

What happens when there's another person besides Mash who becomes a Demi-Servant? And that contractor is from Gilgamesh of all Heroic Spirits? You get this! There will be SMITE references for Gilgamesh/MC, considering I will be using an original NP since Enuma Elish will be later down the story. [Before we begin, this story is an experiment! My knowledge of Fate is limited. However, as I write this story, I'm reading Light Novels and FGO Manga and playing FGO. So don't expect this story to be anything special. After reading a lot of Fate fanfics, I had this idea, but I was ultimately disappointed by the lack of Demi-Servant MCs.] [Like most other Fate Fanfics, Harem is included, but probably no smut unless I feel it's appropriate!] I hope that this will get people to try this rare trope out!

SaurianMp4 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Secret Agenda




With Enkidu down, Mars continued to stare sharply at the Berserker Servant. He didn't understand how he was in such a state, but then again, the Throne Of Heroes considers everything about a person. It wouldn't be a surprise if the Throne Of Heroes cataloged information about Enkidu before he gained true sentience. 

The chains began disappearing, indicating that Morgan's Mark Of Mind was doing what Mars hoped. Mars had a numb feeling that this wouldn't work all the way, but it was enough to hinder the strong Berserker. Mars had no idea how to successfully defeat an opponent like this, considering Enkidu was created to handle Gilgamesh. 

No matter, he would begin to use his [Mind's Wisdom] to formulate another contingency. 




"This is bothersome!" 

"It is. Now, can we talk!" 

The battle between Jeannes continued, with Jalter summoning stakes and using them to skewer Jeanne, but it was proving to be a challenge, thanks to Jeanne's astonishing display of reaction. Her speed was something to behold, and it seemed to guide her in this fight. 

The echoing sound of their flags clashing reverberated intensely, but the difference between them was that Jalter aimed to kill while Jeanne aimed to understand. It was a stark difference that further characterized the two Jeanne D'Arcs. One was filled with hate, while the other was filled with kindness. Opposites like this wouldn't be able to understand one another, but such notions didn't bother Jeanne.

A testament to her will to understand Jalter.

Jalter grabbed another stake to her left but slashed the sharp edge through the dirt. The metallic sound mixed with the earth's crumbling as dirt, grass, and rocks flew into the air. Jeanne instinctively jumped back but still found herself in the middle of the dust cloud that formed. 

"I had enough of playing with you!" 

The earth echoed and shook as if a short magnitude occurred, but Jeanne could feel it had nothing to do with Jalter. Both Jeannes turned their heads to see a pillar of golden light stretch to the heavens, giving it an ethereal appearance as if God was descending on the mortal plane. 

"Tch! Berserk-Lancer and Berserk-Assassin fell? This set things back," Jalter voiced bitterly, her lips trickled with blood as everything wasn't going according to her initial plans. She wanted to take Mars with her, but she'd wait for their next fight.

"Berserk-Rider, Berserk-Saber, and Berserker! Time to retreat, we're outmatched!" Jalter turned around as she gave her orders. 


"What do you want, bitch?"

"Keep talking like that, and I'll scrub your mouth with soap! Next time we meet, I'll make sure to understand why you are doing all this."

Jalter remained silent, staring at Jeanne through the disappearing dust that she created. If it weren't for the carelessness of Berserk-Lancer and Assassin, she would've won this battle, but that was okay. She could summon more useful Servants in their place. 

With a speedy retreat, Jalter left with her remaining Servants. She would need to prepare for the next bout. Hopefully, the next Servants she summons won't be as easily distracted as the infamous Vlad III and Carmilla. They were perfect for her goal of destroying France, but that proved to be an error of judgment. 

Next time.

She just needed…more time. 




Mars sat cross-legged on the Red Carpet as the Chaldeans settled after their battle. His eyes were closed as he replayed the battle with Enkidu in his head. He was gullible in his assessment that despite Enkidu being Berserker, he had no way to plan intricately. The chains weren't going to skewer him but bind his movements. 


"Master, are you alright?" 

Mars looked at Atalanta, and his crimson eyes widened. He's been getting visions a lot more frequently. As he stared at Atalanta, he pictured her with ash gray hair and furious gray eyes. She no longer has her bow, opting to rip and tear. 

What was that? She looked like…

"I'm fine. I'm just going over my battle with Enkidu. I only won with sheer luck. I feel that Enkidu was holding himself back despite being in such a state."

"Don't think too hard on such matters. You should take a rest and eat to replenish your reserves. I feel the battles ahead will test you beyond anything else."

Mars took Atalanta's words with careful consideration. The image of her gray-haired self was still worrying. She was more untamed, like a Berserker. 

He….needs time to process this.




"Jeanne, you have returned!" The excited voice of Gilles pierced through the cathedral, his grotesque appearance having a dark light when Jalter entered the cathedral with the remaining Servants. "I see that Berserk-Lancer and Berserk-Assassin have fallen."

"I had her…Gilles! I was close, very fucking close," Jalter walked past Gilles, the air around her silencing anything else he was going to say. "Then Vlad and Carmilla had to go and screw up everything."

Gilles looked at the remaining Servants, and they shared a nod while Enkidu just snarled. Gilles's attention returned to Jalter, who seemed on the verge of exploding. He could practically see the flames of hell creep off her shoulders like smoke off a grill. 

"Worry not! We need better Servants. Allow me to summon the next two."

Jalter sighed, and the billowing flames around her disappeared. "I shall leave that to you, Gilles, as always, so dependable." 

Gilles nodded in silence as he began to prepare the needed requirements to summon more Servants. With his heart of resentment and cruel and inhumane mind, there are bound to be Servants who have the same traits as him. Gilles was initially surprised Jalter summoned such Servants as Saint Martha and D'Eon but kept such things to himself. 

However, Gilles needed to kill Mars, for he was the reason for his dear Jeanne's mind beginning to cloud. She was changing, but she still had that eternal pit of hate to forward France's destruction. 

Chuckling devilishly inside, Gilles was unknowingly being watched by Saint Martha, who, despite being under [Madness Enchantment], was able to retain a strong sense of rationality.

Martha looked at Enkidu, who was glancing at her, seemingly reading her like she was an open book. She wasn't sure if the Berserker was planning anything, but the darkened violet eyes of Berserker seemed to fuel Martha's next plan.

She would have to try and help the Chaldeans. She'll do just that, for she had enough of the senseless killing. 




"Hmph, he summoned me yet has the gall to force me to go after him. That arrogant bastard!"


AN: This is where things change, which should have been noticed when I had Enkidu appear as Berserker. So I know that Marie Antoinette and Mozart were vital for Orleans singularity, but I'm changing some things about that. They're not summoned here. I gotta make it interesting somehow, right? 

With that said and done, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Things will get a bit hectic from here on with Gilles summoning more Servants instead of Jalter. We'll have to wait and see. 

(Feel free to put your thoughts on who Gilles would summon)

Thanks to those who checked out Fate/Blood!

Reminder, be sure to drink water!

Thanks for reading! :]

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