

In the Fifth Holy Grail War as the Garcher. But this one is way stronger than he should have been. -I don’t own anything. -First three chaps are in Skyrim and then starts F/SN

SplendidPuma · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

They appeared right above the Blue Palace of Solitude, where the dragonborn and also the High King of Skyrim was located.

'Hmm, no changes here.' He thought as he descended.

When he finally arrived right before the throne, where a man who was dressed in luxurious clothing that was adorned with jewels, was sitting on.

He had long blond hair that was tied in braids with piercing blue eyes and a strict gaze.

"Yo majesty." Evander said as he got down from the horse and gave a simple wave.


Felarof disappeared once again.

"Such insole-!" A man was about to shout before he was hushed by another man right next to him.

They were nobles who were gathered here today to discuss the recent problems that arose because of immigrants and nord supremacists but it was interrupted by Evander who suddenly appeared right in the middle of their discussion.

"We'll continue this discussion another time. You can dismiss." The man sitting on the throne said as he waved his hand to signal them to leave.

""Yes, milord.""

Then the crowd dispersed.

"Must be tough dealing with those guys all day." Evander said as he found himself a chair to sit.

"…Damn right it is! All they do is bicker and bicker all the time! Just make a decision gods damnit!" The man said with fury as he took out two bottles of mead from his secret stash under the throne and passed one to Evander.

"Tch. Still the same as always Welleg. You became the High King of Skyrim, but still drink cheap mead." Evander said as he took the bottle.

"What can I say? Some things never change." Welleg said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Unlike how you became an exhibitionist." He said.

"Hey! Gotta let those muscles breathe you know?" Evander said with a shrug this time.

"Oh yeah? You weren't thinking like that in the past though. I remember that you wore so much armor that you were unable to walk before we challenged Alduin."

"Those were the times I still thought of Alduin as strong. Anyways, enough about me. What about you? How's life been treating you?"

"Meh. Not that good actually. [Anduril] is about to rust." He said as a simple, curved sword with a single edge materialized in his hand.

The blade thrummed in anticipation in Evander's presence.

The reason for that was simple; Evander was the actual owner of the blade, but he gave it away to Welleg to use because he wasn't using it much just like Belthronding.

It was a sword that was shaped from Evander's spirit, his inner world where an unlimited amount of blades were stored.

By combining them all, he created his Shehai, Anduril.

It could be said that Anduril was The One Sword to Rule Them All.

It was his Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works, which was what allowed him to come this far in life, taken shape as a single sword.

And because he combined it, once he created Anduril, he couldn't access UBW as long as Anduril was out.

But of course he solved that problem once he attained more insights on the arcane.

"It's a Shehai idiot. It will never rust." Evander said as he passed Anduril back to Welleg. "It's time for me to leave." He said as he got up.

"So soon?" Welleg asked as he retrieved Anduril and made it vanish.

"Yeah. I have a place to visit."


Felarof appeared once again.

"In that case, it was good seeing your face old friend."


And with those words, they disappeared from Welleg's vision.


"Hmm, let's not bother Serena and Lydia. College should be doing fine. Which leaves me only one thing to do. Let's go Felarof. To Last Vigil."

Evander said and Felarof obeyed.


In a barren land filled with snow and mountains as far as the eyes could see, the duo of a unicorn and a man appeared.

Last Vigil was the place where he entertained the Ebony Warrior in a mortal combat.

He was the strongest opponent Evander fought in his life. And emerging victorious from that fight was something Evander still took pride in.

The signs of destruction from their fight could still be seen in the land.

And the name of the place made it a suitable place for Evander to do what he had in mind.

He got down from Felarof as he said, "Alright old friend, this is where we part. Take good care of yourself."


Felarof didn't hide his sadness as he nudged Evander with his head.

"Yeah. I'll miss you too. Now, off you go."


With a last neigh, Felarof vanished.

"Alright, let's finish this." Evander said as Mithrandir appeared in his hand.

Enormous amounts of magical energy started pouring out of his body.

It was an amount that couldn't be possessed by a mortal. And its source was Evander's heart.

Or specifically, the Heart of Lorkhan.

The Heart possessed an infinite amount of mana, only limited by Evander's output.

He wasn't aware of his heart at the beginning of his journey. But as he faced more and more danger, he slowly learned to harness its energy.

