
Chapter 8, There's more to this life than just creating swords.

Svin looked like he was about to explode at any moment, yet someone intervened.

"Shirou, we have to go."

The redhead turned and saw Altrouge heading towards him.

He nodded, "You're right," Then he headed towards the gravedigger, "Gray, I have to help the professor tomorrow. Would you mind if we talked after that?"

She shook her head, "Not at all. I think Friday is the best day for us to meet, it's the day we have few classes, and besides, everything will be open."

Shirou nodded, "So, we'll see you on Friday," then the boy turned to his teacher, "Excuse me, teacher, but do you have any more books that talk about runes?"

"Have you finished with the basic runes?"

Shirou nodded, "Yes, but I have not found many books to help me continue. Although I have seen more advanced rune books, they are too complicated for me without a teacher helping me."

Waver nodded, "It is a problem that there are no classes dedicated to the study of runes, just because they are not popular today," After some thought, the young lord said, "Tomorrow, after we finish dealing with our problem, I'll give you some more appropriate books for your level."

"Thank you very much," he said, leaning forward.

That said, Shirou and Altrouge said their goodbyes to the others present, and Gray and the young lord also said their goodbyes normally. However, Svin found himself as if they had used a mystical eye of petrification on him.

Seeing his student's precarious situation, Waver took pity on him, "Svin, do you want to join us?"

This lit up the boy's gaze, "Yes."

Thus, Waver, Gray, and Svin withdrew from the auditorium.

On the other hand…

Shirou and Altrouge were heading to their apartment.

"You still haven't received any response from your father?" Altrouge asked.

The redhead shook his head, "Unfortunately, Kiritsugu is doing work in the Middle East, so it is difficult to contact him at this time."

"I see…"

The two of them had arrived at his apartment, today Rin was not coming because he had extracurricular activities.

"Sit down," ordered the princess.

"But I have to continue with my work," Shirou said, confused.

She narrowed her eyes, "Will you challenge me?"

That alone was enough for the boy to sit in a chair. He wasn't stupid. If the girl in front of him wanted to kill him, she could do it at any time.

"In the bed!"

"Eh? But…"

She stared at him.

Without thinking twice, the boy obeyed, "What will you do?"

"Take pity on you. Again…"

Again, he looked at her confused, "I don't understand what you mean..."

She sighed, "Since you found out that the holy grail war was the cause of the burning of your hometown and that your father participated in some way in the ritual, you have not been able to concentrate well, and you find yourself spaced out all the time..."

He lowered his gaze, "Sorry…"

"I'm not asking you to apologize, silly!"

"Then what do you want…?"

"Talk to me. Tell me, what will you do once I find you with your father?" Altrouge then struck a firm pose, "And I'm not giving you a choice. Talk to me."

Knowing that he did indeed have no choice, he tried to explain, "I… I don't know." Shirou sighed. "My father has done horrible things, but he did them always with the greater good in mind. If my father was involved, then maybe, during that ritual too..." But he shook his head, "But I can't accept that that fire happened for the good of others, not after I had lived it."

"Well, you must stop your imagination a bit."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't even know what actually happened in the ritual. If what you know is correct, then whoever wins the war also wins the grail, and that way, you can make a wish, right?"

The redhead nodded.

"If your father is the way you think he is. Do you really think he was able to make a wish that caused the death of more than 500 people?"

He lowered his gaze, "If what he told me is true. If there was a greater good involved…"

"And was there one? Who benefited from such a disaster?"

Shirou shook his head, "I don't know."

She nodded, "Exactly. This may mean that he did not make such a wish. Besides, something wrong could have happened in the ritual as well, and this could have been related to him or not. What I want to tell you is that, try to go without prejudice…" Altrouge also lowered her gaze, "Remember that the world is dying and, for humans, life is fleeting. Spending your life worrying about something that you have not yet faced is a waste of time. Do you understand, Shirou?"

He was thoughtful for a few moments, but then he nodded, "Yes, I know," then he tried to crack a smile, "Thank you, Altrouge."

She smiled in response, "Good! Now that we've dealt with your first problem. Let's deal with the second."

"The second? Is there a second?"

She nodded, "Yep, you have a second big problem."

"Which one?" The redhead asked, confused.

"You are terrible at understanding some people's feelings and therefore also at reading the environment of various situations. In fact, you are also quite bad at understanding your own emotions."

"I don't know what you mean."

Although somewhat tired, she smiled at him, "Let's play a game, like when we first met…"

"C-Couldn't we just talk it over?" The boy asked, fearing for his life.

She shook her head, "Nope, we'll play whether you want to or not. You're as dense as steel. If I tell you in words, you won't understand."

"So, w-what are we going to play?"

She smiled and suddenly knocked him onto the bed.

"Hey, Altrouge!" Although at first, the redhead was angry at the abrupt movement, quickly another feeling washed over him, "W-What are you doing!?"

Now the princess of the eclipse was on top of him, preventing him from escaping.

She was smiling at him with that same mischievous smile that she outlined every time she proposed to perform mischief, "Did I tell you, no? We are going to play a game. I will ask you some questions, if you answer correctly, we will continue the game, if you fail…" Her mischievous smile turned into the same bloodthirsty smile she showed him when they faced each other, "You will receive punishment. Do you understand?"

