
Fate/Dark Knight

"...what must I do father?" "don't tell me you've grown soft towards the girl?" "RHONGOMYNIAD!" "CLARENT BLOOOD ARTHUR!!" "LUMINOUS NOVA!!" "No one can know of this swear it...swear on your very magic," "After all this time?" "...Always," 'Fate cannot be changed and yet a very brave brave man stood against it hoping for the happy ending. "My name is Alaric of The Lake but I go best by Alaric The Conqueror and this is my story," - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Deen Studio Fate/Stay Night, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional -this is just for fun - don't update often because of college

FateAuthor ยท Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: Lancelot Teases and Artoria Teaches the Birds and Bee's

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Alaric POV

"Excellent you're doing quite well in maintaining your shield of darkness you can stop now," Morgan praised, causing me to smile with pride and drop the shield "thank you my lady I appreciate all that you've been teaching me," I said with a small bow.

She smiles behind her black veil "you've made remarkable progress during your time here Alaric I dare say that you are a prodigy. Few can summon such potent darkness at your age much less manipulate it as you do, I've practically nothing left to teach you, but I can help reveal your origin to you in order to help advance your studies with your other mentor," she replied not even bothering to use Merlin's full name.

Gesturing over to a nearby ritual circle "just step within and your origin shall be revealed to you," she instructed.

I nodded, walking over to the circle before stopping in the center of the circle where it began to glow slowly a sphere of mana appeared words begin to wrap around the sphere until they settled into one word 'Domination.'

So that's my origin huh makes sense in a way since I never want to lose against those that I hate victory is all that matters in those scenarios I thought remembering the hell I unleashed upon Clind and his group of men...but then he appeared the image of a pale golden blond-haired man with yellow slitted eyes appears in front of me. Instinctively I flinched but then the image of a green-eyed woman wielding her beautiful golden sword protects me as I lay kneeling on the ground.

The two clash and I can only watch with absolute helplessness how could they be so strong. I am using magical energy just as they are. Yet I cannot keep up with them...it was infuriating all of the training I put in with Sir Lancelot at the time only to realize I was nothing in the eyes of her majesty and the evil dragon.

I am not aware of it, but my fists begin to clench themselves together even now I doubt I could even keep up with them and that thought pisses me off. Next time I will be the one to protect everyone and beat Vortigern of that I'll make certain.

"Alaric you can step out from the circle now," Morgan calls out breaking me out from my thoughts "ah right sorry about that," I apologized and stepped out from the circle.

"You seemed to be in great contemplation about something. Would you perhaps like to discuss it?" she offered. I glanced at her for a moment and then nodded "I was wondering...is it possible for me to still learn more from you while I am learning from Merlin at the same time?" I questioned.

Morgan looks at me with a deep gaze, her eyes searching my own pale green eyes that looked a bit grayer than what the color actually was.

"I suppose I could continue giving you lessons through your dreams, but you will owe me a favor in the future is that acceptable?" Morgan finally says, causing me to smile "very well I accept your terms," I reply getting ready to leave her quarters when she suddenly calls out to me "one more thing before you leave Alaric."

I stop looking back at her with a raised brow "yes?" I ask, "do be more careful about your... intimate activities a servant has recently informed me of loud sounds coming out from one of the many closets near the servant quarters," Morgan informed with a teasing tone causing me to flush red in embarrassment "cough right of course I-I shall definitely be more careful thank you," I replied exiting in a fast pace.

It was embarrassing to know that the sounds of Eliza's and I's third time intercourse were overheard by everyone near the servant hall. I sighed "I told her it wasn't such a good idea to do it inside in such a place where the other servants could hear," I mutter under my breath.

We weren't in a relationship per say she and I were still friends, but we didn't feel that with each other it was just us acting upon on our lust and hormones but if I had to term it then you could say we are just friends with rather intimate benefits yes, I do believe that's the word I am looking for.

I suppose it's not that bad. It would only be worse if Lancelot heard about it or worse Artoria I subconsciously shiver not wanting to imagine the 'scolding' I would get if she were to find out about my sexual exploits.

A hand clamping over my shoulder causes me to suddenly jump "sweet merciful God and Christ!" I exclaimed, ready to grab my sword out only to stop when I saw that it was the devil himself Lancelot.

Taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart I mutter "really need to put a bell on you or something," I mutter removing my hand from the handle of my sword.

Lancelot raises a brow "I am afraid I didn't quite hear you there Alaric since you were too busy screaming like a woman hahahaha!!" he laughs causing my eyebrows to twitch.

