
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Dream and end of Grail


*Kaito PoV

I opened my eyes and saw the Ceiling of my room and felt extreme headache at the sound of banging from my door room then the sound of the door opening reach my ears

"Wake up Kaito you will be late for school," Said ???

"... Ugh My head is killing me, "I grab my head in pain

"Are you alright? if you are not well you can rest at home for today " Said the familiar voice

"Maybe I will just do that Mom... Mom ?!" I opened my eyes fully and turned to the side and watch Mother beside my bed

" Hmm what's wrong Kaito ?:" Mother looks concerned

"H-how you are still alive ?" I ask in a hoarse tone

"What kind of question is that? Did you dream something bad happened to Mom ?" Mom asked in a worried tone.

I glance at the other side of my room and saw my reflection in the mirror and saw my normal appearance

"..." still in disbelief and confusion, I did not answer mom question which make Mother respond to say I can just rest for today

**Some time passed

after the initial shock and Mom bringing me breakfast to my room I decided to sneak out to check something

*Matou Residence

and in the front yard I see two children playing together it was little Sakura and another little boy.

'she looks happy' after watching for a while I decided to go back home where I got scolded by mom since I left and did not eat my breakfast I replied I am not in the mood of eating and went out to get fresh air

the day quickly approached evening and my little brother came back home after his sports club this time he was with his Father who came home early due to mom said he was not well and worried about my condition since I did not eat Breakfast and lunch according to Mom information

*Dinner time

When the dinner started I stay silent

"Kaito are you not going to eat? id so then we will go to the doctor after this" Said Mom worried tone.

I stare at her and my Father and Little Brother.

Then I close my eyes for a moment before started speaking

"This is indeed a beautiful life that I dream and yearn of nothing happened that day and my wish if the Grail is real"

I opened my eyes and stared at mom*

"But... I know it's no good to keep dreaming and not accepting the real truth"

with that, I channeled storm flame in my fist and burn everything around me including my brother, Father, and Mother.

"Impressive... You aware then ?" Said the distorted figure of the being that claimed Mother's form even as my flame burn it.

I stopped my flame and the dining room changed into a kind of black corrupted room.

The being in from of me changed their form into someone I was familiar with

"Ms. Einzbern ?" I ask in caution and prepare myself.

"Yes and No" She replied with an amused smile and slowly walked toward me but I summoned my spear and pointed it at her making her stop

"So since when ?" she asks

"Since the beginning after the headache," I answered but did not explain it to her.

"Interesting is it because of that Dog heart ?" she asks

"..." I did not answer

"But if you know that since the beginning why not act sooner? because you at heart still miss your mother right Kaito ?"

That's right even if I know it was not real I choose to stay silent the entire day, I miss mother.

That was the Truth but I hate it more when some use My Mother's form like that so I acted after the fake Father and Fake brother show up.

I jumped back and channeled Prana at Gae Bolg and thrust it forward at my enemy

"Gae Bolg!" and the spear hit its target and pierced the heart but...

Ms. Einzbern's blood? is black and she still gives amused smile despite my spear piercing her heart.

And to my surprise, she walked forward ignoring the spear as it was not there, she pried my hand from the still Gae Bolg stuck at her heart and placed it above her heart

I attempt to move but I cannot to my horror.

"Fu fu fu, it's useless my dear Kaito because since the beginning you are mine" after she said that I noticed that Gae Bolg is now red and black and sprouted many spikes around it. and my hand's skin looks pale like I never went under the sun.

To my surprise, I now can move and jump back from her and inspect what happening to my body.

"Ugh?!" I felt an intense pain in my whole body that forced me to kneel in pain

"My... Body...Gahh!" I shouted in pain because I felt something changing in my body I started sprouted tail and my hands transformed into a kind of Claws and my Feet changed into some kind of beast feet.

"Fu fu fu now you will become mine and the first thing you do is erase humanity to make you the only *Survivor on the entire earth" I barely register what she said amidst the pain but I understood the gist of it.

She will grant my wish in her twisted interpretation.

'is this it? am I going to destroy everything?' i seated to lose unconscious but then I hear something cracking and one of the walls around us are then broken I glanced up and saw Saber who are showing up

"Kaito ?!" She horrified to see my form

"Tch! you broke out of your prison already, but no matter you're already too late since the corruption already started"

*Saber PoV

I was horrified since I am too late from breaking that corruption prison and looking at Kaito who struggled on the floor and at the word of corruption that thing that took Irisviel form.

there is only one thing that may be able to save him

I placed my hands on my chest

"Are you going to do that Saber? the only reason my corruption didn't work on you is that you have it inside your body" because of that word made me hesitate and the Thing smiled before showing a shocked expression after I pull out Avalon and insert it inside Kaito's body without hesitation and immediately his corruption disappear and now I can feel it the corruption stated eating me in this place

'...please be safe Kaito' with that I closed my eyes and prepared for the end as I felt the corruption eating my being

but then I felt something grab my hand and it was Kaito who absorbing it

'He absorbing my corruption ?!'

"Kaito Stop!" I attempt to pry his hands off but I felt so weak since my corruption eating my Mana reserve and Kaito now had strength comparable to a servant he hugs me from behind and if it was not a serious situation I maybe blushed

"Saber by my commands seals Unleash your Excalibur at the foe before you!" Kaito commanded even as he absorbed the corruption

His command shocked me and the thing in front of me, then he use another command seal to enchant my power.

The being in front of me attempts to flee as I gather energy around Excalibur but It cannot move because the Spear Master that is still lodged in her body emits indigo flames that transform into chains that hold it in place. and Kaito gives me another boost at it too which makes it 3 boosts of command seals.

"Excalibur!" I unleash it at the being in front of me and the entire place went white

**Author Note

Hopefully, this is good enough for now, sorry for the delay