
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 170

Mid-March, full of the vibrant essence of spring.

It was spring break, and with ten years of experience and growth behind him, Kariya Matou, with his short white hair that looked as if it had been dyed and styled in a salon, stepped onto the park's grassy lawn bathed in warm spring sunlight.

Everywhere he looked, he saw parents smiling at their children, and in the park square not far away, the fountain area was a popular spot for families to relax together.

Kariya paused to search until he spotted a gentle figure reading a book under the shade of a tree. His stern expression softened into a gentle smile.


Just as Kariya raised his hand to greet her as he used to, another figure, a girl with twin tails who seemed to have been waiting or lying in ambush, rushed over and clung to his arm.

"Uncle Kariya~"

Looking at the high school junior who would be a senior after the school term started, Kariya smiled helplessly, knowing exactly why she was acting so affectionately.

"I hid it in the usual place, but be careful not to let your mother find out."

Hearing this, Rin's eyes lit up, and she nearly hugged the kind and generous uncle who had always been there for her.

"The usual place" referred to their secret spot—under a particular tree where they buried checks.

Rin was very pleased with this uncle.

He was wealthy, owning a large business empire, and every time she needed gemstones, a bit of pouting would get her what she wanted! The checks he secretly gave her were always in the millions!

She once secretly asked this globally famous businessman uncle how much money he had, and he replied that it might be incalculable.

Because of this, Rin sometimes felt that her younger sister was luckier than her, never having to worry about running out of money.

"Rin, you're not a child anymore. You shouldn't act so mischievously."

Hearing her mother's reproach, Rin reluctantly let go of Kariya, obediently smiling.

"Yes, Mom."


On the lawn, Rin, who was thinking of an excuse to leave and dig up the pocket money her uncle had given her, suddenly remembered something.

"Uncle Kariya, where's Sakura?"

"Oh, she heard that Shinji is going to a mixer today, so she's at home getting ready."

"Matou Shinji..." Rin sighed, shaking her head. "I hope Sakura doesn't break his legs."

"Don't worry. I told Sakura not to use force. If she has to, she can knock him out and bring him back."

Hearing this increasingly outrageous conversation, Aoi's face was filled with helplessness. However, thinking of Sakura and the boy who seemed to be Sakura's love interest, she smiled faintly.

It seemed she didn't need to worry about the children's affairs anymore.

As she thought back to the end of the war ten years ago, Aoi remembered the collapse she felt when she saw her husband's body, the feeling of the sky falling.

The heavy burden of the Tohsaka family had suddenly fallen entirely on her shoulders, and the weight of the magical family responsibilities had crushed her.

The association's promise of responsibility was minimal, and she didn't even know how she managed her husband's funeral in such a state.

Moreover, the association people said that her husband was killed by his disciple, who was then killed by someone else in the Holy Grail War.

Grief, desolation, despair, and hopelessness.

That was how she felt at the time.

But then, someone appeared at the funeral, bringing her other daughter whom she had been longing for.

After handing over the daughter who had been separated from her for a year, the thin figure began to help with her husband's funeral arrangements.

Though inexperienced and making several mistakes, that person tried his best to help her with everything.

He even told her, "Don't worry, I will help you."

Of course, there was also the handsome man with a tear mole, who left a deep impression on her with his courteous, elegant demeanor and efficient handling of things...

"Kariya... what about Officer Lan lately..."

Seeing Aoi turn away with a hint of shy hesitation, Kariya couldn't help but twitch his mouth, inwardly cursing his parallel world nephew for his cunning move that had completely outsmarted him!

Kariya had only discovered this pitfall about half a year after Shinji left, but by then it was too late.

He hadn't noticed sooner because he was busy sorting through the plans left by his nephew and learning various financial skills.

Once he realized what was going on and looked into Diarmuid's past, it was a bit too late.

But Kariya eventually figured it out. His nephew intended to use this method to make him let go of that small hidden selfish desire.

Only by letting go of selfishness could he truly grow and protect the future of those he wanted to protect.

By now, Kariya had truly let go. Being able to safeguard their future without facing separation was enough.

This had been his original intention.

Seeing the realization on Rin's face, she sighed deeply, "Mom, you have no idea. Uncle Kariya is now rated as the most desirable man to marry in all of Asia..."