He nodded robotically.

"Okay Shirou, if I do this ..." Altrouge slid her fingers over his chest, and even over his shirt, he could feel the coldness of them; she ran her fingers over his body until they reached his neck and began to caress him, " Why do you think I'm doing it? "

"Why do you want to bother me?"

She smiled a bit amused, "Partly yes, but, besides that... What else?"

"I-I don't know..."

"You really don't know?" the princess said as she continued to slide her cold fingers down his neck.

"I-I'm not sure."

She frowned, "Okay, first wrong answer."

She frowned, "Fine since your first answer is wrong..."


The princess raised one of his arms and bit it. Shirou felt a small part of his life liquefy like juice and was sucked through the apostle's bite. This hurt as much as if she had pricked him with a large needle and then began to liquefy his blood within his body.

Altrouge jerked away with blood running down her chin, her eyes glowing scarlet. Despite the pain suffered from the bite, the image in front of him was so fantastic that he couldn't help but lose himself in it.

"Ahhh, really virgin blood is the best," blushing, Altrouge smiled seductively, "Unless you want me to suck your whole life, I suggest you try harder."

He nodded, a bit dumbfounded.

"Tell me, Shirou. How do you feel if I do this, and why do you think I do it...?"

The girl brought her face closer to his, slowly, their faces touched, she went directly to his ear and, opening her mouth, she gave him a small bite, but not hard enough to hurt him, then she began to suck on his lobe.

She whispered directly into his ear, "Answer me, Shirou, why am I doing this...?"

"Because you're playing with me, and you want to... s-stimulate me?"


She pulled away a bit leaving their faces inches from each other.


"Why is my face flushed?"


She lightly bared her fangs, "Answer me. I'll give you a hint: It's the same reason you're hyperventilating."

He tried to look away in embarrassment, but she wouldn't let him, "I-It's because I'm… B-Because, we are... are... e-excited, r-right?"

Altrouge smiled, "Well… Now the last question: What do I want you to learn from this?"

"Y-You said that I was bad at reading the environment; is that what you wanted me to learn?"

The princess nodded, "Tell me, Shirou, why do you think that a star student like Rin continues to work in a group with you, even when she already has some boot-lickers asking her to be with them? Why is Gray, who is somewhat gloomy and somewhat closed by nature, opens up more easily before you? Is it just because of that "special contract" they have? Why does Caules rely so much on you? Why did Luvia accept the alliance with relative ease? Or, why did Svin avoids you so much? You've never asked yourself these questions, have you?"

"No, I've never done it…" The boy replied, feeling a bit guilty.

She nodded, "Exactly, and if you continue without asking yourself those questions, you will end up hurting those around you. It's not even just about them, Reines, Ayaka, El-Melloi, Kiritsugu… Do you understand? All people have a reason to act as they act, and if you want to avoid hurting them, you'd better start asking yourself those questions…" Then she smiled again, "Tell me, Shirou, if you read the environment, what situation would we both be in, and why?"

He blushed and looked away, "I-I refuse to give you the pleasure of hearing it!"

After hearing this, Altrouge laughed heartily, then got up and got off the boy, smiling at him, "This world is dying. Now, mortals and immortals, we have a limited life. And, within this, there is much more than just creating swords."

She proceeded to walk away, but Shirou stopped her by grabbing her arm, "Did you do it just to annoy me and teach me a lesson?"


"I know that the dead apostles possess a constant thirst for blood, although your blood of true ancestor must mitigate how much blood you need, the vampiric impulses are still present, aren't they?"

The princess nodded.

"I wouldn't mind giving you a little once in a while. You've helped me a lot, so…"

She sighed, "I guess it's progress..."

Shirou looked at her, confused.

The princess turned around and looked him straight in the eye, "You know, in this world, there are powerful people, much more capable than you, for example, the old Kaleido, he beat a Type on his own. Besides, there are absurdly powerful magi, like Blue. So ... why did I decide to come with you? Why am I interested in you? Was it just your blood that I wanted right now? " Altrouge smiled once more, "Sometimes there are more than answers to the same question. It's up to you to figure them out."

In this world, there is more than just creating swords. Right? That is obvious, but... creating swords is the only thing I know perfectly and the only thing in which I have talent. The boy thought.

That afternoon, Shirou did not train. His ancestor had already told him that, to forge, he needed to be calm, and he was not at this moment. On the other hand, experimenting with the bounded fields of the ridge's time-space magecraft was a dangerous thing to do with a restless mind. That afternoon, he began to ask himself those questions. After thinking about it for a while, he found the answers to some of his questions, however for the others, he could not agree with himself.

The day finally passed, and with that, the next day came. He attended their respective classes and when he finished the last one...

Svin and Shirou found themselves in front of Lord El-Melloi. Altrouge decided not to accompany him this time. She told him that this was something he had to do on his own...

"They are ready?" Waver asked.

"Yes," they both replied.

Thus, the two students and the teacher left the facilities. They left Mystile and left the Clock Tower behind.

