

Yo, folks! Just a quick heads up that what you're about to read is purely for fun, okay? I'm not taking this seriously, and you shouldn't either. English isn't my first language, so please don't judge too harshly. And yeah, I know it's not entirely based on Fate lore, but there will be some fandom and my lore sprinkled in there. So, if that's not your thing, no worries, but for those of you who are cool with it, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

Lazy_Asur_Sword · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1- Second chance

A tale of a hero who is selfish yet selfless to protect others, he will sacrifice his own body and mind for the good of the people, to become a hero of justice but in the pursuit of his ideal he is betrayed again and again, he became a machine without any emotions but still strive to become a hero until his ideal betrayed him. His will was broken by the severe disparity of what he had done, the spark in his eyes gone, angered without any hope he lost himself disgusted by what he had become on the path of a false ideal. He left everyone he knew to pursue it and died betrayed by the ones he saved.

This is a tale of Shirou Emiya known as Archer EMIYA Counter Guardian and about his second chance.

The man known as EMIYA was waiting for his next mission, being a counter guardian was not an easy job it corroded his soul, his ideals gone, he was a shell of his former self but still did his job with the precision of an eagle. As he waits a rift in his reality marble opens and he was sucked into it and he blackens out.

As he woke up, it was cold a dark void with no one present. He realised he was floating around in an abyss and he couldn't move his body as if someone was restraining him, he waited for a while nothing happened so he just waited doing nothing and it went minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries it went on and on. The emptiness he could not feel anything anymore. The counter-guardian soul gradually begins to break down

'Is it the end, am I going to finally get the rest?' as he thought about his current status his soul breaking down only protected by his unlimited blade works his emotions barely there from the moment the black mud took away everything even his emotions nearly dead only to be saved by a man as he saw the man face, a look of joy, relief as tears flow from his eyes that moment he decided to live not himself but for others. Oh how wrong he was as it all came crashing down, his hopes and dreams crushed.'A fool who thought he could be happy by being the hero of justice, a mistake that could never be removed as he perished alone, 'he mocked himself, he slowly started to lose consciousness and closed his eyes.


In the vast void of nothingness as Emiya was floating unconscious on the verge of perishment only his mind and unlimited blade works remained. The end was near but a sliver of hope came for the hero, Akasha also known as the root came in the form of Ryougi Shiki with dignity and grace, and possessed an otherworldly beauty that transcends mortal comprehension. Her form is ethereal, cloaked in an aura of mystery and allure.

She is slender and graceful, with delicate features that speak of both strength and fragility. Her porcelain skin, flawless and pale as moonlight, seems to glow with an inner radiance, casting a soft luminescence upon her surroundings.

Long strands of midnight-black hair cascade in a cascade of obsidian silk, framing her face like a curtain of shadows. Her eyes, twin pools of profound depth, gleam with an unearthly brilliance, shifting hues between the darkness of the abyss and the shimmering light of the stars.

Clad in a flowing kimono of midnight blue, adorned with intricate patterns that seem to dance with every movement, she moves with the fluidity of a phantom, her steps echoing the silent rhythms of the cosmos.

But it is her presence, an enigmatic blend of tranquillity and intensity, that truly sets her apart. There is a timeless wisdom in her gaze, a quiet strength that belies the tumultuous depths of her soul. And yet, there is also a sense of vulnerability, a fleeting glimpse of humanity amidst the boundless expanse of her being.

She moved with a grace that defied the void's desolate embrace, her presence a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

With a silent determination, Akasha approached the fading soul of Shirou Emiya, her gaze piercing through the veils of time and space. At that moment, her thoughts echoed through the emptiness, a whispered soliloquy borne of ancient wisdom and unfathomable power.

"I have witnessed the countless permutations of existence, the myriad paths that diverge and converge within the tapestry of reality. And yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a thread of resilience, a singular soul bound by duty and sacrifice."

As she extended her hand towards Archer, a kaleidoscope of possibilities unfurled around them, each iteration of Emiya's existence converging upon the precipice of annihilation. With a deft touch, Akasha wove the threads of fate together, merging alternate versions of Emiya into a tapestry of unity.

"In the crucible of the void, where all is lost and all is found, I offer you redemption," Akasha murmured her voice a soothing melody in the vast expanse of nothingness. "Embrace the echoes of your past selves, for they are the foundation upon which your future shall be built."As the disparate fragments of Emiya's soul coalesced into a singular entity, a flicker of light pierced through the darkness, illuminating the path to salvation. With a final flourish of Akasha's power, the soul of Archer Emiya was reborn, infused with the strength and resolve of countless iterations.


As Archer Emiya regained consciousness within the familiar expanse of his Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works, he found himself face-to-face with the enigmatic figure who had saved him from the brink of oblivion. His gaze, a mixture of wariness and curiosity, met hers, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude tinged with suspicion.

"You saved me," he remarked, his voice a low murmur that echoed through the ethereal landscape of swords. "I didn't expect to find myself indebted to anyone, least of all someone I don't even know."

