
Fate/DC Universe

Raiden Kagawa was an ordinary human whose life took an unexpected turn when he found himself thrust into the chaotic realm known as the DC Universe. Struggling to comprehend the enigma of his sudden transference, he discovered an extraordinary system bestowing upon him the abilities of heroic spirits from bygone eras. As Rai embarked on his journey in this unfamiliar world, he encountered numerous challenges and adversities that would undoubtedly redefine his character. The question that looms over him is this: how will a man endowed with the combined might of countless heroes confront the dual forces of hope and darkness that pervade the vast expanse of the DC Universe? . Also . If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ?  than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e" //********************************************************\\

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

Phantom Zone

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"At least we had a nice time without any problems?" said Kori referring to the three months of peace Raiden had whilst also, Clearly indicating that she wasn't happy about the situation "Take care of Raven for me, will you? Scáthach and Merlin will always be nearby to help you if you need anything" Said Raiden, hugging Kori, he turned to the two he mentioned and nodded towards them 'I don't need to tell you guys anything, no matter what, my family stays safe, got it?' 

Raiden then hugged Carry and said his goodbyes to her, and Raven "Once you're back, you better have a name for our boy okay?" 

"Sure, I'll think of a great name, until then, keep safe okay?" 

Stepping into the platform, Raiden was with Artemis, as Adam Strange and the other scientist, fiddled with the machine 

"Last check, Raiden, Artemis, the watch is with you, Correct?" Said Adam, asking about the watch the two of them were told to wear in their arms

"Yeah, I got it," said Raiden "Positive," said Artemis

"Good, as I explained before, the watch will allow you to know when a month passes on earth, it's programmed to adjust to the time speed in the Phantom Zone, We still don't know if time moves faster or slower in that dimension

Now, As soon as you're ready, will start the machine" 

"I'm Ready," Said Raiden as he looked at his family, Kori, Raven, and Carry

"I'm Ready, We're coming Wally," said Artemis

Looking at the two of them Adam said "All systems clear, Code green, start the transfer" 

The Machine started to glow, and then it shot a bright green light, leaving the podium empty 

"Transfer successful, Everyone, Today is a break, tomorrow is a break, and Then, we will work on increasing the size, they're going to work hard out there, and so shall we" 

Feeling nasua as the transfer started, both Raiden and Artemis fell on their knees, Artemis started throwing up as she couldn't handle the Nasua, Raiden was also on his knees, completely weakened by what was happening, he turned to look at Artemis, and was shocked, she looked like a phantom, a blue phantom, he could even half see what's behind her

"Ugh, I hate this, I hate it so much" Said Raiden as he tried to stand, his body was trying to familiarize itself with this place, he tried to lean on a wall, but his hand phased through it, drawing his hand quick, Raiden was shocked at that "How is this possible? If my hand phases through the wall, how could I stand?" as soon as he said that, his body half sank into the ground "aghhhhhhhhhhh"

"Raiden!!!" Screamed Artemis as she held him in her arm "I can touch you?" she said, once again, and as soon as she said that, her hand phased through his as if it didn't exist 

"It's our thoughts, if we believe it, we can do it," said Artemis, as she held his hand again, this time she could touch him, easily at that, she held him up, as Raiden then started to focus as well "I can stand now"

"I think it's like some sort of material that responds to our mind? If we believe that we're standing, we will stand, if we don't, we fall" said Artemis explaining her theory, Raiden looked at the wall and tested the theory, punching it, debris started to fall as the wall was smashed, then he tried again, thinking it didn't exist, when he punched this time, his hand passed through

"I guess, your theory is correct, so this is the Phantom Zone," said Raiden as he looked around it "It's Blue," he thought, it was extremely blue, everything was blue, the sky was blue, the ground was blue, the walls of the cave they were in was blue, even they were blue

"It's like everything has a blue filter on top of it!" said Artemis describing the place, she then looked at her watch, and as soon as she said it, She opened her eyes wide "Raiden….How long have we been here?" 

