
Fate Altering System: I Can Alter Fate with Bullshit!

Kobi was an unfortunate but serious guy. His girlfriend mistook him for cheating and didn't have any desire to make-up. But after his persistent effort, she finally conceded and just when they were about to hit-it off again... he got transmigrated. And his golden finger requested a single thing in turn for sending him back... destruction of the world. But Kobi was a serious and kind man, one called an angel in human skin, so, he could never do such treachery. Hence he set out to destroy the world. His love for his sweetheart was earnest and pure... hence after his separation and finding himself in this hideous plot... he set out to gather his harem. He was a noble and charming warrior... hence he vowed to humiliate every enemy that dared to obstruct him! Filled so much with dignity that even Dignity begged him for some and so pure that he didn't know the S of shamelessness. He remained stoic as he appraised one beauty after another. He made the great elder devils beg him for some tips and the angels to puke blood. Gifted with his hax, and venemous tongue, he set out to gather power and conquer the world... all for his earnest goal to reunite with his sweetheart(s). A few of his noble quotes: "Have you ever seen the sun rise from the south? No? Of course! It's because I wake up in the east!" "When it comes to woman... I am blind! Hence... I follow the earnest motto of Every Hole Is A Goal!" "I don't seek the power to defeat my enemies... but only so little that I can humiliate them!" "When I was born... My father wished to name me Conqueror but my mother wanted to name me Divine... I vomited in loath and rebuked, 'Don't humiliate me, look, the sky has already etched my name on top of the clouds- Rizz nd Hax King'." *** The cover art belongs not to me! If the creator wishes to remove it, please contact me!!

Nikola_Niko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


The air continued to oppress as Kobi stared at Reka occupying a corner of the upper guest rooms of Jake's house.

Kobi occupied the opposite corner and gazed as she squatted to her knees and continued to gaze at the ground without any expression.

'How long is this going to last?' Kobi frowned, playing around with a parchment he had found on the table.

'I want to go look outside for any other survivors but,' He peeked at Reka, 'I am not so sure looking at her.'

He couldn't help but chuckle at himself, 'I know how to put others in that state... but I don't know how to take them out of it.'

After a heavy sigh, he stood up and squatted next to her, "Reka!"


"I am talking to you."

"Reka!" Kobi frowned and gripped her hand. Finally making her lift her chin up and gaze at Kobi.

Kobi had the urge to bang his head, 'This is so damn tough to handle.'

"Look, Reka," Kobi clasped her hands and gazed into her blank eyes, "I can't possibly imagine what you are going through... But I still want you to pull through."


"Oh fuck..." Kobi grounded his teeth and looked away, burying his head in his knees, 'Tch! Why is this so hard?'

"Are you hungry?"

Kobi, plucking at the carpet, suddenly froze, 'She spoke... ? Hungry?'

He turned back and gazed at the small smile on her face, "I guess... Yea... I didn't have breakfast, so yea. Kinda hungry. You too?"

Reka nodded and walked out, "Yes. I will cook something. You stay here."

"Oh!" Kobi nodded and walked her steps descend the stairs. Before suddenly waking up from his stupor, "Fuck! Why am I so dumb?"

He rushed toward the stairs and jumped down. His eyes instantly rushed toward the door-less kitchen which was never used and the Reka gripping a knife in her hand, prepared to butcher some meat.

"STOP!" Kobi stamped his feet, blasting a hole in the wooden floor, he rushed over the distance in a single motion, 'I won't make it!'

His palm lunged forward and a circle, without any activation code, appeared. Without even realising it, an arrow rushed out and struck away the knife from her trembling hands.

Shik swaggered over from the side and smirked at Kobi, "You should use something flawless in order to perform something flawless." He couldn't help but feel smug and brushed his nose cheekily.

Kobi, flashing Shik a thankful glance, hugged Reka tightly, riveting her and slowly break down.

'Yea... that's the way... cry... let these tears wipe away the wounds that are top bitter to be healed naturally.' Kobi had a sigh of relief and just hugged her quietly as she screamed her guts out in his shoulder.