Akasha, in the guise of Ryougi Shiki, regarded him with a serene expression, her eyes betraying a depth of knowledge that seemed to pierce through the facade of his cynicism. "It was not a matter of expectation," she replied cryptically. "Merely a choice made at the moment."

Archer arched an eyebrow, his scepticism is evident in the quirk of his lips. "A choice, you say? And what choice would that be? To meddle in the affairs of a Counter Guardian, to save a soul destined for oblivion?"

Akasha's lips curved in a faint smile, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Destiny is but a fleeting illusion, Archer Emiya. The paths we tread are of our own making, shaped by the choices we dare to embrace."

Archer's expression hardened, his resolve tempered by the weight of his convictions. "And what of your choice, then? To intervene in my fate, to offer salvation where none was sought?"

"It was a matter of necessity," Akasha replied, her tone tinged with a hint of solemnity. "The balance must be maintained, even amidst the chaos of existence. You, as a Counter Guardian, serve a purpose greater than yourself. But that purpose need not be bound by the shackles of obligation."

Archer's gaze softened, a flicker of understanding dawning within his weary soul. "So you offer me a choice, then? A chance to serve Akasha without the burdens of Alaya's restraint?"

Akasha nodded, her expression serene yet inscrutable. "In the end, it is not forgiveness you seek, but understanding. To embrace your role as a protector of humanity, not out of duty, but out of devotion. To wield your power not as a tool of destruction, but as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times."

Archer's lips quirked in a wry smile, his cynicism tempered by a newfound sense of purpose. "Well then, Ryougi Shiki, it seems I have much to learn from you. But before we proceed, there is one question that lingers in my mind."

"And what question is that?" Akasha inquired, her gaze unwavering.

Archer's eyes narrowed, a hint of mischief gleaming within their depths. "Who are you, truly? And why have you chosen to reveal yourself to me now?"

Akasha's smile widened, a playful glint dancing in her eyes. "Ah, but some secrets are best left shrouded in mystery, Archer Emiya. For now, let us focus on the path that lies ahead, and the choices we dare to make in the name of salvation."

Archer's gaze bore into Akasha's, a mixture of curiosity and concern flickering in his eyes. "What happened to my soul in the void?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "It felt... different, somehow, as if I were being pulled apart at the seams.

She answered "Emiya," Akasha's voice resonated within the vastness of Unlimited Blade Works, addressing him by the name he had long carried. "Your soul, adrift in the void, bore the weight of diverging possibilities and fractured timelines. It called out for resolution, for a unity that transcends the fragmented echoes of your existence."

Archer, his bullet-grey eyes fixated on the swords that stretched infinitely before him, pondered her words. "A unity, you say?"

Akasha, or rather, the embodiment of Akasha in the form of Ryougi Shiki, stepped closer, her presence resonating with a soothing energy. "In the tapestry of your being, I wove the threads of alternate selves together. Your soul was on the verge of dissolution, lost in the labyrinth of potentialities. I granted it cohesion, a synthesis of the varied paths you've walked. It was a necessary act to preserve the essence of the Counter Guardian I chose to save."

Archer's gaze remained sharp, his scepticism unabated. "And what price did I pay for this 'necessary act,' Akasha?"

She met his eyes with an unwavering gaze. "No price, Emiya. Merely a redirection of destiny, a recalibration of purpose. You are no longer tethered solely to the whims of Alaya; you are now a guardian of a different accord, operating under the auspices of Akasha. A protector unbound by the constraints that once defined your existence."

Archer's lips curled into a wry smile. "So, I'm still a puppet, just dancing to a different tune?"

Akasha's laughter echoed through the ethereal expanse. "Not a puppet, Emiya, but a participant. The strings that bind you are of your choosing. The path you walk is no longer predetermined; it is shaped by the choices you make, the destinies you weave."

He sighed, a mix of resignation and newfound determination. "Fine, Akasha. I'll play along with your grand cosmic design. But don't expect me to become some idealistic saviour. I'll protect but on my terms."

"Understood, Emiya," she acknowledged with a nod. "Your terms shall be respected. The weave of fate is ever-changing, and in your hands, the threads may yet form a tapestry that defies even the laws of Akasha."

"Well Emiya as this is your new beginning and as the Guardian of the root, your powers are not sufficient as the challenges this are far greater from the ones you faced, so I have taken the task to improve your strength"

"But before going into the action you need to know and train your own new soul body"

Archer was a little puzzled by it "What do you mean by know your own soul body?" She answered, "I mean when you were stuck in the void your soul got dissipated into millions of pieces and destroyed, as you know how I created your new soul from combining your remaining soul and various alternate souls of Shirou Tamiya from various timelines and for that reason I told you know and train your soul." "Also I gave you some extra gifts for you"

"What gifts ?" he asked a little suspicious of her words

"Ufufufufu....what I meant by gifts was that when you were recovering, your powers were upgraded by me as compensation for your state earlier and now you being my guardian means that you get some extra privileges" she answered in a calm yet cheerful tone.