"Hey!" Svin said. He seemed to be really mad at just talking to him.

Shirou had been thinking about the questions Altrouge had suggested to him the day before. However, he hadn't come to a conclusion when it came to Svin. The boy didn't like him, that was easy to tell, but he had no idea why. Shirou hadn't done him any harm, he hadn't messed with him at any time, and Kiritsugu hadn't attacked any member of his family in any way, so he had no idea why.


"Do you know where we are going?"

Shirou nodded, "Yes. I talked to Gray last night, and she told me that the cafeteria where the teacher ate closed suddenly. Since then, he has been in a bad mood. That is why he has had a bit bitter attitude in the last classes."

"I see ..." After a few seconds, Svin lost control when he understood what Shirou had said, "Wait! How did you talk to Gray at night!?"

He nodded, "Yes, she called me on the phone."

Desperate, Svin grabbed Shirou by the shirt, "Why did he call you and not me!?"

Although surprised by the outburst, the redhead did not respond aggressively, "It's just that Svin, you don't have a cell phone..."

"Huh ...?" The surprised boy exclaimed.

Shirou smiled uncomfortably, "That's why we never managed to contact you, not Caules, not Flat, not Gray, not me, and that happens to various members of the class as well..."

The realization hit the young man, and he became depressed with great speed. It almost seemed that the redhead had thrown a stone at him because of how hunched the young blond had become.

Trying to cheer him up, he said, "B-But that is easily solved. You just have to buy a cell phone. So you will talk to everyone..."

Everyone? Does that mean I can talk to Gray? This quickly encouraged the young magus, "Yes! You're right. I just have to buy a cell phone."

Shirou nodded.

"Hey, you two! Hurry! We are about to arrive..." said the young lord, who was a few meters in front of the two.

"Yes," they both answered.

After catching up with his teacher, Svin asked, "Teacher, you haven't told us what we're going to do yet."

"The place I frequent to eat was closed due to electrical problems. After doing some research, it seemed that some rodents destroyed the wires of the power panel."

"Is magic involved? I can't imagine the rodents being electrocuted and still chewing on wires just to cut them," Shirou said.

He nodded, "Yes. When I investigated, I managed to find traces of magic. There were footprints of a kind of rodent... However, these were much larger than they should be. Aside from Gray, you two are my most battle-oriented students. That's why I brought them both."

All three went into the pipes.

The three of them went into the pipes in London.

"These pipes are from the 19th century, right?" Svin asked.

The professor nodded, "That's right. I was able to identify that the creature is not only related to electricity but also the planet Jupiter. And it seems to grow by devouring electricity."

The lord sprinkled orange powder on the ground. Suddenly, bluish footsteps and a stream of blue energy became visible, "And it seems to keep growing…"

"Is magecraft related to animals?" Shirou asked.

Waver nodded, "Curiously, the dean of the zoology faculty died recently. They are looking for a new one, and they are killing themselves for the position..."

"Do you think he's a magus from the zoology department?"

"It's possible…"

Waver kept walking, however, Svin stopped, and Shirou stopped shortly after.

Svin's eyes gleamed a bluish color, "Teacher, watch out!"

The young lord didn't have time to react when a massive rabbit twice his size attacked him out of nowhere. The animal began to pull him into the depths of the pipes.

The rabbit was huge. Its fur was white and was radiating electricity. Its eyes, on the other hand, were red and bright. It also had huge claws and sharp teeth.

Svin rushed forward and, using his magecraft, transformed his legs into golden wolf-like beast legs. However, the moment he approached the Lord.

"Svin, BE CAREFUL!" Shirou yelled, who was following him a few meters.

A second rabbit jumped after the other and tackled Svin throwing him towards Shirou. The redhead managed to catch him, but he was thrown several meters away.



When the two got up, the rabbits were gone, and they had taken their teacher with them too.

"Where did they go!?" Shirou asked worriedly.

"If they're rabbits, maybe they have some kind of nest deep in the pipes."

"We must hurry! The teacher may be in danger."

Svin nodded, "If there is a magus involved, I don't think it will hurt him right away."

"But, if there are more than two rabbits, it might be too much for us…"

Although the boy frowned, he nodded again, "But if we delay too long, the teacher's life could be in danger. We'd better hurry…" He said before turning around and looking at where the rabbit had taken the Lord.

"Ok, although I was planning to ask Gray for help…"

He turned around again at high speed, "We can wait a bit!"

Shirou nodded and took his cell phone.

Tuunn… Tuunnn…

The cell phone rang and rang, but the call didn't connect.

"Looks like we're out of luck. The walls must be blocking the signal..."

"Then we have no choice but to continue on our own."

Shirou nodded, and they both continued in the direction from which the rabbit had come out.

After a few minutes…

"Svin, can I ask you a question?"


The redhead was quiet for a few moments, but he finally he spoke again, "There's a reason why you don't like me, right?"


"Well, you always try to avoid me. Every time I'm around, you frown, and, last year, you madded out a few times… However, I haven't been able to figure out what it was I did to displease you..."

Svin looked at him incredulously, "Are you serious?"

Shirou nodded, and Svin sighed.

