
Fate Altering System: I Can Alter Fate with Bullshit!

Kobi was an unfortunate but serious guy. His girlfriend mistook him for cheating and didn't have any desire to make-up. But after his persistent effort, she finally conceded and just when they were about to hit-it off again... he got transmigrated. And his golden finger requested a single thing in turn for sending him back... destruction of the world. But Kobi was a serious and kind man, one called an angel in human skin, so, he could never do such treachery. Hence he set out to destroy the world. His love for his sweetheart was earnest and pure... hence after his separation and finding himself in this hideous plot... he set out to gather his harem. He was a noble and charming warrior... hence he vowed to humiliate every enemy that dared to obstruct him! Filled so much with dignity that even Dignity begged him for some and so pure that he didn't know the S of shamelessness. He remained stoic as he appraised one beauty after another. He made the great elder devils beg him for some tips and the angels to puke blood. Gifted with his hax, and venemous tongue, he set out to gather power and conquer the world... all for his earnest goal to reunite with his sweetheart(s). A few of his noble quotes: "Have you ever seen the sun rise from the south? No? Of course! It's because I wake up in the east!" "When it comes to woman... I am blind! Hence... I follow the earnest motto of Every Hole Is A Goal!" "I don't seek the power to defeat my enemies... but only so little that I can humiliate them!" "When I was born... My father wished to name me Conqueror but my mother wanted to name me Divine... I vomited in loath and rebuked, 'Don't humiliate me, look, the sky has already etched my name on top of the clouds- Rizz nd Hax King'." *** The cover art belongs not to me! If the creator wishes to remove it, please contact me!!

Nikola_Niko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

The Outside World

Kobi raised his palm, causing arrows to shoot out one after another... and sure enough, the one arrow coming out per shot proved that he lost his Arrow+1 skill and most definitely the other one's as well.

Even if Shik just stood, the arrows would've flew through him due to him being a projection but he purposefully dodged every last one with utmost ease.

The sucker even closed his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets with a smile as if he was enjoying the breeze.

"Bitch stay still, let this daddy practice his aim!" Kobi hurled out curses after curses, his other hand constantly snapping as the arrows missed Shik and struck the soil behind him.

"Phew! This is some nice exercise!" Shik elegantly dodged every last arrow until Kobi finally sighed and gave up.

"Think twice before trying to best me, Kobi Coll's!" Shik playfully emphasized his name, causing his lips to twitch.

Kobi maintained his cool, "Dogs never stop barking."

Shik's lips morphed into an O, "You! You!" Shik's finger hovered atop Kobi's disgusted face, "Vulgar pest! Humph!" Shik crossed his arms and turned around.

Kobi waited for a while before inhaling a deep breath, "Finally the stench's gone!"

Shik stared back with an aghast face. How dare he call him, a mighty system, stench? Pests like him would die to have him inhabit them. Yet... yet this bug!

Shik snorted again and looked away, he wouldn't be so nice and explaining next time in a dungeon.

Kobi chuckled and finally took in the surroundings, the shadow being cast upon him belonged to alleviated ground behind him, 'Approximately 8 foot high... the cut looks as clean as if somebody just pressed this part of the ground down.'

As he stepped out of the shade and under the dazzlingly sunlight, the grass swayed greatly as a gust of wind rushed towards Kobi.

The soothing scent of soil and greenary greeted his nose, refreshing his mind and made him cozy. His clothes fluttered fiercely, as if the world seemed to be welcoming him aboard.

Kobi spread out his hand and took a deep breath, a smile blooming on his face... before it all quickly receded.

'Wait... this is too real. This beautiful scent, this cool wind, this prickling sunlight, this sway of the grass, all of this is... too real!' Kobi gulped, his heart started drumming next to his ears.

'Oi, oi, oii!' Kobi flashed a horrified smirk, 'Wasn't this all supposed to be my grilfriend's prank!? Like when I reached the last floor, wasn't I supposed to wake up from the VR pod? Shouldn't she be hugging me? With me having to console her that it was all alright, that I am not mad? Then... why?!'

Kobi gulped as he realized things might not be as he was taking them to be.

"Huh!? You thought all this was apart of a VR game? Nonsense, Kobi Coll's!" Shik appeared next to him and snorted in disdain, "This is reality. You aren't on Earth! Your life... has taken a new turn!" A sarcastic smirk broke loose on Shik's face, 'Huh! So all that drama inside...it was due to him thinking that there was no real danger? Thank God!' Despite feeling at ease, Shik thought that he shouldn't be so glad so early.

Kobi stared at Shik with widened eyes for a while. Making sure he wasn't joking.

"Haha!" Kobi's eyes brimmed with excitement, his blood coursed through his body with doubled pace, "HAHAHA! NICE, NICE, NICE!! I AM FINALLY FREE FROM HER SHACKLES!!!"

Kobi stepped forward and roared to the sky.