Kariya waved his hand with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, Rin. Those are just magazine ratings."

"No, I genuinely believe it! Uncle Kariya, if you don't get married soon, I'll be an adult! Or are you waiting for me to grow up?"

Seeing Rin's mischievous grin, Kariya couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head as he looked into the distance, "Don't joke with your uncle. I have no plans to marry at the moment. Maybe in a few years."

Sensing something, Rin asked, "Uncle, have you let go of that person (my mom)?"

"Stop overthinking it and go play."

"I disagree!" Rin suddenly became agitated, standing up with clenched fists, "How can you give up?! How can you be so weak?! A man should be persistent!"

Her underlying message: I don't want to lose a rich stepfather!

"Rin, why are you so excited? What's wrong? And a girl shouldn't shout like this, especially outside."

Interrupted from her thoughts of Officer Lan by Rin's outburst, Aoi seriously reprimanded her daughter.

"Uncle, I've always supported you! Keep it up! And I'll soon help mom get rid of the tear mole's curse!"

Whispering this into Kariya's ear, Rin picked up her skirt and elegantly... retreated.

Watching Rin run off, Kariya chuckled helplessly. Rin and Sakura were so different in personality. He wondered whom Rin took after. Definitely not Tokiomi.

"Ten years have passed..."

Kariya suddenly sighed.

"Yes... ten years..."

Aoi brushed her hair behind her ear and sighed softly.

Both were reminiscing about the passage of time, but their thoughts differed.

Suddenly, Kariya felt a familiar presence and saw a bat familiar perched on a tree branch.

"Aoi-san, I must go. Remember to head back early."

Leaving this kind reminder, Kariya took his leave.

Watching his departing figure, a hint of loneliness flickered in Aoi's eyes as she whispered softly.

"Have you really let go..."

In fact, at her age, she still found Officer Lan quite attractive and heart-throbbing.

But deep down, the quiet guardian of the past ten years, this still somewhat thin man, had also entered her heart.

Only... he hadn't made a move!

Ten years without any inappropriate behavior or words, just silently watching over her!

How low is his emotional intelligence?

Does he expect a woman to make the first move?

The book cover with bold black letters on a white background, "If You Love Her, Confess Boldly," was he blind to that?

"Sigh~ Do I have to rely on the younger generation to matchmake?"

Shaking her head helplessly, Aoi put away her novel and stood up slowly.


The secret room in the Matou residence was remodeled from an old basement.

In the small room sat three people and one servant—Emiya Kiritsugu, Irisviel, Kariya Matou, and Diarmuid.

This matter was quite intriguing. Ten years ago, after spending all his savings, Kiritsugu bought a blank doll from a doll maker, allowing his wife to be resurrected.

Afterward, Kiritsugu took Maiya and his wife to Germany, but since he had failed in the Holy Grail War, Ahad refused to open the barrier and return Illya.

After two failed attempts to force entry, Kiritsugu realized his chances were slim. He also learned that Shinji had "died" (returned) and Lancer stayed with Kariya, so he decided to take a gamble.

Returning to Fuyuki, Kiritsugu sought out Kariya, hoping Lancer would help him. Understanding the pain of separation, Kariya agreed without hesitation.

When Lancer heard about it, though he didn't like Kiritsugu, he knew his master (Shinji) would have helped reunite the separated mother and daughter. So after some thought, Lancer agreed.

Bringing Lancer along, Kiritsugu easily... retrieved Illya, and thus began his friendship with Kariya.

Since then, Kiritsugu's family had settled in Fuyuki, even borrowing money from Kariya to buy a house.

(In the original timeline, Kiritsugu bought a house after the Fourth Holy Grail War. During the war, he was just renting.)

"What's going on?"

Kariya went straight to the point.

Kiritsugu didn't waste words, spreading a map on the table: "Recently, Fuyuki's ley lines have been acting strangely. The Holy Grail, which should have stopped absorbing magical energy, has started drawing power at an unusual rate. The once-every-sixty-years Holy Grail War might restart in just a few years! And at this rate, it will damage the ley lines, potentially destroying Fuyuki City..."

"Why is this happening?" Kariya asked.

"I don't know, but if possible, we need Lancer's help. His anti-magic red rose might be able to disrupt this anomaly."