It's just as silly as Flat, but applied to this sense... The blond young man thought, "Gray…"

"Gray?" The confused redhead asked.

"Do you not understand?"

Shirou shook his head, "I don't think I did anything wrong to Gray to make you mad at me."

"It's not about that! It's just the opposite..." The boy yelled, frustrated.

This confused the redhead, "The opposite? Does it make you mad that I'm a good person to Gray?"

"Yeah! I mean, no! It's..." Svin sighed wearily, "How did you manage to get so close to Gray!?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Am I that close to her? I thought Flat was just as close, and I think the closest person to her is the teacher…"

"Flat acts the same with anyone. The teacher does not count, and... Have you really not realized how close you two have become?"

Seeing Shirou's face, he knew the answer was: no.

"They sat together from the first days of class. You have their cell phone number. They stayed together in the infirmary; Flat told me that they talked even on vacations! Are you telling me you don't feel anything for Gray?"

"Well, every time I'm with her, I feel a sense of conformity around her; now I know why, even though I don't think it would change anything even if it didn't link us. In fact, I'm not quite sure what I feel…" Shirou sighed, "When it comes to some relationships, it is easy to define them, but others are very complicated..."

"What?" Svin exclaimed, confused.

"On the other hand, how do you feel about Gray?"

"Me, for Gray? Gray ..." After mentioning her name, Svin started saying things in a dreamy, almost creepy way, "She has a sweet, beautiful, and slightly sad scent. So sweet, I want to smell her, right now... "

"I see…" Shirou laughed awkwardly, "For a moment, I thought you had romantic feelings for her…"

That stopped the boy's reverie, "What!? What do you mean!?"

"Well, after thinking about it a bit, I thought you were in love with her. But, after hearing you talk, I think I was wrong, right?"


"You just… you're just obsessed with her smell… aren't you?"

That made Svin glare at him in anger, "What do you mean!? Why don't you think I'm in love with her!?"

"Well, almost every time you talk about her, I've only heard you talk about her scent..."


Shirou became thoughtful, "I've never been in a relationship, and yesterday I understood that it was bad enough to read the environment..."

That would be an understatement. Thought Svin

"But if I were in love with Gray, I don't think I would say that I like her just because of her smell..."

"W-What do you like about her?" The young blond's voice was strained.

Although somewhat stunned by the question, he honestly replied, "Well, things like, that she has a nice smile, or how fun it is to see her when she discovers new and surprising things about the moonlit world. I also like that she thinks differently from the rest of the magus…" Shirou sadly remembered the look Gray had when she realized what the heirs were for their parents, during the events that occurred in the Fargo's house, "She was truly horrified when she realized that magi view their children as mere possessions," yet, he perked up with his next words, "I'm glad that she always smiles when I spoke to her and admired how devoted she is to the teacher..."

She only smiles so easily, every time you talk to her... He thought with some bitterness.

"You know, that kind of thing," Then the redhead blushed a bit embarrassed, "She is also quite cute," Shirou didn't notice that while talking about the girl, he smiled slightly, and he didn't notice that every word was like the blow of a hammer to the young magus, "Also..."

"Enough!" The boy yelled and turned around.


"I don't need to hear more, what I wanted to know, you've already confirmed," Svin bit his lip, "You too…"

"I too?"

Svin clenched his fists, "You're right. You're really bad at judging the environment. Come on. The teacher is waiting for us to rescue him!"

"O-Okay," Seeing how angry Svin was, Shirou decided not to ask anymore. In his mind, he sighed wearily. Am I really that bad at reading the environment? I'm asking myself the questions, and I'm looking for answers, but what if I can't find the answers, or if the answers I find are wrong…? My life was easier when it was only about creating swords...

The expression: 'There is more to life than just creating swords.' It became a personal challenge for him.

"Sorry, Svin. If I misunderstood something or was wrong in any way, I apologize…" The boy whispered.

Svin didn't respond, not only because he was angry but also because the boy's words had reached him, even if he didn't want to. He knew that to maintain a relationship, it was not enough that you like a quality that a person possessed; moreover, due to his magecraft, he could not get very close to Gray or anyone else who provoked strong emotions, that is why Lord El -Melloi II had forbidden him to get too close to her. But what worried the boy most was that he had doubts again. He not only liked the smell of her, but he also cared about the girl and shared the redhead's opinion that she was cute. However, did he really want all of her, or was he just a little obsessed with her? Was it love? He didn't know, and doubt was eating into him.

However, neither of them had much time to think about their respective doubts. In the distance, two huge rabbits were shown radiating sparks.

Svin transformed his hands and feet into their bestial forms. Shirou, from his side, took his Black Barrel and prepared to cover Svin.

The first rabbit attacked Svin, but he, with his superior speed, managed to avoid the attack easily. However, the second rabbit tried to tackle him just like the last time but, a bullet hit him in the side with enough strength to throw it away.

Black barrel, he had done as much research as he could about the weapon since he took it as a trophy from his fight against the eldest daughter of that dead apostle. However, he had not gotten a relevant amount of information. It is a weapon that disintegrates the ether. And, it was modified by the dead apostles to react to the activation of magic circuits. The greater the amount of ether the enemy has, the more damage it will do to it and, it is impossible to retain the damage. The only way to counteract it is for the body to be free of such substances.

