
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs


*With Rider and Waver

Waver PoV

"Today is an exhausting day" I sighed as i lay on the bed

'But i can say it was a good day'

Professor is dead and with that he will no longer hunting me because he is already dead killed by Caster Master

'Still about that Caster and his Master they are dangerous as according of Rider, Caster facing Lancer head on and his Master kill Professor Kayneth himself'

i sighed again and planning what to do tomorrow

'May need to research Caster identity and maybe that Golden Archer that shooting weapons tomorrow'

with that last thought i closed my eyes and embrace the realm of dream

*Sometime later

"Boy! Wake UP!" i suddenly hear something and i slowly rubbed my eyes

"ngh... What is it Rider" i opened my eyes to see Rider hand in front of me streched out and it was bleeding and i just saw a corpse of Assassin fading away nearby

"Wh-What ?!" I ask flabbergasted

"We are getting ambushed boy now hurry and choose! Defend this place or we escaping from this place" Rider give me ultimatum as he parried another Assassin Dagger that thrown outside the window of my room and another Assassin barged in from my room door with Rider easily killed him

i immediatly getting up and need to think fast!

'If i am staying here then i risk Grampa and Granpa McKenzie and if we are escaping i can guarantee their safety but i need to make them forget about us firs then Contact Caster'

with this two choice of course i already knew what i need to do as i pick up the Communication Caster give us

"Riser protect me! i need to make Granpa and Grandma forget about us first and then we will contact Caster for Alliance"

"Very Well, stay close to me Master" with that Rider guided me to Granpa and Grandma Bedroom while defending me from Assassin Assault inside the house.

Luckily Assassin not ambushed us at Their room and they are still sleep soundly

i proceed to wake them up and then Hypnotise them to forget about us

After that Rider lead me outside and Summoned his Chariot and flying us to the sky yo avoid Assassin attack

i proceed to call Caster

"Caster can i and Rider talk with you and your Master right now?"

i wait until Caster respons back and hoping his reply to be a postive one

"...My Master agree, we will meet st the front of the Cafe we meet before" and then the communication device turn to ash in my hand and scattered in the wind

"So Caster not joking about that device is only one time use, i am lucky i dont use it for calling Caster earlier. Hahahaha" Rider laughed as he drive to that Cafe

My eyes widened at that because Rider Admitted that he almost use the Device without my permission

i almost scream at him when i notice a trail of Blood behind his back drop to the chariot

"Rider..." i stared at the blood shocked

"Don't worry about it, it just a scratch beside it was my duty as your Servant to protect my Master"

Rider waved my off my concern

i bit my lip in worry because i just realize Rider must be having diificulty in protecting me in that house while making sure not destroyed the house and injured Mckenzie old couple in the process

'I hope Caster can heal Rider'

when we arrived we saw Caster and his Master already arrived amd waiting for us

"What happened to you Rider ?" Caster is the one opening the talk first

"Assassin assault us at our Base and so My Master here"

i stumbled a bit as Rider nudge me eith his big hand

"Decided to leave because our base is compromised" he finished and he pushed me forward

i steeled my nerves and ask them about Alliance between us and them

"Hahaha you are just being attacked by Assassin in your Base and now you want to forge Alliance with us so you can use our base as hour base right?"

Caster asked after letting some laugh at my word

"Well you are indded an interesting Master for sure, So Master?" Caster ask Kaito-san who are staring at me and then at Rider

"I accept" and some of my tension finally gone

and Rider suddenly clapped my back and making me fell

"What was that for ?!" i shouted at Rider

"Congratulation My Boy, you are succeding in a negotiation compared to me who always failed" and then Rider let out a booming laugh

i smiled happy at hus praise but then i remember his condition and turn to face Caster

"Caster i have a request?"

"Just a moment after our Alliance you are already request something ? sure as long it's reasonable"

"Can you heal Rider"

with that question Rider look at my direction but i still staring at Caster

"Is that all ?"

"Yes that's all my request"

"That's easy job for me, but we better continue this in our base" With That Caster tap his staff to the ground and teleport all of us to their base

Archer PoV

'When i summoned in this Holy Grail War i have hoped that it will be interesting, but so far it's only dissapointment'

My Summoner also a dull Mongrel that preach about seeking the root

A comedian mongrel that called himself King of Conqueror also appear

Hmph! Only I the King that exist in Heaven and Earth

the rest just a mongrel beneath me except that mad dog that dared challenging me

'I will personally make his death Legendary'

but the Saber Woman that called King Arthur she has Weapon that i dont have inside my Treasury is interesting as i knew about the Legend of Excalibur

is forged by the planet as the crystallization of the wishes of mankind stored and tempered within the planet

That Sword also bring down the White Titan that i have a debt toward her and inwill repay it if i meet her

but i also found one thing that interesting in this era as i watch Kotomine Kirei walk with furious expression on his face

"Did you find your Answer Kotomine Kirei ?" i ask amused at his behaviour

"No" he then proceed to tell me about his search for Answer to the one mongrel called Emiya Kiritsugu.

i also hear his report about that Mongrel Wish

"A Hero of Justice and Saving the World from Suffering what an Arrogance"

i sneered at that Mongrel Audacity and think he can choose the fate of my World Garden

Then one of Assassin showing up and inform something to Kirei

"it seem Assassin has found Rider and his Master but they are successfully escape from Assassin Assassination." With that Kotomine Kirei excuse himself from presence followed by Assassin to inform My mongrel summoner

"To think that there exist a mongrel in this era that dare emulate God, to impose his will to others"

i need to make an example of this Mongrel

but first i need to educate someone about himself because he found the answer he seek is not what he expected

After that i will seek out that Mongrel and maybe also take the Holy sword into my treasure