And now, he was using it to its maximum potential to open a gate.

Slowly, a gate enough for a single person to pass through opened and he walked through.

Behind the gate stood a magnificent throne hall that was decorated with paintings depicting heroic legends and armaments that were never meant to be wielded by mortal hands.

Right at the end of the hall, stood a metallic silver throne made of countless swords. And on it, was a humanoid figure fully shrouded in light with only a mouth that was smiling disturbingly could be seen.

It was The Paragon. The God of Craftsmanship, Heroes and Well-Earned Luck.

The Paragon was the god Evander worshipped during his life. 'He' helped Evander a lot during his adventures and saved his life.

Evander could only feel gratitude towards this god even though he made him partake in many dangerous adventures.

But his worship lasted only until Evander attained the pinnacle in the arcane and saw the truth of the world.

After that he stopped worshipping The Paragon. The reason for that was simple.

He slowly walked towards the figure shrouded in light.

"You're here." The figure said.

"Yeah. Good job all this time. You are dismissed." Evander waved his hand and the figure disappeared from its place.

Evander ascended the steps and finally took his rightful place as The Paragon who sits upon the Silver Throne.

[Why would you worship a god, if that god was yourself to begin with?] Was what Evander unraveled once he saw the truth of the world.

He has always been The Paragon. Or better known in the past as Lorkhan.

He was the God of Man who tricked the gods into creating a world for the mortals to live in.

And because of his trickery, his heart was taken from him. But it didn't stop him from ascending to godhood once again as The Paragon.

He spent eons watching as the mortals carved their names in history of their worlds in their short lives.

He liked watching them. Because he was the God of Heroes.

And all of them earned a place in his Hall of Heroes.

One day, he thought; 'Why don't I create a mortal vessel for myself and create my own legend too?'

And that's what he did.

He created a mortal vessel for himself with his Heart that he later retrieved. And also took a small chink from the infinite swords that made up his throne and placed it in the vessel.

Giving him the Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works.

After that, he created his godly avatar that would sit on the throne while he was away.

After everything was finished, he erased his memories since a mortal vessel couldn't handle the mind of a divine and sent himself on to the mortal plane to have some fun.

Normally gods were generally mechanical beings that only existed for their purpose. They couldn't feel emotions nor know the definition of 'fun'.

But he was special.

He was originally the God of Man.

And later on he became the God of Craftsmanship.

That's why, he had a sense of self unlike the other gods.

After completing everything, he was just about to descend himself into the mortal world before he stopped.

He gazed into a distant universe, where no magic existed.

In a planet called Earth, there were mortals who created works of fiction about other universes where they existed for real.

And one of the mist popular troupes of their fiction was transmigration to another world.

'Why no?' He thought as he copied the memories of a random mortal and fused it with his mortal vessel.

That way, he will think that he transmigrated to another world when first wakes up. 'That would be fun.' He thought.

And finally descended.

That's how the mortal named Evander came to be.

The mortal vessel of The Paragon, Lorkhan.

After returning to his Realm of Infinite Crafts, 'His' mortal vessel 'Evander' was also recorded in his Hall of Heroes.

He had achieved his purpose. He was both the God of Heroes, and also one of the greatest heroes in the history of Nirn.

Then he set his eyes onto a distant universe, where something similar to his Hall of Heroes existed under a different name.

They called it Throne of Heroes.

'What if… they combine?' 'He' thought.

With a single thought, he appeared before two entities.

One a green orb and the other a blue orb.

They were the rulers of their universe. And were known as Gaia and Alaya.

{I've come to bargain.} He said.


"That went better than I expected." Lorkhan said as he came back to his Throne and took a chink same size as the one he gave to his mortal vessel.

In exchange for combining Throne of Heroes with Hall of Heroes, they wanted a small piece of his authority to give it to a mortal of their own choosing.

He sent the piece to Alaya. {I call it Unlimited Blade Works.} He added and watched as their heroes combined.

Then he returned to his mortal vessel, erased his memories once again to not kill all the fun but gave himself a few instructions on what to do in the 'Fifth Holy Grail War' and waited for the summoning.


Alright, final chapter before we get to F/SN.

Let me know your thoughts and check out the auxiliary for the servant parameters.

By the way, this was actually what I had planned for the other book if I had continued to write.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SplendidPumacreators' thoughts