Ether or also known as void. This is one of the five great elements and also the fifth imaginary factor. According to the teachings of the Mage's Association, it combines with any of the other four elements to actualize the mysteries of thaumaturgy. Simply put, it is the artificial magical energy that forms the basis of the modern magecraft, as it did not exist during the age of the gods. Although amorphous and unable to materialize on its own power, ether is what allows formless bodies to take on material form. Paracelsus assigned it a black-purple color after Tattva.

The Black Barrel could destroy Ether, and since Ether is destined to transform into any of the four elements, the elemental magecraft was useless against it. Additionally, any type of magecraft upgraded via this is also useless against the weapon.

But that was all he knew about the rifle with a curved butt. He did not know where it had been created, or why and he felt that there was something he still could not discover about that weapon.

Rabbits were infused with lightning bolts, and they were animals that belonged to Jupiter's territory. Further amplifying its power. However, against the Black Barrel, lightning magecraft was also counterproductive.

Svin hit the first rabbit hard, throwing it hard on top of the second. Both rabbits charged electricity and prepared to release it overwhelmingly. However, before it was released...

Pamp! The bullet fired from the rifle flew at the rabbits and, before the rabbits released their energy, hit them.


Both rabbits were destroyed by the explosion...

"What kind of weapon is that?" Svin asked, seeing the damage he caused to the rabbits with a single shot.

"I don't know, but I'm still looking into it. I got it during the operation in Aylesbury."

Svin walked over to where the rabbits were.

"There is a barrier. But it was weakened when we destroyed the rabbits."

The barrier was manifested as space where geometric figures impeded the advance of the two boys.

Approaching the figures, Svin began using his finger like a pen and writing symbols unintelligible to normal people directly in the air. If what we learned in the teacher's classes is correct, then I only have to enhance and reverse the flow of the magical energy that maintains the barrier so that, in this way, it is destroyed by its own weight.

Suddenly all the figures began to disappear, and space returned to its usual shape. However, what they now had before them, which previously seemed a dead-end, was now a huge corridor into the deep...

"Svin, this is?" The redhead asked worriedly.

He nodded nervously, "It's a magus's workshop…"

"Who in their right mind would create a workshop in the pipes of London?" Shirou asked.

"The same person who let his familiars, those phantasmal rabbits, attack innocent people, I suppose..." The blonde replied.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, come on…"

The two of them went through the huge hallway and what they found on the other side was: A huge hall. Basically, the hall was decorated like a Greek sanctuary, the pipes surrounded the large place, and these carried fully electrified water. There were also holes in the sidewalls. As well as a statue of a man with wings being half-naked, it was probably Icarus. But most impressive was the huge Greek temple behind a large statue of the patron saint of the pantheon: A statue of Zeus (Also identified as Jupiter in Roman mythology).

"It seems you were right Lord El-Melloi II. Your students have come for you."

In front of the statue of Zeus stands an older gentleman. He wears a hooded robe and has a large beard tied into a braid. Most conspicuous in his appearance was a large staff that he carried in one of his hands.

Waver, on the other hand, was close to him. He was being pinned down by one of the old man's several rabbits.

"Shirou, Svin! Go back to the Clock Tower, report legislation to him! Tell them that Gurdoa Davenant is endangering the secret of our world!"

"B-But what about you, teacher!?" Svin asked.

"Just get out of here, you two! Before..."

Shirou lightly patted his partner's palm, "Svin…"


The boy turned and watched as two other rabbits appeared from the entrance, as well as the only exit.

Gurdoa smiled as he tapped the workshop floor with his cane...

The statue of Zeus began to emanate electricity and, from the holes in the walls of the sanctuary, around fourteen rabbits came out from within them. Surrounding Svin and Shirou...

The old man smiled triumphantly, "With great regrets, I can't let some simple careerists get in my way..."

"Don't be naïve, Gurdoa! You are breaking the biggest taboo in our world; even a second-rate lord like me could track you here, they will soon find out, and, knowing that you endangered the secrecy of our world. Forget about getting the post of Dean of Zoology!"

"The only naive one is you, Lord El-Melloi II! A hundred years ago, this would be nothing more than a trifle in the eyes of the association. I will use my familiars and the power of Zeus to ascend to the position of dean."

"Moron! A hundred years ago, the situation was different."

"You can say that, but despite the existence of the democratic faction, the way the association operates has not changed since its founding. As long as the roots are reached, the price paid is not a big deal," then the old magus laughed happily, "I must thank you. Thanks to you, I will be able to test the effectiveness of my familiars..."

As Waver argued with the elderly magus, Shirou took the opportunity to whisper to Svin, "Hey, do you think you'd be able to take on everyone if I cover for you?"

He denied with his head, "No, if there were only four or five, I would have a chance to beat them by being able to divide my body, but these are too many."

"What if it was just about gathering them in one place?"

"Gather them?"

Shirou nodded, "Yes, I have a trump card, but I can only use it once. If you can gather them in one place..."

