
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 152

Gilgamesh's furious gaze slowly shifted direction.

His eyes focused southeast, towards the hills and upscale residential area of Miyama Town, where the Tohsaka mansion was located.

"To think you could calm the wrath of a king—me—with mere words like 'Your Highness.' You have grown bolder, Tohsaka!"

Gilgamesh's voice, though not loud, was filled with endless anger.

"And to dare say it was an accident... to dare wager your life claiming it was an accident! Do you not understand that your life holds no weight before a king? Tohsaka!"

Seeing Gilgamesh, under the influence of the Command Spell, slowly put away his weapons but grow even angrier, Shinji couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy for Tohsaka, who was respectfully bowing in his basement.

Today's situation was a lose-lose choice, no matter what he did.

If he didn't use the Command Spell, Gilgamesh's overconfidence might lead to him fighting three Servants simultaneously and losing, especially against the formidable Saber.

Without knowing each enemy's Noble Phantasms, Tohsaka couldn't allow such a risky battle.

So, he chose the other option: using the Command Spell to persuade. However, this would increase the rift between them, as Gilgamesh's anger and dissatisfaction with him were evident.

This time, it wouldn't be easy to soothe Gilgamesh.

"You all just earned a reprieve, mongrels! Until we meet again, continue your pointless slaughter! Only true heroes will meet me!"

Before leaving, Gilgamesh couldn't resist venting more of his anger through words.

He knew that once he returned home, Tohsaka would only bow and apologize, further igniting his fury.


After Gilgamesh left, the Masters in hiding (Kiritsugu and Kayneth) began pondering: Were there still more Assassins spying? Could there be many more Assassins continuously observing the battles? If their Noble Phantasms were exposed—

Kiritsugu, frustrated at the missed opportunity to eliminate Kayneth, couldn't be sure if anyone was watching him.

This feeling... was too oppressive!

Kiritsugu suddenly felt a chill, as if someone was watching him just now. Though it was only a moment, he couldn't pinpoint the direction, but he was certain it happened!

Panicked, he used his sniper rifle as a telescope, carefully scanning his surroundings.



Nothing around!

Seeing Kiritsugu sweating and his breathing growing heavier, Shinji withdrew the faint trace of his spirit energy that had been teasing him.

A couple of times was enough; doing it more would be dull.

"Maiya, I have a bad feeling, like we're being watched by an unseen viper, always lurking."

From another rooftop, Maiya raised her rifle, carefully checking around. "From my position, there's nothing. Are you too tense?"

"I don't know..."

Kiritsugu shook his head lightly, involuntarily thinking of a man in the data—Kirei Kotomine. He felt that Kirei would be his most formidable and terrifying enemy in this Holy Grail War.

'Zayd, prepare to wrap up. The battle below is winding down, and everyone is just dragging it out. Help them finish. Follow my lead—'


Watching the bright area lit by the searchlight, Rider pondered for a long time before deciding.

With such a good spotlight, if none of you are stepping in, I won't be polite!


At his command, his chariot, drawn by two bulls, moved a few meters forward.

Joining Rider in the spotlight, Waver immediately expressed his excitement.

"What are you doing?! Fool! It's too conspicuous!"

"Shut up! If Iskandar fears to tread where Assassin dares, it would mean I'm less than a skulking rat! Isn't that right, Saber and Lancer? Hahaha..."

Seeing Rider enjoy the spotlight with a hearty laugh, Saber frowned, but didn't move, mindful of her Master behind her.

Lancer, though also displeased, didn't show it.

As for Kiritsugu, he remained indifferent, while Kayneth, though annoyed, decided not to engage with someone operating on a different level.

Iskandar stopped laughing, leaned towards Waver, and earnestly explained, "Know this, young Master. Only rats love to lurk in dark corners..."

Unable to bear it anymore, Saber stepped forward, becoming another standout in the spotlight.

Lancer, seeing Saber's move, also stepped into the light.

Watching the prominent figures, Shinji couldn't help but mentally replay a carnival opening sequence. If they started dancing, the effect would be explosive!

'Master, can I act now?'

Zayd asked.

'Yes, the other Assassins have retreated. Let's end this.'

Issuing the order, Shinji removed his invisibility cloak, revealing himself.

Seeing his Master dressed almost identically to himself, Zayd didn't know how to react.

Master, when did you order those clothes?

And... how do you also have Presence Concealment?


At Shinji's command, Zayd and Shinji leaped from two directions, passing over Saber and the others.

Due to the shadows, everyone noticed the fleeing figures of Shinji and Zayd.

"Hahaha, it seems I was mistaken. Assassin isn't just a lurking rat."

Watching the two "Assassins" flee, Rider laughed heartily again.

Because of this, Kayneth, hidden on the rooftop, was furious, almost injuring himself.

To be mocked, without curse words, by this brainless brute, as less than an Assassin!

Who could stand it? And Lancer, you didn't even refute it...

Damn you, Lancer!!

"That's not the point!" Waver, shaking with anger, pointed in the direction of Shinji and Zayd. "The point is, there are more Assassins! They were supposed to be dead, but now there are many more! That's the issue!"

"Assassin Servant—Hundred-Faced Hassan-i-Sabbah."

The hollow voice echoing around left everyone stunned. Why reveal their name before leaving?

So boldly? Are you really an Assassin?

This style doesn't fit at all!

"Hundred-Faced... Hundred-Faced..."

Muttering the name, Rider seemed to understand something.

"I see. I understand. And..."

Raising his voice, Rider shouted, "Assassin, anyone who calls you a lurking rat, Iskandar, the Conqueror, disagrees! Anyone daring to face us and declare their name deserves my respect!"

"Much appreciated, Conqueror."

Hearing the response, Rider laughed heartily again, "Excellent! This Holy Grail War is fascinating! Each participant is intriguing! Even Assassin's true nature is unexpectedly honorable, different from my expectations!"

Waver shouted, "Stop laughing! If that's the case, there are many Assassins! We've been watched all along! And Archer's Master and Assassin's Master are colluding, with the Church's complicity! We're..."

"Bah! Just some scheming rats, not worth concern! They mean nothing to me! I disdain them!"

Hearing this, Shinji knew the night's battle was over, and his plan was more than complete.

Having no further interest in listening, Shinji, after changing clothes, ordered Zayd to hide and follow Saber secretly.

"What about Saber's true Master (Kiritsugu)?"

"Don't worry. I know his next move. You hide and follow Saber closely. We might discover Caster tonight."

"Caster?" Zayd was puzzled.

"Never mind. If you find them, switch targets and report to me once you locate their lair."


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