

Becoming the Servant version of Beelzebub was strange, especially when it came with weird powers and an even weirder system. Stuck in war that he would very much like nothing to with, he must come to understand his own powers. Especially when he has to fight the demon version of himself. inspired by Fate/Poseidon

Elliot_White_0901 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3- Lord of Flies

Beelzebub spied on the Matou mansion carefully, not wanting to tip of the wraith that dressed up as a human being. Call him a creep all you want, but Zouken Matou was a formidable mage who could fight a servant on even grounds in the right circumstances. In his prime, he could fight of dead apostles without batting an eye.

Although Beelzebub would beat him, they were no telling how many tricks the man had in his disposal. he wouldn't be surprised if a cockroach like Zouken managed to escape his grasp despite being hopelessly overpowered. Especially since Beelzebub was the one who was attacking the man in home territory.

Of course, that assumed that Beelzebub was going to play fair, which he definitely wasn't. A true magus has many backup plans and cheats as much as possible. Zouken was going to be surprised when his well guarded home turns into a complete death trap.

Beelzebub grinned at the thought, watching everything fall into place. It was time that his Servant showed the depths of her capabilities. Assassin, who was currently finishing an ice cream that he brought her earlier, received the mental signal and finished her meal in one bite while standing in attention.

"Do it Jack, activate your noble phantasm."

"Yes, Master!"

The little girl rose excitedly, finally getting to see action after being cooped around the temple all day. Darkness pooled as an aura of malevolence sprouted around her, a mist beginning to appear despite the rather genial weather. An antique lantern had it's shutter open with a hand touching the candle inside.

"This is the beginning of Hell!

We shall be the Flame!

We shall be the Rain!

We shall be the Power!

Shroud Us and Burn Us!

Let Us began the Slaughter!

Darkened Misty Metropolis

The Mist!"

The mansion that was once fully visible to his eye was now shrouded in deep mist, unable to be defined. The bounded fields that protected the mansion were unable to defend against the Noble Phantasm of a Heroic Spirit. Especially since bounded fields were not his subject of expertise, given his background in Entomancy.

'The first step of the plan was complete', he thought with satisfaction. [The Mist] was one of the reasons that had chosen to summon Jack the Ripper instead of any other wraith. His first thought was to summon Sasaki Kojirou to guard the path that was the only way to get past the bounded field, but he was honestly too weak to stop the servants of this war.

Not to insult the Regend, but even with Beelzebub enchanting his sword onto the level of a normal noble phantasm, he would still get steam rolled the moment any of the other Servants got serious. The same could be said if he used his noble phantasm first, but we all know that Sasaki Kojirou enjoyed a fight to much to end it quickly.

The firepower of the Servant's in this Grail War were no joke, and a mere wraith would get bodied pretty quickly. That is when he had the thought of hiding the entrance instead of guarding it. [The Mist] was capable of making people lose their way and go in circles unless one possessed a Servant with [Instinct] at a high level.

That meant the only people who could get past it were Saber, and probably Gilgamesh who would pull out some sort of cheat from his treasury. In fact, he kind of hoped that Saber would actually attempt to try, because he prepared [Maria The Ripper] just for her. Perhaps in the hands of a incompetent master it would fail to do anything, but in his hands it had a huge chance to get rid of Saber directly unless she does an asspull with [Instinct] or had [Avalon].

But the main reason he wanted it was because of the several side benefits it provided apart from the main effect. The first one was that it put down the agility of Servant's in the mist by one and fucked over any enemy magus with no defense to it. When stacked with his own bounded fields and those naturally around the temple, he was basically cutting their strength in half while he was at his most powerful.

The most important feature was that the mist itself was mixed with sulfuric acid, choking the life out of all the living beings inside. All humans inside would eventually die, their eyes festering and their throats burning. Now if it did that to humans, what would happen to mere bugs who were in the mist? They quickly start dying, even the ones made from Magecraft as the mist itself and the chemicals were made from mana.

Zouken would try to escape, only to realize that he was going in circles, somehow ending up in the same place he was before. Then, he would get desperate, using different methods to dispel the mist only for his actions to have no effect. He could only hole himself up in the mansion, trying to defend against the mist while desperately preserving his bugs.

The moment Beelzebub entered the mansions, he could see the remnants of a great swarm lying all over the mansion. They were all dead, being burned alive from the inside and outside by the sulfuric acid. He made his way through the field of death, a child Servant on his tow and stepped down into the basement.

"Well, it seems like mystery man had finally showed himself. Is a not a bit rude for you to attack with no warning?" Zouken asked while in the pit of bugs. A bounded field was placed that pushed away the mist but it was obvious that it was taking a lot out of him to maintain it. Even then, Zouken pretended that nothing was wrong, trying to act nonchalant and show his dominance.

Beelzebub did not even deem to reply, as it was obvious that Zouken was trying to stall to get as much information as possible. He had no intention of playing such games, not when his goals were so close to his grasp. With a serious expression, he used his [Inherent Wisdom] skill and gained the skill [Baptism Rite-A]. It was a pity for Zouken that his current manifestation was not that of the demon Beelzebub, but Beelzebub the god of the Philistines.

"I will kill. I will let live. I will harm and heal. None will escape me. None will escape my sight.

Be crushed.

I welcome those who have grown old and those who have lost.

Devote yourself to me, learn from me, and obey me.

Rest. Do not forget song, do not forget prayer, and do not forget me.

I am light and relieve you of all your burdens.

Do not pretend. Retribution for forgiveness, betrayal for trust, despair for hope, darkness for light, dark death for the living.

Relief is in my hands. I will add oil to your sins and leave a mark.

Eternal life is given through death.

— Ask for forgiveness here. I, the incarnation, will swear.

— Kyrie eleison".

"You will regret this! I will haunt you for the rest of your life! Their is no salvation for you!" Zouken screamed as the last remnants of his being were wiped out by holy light. Beelzebub could care less about a dying man's threats. At his level of Magecraft, he didn't even need physical contact to use the rite. His screams died as his body was dispersed into ash, a silence hanging over the area.

Beelzebub quickly walked into the pit of bugs, unaffected by the corpses of the many insects, releasing his own swarm who devoured them in search of a certain girl. Unlike Zouken, his insects were made from his mana and more spirit than insect, acting like an extension of himself. It didn't take long before they found the girl, who had collapsed from being introduced to the mist

A quickly healing spell later and the girl was back to normal. A quick mental command led to Jack closing the shutter of her lantern, which ended the use of [The Mist]. He quickly grabbed the purple haired girl, with a worried looking Assassin following him as they exited the basement. Sakura Matou had been saved, but no in the way she expected.