

Ainz finds himself dragged into the NASUverse, to get home he will have to participate in the Great Holy grail war. ________________________________________________________________ I am new to writing fanfiction so please criticize my writing.

LoVarg · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Critical information

Third Person



(Silent Spells)

("Voiced spells")


Place: Yggdmillennia castle

When: After the Eyeball corpse flied away to Ainz.


"I´m happy! - I´m happy! I am So incredibly happy!" Rider of Black says while hugging the Homunculus boy.

"I need to cheek him, please move." Jeanne says in a little bit serious voice. But Rider just kept snuggling and hugging the homunculus, so Jeanne took her hand and shoved Rider away.

"Excuse me." Jeanne says in a not at all sorry voice.

Jeanne puts her hand on the homunculus chest and closed her eyes.

"It seems Siegfried's heart is functioning properly." Jeanne says in a neutral voice. She opens her eyes looking at the homunculus.

"Even in the past Holy Grail Wars, there is no records of this happening."

The homunculus opens his eyes and is looking at Ruler.

"Siegfried? The hero from the Nibelungenlied? His… heart?" The homunculus says in a neutral voice while taking is hand to where his heart is.

Rider is crawling back behind Ruler.

"It´s fine, fine! You were saved after all!" Rider says in "Her" good lucky voice.

"That's what's Important! Right?" Rider says with a smile.

"That is True, however…" Suddenly Ruler makes a surprised face.

"Rider!" Jeanne says as a horse comes behind her and near the master of saber of Black's unconscious body.

"Jeez, so they are here" Rider says in her party pooped voice as she looks behind her, she sees many servants and masters of Black is standing there.

"Rider, what happened here? And who is that servant there?" Darnic says in a neutral voice while servants of black materializes around Ruler and Rider.

"Well, um…" Rider says in a voice like that of a child being found by there parent stealing cookies' from the drawer.

"I am Ruler. I am the adjudicator of this great Holy Grail War" Jeanne says while looking at the Master and Lancer of Black.

"What happened to Saber?" Vlad asks.

"He chose to die by his own hands, I guess?" Rider says in a little questioning voice.

"Then, what exactly is that homunculus who holds Saber´s heart?" Caster of Black says while looking at the homunculus in a way a scientist would look at a specimen, but no one saw it because of his mask.

Rider Stand before the homunculus in a protecting manner shielding the homunculus from Vlad´s view.

Vlad becomes more serious.

"Answer me. What happened on this site?"

"Actually…" Rider says and starts explaining what happened. After the explanation Darnic says.

"To end up losing a Saber-class over something so trivial…" Darnic says while looking down at the master of saber of black like he was worthless trash.

Caster looks towards Darnic.

"Darnic, this homunculus will be useful as a Reactor Core." Caster says naturally.

"Rider, hand him over to us." Darnic says in a commanding tone like it is a fact.

"I decline." Rider says seriously.

��Don´t make me waste a Command Spell!" Darnic master says furiously.

"Enough! Involving him in this Great Holy Grail War will not be allowed!" Ruler says.

"What?" Caster of Black says.

"Even Great Holy Grail Wars have rules. He did not choose to participate." Ruler says.

"But he is not completely unrelated. He has inherited Saber´s heart." Caster says.

"Even so, he has not become a Servant. Caster surely you understand?" Ruler says.

"Indeed, he is a homunculus. And that is what is important to me." Caster says.

"Originally, He was one of our assets created for this Great War. He has no Persona, no history, no family. Homunculus from us are created to fight." Darnic says.

"That may indeed be the case. But he wished to live and acted on it. And there was someone else who, like him, wished for him to live." Ruler says.

"Siegfried, huh? That hero wished for that homunculus to live?" Vlad asks.

"Yes, that was his wish, and to trample on it is not something I will tolerate!" Ruler says seriously while taking up her weapon in a fighting stance.

"I swear by this flag." Ruler says even more seriously.

"The Maiden of Orleans…" Vlad says seriously.

"I swear on my True Name that I will not hand him over to you." Ruler says.

The servant of Black could not attack because ruler has advantages against servants

(PS, Command Seals) that would make it extremely hard to beat her even if they used all their might.

"Rider do you not think what you have done is betrayal?" Vlad asks Rider.

"Nope, Because I believe I have done the right thing!" Rider says in a happy voice.

"That said I can not let you go without punishment… Caster." Vlad says.

Caster materializes in front of Rider and created mud cuffs around Riders Wrists and hands.

"Well, it can´t be helped. Now Let us go!" Rider says.

"Wait we haven´t sto-" Darnic says but was interrupted.

"It´s fine." Vlad says.

"Ruler, as fellow followers of God can we not join out forces together?" Vlad asks.

"No. As long as Each side seeks the Holy Grail and fights with honor, I will accept everything."

Ruler says.

Vlad just smirks and rides off. Rider says goodbye and the rest of the Black faction walks away as well.


