
Fate/DC Universe

Raiden Kagawa was an ordinary human whose life took an unexpected turn when he found himself thrust into the chaotic realm known as the DC Universe. Struggling to comprehend the enigma of his sudden transference, he discovered an extraordinary system bestowing upon him the abilities of heroic spirits from bygone eras. As Rai embarked on his journey in this unfamiliar world, he encountered numerous challenges and adversities that would undoubtedly redefine his character. The question that looms over him is this: how will a man endowed with the combined might of countless heroes confront the dual forces of hope and darkness that pervade the vast expanse of the DC Universe? . Also . If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ?  than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e" //********************************************************\\

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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"you've grown stronger," said Diana.

"Somewhat," replied Raiden in a monotone voice.

"Are you annoyed with our interference?" asked Diana.

"Yes, I wanted to teach him a lesson, but it doesn't matter now," replied Raiden.

"Can you tell us about what happened to you? That night, and your time in space?" said Diana.

"Maybe another time, I'll need some time to settle in," said Raiden.

"I understand," said Diana.


Raiden went back to his friends in the control room. Kori and Carry were also there, getting to know some of the team members, specifically Megan, who welcomed them the most.

"The League shouldn't have done that. You just came back. We couldn't even get an hour for ourselves," said Nightwing.

"Raiden expected something like that to happen. He's been telling us all about it," said Kori.

"Even still, it's not nice. If they attempt something like that again, I won't let it slide," said Raven.

"It doesn't matter now. The problem should be solved soon anyway," said Raiden.

After speaking a bit more with his friends, the league members came back. Guy was with them as well, now much quieter than before.

"Raiden, we've spoken with the Guardians, and they've agreed to talk. However, they don't know that you're the topic of discussion," said Hal.

"Good. Let's start," said Raiden.

Hearing that, Hal, John, and Guy all pointed their rings in front of them, released their powers, to which a green projection was shown, of the Guardians of the Universe, all sitting in their respective seats.

"Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner, what matter do you wish to address?" asked one of the Guardians.

Hal stepped up and said, "We have made contact with Raiden Kagawa. He's the one who wanted to speak to you, and we were forced to oblige due to him saying that he has some sensitive information regarding the Guardians."

"Halt! Cease your actions immediately! Apprehend the individual in question at once and ensure his return for trial! He is a wanted criminal, with charges spanning across ten sectors!" spoke the Guardian.

"Oh? I did not expect you old midgets to be so stupid and irrational. Are you sure you don't want to hear what I have to say before making such a rash decision?" spoke Raiden, who walked to face them.

"Human mage! We do not negotiate with criminals! Lanterns, take action! Arrest him without delay! We cannot afford to allow such a dangerous and disrespectful individual to remain free," said The Guardian.

"If that's the case, then too bad. Looks like I'm going to have to let the world know about what happened in Ysmault and Sector 2322," said Raiden in a mocking tone.

"Halt! What did you say, human!" asked the Guardian.

"Oh? You're in the mood to listen now? Well, you see, a few months ago, I happened to stumble upon this very nice vacation spot called 'Biot'. The information on that planet was to die for! Now imagine my surprise when the 'Guardians' of the Universe weren't exactly as nice as they claimed to be ? Nah, I'm lying, I wasn't supersized, however, I do wonder ? what would happen if such information were to be released to the universe?"

"You dare, human! Are you threatening the Guardians of the Universe? Do you comprehend the consequences of such actions? Do you truly believe you can blackmail us?" spoke the Guardian in anger.

"Cut the bullshit, midget! I hold the power to destroy the Green Lantern Corps and your reputation! I don't want to hear any more bullshit from you psychopathic bastards! You created the Manhunters! As such, you should be the ones to take responsibility for your actions, NOT ME!" screamed back Raiden.

With silence descended, not the league nor the Guardians dared to speak. Any wrong action by the Guardians, and Raiden could lose his cool and do the unthinkable.

"What is it that you desire, human?" asked the Guardian.

"Remove my name from any wanted list, and give me some fucking respect, or else I will ignite the end of the Guardians," said Raiden.

The Guardians stayed silent for a while, clearly discussing amongst themselves. Then a voice said, "Understood."

And the comms were cut, the Guardians' image disappeared, and everyone was left to wonder what had just happened.

After a few seconds, the three green lanterns in the room all opened their eyes, as their rings all shone for a few seconds.

"What is it, Hal?" asked Batman.

"We received an update," said Hal.

"And what did it contain?" said Diana.

"Immediate removal of Raiden Kagawa from the wanted list," said Hal.

"Raiden Kagawa will be protected by the Lanterns if he was in danger," said John, to which Raiden simply rolled his eyes, thinking, 'they think I'd be petty and release the info if I'm in danger.'

Then Guy Gardner stepped up and said,"Raiden Kagawa will be treated with the utmost respect, like he's one of the Guardians themselves."

"That means we're done here?" said Raiden, to which Hal nodded his head and asked,

"Yes, we're done. There won't be any trouble regarding you from the Green Lantern Corps. But I have to ask, what did you mean with your words? Why did the Guardians bend the rules for you?"

"Sorry, Hal. I can't tell you that. That was my agreement with them. Maybe you should ask them yourself," replied Raiden as he patted Hal's shoulder and walked past him towards his friends.