Tears of joy piled up in Kobi's eyes as he laughed aloud like a madman. With gratitude for Shik, he continued, "NOW I CAN FINALLY CREATE MY OWN HAREM! I CAN STEAL ALL THE WOMEN I TRULY LOVE! ALL MEN, COWER IN FEAR! ALL WOMEN, LINE UP IN FRONT! I WILL LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE! MUHAHAHHAHA!"

Shik felt a shiver run down his spine as Kobi laughed with glinting eyes.

'Thankfully, I am single!' Shik rested his palm on his chest and sighed in relieve.

As Kobi's voice died down, a young, innocent voice reached Kobi's ears.

"Sis, what's a harem?"

"Shhhh! Don't say such words, you will catch on dirty germs."

Kobi's ears twitched as he turned around.

Atop the alleviated ground, a girl squatted next to a young boy looking to be 5, both of whom were sneakily peeking at him.

Seeing Kobi, drenched in blood to the toes, spot them, the girl shivered before grabbing the kid's tiny hand, "Lets quickly go! We don't want to mingle with psychos!"

The girl took the boy in hand and hurriedly dashed off, flashing Kobi a contemptuous and fearful gaze.

"HOLY SHIT! MAIDEN, WAIT UP!" Kobi cursed and jumped up.

Surprisingly, he actually managed to scale the whole 8 foot in one go, 'Nice stats!' Kobi smooched the air from sheer delight.

The boy peeking at him while resting his chin on his sister's shoulder gasped, "Sis, he sent me a flying kiss! Run, run! I don't want to mingle with a lolicon!" The boy's innocent face morphed in fear as he ducked and covered his face while sneaky glances with his two puppy eyes.

'The fuck!?' Kobi almost cursed the kid out loud, but he still chased after them and tried to justify, "SHIT CHILD! HOW DARE YOU SLANDER AN INNOCENT MAN? DO YOU THINK I WOULD FALL FOR SOMEBODY FLAT LIKE YOU?"

"Shit! Uwaahh! Sis, he's truly fine with boys and even children. Save mee!" The boy ducked lower and buried his face on his sister's shoulder.

"O SHIT! DON'T YOU DARE ESCALATE THINGS YOU SPOILED BRAT!" Kobi wanted to dig a grave and bury every lolicon to prove his innocence... it wasn't that he hated them or anything. Only for his innocence. Like... wasn't he bright and pure like an angle?

The girl turned back and scoffed, "So the lolicon gay won't stop chasing!? Just wait till I reach the village, I will get you beat up!"


Hearing his words, a frown appeared on the girl's face.

In her anger, she failed to notice the bushy white thing on the ground and tripped against it.

The boy shot out of her embrace and skidded forwards. The girl herself rolling a great distance.

"OWW!" Kobi suddenly paused, hearing the yelp.

His golden eyes glanced at the tall grass that rose to his legs- at the white creature slowly rising up from its cover.

Under his petrified gaze, a wolf almost the same size as him appeared.

"Shit!" Ferrin gulped, not because he was intimidated by its bulky physique and neither enchanted by its silvery fur's luster. But because off what was hovering atop its head.

(Silver Wolf: Level 9)

Looking at the thick Hp bar beneath the level, Kobi sucked in a deep breath.

"Be careful! Its level 9, compared to stats, it should be slightly stronger than the level 5 Hobgoblin but its Hp is far higher!" Shik warned with a frown.

Kobi sucked in a deep breath, just one push from the Hobgoblin had crippled his arm, he needed to be cautious. Best if he fled!

"Ri-Rio!" The girl's eyes trembled as she gazed at the wolf. But glancing at her trembling younger brother, much closer to the wolf, she mustered her courage and crawled towards him.

Successfully gaining the wolf's attention.

"S-Sis!" Rio looked back at her with wobbly eyes, seeing her crawling over, he sniffed and holding back his tears, he spread out his small arms.

The wolf directed its piercing gaze towards Rio, causing the girl's heart to palpitate.

"No, no! STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" The girl screamed at the top of her tongue, her eyes quivering from fear of having to watch her only family perish.

"Grrr" The wolf growled threateningly. Just as it was about to leap at the kid, its ears twitched.

The moment it turned its head, it could only see an arrow pierce through the air and getting bigger and clearer in its vision.

"Welp!" The wolf whimpered and tried to run. But it was too late.

The arrows struck right in its eye, causing silver blood to spurt out.

The wolf thrashed around its head in pain, dying the green grass silver and moistening dry ground. Its other eye hatefully stared at the perpetrator.

Kobi exhaled solemnly, wiping the nonexistent sweat from his forehead.

Feeling his heart about to leap out of his chest, Kobi directed his gaze to meet the wolf's, "I'm your opponent! This way kitty! Let me... ruffle your a fur a bit!" A grin broke loose on his face, enraging the wolf successful!

The wolf's remaining eyes flickered dangerously as it growled and charged over.

The Harem Declaration in this chapter is purely for comedic purpose! There are no serious plans of this novel turning into a harem.... as of yet.

I mean no harm to anybody through this chapter, I respect every person, despite their everything and anything! This novel is a dark humor comedy and... expect similar type down the line.

Enjoy and Peace!

Nikola_Nikocreators' thoughts