Svin smiled slightly, "I'm more of a wolf, but I suppose I can be a sheepdog if necessary."

"Now you will see how great my research is. Attack!" Gurdoa screamed as he took another light blow with his cane."

The beastly rabbits attacked the duo, but the instant they jumped on top of the two, Svin transformed his entire body with his magecraft.

Svin possessed a type of magecraft that allowed him to increase his physical abilities. This he accomplishes by influencing himself with the mystery surrounding the beasts of the animal kingdom; enhancing the bestial nature within himself. This gives him qualities and abilities similar to that of animals. It can change its body and limbs with magical energy to imitate various magical animals and creatures. Its most recognizable form is the one it had currently taken: that of a man imbued with the essence of a wolf, rather than a werewolf, the term phantasmal wolf is considered more appropriate. His appearance is that of a shiny werewolf with muscles and hair the firmness of metal.

With a huge leap, Svin dodged the attack of all the rabbits taking the redhead with him. The multiple rabbits jumped after him, and he avoided them at high speed.

"Can you use that trump card while I take you with me?"

Shirou nodded, "Yes! But I need a moment to charge the attack."

Svin nodded. He made up his mind to round up the other rabbits. They followed him at high speed while attacking him with lightning.

One of these managed to get closer to the duo...


With his large claws, the young magus slashed at anyone who came near him.

"Shirou, how much!?"

"Just a little more!"

Two rabbits jumped one after the other, and Svin used his legs to kick them away.

Gurdoa hit the ground again, and the statue of Zeus charged several rabbits with electricity.


Three rabbits began to emanate large amounts of electricity, and it shot towards the duo...


A huge howl emanated from the snout of Svin's bestial form. This gigantic howl nullified the electrical magecraft released by the rabbits. However, they began to prepare a second electric attack...

"Not yet!?"

"Jump as far away from the rabbits as you can, and then throw me at them!"


"Just do it!"

Svin did as he was asked. He jumped away from the rabbits and threw Shirou at them.

This is going to hurt. The boy thought.

He had no way to support himself to avoid the recoil of the attack that the holy sword would provoke; therefore, he would inevitably fly off when launching his attack. Even so, he drew his sword and, placing it in front of him, so Shirou begged, "Oh! Please lend me your strength! Bring me the victory! Sword of the selection, grant me the power! To cut down the wicked…! Neo… CALIBURN!"

With its name declared, the holy light was released from its edge and directed towards the rabbits. It collided with the electrical attack and surpassed it's in a matter of seconds. In just a few moments, the monster rabbits were cremated.

However, the recoil from the attack sent Shirou flying against one of the walls.

That sword? No, now is not the time. Waver addressed the elderly magus, "It all ended Gurdoa, surrender peacefully."

"Is it finished…? Ha! Ha! Ha! Not Lord, thanks to you, I have the perfect specimen."

"The perfect specimen? You don't mean ..." The young lord watched as Svin approached Shirou, who was struggling to his feet after crashing into the wall, "SHIROU BEWARE!"

"Huh?" Svin, who was slowly approaching him, suddenly lunged at him at great speed, "Time alter, double accel."

Shirou narrowly managed to escape Svin's claw.

"It's a surprise that you have a sword like that, brat, but can you use it against your partner?"

"I-I c-can't control my b-body," Svin said with great effort.

"Hairy beasts have attributes of Jupiter, and this is a shrine that uses its power. By harnessing the full power of the sanctuary, coupled with the authority of Zeus, I can control any beast in it."

Shirou was still recovering from using Neocaliburn that hit alone had greatly lowered his Od production.

Fortunately, Avalon was able to quickly heal the injuries caused by the rebound, but, even so, Svin was an extremely dangerous opponent. Even with his double accel, Svin's bestial form was faster than him, and just like when he faced Altrouge, he was facing an opponent who physically surpassed him. But this time, there were two big differences:

Altrouge was more powerful and dangerous than Svin by far, which was good for him, at least, right now.

However, the second difference, and the bad one, is that, unlike Altrouge, he couldn't use Neocaliburn against his partner. For a moment, he thought of unleashing a second attack; however, even if it had less than half the power of the first, it was highly likely that it would be enough to kill Svin or seriously injure him.

In short, Shirou had to hold back, but Svin didn't.


The claws were thrown at high speed, and Shirou blocked them as best he could.


Despite his efforts, it was impossible to block all of the magus' attacks. Svin's claws dug into the apprentice magus' flesh, tearing at his sides and leaving large marks on his arms. Right now, he really appreciated having Avalon with him.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Magus these days have lost their ambition. 100 years ago, no magus would hesitate to end the life of a comrade if necessary," Gurdoa laughed as he struck the ground with his staff, and the statue of the greek patron emanated electricity again, "Once I charge your friend with the rays of Zeus, you won't be able to do anything."

With a phantasmal body, and if electricity charged him, the Black Barrel would be absurdly effective, but then again, the attack would be too dangerous for the boy.

"S-Shirou, attack me. W-With my phantasmal body, I will be able to r-resist."

It's because you have a phantasmal body that I can't attack you! He resisted as much as he could, "I can't, any of my attacks are devastating for you, even more so with your phantasmal body."