"Guess we're done here," said Batman. However, once again shocking everyone, Superman said, "What about Ivo's murder? Are we going to just forget that?"

Everyone in the room opened their eyes wide due to his words, except Raiden, who turned back towards Superman and said, "What about it?" as he walked up to Superman, staring right into his eyes.

"We were informed that you defeated Doomsday and Amazo, yet you still carried on and killed Ivo. Why?" asked Superman as he too stared back.

"Ivo held a weapon that was going to send the entire team to the Phantom Zone. I took it upon myself to kill him and save them. Clearly, I have been through a lot to get back to Earth. let's call it repercussions, So I don't want to hear any more bullshit from YOU or anyone else" said Raiden as his eyes started glowing and energy started swirling inside him.

Superman readied himself as well, his body started to float a bit, and his muscles tensed.

But before the two went at it, it was both Batman and Wonder Woman that came in between the duo, stopping them.

"Enough! By the Gods! Do you wish to start a fight amongst us? We who call ourselves Heroes! There are many younglings around, is this the sort of example you wish to set for them?" screamed Wonder Woman as she came in between the two. Batman also emerged, putting an end to the impending fight.

Seeing this, Superman looked at Raiden with anger. "Tsk…" He then turned around and walked towards the Zeta tube, then teleported away.

Following after him, Batman, the three Lanterns, Zatara, Dinah, and Diana all left.

After the League left, a loud silence took over the mountain

 before the robot saved the day.

"Recognized Kid Flash B-03."

"Recognized Artemis B-07."

The duo lovers, Wally and Artemis, walked in from the tube. Noticing the awkward atmosphere, Wally asked, "Did we come in at a bad time?"

To his surprise, Raiden responded, "No, you came in at the perfect time."

"RAIDEN!!" The duo lovers heard his voice and both screamed as they ran to hug him.

"How have you guys been?" said Raiden as he tapped their shoulders.

"Uhh, you know, it's been fine. WOAH! We don't matter! How have you been! Where have you been! I searched the entire planet for you!" said Wally, to which Raiden laughed and said, "Unfortunately, I was off-planet!"

"You know what, since we're all gathered here, why don't I tell you all what happened up there, if you're not too busy that is," said Raiden. Everyone responded enthusiastically to his words, so Raiden nodded his head and smiled. He took a seat with everyone and started retelling everyone in the team about his journey: how he found himself on Tamaran randomly, his few months without power and relying on magic he learned from Medea and Zatanna, the day he recovered his powers and the loss of Carry's mother, his escape with Kori, the first encounter with Lobo and meeting the Blue Lanterns, his mission against the Red Lanterns and Sinestro's corps, and his last battle, his recent battle with the Manhunters. Of course, Raiden left out some important bits, like the info on Biot and his relationship with Kori.

Hearing his story, many of the young team members were excited and happy; they looked up to Raiden after hearing his stories, and his friends were much more shocked. They had firsthand knowledge of how strong Raiden was before, but now, he was something else entirely.

Of course, Nightwing gave Raiden a brief explanation of what had happened to the team in the time he was not in. After Raiden disappeared, the team welcomed two new members, Tula and Garth (Aquagirl and Tempest), about the battle with an ancient entity that resulted in Tula's death, and how right after, Garth joined the league, whilst Kaldur turned evil and joined Black Manta. Nightwing and Batman then started expanding the team and adding many new members to it such as Batgirl, Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy, Robin III, Wonder Girl, and Blue Beetle.

After hearing what had happened when he was gone, Raiden looked at Nightwing seriously and asked, "Did something happen to Superman? Anything weird? Some sort of significant event?" to which Nightwing closed his eyes for a few seconds, then said, "Nothing to my knowledge, just his usual battles with some villains and League mission. Are you asking to check up on him?"

"Superman was one of the most welcoming people to me, ever since I was saved. Even when I threw that tantrum back in my trial, he wasn't one of the people that lashed out on me or even got mad. But for some reason, he is hostile to me. I can't imagine one murder would do this. Superman is not the type to judge someone by one mistake; the real Superman would have started to persuade me into coming back to justice," replied Raiden, speaking his opinion about what he had witnessed from his brief interaction.

"I figured that was what you're thinking, but no event has happened recently, and ever since the incident where Savage took over the league, we conduct monthly sessions with Manhunters to check for any mind manipulation," replied Nightwing.

"I see. Well, I'll know what it is with time. Anyways, I'm kinda tired, and it's late. Where should I go to sleep? Kind of don't want to go back to the ship," said Raiden.

"Come with me!" said Raven.

"I would love to, but what about Kori and Carry?" said Raiden.

"We've got plenty of free rooms. You and the girls can take any you want," said Nightwing.

Raiden smiled as he said, "Good, I'll be crashing here for today" Hearing Raiden's words, Nightwing was taken aback as he said, "Crashing? Are you not returning?"

Raiden shook his head and said, "Nope, that ship has long sailed, Dick. I'm going to need some money too. Tell Batman that I have some alien tech I'd like to sell."

Saying that, Raiden walked to the dorm hallway with the girls. He was going to Raven's room to start a talk that he had practiced for years, and yet he still wasn't ready. 'I'd rather go back to Biot and spend a year there than talk to Raven about Kori *Sigh* I've got to take responsibility, regardless.'


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