

Ainz finds himself dragged into the NASUverse, to get home he will have to participate in the Great Holy grail war. ________________________________________________________________ I am new to writing fanfiction so please criticize my writing.

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Chapter: 2 the Mysterious master

Third Person



(Silent Spells)

("Voiced Spells")


Gazef would have never thought that his master would be Ainz "Heh", it´s ironic in one moment he was killed by him for refusing to serve him and now he is his master in The Holy grail war.

He looks around himself, he seems to be in a graveyard and from the looks of it Ainz has already prepared an army against the Black faction. Even though he did not have a wish he can already guess Ainz.

Thanks to the grails information he knowns this is not their world and Ainz will probably want to come home. That´s fine with him. His own reward be able to fight Legendary heroes of this land, that is enough for him.

"So, Gown-dono what is your plan?" Gazef is curious.

"We will depart to the church right away; I have an appointment."

Ainz started walking and Gazef followed as they walked towards the church.


Time skip: 3 hours


In a church you can see a white-haired young man Pray at the pandemonium.

"Hello, I have an appointment here are you the one that I have it with?" a deep awe-inspiring voice asks.

The white-haired young man turns around what he sees is a tall man with full black armor standing there with his arms crossed.

"Nice to meet you I'm the acting director this time." The white-haired youth says with a smile on his face.

"My name is Shirou Kotomine"

"And my name is Momon can we omit introductions?" The dark armored man named Momon says.

"Yes, I know of you." Shirou answers in a neutral tone.

"Ok then come out, Saber" Momon commands.

Saber materializes, standing there looking at Shirou with calculating eyes.

"Then I shall, as well."

A beautiful woman with a luxurious black dress Beautiful, black hair and a face many would kills for materializes.

"I am Assassin of red. My True name is Semiramis. We are counting on you. Momon, was it?"

the beautiful woman says in a seductive voice, it is almost like poison.

Gazef does not react at all merely just looking at her with the gaze of a hawk eyeing its prey, trying to find its strength and weaknesses.

"Well then, shall we start by exchanging information?" Kotomine asks.

"I will start first then" Kotomine says.

They both take a seat.

"Most of the black side have been summoned."

"Among them, Lancer, the servant we presume to be Vlad III, Will be especially dangerous."

"So, they did summon him, huh" Momon says. He has after all researched nearly every bit of information his contacts could get him on the upcoming Holy grail war, so this was more of a rumor that was very likely that now with this information it is nearly 100% confirmed.

"As you probably now a servant´s strength is affected by their reputation. Especially here in Romania, He´ll be summoned as a hero, and not a vampire."

"And our team of servant´s?"

"They are outstanding. At least in terms of quality." That did both reassure Ainz and complicate things. If they win against the black faction, they will have to be careful or Gazef can be killed and his only way home is closed for at least 70 years.

"Also, the summoning of a Ruler-Class has also been confirmed."

"A 15th Servant, huh."

That did both reassure and made Ainz a little bit nervous.

{"What if Ruler sees my true nature and wants all servant to kill me right away? I should probably hide from her for right now."}

"Ruler is the class that organizes a Holy Grail War. It´s only natural for obey to be summoned for this Great Holy Grail War."

"They sound quite dangerous" Momon says in a neutral voice.

Shirou kotomine just giggles and says.

"Now, let´s join the other Masters."

{"Hmm, the priest is quite suspicious even though I could gather valuable information I will not risk it.

In fact, i can just gather information on the other servants through my Eyeball Corpse, there is no need to go there"}

"No thanks Mr. Priest I and my servant can handle our self-fine."

"Saber here, has enough power to fight solo so we are good our self."

Shirou smiles a little.

"Do you not like group activities?"

Momon answers.

"Yes, me and my servant are at our best alone."

Saber opens the door and Momon starts to walk out of the church as Assassin starts talking

"The enemy´s completely established itself as an army."

"If you move on you own accord, we´re sure to suffer some inconveniences. You still won´t join us?"

Momon turns around and answers.

"I have created a little army by myself that shall hopefully help you in that endeavor. So no, I will not join you, sorry, Priest."

Ainz walks away saber following him like a guard dog as the church door closes.

{"Are we being followed Saber?"} Ainz talks through the master and servant link.

It is like the (message) spell.

{"No, not by what I can feel, and Assassin would have to materialize to even attack you. But of course, if she does, she will have a nasty surprise in for herself."}

Gazef decides to change the topic.

{"Master, why didn't you want to join the other servants?"}

"That priest behaved weird, and I did not want to take chances with being ambushed by our own team." Ainz says in a low tone.

{"Understood master."}

"Now I should let you get a treat. You deserve for all your hard work."

Gazef materializes without his armor and is only wearing what Ainz gave him for being able to blend in with Normal citizen here. A white t shirt, a pair of shorts and with modern running shoes, he looked like a muscular farmer. (Think Iskandar from fate/zero without the slogan on the t shirt)


Pov Change: Church


"They are on guard against us" Kotomine Shirou says in his usual neutral voice.

"It was not my fault" Assassin says like a kid, trying to accuse another person of their wrongdoing.

"We couldn´t learn Saber´s true name, either."

"It was blocked by some powerful spell" Kotomine says.

"What should we do? They should be dealt with relatively quickly." Assassin says in an arrogant voice, while making a chopping of head gesture with her hand.