Place: Mountains

When: Same night some hours after Black faction had leaved Ruler and the homunculus.

(Listen, I do not have the patience to write every scene and what they say/do, So I will make it for parts I think of as unimportant, short. If some of you disagree that is fine, go look at it on Netflix or something. This is just filler, so my stories do not have just Ainz perspective. That would be boring.)

(Thanks for those who understand.)


Ruler is talking with the homunculus about life, that it is hard to live and to be good at adapting to different circumstances to make things easier. She also told him to have courage, but the homunculus disagrees and says he does not have it.

Ruler talks about why Rider protected him and that it was because he did not roll up and let himself die.

"Is that by chance, Rider´s Sword?" Ruler asks while looking at the sword on the homunculus waist.

"She gave me it in case of emergency. I should have just returned it." The homunculus says.

The topic changes.

"Oh, right we never properly introduced ourselves." Ruler says.

"I have no name or persona to introduce myself with." The homunculus says.

"Then let´s start with naming you. Names are important to specify a individual." Ruler says.

"Sieg, in honor of the one that saved me I shall always have a part of him with me."

The homunculus, no, Sieg says.

"That is a fine name." Ruler says.

"On another note, what is your name Ruler or Maidens of Orleans?" Sieg asks.

"I am just a Ruler servant; I am not so magnificent to be called a Holy Maiden." Ruler says.

"So, you're fine with "Ruler"?" Sieg asks.

"Yes." Ruler answers.

"Now Sieg, let me teach you important things on how you survive."

And so, Jeanne teaches Sieg about food and water.


Place: Same mountains

When: around 1 ~ 2 Hours since Jeanne taught Sieg about food and water.


"Ruler." Sieg says

"What is it?" Ruler asks

"Why are you hungry? Normally Servants don´t have such desires." Sieg says.

"Oh, about that, I was not summoned by any particular Master. I am an exitance summoned by the Holy Grail. However, I could not materialize as a servant, so I had to had to possess a French Girl named Laetitia, with her permission of course." Ruler says.

"I am like an armor around her so any injuries on the surface is limited to myself, so she is not injured." Ruler says with a smile.

"But… Why I could not materialize on my own is a mystery, so this Great Holy grail War is abnormal. Perhaps I was not summoned to do the duties of a Ruler, but for another reason" Ruler says.

"Am I one of those abnormalities? I am a homunculus with the Heart of Siegfried and so, I live on while he died." Sieg says.

Ruler starts talking about how he should not search for why he survived and that he chooses it. He is living and doing the things he is doing right now because of his choice and should not look to much back at time.

She starts talking about being controlled by the heavens like a puppet, like she experienced it, herself. She asks why he ran away. He answered by saying that he merely wanted to survive.

She asks if he wants to return to the Black faction. He right now has the freedom to go anywhere he wants and accomplish something he, himself wants.

He seems to be concerned about the other homunculus, Ruler asks about it and Sieg seems to realize something.

He choses to be free and to find something to make his life purpose. He walks down the mountain, Ruler following him.

In the clouds, 1 km away, "Again" a ball of eyes is looking towards Sieg and Ruler Eavesdropping on their conversation.

{"I need to go to master again this could be a game changer!"} The Eyeball corpse figured as it flew away to report the new information to its master.


Place: Yggdmillennia castle

When: After the master of Saber of Black woke up.


"Why! Why did he sacrifice his life on something like you!" The master of Saber of Black, Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia says enraged while pointing at the emotionless homunculus guarding his door.

"I am a homunculus. I do not understand human emotion much less a legendary hero. But if I look at it from a logical perspective, Siegfried saving that homunculus boy´s life, was more important than your orders."

The homunculus women say´s with an emotionless voice while looking at Gordes.

Gordes becomes more enraged till he had lost all the energy he had with his overweight body. He sat down on the floor and looking down, his eyes look like they lost all life in them.


Place: Yggdmillennia castle, in a corridor

When: Same night and same time as the text above.


"Bad communication and bad partnership that is what led Saber to not go with Gordes orders.

"A master should not just merely Boss around with his servant and treat Him/Her/It as a minion."

"They are heroes and have pride and logic of their own." That is what Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia learned while watching Gordes.

He looks at his Berserker.

"Hey, are you dissatisfied be anything?" He asks.

Berserker takes a thinking pose with her hand, after 3 seconds she just shakes her head.

"I see. If you dissatisfied with anything, tell me before you blow it up." Caules says with a smile.

Berserker nods. Caules turns around and sitting on her wheelchair is his sister with her servant, Archer.

"Hello, sister." Caules says in a happy voice.

"Hello to you as well, Caules. Tomorrow, we will head towards Sighisoara"

His sister says.

"Sighisoara, what for?" Caules asks. His sister turns serious.

"Jack the Ripper has appeared."


Place: Ainz ooal gown´s Throne Room

When: Same night and about same time as the text above.


The skeleton arm start to write on the paper again. When it was done Ainz takes the paper and starts to read.