"What do you want from me Sir Lancelot?" I ask through gritted teeth Lancelot however ignores my obvious irritation towards him right in favor of ruffling my hair "oh nothing I just wanted to give my congratulations and to tell you that the King wants to see you in his quarters," he replies.

I pause at that "wait what do you mean by congratulations?" I ask with a sudden feeling of dread "why of course you've finally become a man...it's not every day one has their first time ahhh I still remember my first time.

Indeed, she was quite the beauty and had a pair of very well-endowed twins if you know what I mean hehehe shame that she was married but then again, it's not like that's ever stopped me before," while Lancelot went on about his first time my mouth was open in wide horror.

Wait if he knew then...did that mean nearly everyone else in the castle knew as well. If so that means Artoria knows as well because if she's calling me to see her then it can only be for that reason only.

"And that's how I managed to snag both the wife and her daughter. Truly it was a rather splashing experience if you know what I mean wink wink," Lancelot's voice suddenly came back to my ears. (props to whoever gets that reference I just made)

"Excuse me Sir Lancelot, I am going to go see the King now, best not to keep him waiting," I suddenly said, turning down to the left hallway where the King's sleeping quarters was.

"Wait but I didn't even get to the best part of it Alaric!" Lancelot's cries were promptly ignored as I continued on my way to the King's room running through various excuses I could make for my actions.

I stopped once I made it to her room, my hand trembled as I shakily raised my it to knock, I only managed one knock before the door suddenly flew open "ah Alaric I've been waiting for you please...take a seat," Artoria said fully dressed in her royal attire.

"My la-" my reply was cut off when she glared at me "take.a.seat Sir Alaric," she emphasized each word in a slow calm manner. Nervously I took a seat while Artoria took the seat across from me with her hands clasped together.

"Now then Alaric I am sure you've realized why you're here by now right?" she asks, and I nodded in affirmative "good now as your technical guardian I've realized that I haven't really ahem explained what happens when a boy grows up into a man," she said maintaining her seriousness, but I could see a faint tint of red cover her cheeks.

I've got a bad feeling about this I thought wondering where this conversation was going "you se-see as you grow, you'll fi-find yourself attracted to many and have what Merlin has informed me of to be the birds and the bees now I'd like to show you how this is properly done so that way," she continued.

"Artoria, wait please you don't need to explain I already kno-" I try to get her to stop knowing that Merlin somehow put her up to this. I received an absolute glare that practically screamed shut your mouth and listen to me or else.ย 

ย I comply without any protest "now as I was saying I'll be demonstrating how this is properly done with a banana, and this carefully cut shaped strawberry."

Three hours later of that poor strawberry getting abused by the now mushy banana, "and that is what they call intercourse now do you have any questions?" Artoria finished placing both pieces of fruit down.

My eyes were blank and hollow as I slowly stood up "Alaric?" Artoria questions but in my current state of mind I could not hear anything she said.

I exited out of her chambers and sped walked my way up to the castle towers then I carefully inhaled a large amount of air into my lungs then all of hell came loose "inhale....MEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

-meanwhile in Camelot Merlins Tower-

"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!" Merlin suddenly turns to the direction of where the loud scream was emitting from "what the devil is that noise? Ah well I'll just close the windows so that I don't hear it," with that he casually waved his staff sealing the window of his castle "much better now than what was I doing again?"

-end of chapter seventeen-

Well, what do you think hilarious was it not?ย 

Anway's to anyone who got the fate/cero reference, the two dbza references have a cookie, and the BBC Merlin reference I made congrats you get to have a cookie of your choice.ย 

This chapter takes place the next day where both Alaric and Eliza both had a couple of rounds in different areas of the castle before he left to his magecraft lessons with Morgan

Next chapter will be Agrovaine vs Alaric then we can advance a bit more forward into the final battle with Vortigern and Morgan's betrayal.ย 

From there we will be introducing Mordred, the reveal of Alarics true origins by none other then Morgan herself, Alaric finally controlling his clairvoyance ability and using it to see into different timelines of both past and future, Alaric meeting his future self again, Romans making their appearance, a battle against good old Lucius Tiberius (appears in Fate/Proto as Arthurs Rival), and a couple more important things before we jump into Fate/Apocrypha.ย 

Again I am sorry it's taking me so long to get into the actual fate and holy grail war part.ย 

Please leave a review they are important for me because I need to know if I am doing good or not.

If you've got some kind of critisim then just say it I won't get mad (I'll probably be a bit disappointed in myself at most but still determined to do better)

However if your review is just you being a piece of shit for no reason then consider it deleted.

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