

When everything is out of your control which includes your own life, you take decisions that you regret later. Charlemagne wished to be finally free in death but then he met an entity who made him its chess piece in the multi verse. I DO NOT OWN TYPE MOON OR ANY OTHER MANTIONED SERIES. THIS NOVEL IS WRITTEN JUST FOR FUN :)

Lightning_Leo · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


The party of masters were galloping their horses to reach Camelot, as Merlin had received a emergency message from headquarters through magic pulses.

Even though they were in a hurry, they did not forget to remain in the formation. Gawain was in the front leading the party. Lancelot and Agravain were in the back, forming a star formation.

"DODGE!!!!" yelled Tristan. Leon was a bit late as he was sent flying by RIDER.

RIDER was standing the place where Leon and his horse was. Before anyone could react, ASSASSIN attacked Merlin, who tried to dodge but got a cut on his arm and fell of his horse.

Tristan and gawain attacked RIDER, while Artoria smashed ASSASSINs head like a watermelon on beach.

Agravain went to support against RIDER while Lancelot went to see Leons condition. ASSASSIN appeared again and tried to kill Merlin but was again killed Artoria. He appeared again and again after being killed but then several of them appeared at once and kept multiplying.

Artoria was now getting annoyed but suddenly four of the ASSASSINs were sucked into the earth and their masks were thrown out of the earth, indicating their death. After that several of the ASSASSINs vanished into thick earth. (see what i did there)

The earth from one side opened and Leon poked out his head like a mole. Which earned him a funny look from everyone, including the two servants.

"What!! Its fair move!!" retorted Leon.

He came out and attacked ASSASSINs. With this the fight again continued. Merlin was helping with RIDER as he was too op.

"ZABANIYA!!" declared a ASSASSIN that appeared from behind Leon as he touched his chest with his hand. He crushed the illusory heart in his hand, causing Leon to fall down his knees.

Leon was at the moment genuinely confused as he never expected this situation. He thought that Hassan of hundred faces was the one summoned but now another Hassan was standing before him. He puked out some blood as Hassan of cursed arm came towards him.

The ASSASSIN had already marked this as his victory, but when he neared Leon, he was stabbed in his stomach. Leon was instead of dying was laughing like a madman.

"I have a two hearts, unless both of them are destroyed at once, the other will regenerate the damaged one. Isnt my ability just the perfect counter of yours, Hanam." said the smiling Leon.

Artoria was shocked by the events. She was even more shocked seeing the madman like act of Leon. ASSASSIN on the other hand had an expression that indicated that the earth underneath his feet had vanished.

Hassan of cursed arm, that was his title and his wish, to find his forgotten name. Now a man was revealed it causing the flood of memories coming back to him.

He immediately retreated with a gaping wound in his stomach.

Lancelot on the other hand came back being chased by a army of Hassans. A realization hit Leon as his face sunk deeper and he became angry.

First thing he realized was that the ASSASSIN summoned this time wasnt a candidate of Hassan i Sabbah but the whole guild itself. Second, this whole attack was a distraction.

"Everyone!, this is a distraction to keep us busy. Thier real attack is on Camelot. We need to hurry!!" shouted Leon.

"You should go then, I will keep them busy" said Gawain as he was preparing to use mana burst.

Right at that time, an arrow hit RIDER on the head, although it didnt pierce, it managed to do some damage and throw him back.

"Guess that makes the two of us." said Tristan with his usual sad voice. (He makes me remember emo clan from naruto)

Chain quickly wrapped around RIDER as it kept him in a place. "That makes it the three of us." said Agravain.

Artoria nodded as she along with Merlin galloped their horse towards Camelot. Leon ordered Crylis to help other while he himself used mana burst to catch up the Artoria.

Lancelot had a grim face because he was preparing a quote to impress his king but before he could, his king had went away. Now he was sad... and angry because he was clearly taking out his anger on poor Hassans.

RIDER on the other hand couldnt escape the chain so he did what every desperate servant would do.


He activated his noble phantasm.