"B-But…" As much as Svin fought against the old man's control, he couldn't do anything while the sanctuary of Jupiter remained.

Worse still, since Svin was only using magecraft to resemble a phantasmal beast, and it wasn't one properly speaking, Vorpal would not affect him.

"Shirou, the statue! Destroy the statue, and Jupiter's territory will disappear!" El-Melloi yelled.

"Ha! And how will he do that with his friend trying to kill him!?" Said the old magus.

He just needed to push Svin away a bit; that alone would be enough to win, but he couldn't do it. If only I had a shield or something like that... For a moment, he considered using one of his runes, but Svin's attacks were too swift to give him time.

He only had one option, but he really didn't want to use it. It was something dangerous that he had learned in his training with Altrouge. However, if he didn't, then...


Svin roared, sending Shirou flying and momentarily nullifying his time manipulation magecraft. At that moment, the young man imbued with bestial magecraft lunged at the apprentice blacksmith...

"I am the bone of my sword."

Something inside Shirou's body changed with those words...

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."


Svin's claw struck a metallic impact. From the wounds, numerous blades came out to transform his muscles into numerous blades that wove their wounds with swords. But, not only did swords seal his wounds, but, from his left hand, numerous blades came out from deep within his body, these were further strengthened thanks to his reinforcing magecraft.

Svin tried to launch another attack, but his claws found the blades again. Taking advantage of the proximity with the phantasmal wolf, Shirou took the opportunity to deliver a strong blow that sent the beast back several meters away. With the hand that was not modified by the blades, Shirou grasped the Black Barrel and pointed it at the statue.

The recoil of the shot threw him several meters back. His aim was spoiled, having held the weapon with one hand but, due to the large size of the statue, the bullet managed to be directed towards it.

"Do you think a single bullet can destroy the great statue of Zeus!?" Gurdoa laughed as he watched as the little bullet approached the gigantic statue.


The bullet hit the statue. This one, which was already loaded with Gurdoa's electric magecraft, exploded into a thousand pieces. This was due to the bullet destroying the ether that actualized the elder's magecraft.

"H-How is it possible!?" Gurdoa wondered.

Stupefaction flooded the magus…

So much so that he didn't realize that Svin broke free of his control and roared against him. This caused him to fly off, crash into the wall, and become unconscious. And this caused the phantasmal rabbit that subdued Waver to disappear, freeing the lord.

Both of them, Waver and Svin, ran towards Shirou. The boy was lying against a wall, and blades were coming out of his body. The simple movement of his limbs seemed painful. Fortunately, thanks to his suicidal training with Altrouge, he had managed to control both the position where the swords came out, as well as their shape and, finally, which blades came out. In short, despite how dangerous it was, he had managed to control, to some extent, the manifestation of his reality marble within his own body.

However, becoming a human porcupine was not something he liked at all, being extremely painful. Besides, he was also dangerous if he didn't control it well.

"Are you okay!?" Waver asked.

However, Shirou couldn't speak well; even making minimal movements caused him great pain. His production of Od was at a minimum, and while Avalon was slowly healing him, that did not negate the terrible pain the blades were causing him.

"Master, his body…" Svin spoke worriedly.

"We must get him to the medical wing! Let's take Gurdoa and get out of here!"

Svin nodded. Not leaving behind his transformation, he took the other three, and, using all his strength and his enormous speed, the phantasmal wolf leaped through the ceiling, taking the other three people with him.

After that, the redhead was between consciousness and unconsciousness. Only after three hours was he able to fully recover…

"Eh? Where am I? Ah... Again..." Again, Shirou was in the infirmary.

"Are you already awake?" Svin asked. He was sitting in a chair near the bed.

Shirou nodded, "I don't remember much after the Zeus statue was destroyed. What happened after that?"

"We took you out of there, and we brought you here. Everyone else came, but since Luvia, Rin, and Flat, were too loud, in the end, they ended up taking them all out. The only one we couldn't get out was her."

On the other side, sitting in another chair, was Altrouge. She seemed to be asleep.

"At first, Gray was going to stay, as her presence helps your healing in some way. However, it seems that your regeneration was fast enough to heal you while she was here."

"I told the professor that I would stay to make sure nothing happened until you woke up."

"I understand, thank you…"

Svin seemed to want to say something else but seemed to be struggling, "You know, bestial magecraft is a school that is widely practiced all over the world. It is a form of magecraft that appropriates the nature of beasts and inevitably leads to the complete loss of humanity in many of its users. For that reason, families that we're able to continue a stable bloodline while practicing it are rare."

The redhead listened carefully to what his partner was saying.

"The Glascheit family was one of those rare exceptions, but that was not because we have conquered that weakness. Even I could lose myself in madness; however, the magical crest of my family was forced on me," Svin slightly lowered his look, "Not a magus, not a human, not even a beast. I always felt that way."

"I guess in a way, I understand..."

"Hmn? What do you mean?"

Shirou looked at his hands for a moment, "My origin and my element are the same, sword. I am practically the embodiment of that concept. But… I am not completely a magus or a blacksmith, nor a human in full. I cannot even define myself as a sword. Or at least, not a complete one..."

