
Fate/DC Universe

Raiden Kagawa was an ordinary human whose life took an unexpected turn when he found himself thrust into the chaotic realm known as the DC Universe. Struggling to comprehend the enigma of his sudden transference, he discovered an extraordinary system bestowing upon him the abilities of heroic spirits from bygone eras. As Rai embarked on his journey in this unfamiliar world, he encountered numerous challenges and adversities that would undoubtedly redefine his character. The question that looms over him is this: how will a man endowed with the combined might of countless heroes confront the dual forces of hope and darkness that pervade the vast expanse of the DC Universe? . Also . If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ?  than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e" //********************************************************\\

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

Chance Meeting!

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Raiden and Artemis ended up spending three days in the Phantom Zone, ever since they entered it they've seen some of the most horrendous creations a person could imagine, killing some of them for food since this world was more imaginary than normal planes, so when they eat the so-called creatures, they felt like they're eating animal meat

"Last time I've come here, it wasn't like this, for some reason, it feels different, but the same? I'm not sure how to explain it" Said Raiden, as he thought about the last time he was in the phantom zone, Artemis looked around her saying "I genuinely don't like it here, everything is too blue, I might start to hate the color blue with passion after this" 

"I somewhat agree," said Raiden, staring at the campfire they made, just like everything it was also blue, if he placed his hands in it, it wouldn't hurt, but if he imagined it like a real fire, then it starts to hurt him

"Let's go Raiden, We can't be wasting more time," said Artemis as she got up from her spot, preparing to continue their search, ever since they entered, there had been no sign of intelligent life anywhere

The search continued as usual, Raiden and Artemis jumped from one location to the other, making sure to keep watch of the time and location they were in, they had to, not only were they pressed about time, but they needed to be careful of going too far away from the location they emerged from

"Look over there Raiden, it's another New creature," said Artemis pointing at a zebra-looking creature, but its legs were like a car suspension, bouncing up and down, and its neck was longer "God that thing is disgusting," remarked Raiden

As they continued to search, Suddenly Raiden's Mind Eye detected something, an attack from a location he couldn't even comprehend he quickly got held of Artemis and jumped away, looking back, he saw a tentacle-like hand emerge from nothingness, as if it emerged from the void "What the hell was that?" screamed Artemis, to which Raiden dodged again, and another tentacle arm emerged where they had been flying 

"Is it invisible?" asked Artemis as the two landed, she prepared her bow, "I'm not sure, It might be some sort of space manipulation?" said Raiden looking ahead trying to find it, he dodged again, and the tentacle emerged, but this time, Artemis was faraway so she easily shot it with her arrows, usually she doesn't have that many special arrows, but in this place, her imagination played a part in her power, so the arrows were stronger and could contain various effects, upon impact the arrow exploded blowing off the tentacle's top side as it started bleeding and squirming

"Artemis, RUN!" screamed Raiden as in her location, more than five tentacles emerged to try and kill her, using her nimble and quick body she dodged them, but one of them hit her as she was sent flying to the ground, as she feels, she looked up, seeing Raiden coming to help her, but all she could look at was the creature behind him, all up in the sky 

"Raiden" Artemis said as Raiden held her and flew away "RAIDEN! LOOK! Above us" screamed Artemis, Catching his attention, Raiden looked up to see a creature of the depths all up in the sky, almost penetrating it, an alien looking entity, that can only be an imaginary work, something from H.P Lovecraft's most hidden dreams

"What in the Cthulhu is that?" said Raiden looking at it, his description wasn't far off, as they looked at it, hundreds of tentacles, a massive octopus head, and hundreds of eyes all looking more sinister than the other, the entity was flying in the sky without any wings, indicating that it used magic, it used two of its tentacles to strike the skies around it, almost like a space gateway, the tentacles emerged close to Raiden who dodged them while holding Artemis

The Entity was getting impatient, so more and more tentacles started to emerge from it, this forced Raiden to throw Artemis away as far as possible and summon one of his swords, Clarent blood Arthur, the Sword of Mordred, slashing away the tentacles that were attacking him, relentlessly cutting them as the monster at the skies, screamed and growled "ROUGH" 

The anger on it was apparent as it increased its assault of tentacles, hundreds of them, dropped down on Raiden, emerging from the space all around him, covering all of his blind spots, Raiden started cutting them one by one at a speed that was unnoticeable by the eyes, even Artemis was helping him from her location, shooting many arrows at the tentacles, but over time the sheer amount of the tentacles overwhelmed Raiden, and forced him to the ground, cutting his body to pieces

This satisfied the arrogant octopus in the skies, but then suddenly it felt pain, as it realized more and more of its tentacles were getting cut down, it looked down and saw that Raiden had closed the distance, not only that, but there was many of him, seven of him, each holding a different Noble Phantasm, one holding, Clarent, one holding Balmung, Sigfried's weapon, One holding Rakshasa, Rama's Weapon, one holding the Chakram, Ash's weapon, and the rest holding Katanas 