After about five minutes of hearing her screams and the again deadness returning to her voice, he muttered next to her ears, "Reka, you mustn't die!

"You can't die! It's no noble shit like Rio's sacrifice being for naught or any other crap like that... You simply cannot die without avenging him... without murdering his murderes." Kobi's fingers dug into her arms, his voice ablazed like a fire erupting upon oil.

"Before even the thought of your own death crosses your mind, you should first see the death of all the Silver Wolves that dared to do this treachery!" Kobi's words seemed to ignite a wilting forest's into cruel flames of hatred.

Her eyes thinned into dots as she shoved the words out her throat, her hand clenching so tight that her nails busted into her skin, "Yes! YES! I WILL MURDER EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE ACCURSED WOLVES! I WILL MAKE THEM CURSE THE DAY THEIR MOTHER GAVE BIRTH TO THEM!!!"

Kobi, resting his chin on her shoulder, smirked evilly, 'That's the spirit! Dying isn't what I can allow you to do... so you must channel all the pain inside yourself and blame them on the wolves! Convert tears into loath, morph pain into rage! That's how... you may live!'

After a while, Reka passed out in Kobi's arms and the latter rested her on the bed.

'I want to check outside... For any more survivors but,' Kobi heaved a sigh and helplessly gazed at Reka.

Her swollen eyes invoking another sigh, her heart started to getting heavy as he eyed her face.

Shik sat down on a stool and crossed his legs, "She won't wake up for over five hours, if you don't disturb her that is."

Kobi glanced up and gazed at Shik in surprise, after a while, he smiled sincerely, "Thank you... for helping me save her."

Shik burst into laughter and nodded his head, "Do mention it! Do mention it!"

'Thought it's you whose miracle has saved her...' Shik sigh internally, his expression getting complicated.

"Then I guess I can explore outside, no?" Kobi got up after Shik's nod and started hearing downstairs, hearing his saddening words, "Though you won't find what you are searching for."

Kobi paused before smiling, "I know."

He treaded down the road, the fire had stopped but left a permanent mark. He saw many corpses, even a few of the wolves, and the charred fields that once used to sway beautiful in the wind, spreading their scent all around.

As he gazed on from a rather alleviated land with his hands behind his back, he suddenly startled Shik, "I know you want to say something... Is something the problem?"

Shik paused and gazed into his eyes, confused and perplexed, "I guess that was obvious."

"Hmm!" Kobi nodded, "Shik... you have often spilled my secrets, intentionally or not... But, if what I make of them is correct and the destruction of Earth... is like this," His gaze turned cold, "Then I will definitely return... even if I have to turn into the evil that wrecks this land."

Shik gazed at him silently, and nodded, "Hopefully you can return."

Silence prevailed with Kobi staring at Shik before suddenly he sighed, "You can tell me when you want too... but if its something that you are eventually going to reveal anyways... why not do it now?"

Kobi shrugged and started walking back.

"I will... think about that." Shik murmured and started following following, "Don't take this to heart... it was meant to be. Maybe, if you weren't here, even Reka wouldn't have had survived."

Kobi halted and smiled strangely, "Yes... if only I wasn't here, Reka would've survived... Divl, and the children would've survived... everyone would've survived," His voice trailed off, "Rio wouldn't have had died." He chocked on his words, his heart squirming uncontrollably.

"And Reka wouldn't have had to suffer so much." Kobi gazed into the distance, his longing for a miracle. 'If only I wasn't here...'

Shik sighed and shook his head helplessly, 'If only you knew... that if not for you... this tragedy would already occured a while back. And this Reka and Rio... they would've died from the first wolf you fended... and the rest of the village would've been destroyed in the next two days.'

Shik scratched his head, 'But I have to hold on for a while... but soon, I feel it soon, fate will once again be changed by you! You will create another miracle! And with that... I will finally have the power to support you fully. Then I will reveal to you.'