"I see… So are you," Svin sighed, "When I met Gray, I knew from her scent that she was like me, like us, she is… How to say… She feels uncomfortable among the living, but it's too weak to embrace death and is deathly afraid of ghosts. You could say he just wanted, maybe... he just wanted to be with her, lick our wounds together..."

"It's a strange way to put it, but I understand…" Shirou replied.

The blond young man nodded, "That's why I thought that, maybe, the emotion I felt for her did not love at all. And, since that day, I have not been able to shake that feeling. However, there is something that I am sure of: I want to protect her. So, from that point of view…" Svin stretched his hand out to him.

The redhead smiled, understanding what the other boy meant, "I understand, senpai," Shirou stretched out his hand, and the two made a silent pact to protect the girl.

"Senpai? It's a Japanese term, right?"

The apprentice magus nodded, "Yes, it means something like superior."

"Oh, now that you mention it, Flat and I are currently the teacher's oldest students."

Shirou nodded. He understood that Svin had joined a month before Flat. The Clock Tower had a teaching cycle and a vacation period but, you could join the classes whenever you wanted, and you could also leave them whenever you wanted. In that sense, the Clock Tower was quite liberal.

"Good, now that you've woken up. I'll go inform the others," Svin left the room.

"See, I told you, there is much more to this life than just creating swords," Altrouge had her eyes closed, but she obviously was awake.

He smiled giving up, "I hope you teach me well, teacher..."

She smiled, "Oh? So, you want me to keep teaching you that way? Well, I guess you're already at that age…"

"I-I didn't mean that!" Sometimes he believed that she was only interested in him because she loved teasing him.

In Waver's office…

Waver was analyzing the situation. Gurdoa's defeat before he revealed the secret of magic had slightly increased his prestige, and that of his students. Especially in the department of zoology where the old magus, apparently, was not well-liked, as happened with the incident of the princesses of Iselma. Speaking of which, the Valualeta family had taken a severe hit due to that incident; however, due to their student's performance at Aylesbury, it was greatly mitigated. After all, Lord Valualeta was the boy's sponsor.

But that was not what mattered to him at the moment; when he went to look for clues in his workshop, he got a letter similar to the letter that that enemy had thrown at the Fargo house. In it, he said something that shook him...

"Clue number 2: In the destined place, those who seek to reach the eye of God will invoke the legendary spirits, and Babel will appear to allow them the ascent."

If clue number 1 had suggested it was the Holy Grail War, this confirmed it; but it didn't make sense. What was the place marked by the winter tree? What does this card refer to with the eye of God? And Babel, that Babel? But more importantly, who was sending you these clues? And because?

"Really, when it comes to the holy grail war, you can't stop yourself. Right, big brother?" Reines asked him with a slight smile.

"The holy grail war is supposed to never happen again, due to the weakening of the ley lines, but these letters suggest otherwise. Furthermore, the person who is sending them is found to be so involved in the suicide of the Fargo family, as in the whole Gurdoa problem. I can't turn a blind eye..."


Lord El-Melloi II looked at his apprentice, "Yes?"

"I-If there's a new holy grail war, please take me with you!" Gray said, leaning down.

I… thought it was impossible to participate in another holy grail war, I resigned myself to it. I lived trying to become a Lord, as was my teacher, although I knew it was impossible. If there is a possibility to continue the journey that we both started back then… Waver smiled, "Lady, if there is a new holy grail war, then..."

Back with the apprentice magus ...

Shirou had returned to his room, he was exhausted, so after serving dinner for him and Altrouge, he lay down to sleep. But, if he had known what he would dream of, he might have preferred to have stayed awake.

Once again, he was in that blazing hell.

"You don't seem happy to be in this place, don't you like it?"

That voice, I hadn't heard that voice in a year. It was the same voice of the being that came out of the mud the last times he had had that dream. He turned around, ready and determined to face that being.


Shirou was speechless. He expected to see that being with blackish and reddish skin, but what he found was totally different. There was a girl a little older than Shirou. She has light blonde hair, short to her shoulders. Her eyes are light blue, and she has some characteristic features of the English. She wears a short green dress, and she has it unbuttoned, revealing part of her chest.

"Who are you? Are you the same person I met last time?"

She smiled, "Of course, who else could it be?"

The girl smiled innocently and sweetly at him. But there was something dangerous about that smile.

"How are you here? Who are you?"

She approached slowly. The redhead felt that she must flee, but the mud surrounded the whole site, preventing him from escaping.

When she was right in front of him, they both stared at each other for a few moments. Shirou expected the girl to attack him, and he had already prepared to defend himself. However, what he never expected was what she did...

With one quick, nimble movement, she took his lips and kissed him.


For a moment, Shirou tried to separate himself from her, but his body did not obey him. He felt her lips. They had a soft sensation and a warm temperature. After a few moments, both parted...

Shirou tried to open his mouth to ask her something, but she silenced him with one of her fingers.

With a mischievous smile, she told him, "Ma-na-ka. And you are Shirou, my Shirou..."

At that moment, he knew his life was going to get even more complicated.