahead." he looked at the blonde man."To check if everything is ok."

Kayneth narrowed his eyes."You don't suggest me to send Lancer. Do you Lamperouge?" servant in question raised his eyebrow, not desiring to leave his lord with Avenger again.

Raven haired master quickly waved away with a smile."Of course no, Lord Archibald. It will be better if we sent some kind of familiar. However, I'm unable to create one so-"

"I'm curious what kind of education your family gave you if you can't even do the basic spell, Lamperouge," Kayneth said in a disapproving tone."I had a higher opinion of USA magus society but once again I'm proven wrong-"

"Just create familiar and be done with it." hissed Avenger.

Archibald said nothing but started preparing a spell. He pulled a small bottle with silver liquid and poured it on the floor. The liquid quickly took a shape of bubble before moving forward down the tunnel. Kayneth turned to Lelouch.

"Be thankful to witness my best creation. It cannot see but will be able to sense any move and presence of servant if Caster there. We just need to wait a little bit."

Lelouch was impressed."Interesting, so it is your spell?" While they were waiting he could use the moment to dig some information out of experienced magus.

"This is my creation indeed. Of course, my family was also helping but compared to what I did their help is rather minuscule." Kayneth smirked proudly. This was his life biggest achievement after all and he won't allow anyone to steal his fame, especially his sister."It is based on alchemy and I managed to improve formula to perfection."

"Yet your little creation wasn't been able to deal with Saber's master, now did it?" laughed Avenger while Kayneth bit his lower lip.

"W-well, Einzbern family aren't some weaklings after all. They are one of the oldest families in this war after all."

"That reminds me, Lord Archibald. Can you tell us anything about Saber's master? White-haired woman if I remember correctly." Avenger nodded too. There was something about that woman that made former warlord interested in her.

"Hmm, nothing too special. She only used standard spells during out fight. While I can't say without accurate research but it is easy to see that she has a lot of mana. Then again it shouldn't be surprising. It is Einzbern homunculus after all-"

"Homunculus?" Lelouch asked with a surprised tone. Kayneth stared at him for a moment.

"Don't tell me you don't know what homunculus means, Lamperouge."

Former Demon emperor quickly shocked his head."Of course, I know what it means." even without knowledge of magecraft Lelouch heard about such thing."I was surprised that one of the masters was one."

"Well, Einzbern were using homunculus since the first war. Many people speculate that their entire family is made of the high-class homunculus but no one can prove that. Even among other magi family, Einzbern is known for being one of the most secretive. Only two things are known about them at the moment. The fact that their main house located somewhere in Germany and that they were working with infamous Magus Killer for a long time now."

"Magus Killer? Some kind of assassin?" Avenger asked with a raised eyebrow.

The blonde man nodded."Indeed. An obnoxious magus who uses weapons of peasants to kill magi and magus alike. He has a reputation of the ruthless killer who will do anything for the right price."

"Ah, mercenaries. They're either your best ally or worst foe. Some things never change. Don't you agree, Lancer?" Avenger asked another servant who was silently observing her and her master. He nodded.

"They are warriors without honour. I'm not surprised that in time when chivalry is believed to be dead, they still exist." he then proudly smirked."Well, they aren't a match for a proper knight like me or a noble lord like mine." for the first time since his summoning Kayneth could agree with his servant.

"Lancer is right, Even someone like Magus Killer can't hope to compete with me." he smiled proudly while Lelouch and Avenger quickly exchanged a glance.

'Overconfidence will be your undoing, Kayneth' Lelouch thought to himself before asking."By the way, do you know anything else about other masters?"

"Wha-Oh, yes! There masters from Tohsaka and Matou families, like in all wars. But there also a master of Rider who is-" before he could finish, a familiar he sent returned. Kayneth stopped talking and turned to his creature. Silver bubble rolled up to its master who carefully picked it up and examined."Interesting."

"My lord?"

Kayneth glanced at Lancer before turning to Lelouch."It would appear that Caster is currently somewhere else. My familiar didn't sense any monsters up ahead nor traps. We are safe to go."

"Good." Lelouch nodded before turning to Avenger."Let's go. While Caster isn't at home we will prepare our ambush."


Another chapter done with 4,010 words hope you enjoy it!

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