

"――To lead the army to fulfill my duty... Heh, hehe, hehehe."

In the town square, figures resembling Servants descend. Countless wyverns fill the sky, far exceeding the numbers seen in the previous fortress.

"What's going on?"

"'Oh, thank goodness! We made it in time, Your Majesty! It's Servants! There are five of them! What should we do!?'"

"'Mash, protect Ritsuka! Don't let your guard down even for a second!'"



The white saint and the black saint face each other.

They look like mirror images. Their expressions are completely different, but they emanate unwavering light and unyielding hatred respectively.

The flag depicting a dragon.

The flag praising a god.

Everything about them is like the two sides of a coin.

"Hahahaha! This is ridiculous! Someone, please splash water on me! It's dangerous, I might die! Me!"


"Because it's just so absurd! What is that? A rat? A worm? A bug? Hahaha! It's so petty that it makes me laugh!"

The black saint continues to laugh heartily. It is undoubtedly the voice of Jeanne, whom they had heard earlier, but...


A loud, mocking laughter interrupts her.

"――What's wrong, Servant over there? Be quiet. Stop that annoying laughter."

Ignoring the black saint who mutters irritably, Gilgamesh keeps laughing.

"How can anyone not laugh at this! It's a masterpiece! This is the Dragon Witch!? Only a child accompanied by numerous followers would see it like that! Wait, disappear! Die! Laugh to death! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!!"

"G-Gil, stop!"

"What's the matter!"

Suddenly, Gilgamesh starts laughing—it seems the scene has struck his chord. His sense of humor is incomprehensible.

"――I see. So it was you. Gilles was talking about a bothersome golden rider."

"Hmph, you also have a guardian, huh? What about your father? Is the man with the tear-streaked face nowhere to be found?"



The Servant clad in iron dress and the extravagant Servant smile at each other.

"What's so funny!!"

"I'm sorry, but he just seemed so jolly over there."

"Yes, his actions are quite amusing. Forgive us."

"Tch... Well, never mind. I originally intended to lure you all here."


"――Who are you? The Dragon Witch..."

"Huh? You're still asking such a question at this point? Me? I'm Jeanne d'Arc. The Saint of the Flag—"

"You are not a saint! Not as I am!"

(Master, prepare for summoning. Mash, focus on defense.)


(Your task is to survive. Put everything into staying alive for now....)

"'I understand. If only we had a bit more information about those Servants...'"

"Good. The standard-bearer will buy some time."

"I'm not a saint. Even though I am Jeanne d'Arc, I do not believe in miracles."

The black Jeanne raises her dark flag proudly.

"I am a witch――The Dragon Witch! I ride wyverns, dragons, and command Servants to turn this France into a scorched wasteland!!"

"A Dragon, a witch...!"

"Are you Jeanne!? Or not!? Which one is it!?"

"Oh, my. You're the Master, right? This leftover trash of a saint and a demi-Servant—also that annoying golden one over there."


"You're so disgustingly foolish. Pointing fingers and raising hands are only for school, you know?"

"You're not the type to attend school."

"Oh, such an eyesore, such an earsore. A truly nauseating Servant! What's with that Gil Gil Machine or whatever? Trying to compete with wyverns in speed? What nonsense! Are you an idiot!?"

"Don't bark, don't bark. Pointing fingers and raising hands are only for school, I suppose."

"If you wish to speak with me, kneel and lower your head. I shall punish your insolence with a beheading."

The provocation from Gilgamesh continues. The face of the witch claiming to be Jeanne is becoming more and more enraged.

"I apologize... I didn't read the room for a clueless girl who can't even read or write. Back when I was enjoying playing witch of revenge, I wasn't mindful of the situation."

―― He calculating the number of wyverns flying in the sky.


"Is that pattern handmade? It seems like someone painstakingly taught you. Let me guess. Did you sit at a desk, working hard to design it? To be honest, it's not even close, not even a speck, to the flag of salvation. It's just a pathetic flag of a mob with no sense of taste."

(Ugh... That's harsh... Such a joyful smile...)

(Senpai, that Jeanne over there, her shoulders are shaking...)

(She's angry―― She's really angry!)

"――――Listen quietly... You're talking too much as a Servant!!"

"What are you as a mere Servant? A jester? A class change from a peasant to a saint to a jester? Oh well..."

Looking down on her, he delivering the final blow.

"I see. 'You ran away from salvation.' Is that what your appearance is? Have you finally realized that it's easier to destroy rather than save? Fuhahaha! Well done! You're better than the white one! Shall I give you some candy? Oh, you must have been devoid of luxury! A modest girl! A lizard witch――what a joke!!"


A sound of something breaking.

"――Fine, I've changed my mind!"

With a swift motion, she raises her flag.

"I'll burn down this entire town along with that irritating mouth!!!"

"No! There are still people in the town!!"

"Burn it all! Wyverns!! Consume it all!! Kill every living being!! Destroy everything that has value!!"

Issuing the order to attack――but

――It's too late.


The wyverns that were waiting in the air were shot down 'all at once' before they could demonstrate their true abilities.


"You mongrel. Why do you think I bothered to exchange meaningless words with you?"

That's right. The time was bought to target all the wyverns in the air.

For a few seconds, there was an opening――― So Gilgamesh used that opportunity, for this to happen.

He selecting the weapon with atribute Dragon Slayer calmly, and firing all at once.

Unlike the time at the fortress, he didn't want blood and flesh to scatter, so he prioritized speed and chose Noble Phantasms that would 'carve away' the targets.

Noble Phantasms at the speed of sound that carve away flesh—there are countless of them in his treasury.

――Not letting the people die.

――Not letting France be destroyed.

After all, the people living there... are also human.


"Good. I've cleared out the small fry. If you don't send out a general, I'll cut off your head."


The witch swings her flag in anger. It seems like the real fight has begun.

"Berserker Lancer! Berserker Assassin! Berserker Rider! Berserker Saber!"

"Kill them—tear them apart!!!"

The opposing camp brims with hostility.

It begins. The battle of Servants.

"Country girl. Mash. Protect Master. You are the shield, fulfill your duty."

"Yes, understood!"

"I got it!"

"All of Marie's efforts have come to nothing. What an enjoyable self-destruction."

From the golden ripple, Gilgamesh take out the silver halberd.

"Now then, ordinary Heroic Spirits. Come at me. Servant of the Class Gorgeous—King of Heroes, Gilgamesh!"

"Now, I shall show you the majestic presence of a king in high spirits!!"


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