"Travel to Sighisoara. Details to come. "

" Lord El-Melloi II"

That was all that was written.

{"Something is fishy, why would he not give me more information?"} Ainz thinks cautiously.

{"Let´s get some reconnaissance before I go in unknown territory"}

("Create Middle Tier Undead: High Wraith")

A translucent form that looks like a ghost with a face of misery comes into existence. This one is not permanent and will only exist up to a week, so he loses nothing on it, if it dies.

He will get information that the enemy can detect Wraiths if it dies anyway, so that´s a plus.

"High Wraith, go to Sighisoara and search for abnormalities."

"If you see a servant do not tailor them just remember its appearance and report back to me immediately." Ainz says in a commanding voice.

The High Wraith bows and flies through the wall immediately and was away from his territory in less than a second.

Ainz sits on his throne letting his psyche rest for about 3 hours before an Eyeball Corpse flies in.

"What is it Eyeball Corpse?" Ainz asks in an interested voice.

"My master we have found critical information about Ruler." The Eyeball corpse spoke in its creepy voice.

"Then show me." Ainz commanded.

A screen came with sound (a holographic TV basically) and Ainz watch fascinated by what Jeanne says.

"Pause" Ainz says with an outstretched hand.

The screen paused.

"Go back 10 seconds I want to hear it again." Anz says seriously.

The screen shows Ruler talking about possessing a body.

"Pause" Ainz says.

"Muhuhu…" A muffled laugh can be heard. A second later the dam broke.


Ainz can be seen laughing like a madman that just completed a machine of his lifetime.

{"She has a body inside of that spirit. That's wonderful!"}

But a Green light comes over his skeleton body he becomes calm.

Why Ainz was laughing is because normally Heroic spirits and other spirits in general have immunity to Instant-Death Magic but, Jeanne has a (Living Body) Inside so his (Grasp Heart) spell should work better than just a stunner and actually kill Ruler easily. There is just one but.

{"Would (Grasp Heart) go through, if she has (Magic Resistance)?"}

Ainz has never tested his instant-Death magic on anything other than some low-leveled

(Magic Resistance) that weak magical beasts spirits had.

It worked then but he is not Sure now, so he will take many precautions before he does anything hasty.

{"I will deal with the homunculus soon but for now"}

("Create High Tier Undead: Eyeball Corpse")

Another Eyeball corpse came to existence but this one will only hold for 2 weeks, but that is all he needs.

"You" Ainz pointed at the Eyeball corpse that was made with a corpse.

"you shall go back and follow this "Sieg" while you." Ainz points at the newly made Eyeball Corpse.

"You shall follow Ruler, understood." Both Eyeball corpses does an equivalent of a bow and flies through the front gate that opened for them.

Ainz just sights.

{"It is going to be a long Week"}


Place: A farm near the mountain Sieg and Ruler were at.

When: Early morning.


Jeanne talks to an old farmer and the retunes o Sieg.

"His name is MR. Serge, and for a while, he will shelter you, Sieg" Jeanne says in a relived tone.

"He can teach what it means to live" Jeanne says in a happy voice.

"You will now have to make you own decisions, Sieg." She says with a smile.

"You will be fine."

"You're right. Thank you, Ruler. I would like to offer you something, but I do not have anything to give you" Sieg says in a disappointed voice.

"I merely followed the oath I swore to Siegfried. But if there were something, I could receive it would be… Can you smile for me?" Ruler says with a happy smile.

Sieg tries to smile but it was awkward.

"I can´t. It´s so hard." Sieg says in a defeated tone.

Ruler puts her hand on Sieg´s face and tries to make his face smile.

"It looks like you need practice. But it is fine if you cannot do it now. Because in the future there will be many things to laugh at." Ruler says.

"I will practice." Sieg promised in a dead serious voice.

As Ruler walks away Sieg asks a final question.

"Ruler, will we meet again?"

"No, I am headed for the battlefield. And you are headed for a normal life. That is how things should be." Ruler answers with a downcast face but having a little smile.

"However, if we meet again. Please do show me your smile, Sieg." Ruler says.

"I Will try my best." Sieg says as he walks towards the farmer.

In Rulers mind at sunrise while standing on a mountain.

{"I told a Lie. He must fight. I do not now why but he is destined to do so. However even if fate wishes him death, I will not abide to that. I will fight that Fate with all my might."}

{"He will not have to shed blood. That is something a Hero should be doing!"} Jeanne thought determined to not get the fate she saw him getting.


Place: church basement

When: Same time as text above.


"Please rejoice." Shirou Kotomines voice says.

"The Great Holy Grail War has ended, and we have won. I'm sorry, but as we promised, Please Transfer your Command Seals to me as a Reward."

Shirou Kotomine says with a little smile on his face.

I am Lazy. So sorry for that. But here is the chapter.

I hope that you like it.

I hope you reader´s have a good day/Night.

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