"I will help, but only because I, Diarmuid, swore on my master's grave to protect the peace and justice of this city we once guarded together, not for magicians like you!"

Seeing Lancer's resolute determination, Kiritsugu wanted to recount his own experiences and reveal what kind of person Lancer's master truly was. But he held back, knowing Lancer wouldn't believe him.

Besides, what if that sly guy reappeared? And the parallel world's daughter seemed close to him! If he retaliated against his daughter, he couldn't get there in time!

After a few days of thorough investigation, a temporary solution was devised: Lancer would place the anti-magic red rose at the center of the Holy Grail to temporarily block its magical absorption.

This was only a temporary fix; Kiritsugu was still searching for a permanent solution.

As for why this was happening, it could be that Justeaze, feeling deceived by Shinji, had been corrupted by Angra Mainyu over the past ten years and sought revenge.

Possibly! Just possibly!

Of course, Shinji didn't think he had deceived Justeaze. He had promised to complete the Greater Holy Grail and had done so. He never promised to achieve the Third Magic.

He was not wrong! Absolutely!


While Kariya and the others were busy handling this issue, the school term started for students.

In front of the cherry blossom-filled Homurahara High School gate, seventeen-year-old Shinji Matou blocked his best friend, a boy named Shirou Amakusa, throwing an arm over his shoulder and whispering, "Amakusa, there's a mixer with first-year girls tonight. Want to come? I just got a lot of pocket money from my uncle!"

The red-haired boy shook his head, glancing at the black-haired girl walking toward the blue-haired boy, who hadn't noticed her yet.

"Shinji, I don't think your mixer will go as planned."

"What are you talking about? I've invited several cute new girls..."

Before he could finish, Shinji felt a chill down his spine and quickly changed his tone, "Hahaha! Amakusa, didn't we plan to study at your place today? I'm really looking forward to it!"


Hearing the voice behind him, Shinji pretended to be calm as he turned around, smiling at the black-haired girl who had grown significantly, "Good morning, Sakura."


Seeing Sakura's indifferent expression, Shinji's smile became awkward, but he still tried to stay calm, "What is it?"

This time, before Sakura could speak, Shinji lowered his head and whispered, "Please, Sakura, don't embarrass me in public."


"...Can we talk about this at home? I'll do whatever you want."

"Brother..." Sakura's eyes grew colder.

"I was wrong! I'll never do it again!!" Finally, Shinji knelt before her.

Seeing him kneel, Sakura sighed softly and walked away toward the school.

As she pulled out an old student handbook from her pocket, Sakura looked at the smiling boy with the same name and sighed deeply.

"Why is it that only the face is the same?"

She carefully put her little secret back in her pocket, resolving in her heart.

Since he's not the same, I'll just keep adjusting... molding him!

"Hey, Amakusa, is Sakura gone?"

"She's far away now."

Hearing this, Shinji stood up and patted his chest.

Watching Sakura leave, Shirou suddenly said, "By the way, Shinji, I heard you and Sakura have been engaged since childhood, and that's why she took your family name. Does that mean you'll marry her someday?"

"What nonsense! There's no way I'd marry Sakura..." Shinji instantly got worked up but then realized he was too loud, quickly lowering his voice, "To be honest, Amakusa, I'm saving money to escape overseas after graduating high school."

"Overseas? Your family has businesses worldwide. I think Sakura will find you even if you escape to the ends of the earth. Besides, with such a beautiful fiancée, others would be overjoyed."

"Overjoyed? You have no idea how terrifying she is..." Shinji swallowed his words about how scary Sakura could be, changing the subject, "Anyway, I need to escape! I won't stay here, and I definitely won't marry Sakura! Even if I die, I won't marry her!"

"Well..." Shirou thought for a moment, then patted his friend's shoulder and entered the school gate, "Good luck with that."

"Hey, hey, that didn't sound very encouraging!"

"I did encourage you."

"That sounded like you don't have any hope for me!"



As the two boys argued, the new school term began under the falling cherry blossoms.

At the same time, many others were also watching the cherry blossom petals fall.

At home, Kariya was processing company documents, Aoi was reading on her balcony, and in the Japanese-style house, a family of three... four (Kiritsugu's family) was watching, as well as Diarmuid, who was visiting his master's grave...

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