Hearing that Raiden raised an eyebrow saying "I don't know, three minutes or something?" he looked at her, shocked as she looked at her watch, he imitated her and looked at his watch "What the fuck!" 

The watch indicated that it had been fifteen minutes since they arrived, not only that, the watch was precise to the seconds, and it was going fast, faster than normal seconds

"If we say we've been here for five minutes, and it indicates fifteen, this means time moves three times faster inside here," said Raiden as he looked at Artemis "Instead of the month, we have at most ten days to find Wally" 

"Time to move then," said Raiden as he looked at the exit in front of him, walking towards it with Artemis, coming out of the exit, they finally saw the true Phantom Zone, it was completely blue as they had seen before, but also barren, nothing but some mountains and land, they could see small animals on the ground far away, but something about them looked different like they weren't normal

And as if to confirm their thoughts, a massive shadow floated above them, looking up, Raiden and Artemis were shocked at what they Saw "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" screamed Raiden 

"RUN! RUN NOW!" Said Artemis as the two started to drop from the mountain running away from the worst thing the two had ever seen, straight out of an eldritch fantasy, the thing was a massive eye, the eye was surrounded by wings from each side, it didn't even make sense! 

"THAT'S HOW ANGELES ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE IN THE BIBLE!" said Raiden as he ran away with Artemis, the thing started to chase them releasing laser from its eyes towards them "How could you even think of that!!! Transform or something! Fight it" said Artemis as she jumped dodging the laser and hiding behind a rock

"I don't want to fight that! I don't even know how. Punch the eyes! that's gross!" said Raiden, to which Artemis screamed "I don't care! Do something!" 

"Fine! Okay, Come out! Balmung!" summoning his new Noble Phantasm, Balmung, the sword of Sigfried, Raiden looked at the Eye as he held his sword to his chest and started chanting 

"The evil dragon shall fall….Well in this case it should be

The Evil Angel Shall fall

And the world will reach its sunset. 

I will bring you down—


energy was swirling around as it started to accumulate in the sword, Then, as Raiden dropped the sword down, the energy was released in the skies as it fell on the Angel from the top, a massive blast that cut through the eye, ripping it apart and cutting it in half, blood splurged from it as it fell on the ground 

"Fucking hell! Even the blood is blue!!!" said Raiden as he approached the body, the eye was still visible, albeit it was cut in half "God this is gross" said Artemis as she added, "It's like it's still looking at me!" 

"OH FUCK!!!" said Raiden as he looked at the sky, further from where they had been "Artemis look at that," said Raiden, she looked up to see it, and there they were, hundreds of thousands of the eye, their size was that of a truck all flying in their direction 

"They're like birds! When they migrate in flocks" said Artemis as she looked at them fly away, then both Raiden and Artemis opened their eyes wide, Fear, true fear, not of aura or power, rather it was an instinctual fear of the unknown, an entity that shouldn't exist

"Raiden…." Said Artemis as she started to shake, holding Raiden's arms, in case she couldn't stand, Raiden kept his composure "I know" 

The two of them stared as the birds were being ripped apart by the mouths of a massive elephant, the elephant had three heads, and its size was what was shocking, it's hight was like three massive skyscrapers put on top of each other, as for it's size, it was like a massive city walking, it was eating the birds as if they were flies to it, what was scary was that it's heads weren't stuck to it, rather they were almost like limps extending from the body and eating the angel eyes one by one

"That is fucked up," said Raiden as he looked at it eat away, "Raiden, I know Wally, he wouldn't go in the direction of that thing, I think we should go this way as well" 

"I Agree, still, I have this urge," said Raiden as he looked at the eldritch elephant "Raiden! NO" said Artemis adding "Don't even think about it, we have to find Wally! We can't be wasting time fighting Monster to satisfy your curiosity" 

"Tsk fine, fine, Let's find Wally then" 


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