"And that Armor wearing man, Momon was it. He is arrogant to think that his army will be of any value." She says in a disgusted voice, like he was the lowest of dirt.

"I do not think so Assassin, Momon is considered the most powerful Necromancer that have existed since the age of gods according to the Clock Tower. So do not underestimate him." Kotomine say in a serious voice.

"And as to you first question."

"They also seek the Holy grail. If so, they're allies for now."

"I must complete the garden faster." Assassin says seriously.

"The ritual should be completed within a few days."

"Yes there is no iss-"

"A horse A horse!" an energetic voice of a man says.

"My kingdom for a horse!"

"What is it caster" Assassin says in an irritated voice to the silly man with a green costume.

"Berserker Began to Sprint to the black's territory!"

"Ah, much like a lover with his mind boiling away!"

"An unmanageable hero is so troublesome." Assassin says with a sigh, while Kotomine laughs a little at casters antics.

"Do you know why berserker went out of control?"

Caster Smirks a little and shakes is shoulders in a, I don´t know sign.


Time skip: 10 hours

Time: Night

Place: Trifas


A familiar stone bird is following Saber and his master walking down the street. Ainz new it was there but let it be. Otherwise the one watching may get suspicious.

"Master are we not to long in the enemy servant's territory?"

"Yes, we are, it is risky, but it is either this or doing nothing. And after the 10 years I have become a little bit restless and want to stretch these old bones"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAH, master that was a great joke I hope that you have more of that humor for later"

"Yes, I have got plenty were that came from after thinking on it for ten years" Both laugh while homunculi are waiting in the shadows for a time to strike.

"see that saber. As Ainz points at the golems behind him."

"that will be you new toys to you get to fight a servant. While I take on the homunculus"

Gazef bows to Ainz and said.

"Thank you master, you can always rely on me." With a smirk he goes at the golem faster than the speed of sound. The golem did not have the time to move before it was demolished. The sword cutting it like it was paper he turns around and finds two more golems. He smirks and a little yellow glow outline his body for a second before he steps forward and is gone. The next moment he is behind the golems and they fall apart like they were slashed more than 100 times.

Meanwhile Ainz is just standing there letting all the Homunculus surround him then he started laughing.

"HAHHAHAHAHAH. You think your Homunculi can defeat me. You disappoint me Yggdmillennia" says in a tone of looking down on another, but in his mind, he is dying.

{"Why did I channel my inner 8 grader syndrome! It is so embarrassing."} A chibi Ainz says while hoping around with his hands on his face to hide his embarrassment. Before going back to reality and doing something that he did against the Sunlight scripture.

"Now, Yggdmillennia know despair!"

("Negative burst")

A black, red dome comes from Ainz body and covers a 30-meter radius in all directions destroying all homunculus and houses in the vicinity on an atomic Level.

Gazef walks back to Ainz while in his wake is at least 20 golem bodies spread out.

"Did you have your fun Gazef?"

"They put up no fight at all, I needed to be nice for them do even have a chance. Your undead would be better even if they are of about the same strength at least your Death knights can take a hit." says in a little disappointed voice.

"And I see you have battled the homunculus, master" Gazef says with a little huff indicating that he thought it was more of a slaughter than a fight.

"Yes, and it seems the rest of the homunculi that were outside ("Negative burst") ARIA fled." Ainz says in a disappointed voice. He would have liked to take a body for experimentation. Butt oh well there will be more times for that.

"Where my combat prowess acceptable master"? Gazef asks in an interested voice, he really wanted to know.

"No, it was not acceptable. Not at all… It was outstanding as expected of a servant." Says in an exaggerated voice like his guardians would do with him.

"That's good now let's get going master." Saber and master of red walks away like the things they did a moment ago did not matter at all.


Yggdmillennia castle: After the fight with golems and Homunculus.


Vlad is siting on his throne while the servants are standing in the hall. All are looking at the screen.

"Strong" Siegfried says with a hard voice.

"Even being of the Supreme Saber class, that was exceptional swordsmanship" Chiron says in a neutral voice.

Vlad looks towards Siegfried.

"Can you win" he asks in a no-nonsense voice.

Siegfried looks back to Vlad.

"Without an issue" Siegfried says and closes his eyes but, in his mind, there are other thoughts.

{"That skill with the sword and that speed… he is without a doubt a real warrior. Someone I am not sure I can face alone. But I will not show weakness and make my self look weak in front of the other servants."}

Meanwhile Vlad just nods in conformation, glad that Saber seem so sure of his victory.

"Now about that master… I think we need a servant to take care of him. His level if skill in magecraft is to high for one of our masters to take care of."

All servants nod in confirmation that they agree.


Time: same as Yggdmillennia After the fight with golems and Homunculus.


Shirou kotomine is praying.

A servant with golden armor materializes, Looking towards the floor.

"I have received a command from my master."

"I have been told you are in charge of supporting." The servant says a normal voice.

"Yes" Kotomine confirms.

"Ruler is currently headed to Trifas."

"She´ll be an obstacle for us no matter what."

"Please eradicate her, Karna."

Karna now looks up towards Kotomine and answers

"Very well."

How good was it? I coiped a lot of dialouge from the Anime but added a bit from myself as well.

Please critize my writing if it is to hard to read.

Otherwise i hope you have a good Day/Night.

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