This was the effect of Ushiwakamaru's Noble Phantasm, making Raiden able to clone himself eight times, and using his powers to combine the Noble Phantasm he connected all the weapons with it 

Each one used the new power to cut the Tentacles and deliver a blow to the octopus, as he got closer to its face, Raiden could see the anger in the creature's eyes "Not so happy now? Ey?" said Raiden as he continued its onslaught on it, dodging its tentacles and cutting them, but then, he sensed Danger, this time coming from a different location, it's eyes

From the hundreds of eyes of the creature, blue beams faster than anything he's ever since were shot towards him, each clone was caught in the attack zone, unable to dodge, and every version was decimated, except one, which was saved by some sort of blue light passing by and getting hold of him

"Are you all right? I'm sorry I couldn't save the others, I was only able to save one" said the girl that was looking at him, Raiden had his eyes open looking at her, she was fast, beautiful, and strong, but what got his attention the most was the mark on her chest, an S symbol

She turned around and flew towards the creature, punching from behind, grabbing its attention as she continued to fly around it, she then used a laser coming out of her eyes, the blue laser melted the tentacles all around the Octopus, as the Octopus started to scream, it tried to shoot it's beams of light again, but The girl flew faster and punched it in the face, sending it flying to the ground

Realizing that he needed to help her, Raiden got up and said "I need a strong one, Area damage, Come on, System, let's get that thing!" 

"Throne of Heroes" 

("Servant, Archer, I am Arjuna, Master, Please command my body as you wish") spoke the servant, Archer Arjuna, the half-brother of Karna, a truly destructive servant, just like his brother

"you came at the right time, Arjuna, I need your help erasing that creature, an abomination to life itself" 

("Indeed master, by the grace of Shiva, I grant my hand in your quest, such entity is an insult to the work of the gods and life, let's erase it, master") 

"Good thinking Arjuna," said Raiden as he flew towards the now distracted Octopus, shooting a bunch of arrows at its eyes, Raiden got the hang of his new servant as he said "Hey, Kryptonian! GET OUT OF THE WAY NOW!" 

Hearing that, the girl fighting looked at the new person who had spoken and nodded her head, she flew away as she looked at his next move 

"My karma shall be unleashed here. 

As the child of a god and a human, I will dole out punishment! 

Behold... This is destruction! 


Given to him by one of the three greater gods of Hindu Religion, Shiva, a weapon of destruction, fit as the gift from the God of destruction himself, collecting the magic in his hands, the blue Aura increased until it was the size of a blue ball, he then released it, teleporting towards the location of the octopus, it's size started to increase and increase engulfing the Octopus whole, but then it shrank into a small hole, a miniature black hole

The black hole started to crush everything in the area, sucking everything into its depths, it didn't affect anyone else, other than the Octopus and the land around it, the reason being it wasn't just a normal black hole, instead, it judges the entity's Karma, and since the Phantom zone is a prison filled with hideous Anti-God creatures, the Blackhole judged everything around it as a Sin and erased it

With the octopus finally destroyed, Raiden lifted his transformation ("It was an honor serving you master, vanquishing the sinners from the world of the living is the duty of all that's righteous, and I thank you for that….I see….so this is a bond. It seems troublesome but I suppose this is the fate of a Servant." Spoke Arjuna his last words to Raiden

{Bond Increased! 

Arjuna Bond 1 → Bond 3}

As the transformation was undone, Raiden found himself kneeling on the ground, completely tired, ununable to move, he had pushed his body a bit too much, summoning too many weapons, using a Noble Phantasm, and then transforming and using another Noble Phantasm, but as he focused he channeled his Skill, Determination of Steel EX to force his magic to recycle faster

The girl who watched the Destruction was fearful of the amount of power she just witnessed, but she still approached Raiden dropping down near him "Did you see where that man has gone? The one who killed the Octopus?" 

Then coming from the distance, Running Artemis approached Raiden but quickly noticed the girl as she aimed her Bow at her "Who are you? Raise your hands! Don't make any sudden moves or I'll shoot!" 

The Girl looked at Artemis with confusion as she tilted her head, but Raiden stopped her saying "Relax Artemis, She helped me out" Artemis had a deadpan pan and then said "So what? We don't know who she is, how she's here, and if she's seen Wally or not"

"Wally…I know that name, someone like you too, he was fast, do you know him?" spoke the girl, somewhat excited at the mentioning of Wally as soon as she mentioned Wally, Artemis bombarded her with Questions "Wait? You've seen him! Where! When? Where is he now?!!" 

"I Met him here, he said he came from another place, but then he was Taken by Zod, I'm still looking for a way to save him

"Zod?!! Who's that?" Asked Artemis, to which Raiden said "Before that, tell us, who are you? and what are you doing here?" 

The Girl Smiled as she said "Oh Yes! Silly me! My name is Kara-Zor El, from Krypton! Nice to meet you!"


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