
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 233

July, midsummer.

Miyu's World, Fuyuki City.

Even though it was midsummer, the city was covered in snow, and the temperature was akin to midwinter.

In the depths of the mountains, directly above the Great Hole.

In an empty wasteland surrounded by a forest of dead trees, three figures appeared abruptly. One was tall, one was short, and the third, a petite figure, was being carried over the shoulder of the tall figure. This was Angelica's group, who had arrived earlier than everyone else.

"Where did that chain go?" Beatrice asked Angelica. Just before they returned, Beatrice had noticed a chain binding Angelica from out of nowhere! But fortunately, it didn't prevent their return.

"It automatically dispelled on the way back. Let's go," Angelica replied concisely, taking the lead.

"Tch!" Beatrice clicked her tongue in annoyance but followed, thinking about their mission.


Due to the involvement of parallel worlds, timelines, quantum theory, miracles, and magic, Shirou and the others arrived in this world at different times.

For example, Shinji had locked onto Angelica, but during the world transition, the Diamond Sealing chain had automatically unlocked for some reason. Then he was taken aside by a certain force for a "chat," thus being separated from the others.


"Ugh... Miyu..." When Shirou regained consciousness, he found himself alone, with snowflakes falling around him and the environment entirely changed. It had gone from midsummer straight to midwinter!

Where is this...

Shirou staggered to his feet, realizing he had crossed into Miyu's original world. The golden-haired kid had told him that Miyu was from a parallel world, so this was the only explanation.

A small girl who had fled a tragic life in this world to another but still couldn't escape her cruel fate. The thought of Miyu's helplessness made Shirou's heart ache.

For someone who needs help, Shirou couldn't turn a blind eye, even if that person didn't ask. It's just who he was.

After searching the barren forest and finding no familiar faces, Shirou decided to head to this familiar yet unfamiliar city to understand the situation. If he could figure out the origin of the giant hole in the city, he was sure to find clues about Miyu and those who pursued her even across worlds.

With this determination, Shirou set aside his loneliness and focused on his mission. First, he needed to find some warm clothes. Hugging himself against the cold, dressed only in a short-sleeve shirt, he made his first decision in this new world.

So, Shirou came to the front door of what was his "home" in this world, debating whether to go inside. Should he enter? He had rung the doorbell and called out, but no one answered, suggesting no one was home. But if he didn't enter, where else could he get supplies?

After much consideration, Shirou decided to wait for the residents to return. Since this was a parallel world, he believed that at the very least, he would help himself. No doubt about that. Perhaps in this world, Kiritsugu might still be alive. The thought excited him; seeing Kiritsugu again would be amazing!

And maybe Illya and Saber would show up. If Kiritsugu was still alive, Shirou must warn him to hide. With these thoughts, Shirou, standing in front of the Emiya residence in the deep mountain town, became a statue-like figure waiting by the door.


In a void space, or rather, a gap between worlds, Shinji sat cross-legged, watching the scene on a light screen, speechless. His friend was really something else! He waited at the door from day to night! Didn't he feel cold?

And did he remember his mission? Wasn't he supposed to rescue the girl?

Seeing Shirou shivering in the cold, unfed and with drained magical energy, Shinji couldn't help but think his friend might not make it till morning due to the harsh conditions.

This guy was too earnest!

"So, will you use your power to save this world?" came a voice from behind Shinji, causing him to roll his eyes. This should have been the job for someone like the Supreme Emperor who transcends time and space, not him.

"I don't want to talk to you. Bring Alaya here. You can't give me what I want," Shinji replied, not bothering to turn around to face the Counter Force.

An ethereal, emotionless voice that could not be identified as male or female responded, "The people of this world have accepted the world's impending doom. Because of this, this world's Alaya has no power to manifest."

"I don't like you. Your goal is only to save the planet itself, right? Human survival is of no concern to you, isn't it?"

The voice fell silent for a while before responding, "Although that is true, if the planet is not saved, humanity will also perish. The fate of the Primates is tied to the fate of the planet."

"No, it's not. Humans have countless possibilities, but the fate of the planet is predetermined—it will eventually perish. This process might be long, but it will come someday."

"Perhaps, but for now, the interests of the planet and the Primates are aligned."

"I have no interest in saving the world. I might pity and lament this world, but I don't feel compelled to act. Unlike my friend over there, you chose me because you think I possess some miracles not belonging to this world. Whether I can or can't, I don't want to."

"What are your conditions?"

Hearing this, Shinji inwardly celebrated but kept his voice steady, "I haven't thought of specifics yet, but it will probably involve a Heroic Spirit. How about it?"

"Impossible. The Counter Force can only act upon Heroic Spirits in times of great crisis, like the appearance of Beasts, or in cases like your friend's fate..."

"One," Shinji raised a finger.

"Impossible. The basic elements of a Heroic Spirit's spiritual foundation are the faith of the Primates. To completely liberate a Heroic Spirit from the Throne of Heroes, we must erase all records of them from every parallel world and the history of their time. Their existence might cease without those foundations."

Shinji silently pondered the logic and found no flaws. He also believed the Counter Force wouldn't lie at this moment.

"Well, you found a nice place to hide, Shinji!"

Hearing Gilgamesh's voice, Shinji's mouth twitched. Was the Counter Force really considering this guy to save the world?

Even Young Gilgamesh would be more reliable!

Gilgamesh walked forward with crossed arms and a scornful look. His servant had become too bold, needing a good lesson.

"Anyway, I refuse. From now on, I won't accept any conditions. Whether this world is destroyed or not, it doesn't matter to me. But if it's just saving humanity, I can act based on my friend's choices. If he manages to escape his tragic fate, I can help a little."

With that, Shinji stood up, pocketed his hands, and finally turned to face the Counter Force's true form—a slowly shifting white mist.

"But, only humanity."

"..." Gaia fell silent again, and after a long pause, spoke, "If this world is destroyed, your world will also be affected."

"You mean the gradual reduction of the Root in our world is due to this one? It doesn't matter. Even if this world is truly destroyed, I can still protect myself and those I care about."

This was Shinji's true feeling. Escaping with a few people wasn't hard, whether to another parallel world in the Nasuverse or another universe entirely.

The Counter Force fell completely silent, and Shinji sat back down, summoning soda and snacks from his system space.

Though he could leave using the system, Shinji stayed to seize the opportunity. Milking the Counter Force's resources was too good to pass up!

Let Gaia ponder the terms. Gaia's resources were immensely valuable!

Watching Shinji's nonchalant behavior, Gilgamesh also remained silent, producing two golden cushions and a full set of Nintendo consoles with a large LCD screen.

Soda, snacks, and games.

With a magical girl livestream in the background, it was a paradise for some!

"I can almost hear the cries of defeat."

The moment he picked up the controller, Shinji began to boast.

"That's the King's exclusive line! You can't use it!"

"Don't you think you're being too much of a bully?"

"Shut up! Take this! Loser!"

"Ah! You're sneaky! Scoundrel!"

Thus, in the gap between worlds, Shinji and Gilgamesh's battle over pride and dignity continued...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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