

[Unfortunately, there is no military/militaristic tag, but please keep that in mind.] A man is reincarnated into the world of Fate/Stay Night, taking up the mantle of a Nameless Chaos God. Of course, with these newfound powers, he gets up to interesting things.

StoriesForAll · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

August 3, 1915.

4:07 pm.

Waiting for the armored division to arrive had been quite the boring spectacle. Unlike with the eastern front, Areth had not bothered to bring in modern tanks, and troop transports, mostly because he had deployed them all in the east.

A stupid thing to do? Ey, probably not, considering the fact that the tanks, and vehicles he had deployed to the west were about thirty years beyond what was current. The T1E1 Heavy Tanks were also made of strong, absorbent metal that Areth himself had invented. There were six different metals he had invented, all of them belonging exclusively to Auroa, due to the fact that he always knew where all of it was at any given moment of time.

The six metals he created were Mythril, Orichalcum, Meteoric Iron, Adaminite, Tenmanite, and Solorite. Each metal had been named off of standard fantasy metals simply because Areth was too lazy to be original with their names.

Each metal had its pros and cons. Adaminite was practically indestructible, and could easily harness the natural mana over leylines, and hold enchantments, however, it was incredibly heavy, denser than any metal that existed.

Mythril was second in strength to Adaminite. Its metal was durable as ever, extremely light, and impossible to destroy with anything other than its own element. The cons were that it could not disperse any shock from collisions, and was selective of who, and or what could use it.

An intelligent metal.

Meteoric Iron, better known as Jet Iron was one of the more widely used metals in Auroa. While Mythril was blue, and Adaminite was a platinum color, Jet Iron was completely black.

Its ability to absorb shock, and distribute it thoroughly made it the most highly used metal in engines, armor, and Tanks/armored vehicles. The cons of the metal was that it was a very hard to smelt without the proper equipment. Even with the current smelting equipment the other countries had, they would never even be able to reach a tenth of the heat required to melt it.

Areth could go on and on about all of his creations, but it would just be useless info, considering only his people could make use of them.

Areth was brought out of his thoughts by the footsteps of one of his Marines. "Sir, the 32nd Armored Division is around five minutes out from our position," the Marine informed, his rifle already having its bayonet attached as a gardener, almost emotionless look remained on his face.

"Good. I see you're ready," he replied, a knowing smile on his face. "You'll survive, I have willed it so."

An important thing to note about the humans of Auroa, was the fact that they were far different from any other country's. Of course, biological factors played a role alongside evolution, but for Auroans, from the very moment that Areth created his country, he created the humans that lived on the island.

Their genetics did not allow for disease, nor sickness. When faced with war, and almost certain death, they did not cry, nor run away in fear. They simply went into "the zone."

That's what Areth liked to call it anyways. In reality, it was their mana circuits that acted up, quickening their reflexes and strengthening their bodies. It was all instinctual, which was why only the best of Auroans, ones that could harness their zones at will ended up as Royal Guards, assassins, Bable Tower members, and Watchers.

Explainations about the rest of those organizations would be for another time.

Five minutes passed quickly, as the sound of heavy machinery grew closer, and closer, until stopping at the back of the trenches. Each of the drivers in the tanks popped their hatches open, taking a look at their Infantry brothers, before driving their tanks over the trenches, getting enough room in the front to allow for the Infantry to get out without risking getting shot.

On the other side of the trenches, with the Germans, nervousness began to spread, as they looked at the metal behemoths near their enemy's trenches. None knew what sort of machinery Auroa had, yet they feared it due to the intimidating noises its engines produced, paired with the massive cannon attached to the top.

Royal Marines spread throughout the trenches, put on their helmets, and grabbed whatever belonged to them. Their faces remained calm as a glint of determination remained in their eyes.

"It sure is a shitty day to die," a marine said, before continuing. "Let's try and keep their heads attached," another one said.

Insensitive jokes began to circulate through the lines, as the wall of tanks in front of them protected them from any fire that was to come.

The shell shocked soldiers of France and England even managed to regain some life, grabbing a hold of their rifles, and helmets as their officers ordered them to join the Auroan Marines.

Of course, the Officers themselves did not join the men, which only disgusted the Marines present, as they looked at their superiors.

Areth withdrew a flare gun from his coat, loading it with a green flare before firing it into the air. Everyone saw it. For both sides, it was the signal of a bloody battle to come, as the Tanks began to move forward.


The sounds of gunshots announced to the Allies that the battle had started. With the tanks providing a shield between the Marines, and the bullets, all that could be heard was the ricocheting of bullets.

To the Germans, the machines seemed unstoppable, even with them relating to their artillery the tanks coordinates, it did nothing to stop them.

Artillery shells slammed against the tanks, yet when the smoke cleared, the only damage that could be seen was the paint wearing off, revealing the Jet Iron underneath.

Finally, the tanks halted their approach, feet away from the German trenches. Silence hanged in the air, as the German Soldiers breathed heavily, struck with fear before-


The Tank's bombardment of the trenches commenced as the Marines quickly rushed out from the sides, Screaming like demons as they opened fire on the soldiers.

Heads were split open from bullets, Soldiers were mercilessly stabbed over and over again by bayonets, and true fear was struck into the enemy as they saw the Marines tank their rifle rounds, a look of bloodlust present in all their eyes.


But it was far too late for any close to the first trench.

The moment they turned around, the Marines intensified their attacks, opening fire on them. If any hid inside the bunkers, they would simply toss in grenades, and hold the doors closed. For any that begged for mercy, their heads would be split open from bullets belonging to the Auroans.

War really did display the worst of mankind, and yet also the potential of it.

The potential of humanity to destroy itself. The fear they engraved into their own kind, and yet, none of that compared to the present Areth, who ditched his rifle, holding his officer sword.

The Germans thought that they had a chance with him, simply because he was armed with no firearm, yet the gruesome display of his prowess for killing made them more afraid of him, than any other Auroan.

Guns were pointed towards him, firing round after round in rapid succession, yet he dodged, and deflected them, grabbing one soldier by his throat as he impaled another with his blade.

His eyes glowed a dark green as he nearly strangled the life out of the Soldier who looked no more the age of 18 before lifting go.

The soldier gasped for air, looking up at Areth in horror, as he stared back down at him. Unexpectedly, a bullet went right through Areth's skull, as he stood there, before his mangled face turned towards the perpetrator, cleaving him in half.

"Vergessen Sie nicht, was hier passiert ist," Areth Calmly spoke as his mangled head began to heal, returning back to normal.

The battle had been pretty much won, as the Germans fled from their trenches, retreating as fast as they could as their officers tried to scream out orders, commanding them to stay, yet none of them listened.

"Ey, should we round up the officers? Seems like they're trying to hide in the bunkers?" A Marine asked his officers, who nodded.

"Round them up. I'm sure our king has a good punishment for them."