" Can you tell me what happened to my powers?"

"Ara! Sorry my bad, I nearly forgot to do this" As she snapped her fingers in reality Maria a door app was a door that was as good as an ethereal gateway, bathed in a soft, radiant glow. Its surface, adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of intertwining vines and Celtic knots, exudes an otherworldly serenity. The door itself seems to be composed of a luminescent, pearlescent substance, casting a gentle, warm light that beckons with promises of respite and sanctuary. As one approaches, a subtle hum resonates, inviting the curious to step through and discover the realm beyond – a haven that transcends the boundaries of time and offers solace in the face of adversity."Go through this door and you will get your answers"

Archer went to the door and opened it, as the mystical door opened he sees the ethereal realm of Avalon's Garden, where time dances on the delicate petals of blooming flowers and the air is suffused with a serene tranquillity, the scenery unfolds like a painting brought to life.

Stretching as far as the eye can see, the garden is a tapestry of vibrant colours and lush greenery, interspersed with winding pathways that meander through the verdant landscape. Sunlight filters through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows upon the soft carpet of grass below.

Flowers of every hue bloom in abundance, their fragrant perfume hanging heavy in the air, mingling with the gentle breeze that whispers through the leaves. Roses, lilies, and orchids sway in the breeze, their petals shimmering with a luminescent glow that seems to emanate from within.

Butterflies flit from blossom to blossom, their delicate wings shimmering with iridescent colours as they dance in a delicate ballet among the flowers. Bees buzz lazily from flower to flower, collecting nectar to create golden honey that drips from the petals like liquid sunlight.

In the centre of the garden stands a majestic fountain, its waters crystal-clear and sparkling in the sunlight.

Above, the sky stretches out in an endless expanse of azure blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drift lazily across the horizon. The sun hangs low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the idyllic landscape, bathing it in a soft, ethereal light.

Time seems to stand still, and the worries of the world fade away beneath the canopy of stars that twinkle in the velvet darkness of the night. It is a place of peace and tranquillity, a sanctuary where the soul can find solace amidst the chaos of existence.

And at the centre of the realm stood a tall tower that seemed to reach the heavens.

A person stands in front of the tower seemingly waiting for him to come. His appearance is as he wears a white robe that has a hood and cape-like covering over his shoulders with a lilac triangle trim. His long hair is coloured pale white and lilac. He has bangs. It is also adorned with a flower. He has violet eyes. His outfit is quite intricate. It has multiple layers with colours of pink, purple, royal blue, and light blue as well as rope work including a golden knot on the front. Beneath is a black turtleneck. He also wears loose, billowy black pants with a golden design on them that extends past the knee. He has a confident smile. He carries a staff which has ribbons attached to it. The person was none other than Merlin the grand wizard

"Well well look who has to come to my humble adobe-" he was cut off by Archer mid-sentence" Stop with formalities Merlin, I know it's been a while"Yes been a while Archer How are you"

"You know we should skip the greetings and get straight to the point because I don't have the patience to listen to it right now"

"Tsk, you are no fun Shirou"

"Merlin!" he said in a serious tone "Okay fine you win Shirou"

"Now you are wondering why she sent you here to me"

"No I don't know" he answered apathetically

"She sends you here to train you in your newly improved magecraft"

"What did she do to me?"

"Oh it's nothing to worry about"

"She only improved all your magecraft to the highest level, but also your magi circuits so that you can project faster than normal you are used to"

"Okay, what she did improve? "

"You have to try to know what's improved"

Archer then tried to trace Kanshou and Byakou in his hands as his magi circuits flared up in a tribal pattern with a blue glow slowly the structure of the blades started to form but before it could take full shape it exploded in pieces



As the tracing failed archer felt an unholy pain in his body, he fell on his knees and shouts in pain

"ARGHHHH….. What's happening to me Merlin why I can't trace anything?" he felt his body burning in purgatory with the pain of being struck by heracles 1000 times" Haah… haah…Tell me, Wizard"

*Sigh*with a sigh he started to explain "It seems your new soul is not fully integrated with your core so when you tried to use projection magecraft it could stabilize and as a result, it exploded"

"Does it mean that I can't use my magecraft anymore"

"No, It's not like you can't use magecraft the only thing you need to do is to align your soul and core to stability"

"....? "archer was quite

"Shirou you need to find your root" Merlin answered" To find your root means to find where you came from, your ancestry, your lineage every hero known has a root so you need to find yours"

"Like how merlin I don't know where I came from, the black mud took almost all my memories "

"You don't need to worry Shirou, I can help you," he said and tapped the staff on the ground and a door appeared. Its appearance is like a traditional Japanese slide door used in common older house"You go through this door"

"Another door, seriously Merlin?"

"You want to use your magecraft"


Then he pointed at the door and said" Now go your destiny awaits" The archer went to the door, slid the door and went inside the door closed

~~~~~~~~~~End Chap 1~~~~~~~